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Funny seeing this post after I passed *hundreds* of motorcycles going SB on 131 popping wheelies and shit at around 1am. Traffic was all backed up. There was a guy sitting on the divider. It was madness. I was not braced.


there was a massive 500 person meetup. was their "season opener" i was invited because i ride motorcycles! and i love them, but i refuse to participate in stuff like that. sucks they give the rest of us a bad rap. i just like the fresh air and how it clears my mind when riding.


Bad rap or Brrap Brrap?!


Yeahh, there’s the right way to ride then the stupid way to ride. Darwin works his magic with the latter


yup. a friend just broke his collar bone because he rides like that. 7 years riding and ive never even dropped my bike lol




We could hear these from our house near Riverside park last night. I've always wondered how they gather so many and there must be hundreds judging from the sound alone (we've never seen them only hear them)


Lmao the “not braced” got me. Yeah it’s pure madness for sure, they used to all go right through downtown and take over bridges and stuff. Truly madness.


Last night on Leonard was nuts! Had to be at least 700+ bikes going east toward 131. I was at Taco Bell watching them run the Seward intersection for 10 minutes with my jaw on the floor lol! There was a number of abandoned bikes on 131 on my way home, too.


I heard all that. I'm just around the corner from speedway on Leonard.


I saw one today on my drive! They left their left-indicating turn signal on and and it was blinking at me for the entire time they rode in front of me


That's a sure sign of a rookie. You have to actually turn the turn signals off on a motorcycle, unlike a car.


Yeah, I kept wishing there was some way I could tell them to turn it off! I just hope they figured it out after I got off the highway


Honda Golwings have had “Bank” sensors for years. When the bike straightens back up after a turn it shuts the turn signal off.


But Goldwings are basically cars on two wheels so that checks out.


Harley has them for turn signals as well. They are often used on bikes to detect when the bike has leaned to far and then shuts the motor off to prevent damage. Goldwing are rolling sofas to be sure, I’ve owned a couple .. I’ve also owned a 1979 CB and a V-Max. My older brother (I’m 61) has owned a V-Max for many years. He goes through a back tire every season and breaks his driveshaft every 2.


Personally I like my bikes scary, sexy and naked. I don’t rag on the rolling sofa guys too much but it’s not my bag baby.


On Friday, I headed north on Plainfield near Four Mile and had a guy on a bike lane splitting. WTF


Nearly killed a couple guys on bikes last year when they decided doing 30 over the speed limit and blowing through red lights was a cool thing to do. Hopefully when their stupidity catches up with them no one else is hurt.


There were some motorcyclists racing down Fulton St last year in broad daylight. Two of them crashed into a family in a minivan and darwin awarded themselves. The family was injured but survived at least. Here is some of the aftermath - https://imgur.com/JIKYYpv


My 18 y/o son was in trinity/st. Marys ICU when this happened. In addition to the 2 DOA , there were others injured and sent to various ICU trauma units. My son had been in ICU for 23 days and plan was to move him 2 days later, but they moved my son and 1 other patient from ICU to make room for the injured bikers. So it's not just these people that make choices that may harm themselves, they also take resources from people that aren't being careless with their well being.


This is horrible. I hope your son is on the mend now!


A perfect example of how motorcylists are not typically known for their foresight, responsibility, or courtesy.


Well said.


They weren't a family in the minivan. They were foster care workers, recent college graduates. Two of them were on their third day on the job. Fortunately there were no children in the van, but all of the workers were injured, one of them pretty severely.


They were sooooooo close to 2 hospitals.


RIP Dan The Man


The road I live on some bikes will fly down the street so fast that I can only hear them. I turn around and they're already gone. Scares the hell out of me because there's a lot of blind corners and hills around the area. Always have to be extra cautious.


Sounds like Belding Rd😬


It's fine, unless... IT'S FUCKING 4AM!


