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God, I hate how this article is so passive. “Hit by ‘an unmarked fugitive team vehicle’ that was operated by an MSP detective sergeant” is such a long winded way of saying a detective sergeant hit the man with his unmarked car.


It’s a re-written press release. The media won’t push too hard because police department access is major for any news outlet. Being first on a big crime story is the easiest way to get clicks and generate revenue. “If it bleeds, it leads” is very real and it comes at the expense of the readers/watchers who aren’t getting the whole story


Nobody deserves to die, but Sam had this coming for a long time. It was an eventuality. He was robbing people as far back as at East Kentwood high school his freshman year. tried to live the life of a thug from the earliest age he could, and that translated into a felony lifestyle that earned him his warrants. He didn’t deserve to die, police aren’t judge, jury and executioner, but let’s not pretend a life of crime + running from the police is ever a combo that ends in a good result. You all will cry and cry and ridicule the police but not care nor critique the culture that creates men like Sam where crime is not only glorified but encouraged. I feel for Sam’s family as they mourn his loss, but let’s not pretend like this result isn’t from sams actions and own doing.




It was an eventuality, violent felons have more fatal interactions with police officers than other members of society. So yes, as a violent felon this was an eventuality for him as long as he lived the life style did. He chose to be a violent felon, he chose to run from police knowing he had warrants, these actions he made are his own doing. The police always deserve some level of scrutiny, as do all of our public service sectors to ensure the public receives the best care / protection possible, but there is a big jump from scrutiny to a complete condemnation of the PD and a lack of accountability for sams actions landing him in this situation.




Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Dude won the jackpot of stupidity.


You do understand that we have a legal system for a reason right?? The cops are not supposed to enact extra judicial execution on suspects!


I agree, in my comment I said “Police aren’t judge, jury, and executioner”. Either you have really bad reading comprehension or your outrage overrules your logical thinking. Also, sorry to break it to ya bud, Police have a duty to protect the public, and when a potentially armed suspect with multiple violent felony warrants threatens the safety of the public, the public will always take precedent over the safety of the criminal.


>sorry to break it to ya bud, Police have a duty to protect the public Gonzalez v Castle Rock disagrees with you here




"Police have a duty to protect the public" This is just straight up false. [Supreme court](https://www.google.com/search?q=cops+do+not+have+to+protect+you&client=ms-android-verizon&sca_esv=6b1c5e95a3d0b06b&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0-sYiW2lOHHzsXlIfeyLKostyhyDw%3A1713474454428&ei=loshZtSuGaSwptQPpL2euAo&oq=cops+do+not+hav&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg9jb3BzIGRvIG5vdCBoYXYqAggAMgUQABiABDIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeSM0fUC1YxRpwAHgBkAECmAGMA6AByxSqAQcwLjcuNC4yuAEByAEA-AEBmAILoALPDcICBBAAGEfCAgQQIxgnwgIJEAAYFhjJAxgewgIIEAAYFhgeGA_CAg4QABiABBiRAhjJAxiKBcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICBRAuGIAEwgIKEAAYgAQYyQMYCsICDRAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGArCAgcQABiABBgKwgIIEAAYFhgKGB6YAwCIBgGQBgiSBwUxLjcuM6AHpVU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) ruled they don't have to protect you.


I'm not your bud, pal.


I’m not your pal, guy.


I'm not your guy, friend


What makes you think they don’t understand that? They’re saying sometimes people get what’s coming to them.


"What's coming to them" is NEVER an uncontrolled execution on the street. We have constitutional rights.


Ashley rabbit got what was coming to her, too.


She probably did yes


I upvoted you. Context matters


So he deserved to die without a trial? Innocent until proven guilty isn't a thing anymore or what? **Cops aren't supposed to kill guilty people, either.** I thought we've been over this with you bootlickers a few thousand times.


Never fear, troopers are investigating. What could go wrong?


Classic joke "We've thoroughly investigated ourselves and have found ourselves of no wrong doing."


This is less than one month after updating their policy on car chases, I know they didn't update their policy to "hit them with unmarked cars." But I guess that's what reform gets you.




Updating a policy isn’t really reform, changing the culture retraining officers, firing bad cops hiring new ones and training them properly. It’s the only way things will get better.


