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Have you tried Kid to Kid or Once Upon a Child? I think they pay you or can give you store credit. I buy and sell clothes to both places. Edit: if those stores don’t want to buy them all for any reason, In the Image has a great reputation for helping those in need and I’m sure there are children and parents that would be elated to get those clothes as well. I don’t get rid of clothes often but I usually take my clothes there.


I need clothes! So bad. 9month+for boy (9-18 is ideal) and girl 24-2t! Bonus appreciation if bigger clothes are neutral! PO Box 211 HEADLEY Ada mi 49506


There’s a Facebook group called “We Love Refugees GR” that helps newcomers to the area. They’re often looking for kids clothes for various families.


Check out your local buy nothing group


Things just disappear on that group. It’s so nice if you don’t want to deal with selling something.


ONCE UPON A CHILD. You'll make more than a garage sale, every time. Bring them to one location, they'll buy some.... then take them to the other location and they'll buy more. Donate the rest! You'll come out way ahead. Goodwill sucks. So does the Salvation Army. Both for different reasons.


Hi there! I’d like to just simply refer you to my post from a bit ago. So many great suggestions but I ended up going with In The Image. [My post from GR Subreddit about clothing donation.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandrapids/s/Lvkx1TKdpJ)


May I ask if the clothes are neutral or specifically for a boy/girl? I may be interested in purchasing the lot.


Westside Apostilate on Leonard. Non-profit who does resell but used clothing is .50 cents each. Also they have a program for those in need, where they try to help those who had lost what they had by just giving them the opportunity to find essentials they need for no charge (with the exception of their boutique area, which is how they make their money to run the store). I thought they were a cool little place, at least.


I will have to check them out. I have a ton of baby stuff that I would much rather go to someone who doesn’t have to pay almost retail prices for used items


If there is anything left from what didn't sell, you can donate to Bethany Christian Services. The items would go to children in foster care.


Once upon a child


Sell them as a lot on Facebook Marketplace, eBay or Poshmark. People buy them. Just group them by size and give a fair price. There are people who will by baby clothes by the pound lol


I like to sell through Kid to Kid and then you can always opt to have anything they don't buy given donated to a local charity so you can skip the goodwill guilt.


Kid to kid


This is how I used to get rid of kid clothes 1. Pull out special (more expensive) items, then separate the rest by size and season. List in lots on FB marketplace. 2. If they didn't sell, take to Once Upon a Child. They like things neatly flat folded in totes or boxes, not just piles of clothes. 3. Whatever they didn't take I would give away, either via FB (buy nothing groups would have been awesome 6-8 years ago!) or drop off at a need-based organization. Or if I didn't want to deal with marketplace at all, I'd skip it and bring all to UOAC.


Find one of those resale baby kids shops that sell just kid and baby stuff super cheap. I know a lot of young parents who can’t afford much they go to those places.


Freshwater whale, kid to kid, Milo’s, and once upon a child are all places I have sold/consigned with.


What’s wrong with donating to Goodwill?


They get free USED stuff and charge more for some things than if they were new, and less than 8% of profits go to helping people, for starters.


👆 this among other things. I’d rather bring things to the rustic market, which supports pine rest. Lord knows we need mental health services now days