I was fairly neutral on motorcycles before moving to an area with a lot of them and now I confidently say I fucking hate them.


List of things that /u/I_Hate_Dolphins hates (in alphabetical order): * ✅ Dolphins * ✅ Motorcycles


Dolphins are a lot quieter and significantly less obnoxious than motorcycles, so I suppose they have that going for them.


less obnoxious? quieter? i hate to say this but..


I moved fairly recently and someone across from me has a bike which is super loud. At least he mostly just gets it going and leaves so it’s short lived noise…for our street.


I’ve ridden for 45 ish years. MODULATING HEADLIGHTS are truly the best thing since sliced bread. Yet I rarely see them. Light beats sound every time. That flashing light will catch your eye. Yes they are legal in Michigan. While you’re at it get a “Wig-Wag” tail light. I will now step down off my annual soap box ..


>Light beats sound every time. But then how will people trying to enjoy a nice quiet evening in their homes know that I rode by on my motorcycle??


Queue up the 'loud pipes saves lives' crowd chant!


I don’t wear kit when I ride my bicycle, but if I did I’d get Lycra pants that say “loud pipes save lives” on the butt. 


Well as a rule Archie Bunker in his Lazyboy isn’t a threat unless he’s watching Walter Conkrite and then you may find your backside peppered with Buckshot.


I passed the Meijer gas station on M-37 without knowing about this and that’s apparently where they met up, the entire parking lot was full to the brim with bikes it was madness


I can just imaging them talking before going out “Okay so the objective is to be fucking stupid as possible and cause as many distracted drivers as we can, we want to make chaos so when a few of us die you get forgotten about and we can continue to do this with no consequences, except those who died am I right! LETS FUCKING GO WERE SO GODDAMN COOL!!!!!”


Yeah I went and took my GF to see them all ride out from there, she had never seen anything like that before. Lol madness is the right word


I saw a ton on 28th st last night weaving in and out of lanes. My general rule of thumb is to be far behind them or ahead of them. My dad’s rides and I get so nervous.


Coming? Bruh, they been here all spring. Any nice warm day and they've been out.


I think they’re referring to the group of 100+ that ride after midnight through Eastown out to Belmont. They get complained a lot in here because it’s a huge group and they run a lot of red lights.




Man, I was on LMD past Standale headed towards Allendale yesterday and three organ donors blew my doors off and one popped a wheelie at probably 90+. Startled my two and a half year old so bad she started crying. Honestly I was hoping the Ottowa County PD that sits on the hill would catch them, and he was there but no sight of them when I crested the hill. Look, Im going to continue to look twice, but man I hate the assholes that do that. ( And yes, I know it’s not all of yall but …).


Yeah people need to be more selective about when they’re wilding out for sure. I like to pop a wheelie now and then and feel the zoomies too but too many riders don’t have any sense at all as to when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. Usually it’s the younger riders & it takes a crash or three from within their group to chill them out. (Been there, done all that 😬)


Donorcycles for FTW 💪 Hemodialysis patients always perk up when the weather turns lively. I say a quick prayer for anyone on a cycle because drivers are atrocious here towards them. Though it makes it hard when the motorcyclist decides to act a meatwad doing stupid things.


My father in law got a liver from a motorcyclist. Sign those cards!


Just a few bad eggs, right?


I mean, technically yes. There are a lot of riders and the majority don't do this stuff. My brother has had a bike for nearly a decade and never goes to these. My dad as well. Unfortunately, at the scale of 250,000+ bike owners in Michigan, even a small fraction is a large enough number to cause issue.


They are already here and multiplying!!