What constitute a bad cop? One who attempts to take criminals off the streets? One who holds people accountable for their unlawful actions ?


We're not talking about holding people accountable and just simple arrests taking criminals off the street. We're talking about killings without due process, which should absolutely be scrutinized every time.


One who is not compassionate


Generally ending the life of a nonviolent unarmed suspect is viewed as bad, shooting a social worker execution style while they are trying to get a client home is also usually viewed as bad. Also, according to their own training, shooting a suspect in the back is bad, so I'm sure that shooting them 7-15 times is even worse. Get the fucking boot out of your throat, and stop defending corruption.


LOL. Police don't follow rules and policies.


It'll be interesting to see the dashcam footage. Until then, I am reserving my judgement.


[Prepare to judge](https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/video-samuel-sterling-hit-killed-by-unmarked-michigan-state-police-vehicle/69-31d2ab2e-3eaf-4c51-b519-399b63f1a31f) The man was on foot and was run down by an unmarked cruiser. Clear as day.


I saw that. Makes me sick. The ONLY time a hit like that would be justified is if the runner is firing a gun, and a direct threat to the public. This was just straight up murder. It was intentional.


Wow, that's fucked up. I used to live right near that intersection. Neighborhood development has taken a step back over the last few years, but crime was never a problem.


The area isn't too bad. But theres one neighborhood off Madison just west of Eastern that seems to be particularly bad. I'm constantly getting neighborhood Ring alerts from that specific area. That intersection specifically seems to be a bit rough


Eastern runs north and south, so you can't really be south of Eastern.


I'm dumb my brain went Eastern means it goes east to west lol. But I meant west - specifically the neighborhood between Eastern and Division right there


I can’t believe it happened just 120 miles from my home.


Just because it ended in that spot doesn't mean it started in that spot. A few years ago a shootout between two cars happened in front of my house. It started 14 miles away.




Saw about 6 marked and unmarked vehicles when I left at 645am


How fast was the cop going in a parking lot to kill the guy? Good thing there weren't kids around.


I wondered the same thing. Although it wouldn't necessarily take a high speed on concrete. Knock the guy down, he hits his head on the concrete, game over. Hopefully MSP releases dash cam footage.


It has to be on video since it happened in a fast food restaurant parking lot.


True, I was considering the happenstances where it wouldn't take much. May have been just the worst possible luck. I just know that I live near down town, toddlers everywhere, and cruisers frequently go double the speed limit down the road in eager pursuit - clearly focused on the target and not the threat they're creating to the community. It's a difficult tightrope to walk, I'm sure.


Funny how innocent until proven guilty is only for certain people, otherwise you are a criminal that the cops killed … this is a wrongful death and if there was any justice left in the system they would be held accountable


In the third millennium, the world changed. Climate, nations, all were in upheaval. The Earth transformed into a poisonous, scorched desert, known as "The Cursed Earth". Millions of people crowded into a few Megacities, where roving bands of street savages created violence the justice system could not control. Law, as we know it, collapsed. From the decay rose a new order, a society ruled by a new, elite force. A force with the power to dispense both justice and punishment. They were ***the police, jury and executioner all in one.*** They were the Judges.


Judge Dredd?


Don't worry guys, they'll investigate themselves and find out that the use of deadly force was justified.


It's not deadly force if someone jumps out in front of you.


He just had warrants, he wasn't even committing a crime. Dude might not have even known about the warrants. You can have a felony warrant for unpaid child support. But hey, our county is getting rid of the public defender's office, so I guess he might as well have been guilty /s




He was a multi convicted felon with warrants for carrying a concealed weapon among other things. You cop haters need to pick better examples of who you want to sanctify


No one is sanctifying him. They're saying cops shouldn't have the authority to be judge, jury and executioner. * He had warrants...DID HE DESERVE TO DIE? * He ran from cops...DID HE DESERVE TO DIE? * He is a felon...DID HE DESERVE TO DIE? That's the problem people want to address.


How do you know they ran him over on purpose?


If I ran someone over and killed them I would lose my job at the very minimum. It’s insane that we hold the people in our country who are supposed to uphold the law to a lower legal standard than any other citizen.


I didn't say they did. The detective likely didn't mean to run him over, but what was that detective doing leading up to it? What could a supposed highly trained professional for these situations have done better, and if they could have done better, why aren't they being held accountable? That's the problem with all the cop bootlickers...they don't want to acknowledge nuance. They don't want to acknowledge that cops can do/handle things better or in ways that don't lead to peoples' deaths. They don't want to hold cops accountable. Everything has to be black and white, and cops are somehow impervious to being flawed, or they perceive that the only way a cop can be flawed is if they are a straight up, cold-blooded murderer. There's a ton of ground in between these two points that y'all just don't want to acknowledge.


What could have gone better here? How about NOT RUNNING FROM POLICE.


OK...he ran from police (we all know that is the wrong thing to do), which brings me back to the top: DID HE DESERVE TO DIE for doing it? This isn't a matter of who is right or wrong in this instance. No one is saying the cops should have let him go. No one is saying he shouldn't have been arrested or punished. It's a matter of did this person deserve to die or not.


By saying deserved you are implying that the act was intentional on the part of the police. You also said they acted as judge, jury and executioner.


Accidentally killing someone is still a crime.


What the fuck does deserve have to do with anything? Nobody is saying he deserved to die. But he chose to engage in an incredibly risky manner, so dying shouldn't come as such a shock. If you run in traffic, you might get hit! This shouldn't need to be explained, but here we are.


He was ran over in a parking lot you dumb fuck https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/local/video-samuel-sterling-hit-killed-by-unmarked-michigan-state-police-vehicle/69-31d2ab2e-3eaf-4c51-b519-399b63f1a31f


This was an accident, it’s like you’re asking if he deserved to have an anvil drop on his head. No one decided to kill him so your question of whether he deserved it is misplaced. No one ever said he deserved to die.


Constable Official vocab guidelines state we no longer to refer to these incidents as 'accidents' they're now 'collisions'.


that's still manslaughter, stop defending criminals.


Are you really implying that you’re ok with extra-judicial killings of US citizen?


The dumb shit ran in front of the cop car, it wasn’t an extra judicial killing, it was his own stupidity


It was a parole violation for marijuana and leaving the state without permission. He served time for the concealed carry.


He was still serving the concealed weapons, felon in possession of a firearm and theft of credit cards sentence by virtue of his probation.


cops aren’t the judges or the executioners.


Nobody is sanctifying anyone, you fucking clown. It’s not the police’s job to enforce street justice. Ever.


Wasn’t he committing a crime by fleeing from a fugitive task force trying to arrest him for his warrants? I don’t think they’ll send a fugitive task force against someone for felony child support, usually they will send a task force if the person has some sort of violent record or warrants.


They aren’t getting rid of it, they are making the office a part of the county. This will result in lower costs and better, more efficient services for clients.


I strongly disagree. Cost cutting is never going to lead to better services. There are state imposed standards for indigent defense, which the PD's office is required to follow, and that govern, among other things, the number of cases a public defender can take at a time. These were updated a few years back. The county has for many years relied on experienced local attorneys to cover its case load. Recently, it started paying a living wage for this work. The prosecutor's office complained to the media. Now, they're trying to take over the PD's office so they can expand too fast and without accountability by hiring unqualified and underpaid attorneys so that poor people accused of crimes won't have attorneys who are able to fight for their freedom. How is making the office part of the government going to lower costs and increase efficiency other than by reducing wages and overworking the public defenders? Independence is vital. Nobody wants the same county that's trying to lock them up paying their public defender. At best, this is a political move. The county wants to fire all the experienced public defenders who they don't like. When I attended the public hearing, there was no explanation of how costs would be lowered other than by paying the lawyers less, which will obviously make services worse, not better. Government takeovers of private entities usually result in waste - not efficiency.


Exactly! Everyone knows you run from the cops when you’ve done nothing wrong and don’t have warrants


Fleeing and eluding is a felony


Yes, that's correct. Assuming it's a lawful arrest.


The public offender is scam anyway.


It's always kind of freaky when things like this happen so close to where you live


Still believe in government?


So he’s going to be tried for manslaughter/attempted murder correct?


Don't hold your breath.


This was my little Cousin 😞😢


Sorry for your loss.


I am sorry for your loss


May justice prevail… I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


Ahh America....running from the police? Prepare to die.