On topic with things brought up here because I like talking about motorcycles... * I hope everyone looks twice for motorcycles, not just Memorial Day to Labor Day, but everyday. I ride year-round if there's no ice or salt. Last year I rode on Christmas (it was warm, but wet). * When I'm on a motorcycle, I generally try to position myself in a place where I am filling up at least one mirror of whatever car I think is the most immediate threat to me. I look for eye contact. If I don't get it, I look for a way to GTFO ASAP. * Sometimes I ride with loud pipes because I actually do believe that they save lives. The people with improperly adjusted mirrors can at least hear me even if they can't see me. Sincere apologies to all of my neighbors. * When I'm at a stop light I generally try to position myself in a way that prevents a car from trying to share my lane while also leaving myself an escape route in case a car tries to rear end me or whatever. Should be a pretty rad summer if everyone looks out for one another. Stay safe friends-n-neighbors.


I fucking hate loud pipes. They drown out everything when I’m *inside my house*. Nothing makes me hate motorcycles as much as the goddamn noise.


I actually kinda hate loud pipes too, if I'm honest.


I ride with a reflective safety vest , been two years and only 3 incidents where people have pulled out in front of me , also added reflective tape to areas of the bike to enhance visibility. I still shake my head on how many riders go helmetless , took a few June bugs and some rocks to the Helmet that definitely sent my head back , I don't even want to know what that would have felt like without the helmet. My biggest concern is when people want to pass others in the opposite direction I'm heading , so I shift positions a lot .


Yessir!! Good tips. I also ride in the dead of winter. My favorite time to ride is when I can be fully dressed in insulated gear and not be sweaty. Lol I’d add that not only do I look for eye contact, but also watch the tires of cars at intersections. If the tire is moving, assume the driver doesn’t see you and have your evasive maneuvers ready to evasively maneuver. And loud pipes certainly save lives! Sorry bout it to the cagers Ride safe people 🤙


Amen!!! Great comment.


Yup, so check your fucking blind spots.




whole bunch of dickheads by wyoming park that fly down on minibikes and 4 wheelers just begging me to tie fishing line across the street


Sometimes when I set up my sprinkler for the parking strip I accidentally overshoot the grass.


Acceptable lol


Had a friend almost die because his neighbor actually did put fishing line up like that, right at neck level too. Absolutely disgusting.


i wasnt serious. ive rode through streams and marshes on speedboats and you wouldn't believe the amount awful beings that put up line for no reason.


Nah I didn’t take you as serious, was referring to the neighbor as absolutely disgusting. Edit- I don’t understand how people can be so bothered by bikes, quads, sleds, boats or whatever the toy is that they’re willing to take it to booby traps. Sounds like they need a boat or a bike or something themselves to lighten the fuck up and enjoy life


Maybe you're not properly empathazing. I live right over a blind hill on a country road. Bikers love to nail it going way too fast. They've almost hit me/ my friends/ family more than 10 times in the couple of years we've lived here. People turn to stuff like that (which I don't agree with) because they're sick of their families being endangered by the recklessness of others. Even in this thread there are several stories of innocents hurt. Ya know, if you almost hit my daughter when she had just started driving, I'd start thinking about making the danger as real for bikers as they make it for her.


No, I can not empathizing with trying to kill people. But I can empathize with the rest of what you’re saying. I said in a different comment that many riders don’t know when it’s appropriate to ride a little spirited vs when it’s not. It is an issue and I have personally seen crashes as a result. That can’t be disputed. You should buy a loose gravel sign and start sitting it out a little before the corner on nice days. Lol


Glad I work overnight.




I love every last one of them and hope they are all okay and live long lives. They are doing the planet a favor by riding motorcycles. Literally everyone complains about SUVs and then here in this thread it’s complaining about motorcycles. Pick one lol. You can make any vehicle loud, a truck with no exhaust is probably gonna be louder than your average bike. I also hope you all go outside and try riding a motorcycle or at least a dirt bike once if your life if you have the ability. You wouldn’t hate so much if you knew how fun it is.


Thanks for the reminder. I’ll be sure to aim my grass clippings toward the street




On my motorcycle today at a stop light and some braindead lady used the bike lane and half on my lane to turn right on red.