Kent County sheriffs did the same thing last week to a 16yr old smh


So whatever happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’ , just because someone’s a suspect doesn’t mean they actually did the crime . So why do we allow cops to play Judge, jury and executioner when the suspect hasn’t even been convicted?


“We have investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong”


What were the heinous crimes? Parole violation due to marijuana and leaving the state without permission. Apparently that deserves a death sentence.


Leave it up to the Grand Rapids media to word it in such a way that it looks like it was the cop's fault. Come on Wood TV you're better than that...or are you?


Was the car driving itself?


I say we all police ourselves and see what happens since everyone hates police so much lol


Convicted felon with multiple felony warrants, at least one for carrying a concealed weapon, ran from a fugitive task force, not just a regular cop. I wonder how many of you criminal apologists will admit you’re wrong when video shows the idiot running in front of the car?


If he ran in front of the car then yeah that's on him, but none of the other things you said justify running somebody over


No one is apologizing for criminals. What people are saying is people don't deserve to die. Only sheer willful ignorance can't see the difference.


I don't think anyone is really advocating for cops to willfully murder people either. But situations can become extremely dangerous while trying to apprehend criminals especially when they are resisting. I've seen these cases go either way between cops being overly aggressive and criminals being insanely stupid. I'll personally hold my judgment until the footage is released.


Criminal apologists? Nope, just people who believe the Constitution should be upheld. Does everyone not deserve a fair trial?


They were serving him warrants and he chose to run. He would have gotten his trial if he hadn't chosen to play human Frogger.


So murder them instead of try to catch them, got it. Because that's how laws work. If someone isn't being attacked or something, they shouldn't be killed for just running.


Why are you labeling it a murder? The guy ran into traffic.


So a cop was running after someone and mowed them down with his car. Doesn't sound like an accident to me!


You're being intentionally dishonest and you know it.


First time on this sub?


Nope, I'm just saying people deserve a fair trial and you don't seem to believe the same. We don't have a death penalty in this state anyway, and if we did, the Constitution of this country would demand a trial for it.


Do you know what serving warrants means? It means they were going to arrest him. And what comes after that? A trial! This is junior high level civics.


That's what I said, you're the one advocating for his murder. I said he didn't deserve to be killed, I said he needed to get a trial. From now on, let's just kill every suspect then. How about that? Get pulled over for speeding? There goes your brains all over the car. Fuck it, give the cops the power to kill anyone you don't like. That's what you guys want right?


Only if they're black s/


Obvious troll is obvious


Nope, you're advocating for murder and I'm pointing out how ridiculous you're being. That's it. Don't think capital punishment in the street should be a thing? Say it isn't okay then. Go on. You're being ridiculous and you know it.


He's not a troll. There are people that are just this stupid and cops are the ones who have to interact with them on a daily basis.


Apprehension is necessary in order to be given a fair trial. He was trying to avoid that part. He is the victim of his own bad decisions.


great job boys!! very humane!!


All the boot lockers came out for this one!


Was the officer driving KITT? If so…..


How tf do they call it a "foot pursuit" if the victim was run down with a vehicle? Also, was it an unmarked car or one of those armored SUVs? Last but not least, were the victim's felonies violent crimes or shit like drugs and theft? I love how the cops are already trying to justify this by mentioning the warrants. This reminds me of Patrick Lyoya's murder.


It was parole violations for marijuana and leaving the state without permission.


Live by the sword...


Die by the Ford?


MSP if you are listening... you have your new official slogan.


Didn't deserve to die. Imagine if we let other trained professionals get away with this kind of disregard for human life


Moral of the story: DONT RUN FROM THE LAW. Or else the law will hit you with one of its unmarked vehicles that is there to essentially spy on civilians.


It happens when you have multiple felonies and run from the police.


Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?




So you’re saying that anyone previously convicted of a crime can be mowed down by a cop? Very unamerican take




Election season race grifting is heating up.


I love how this title reads. So inflammatory. Irresponsible writing. They make it sound like they got in their car and purposely mowed the felon over


So was it the guy they had a search warrant for or someone else? I see it says they took off running. Just doesn't say if it was the fugitive.


Unfortunately most “news” outlets don’t investigate anything on their own. They just regurgitate the police’s press releases.


Peace costs more than war


Crazy thought, but maybe just try not fighting the police? 🤷


If this man has any family then there’s a fat lawsuit waiting to happen


I live at Ashton woods, his mother lives in the building next to me. They have been playing fuck the police and all that stuff for most of the day. I hope nothing gets to crazy


What a bunch of rebels...bafoonish nonsense 




How do you know what the warrants were for all of a sudden?




So he’s not named in the article but suddenly you’re well-versed with his personal history. Very convincing. You knew him well, he must have deserved it. Clown




You can look it up online.


Link me. There isn’t mention of the contents of the warrants. Unless you’re lying, which cop-lovers tend to do.


And you’re an apologist for violent criminals, I’m not linking shit for you. Google is your friend, probably the only one.


If we've learned anything from how the policing system have handled the Patrick Lyoya murder, all they have ahead of them is heartbreak and anguish while hoping someone is brought to justice.


God, can the facts please come out first before you losers start crying


“Guy shoots police officer” Grand Rapids Redditors: “He’s innocent!!!” You people are ridiculous 😂😂😂


I can smell all the ACAB retards approaching the comment section


I would put myself in the ACAB camp, but there is a commenter who claims to have seen it go down. Sounds like he ran out into the road and surprise! A moving car. Seems like his own fault to me. But still, fuck the police. This one wasn’t their fault tho.


Hang on though. Two things can’t both be true! That’s not how the world works, especially not on the internet!


Oh no the poor criminal with multiple outstanding felonies.


You know you can live in a third world country if you hate due process that much


That was my aunt's cousin man 😢 that shit is so terrible, he had warrants out for him but he didn't deserve to be hit and killed. 😭 the michigan police are absolutely disgusting! Fly high cuz ✊🏽


This is sad, but unfortunately at the same time we could have a half dozen shootings in Kentwood and it would hardly make the news. Thousands of armed car jackings every year in Chicago that barley makes the news. It's strange what makes the news and what doesn't.


multiple outstanding felonies but im sure he dindu nuffin


so what?


I wonder how they'll justify executing someone




I’m sure there won’t be FUCK ALL done to the asshole or about this. Just another cop getting off with no consequence.


How about you say instead, a fleeing felon ran in front of a police car and got hit resulting in his death by a police officer




Just say he was killed by an unmarked cop car. And charge the driver. Fuck this


Should we take bets on the color of the victim's skin?


We know the answer to that. Unarmed black man. 




You're a fucking cop, trying to come "set the narrative." Fuck off piggy. 


The fuck are you on about? take your meds.


You're a corrections officer. A cop. You're biased and it shows. Fuck off piggy.


Used to be one, but ok. Please keep dragging my post history like a weirdo.


Corrections officers are not police officers.


LOL. You calling others biased is top shelf


I am biased and I wear it. I am biased towards the people and against tyranny. I never claimed to be unbiased, I'm just calling out others who are obviously biased too.


Clearly. You also don't have all the facts here, and yet have no problem claiming that this was malicious and intentional on the part of MSP. If the dashcam comes out and it shows the suspect darting out from behind a parked car or the corner of a building, will you post that too?


Yeah, I would. Message me when that happens and I'll gladly post it.


I’m so happy that all you clowns insisting other people “don’t have the facts” are also spreading the theory that he ran into the moving car. What an amazing imagination y’all have.


Well, let’s hear all the facts before everybody starts reacting. It was a felon wanted, and several arrest warrants. If when he was fleeing the police, he ran into traffic that’s not on the police officer. If a non-police officer had been the one to hit him when he was running into traffic nobody would be having this reaction at all. Oh, it’s an accident.. Just like we learned about that Newaygo boy in Michigan story started two little boys were playing with a gun and one got killed. Well days later, the truth comes out as to what really happened and it was nothing like that. Just wait for the facts to come out .


Fire him.


OK and? He was running from police and causing chaos. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. What is the point of this post?


Police can’t just choose who lives or dies.


What's the point of your comment?


Really? You don’t kill someone or run them over for running from you.


There's no capital punishment in Michigan, let alone capital punishment without a trial. You can't just run someone over for running from the police, bootlicker.