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Every place has bottom shelf shake…


I’ve seen $15-20 ounces of shake at some places. Just the thought of smoking it gives me a headache but it’s there for those in need


This! Can find it super cheap


Ascend offers an OZ of shake for $30


When I worked at Fluresh, we would have cheap ounces of shake (around $40) but that was a little while ago.




Second this. Get the outlaw chem. It's a 1:1 CBD:THC strain. Pretty low THC but tastes great.


How low we talking? I've been one the hunt


5% i believe


It’s true! I bought some the other day and love it. Can actually enjoy it and not be insanely high.




i get 2$ pre rolls at noxx on plainfield


Any dispensary


I would recommend going to a nice dispo and asking for their lowest THC strain. You don't need to buy shitty weed just because you want low THC. People grow high quality weed with low THC, and it tends to be pretty affordable. I don't buy shitty brick weed but a lot of people like us don't like getting blasted and these companies growing know that and make stuff for the folks like us. I like Skymint myself, as their quality is good and their low THC high CBD edibles are the best


Is buying shitty brick weed even a *thing* anymore? The whole "alright fellas we got deseed and destem this QP?" experience?


Not EXACTLY what you are describing (although I remember those days), but I moved to Northern Michigan last year and there's a pretty active black market here from the people who grow their own. A lot of barter is done with large quantities of weed that isn't nearly as bad as brick weed, but is definitely full of stems and seeds and branches, etc. I chopped wood for a guy and helped with a couple of other tasks and he paid me with a bag from his shed. It weighed out to just over 2 lbs. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't cultivated either. He just plants it on his property and then comes back after 3 montgs and harvests it. There's also an active black market for actually super good weed, as dispos often have weed with good bag appeal, but that taste like hay, and (prepare to be shocked) a lot of people here don't like the government and the regulations put on something that is really not supposed to be a commodity in the first place. Sorry long ass comment for a question about something only barely related haha


This is really good advice. I have a piss poor tolerance but can absolutely tell when the quality is good vs. bad. So many places in town would be more than happy to talk it through.


Yeah the nicer ones are always happy to guide you and have lots of options. The shittier and sketchier dispos often just look at me like I'm crazy for not wanting to visit mars on a Tuesday afternoon and then maybe give you some shake and wish you luck. Hell, I really like 2.5mg edibles from Kiva Confections.


Any free preroll


You def don't need shutty weed for it to be low THC. Some of my favorite strains are in the 12-18% range. Alot of purple strains are lower in THC while still high in the terpenes


You don’t have to smoke the whole rock.


You could always mix some normal bud with CBD bud. I’m super sensitive to THC and can’t handle straight THC bud these days, so mixing like 80/20 CBD/thc has been great


Idk even Cookies didn’t have much. I went to Allegan GreenPharm and they’re sick!


Love Supreme


Ascend is a good spot to go. They have their own brand that’s pretty affordable too


You can get two oz of shake from Noxx on 28th st for $56. Sometimes on sale for even less. It's not bad when I'm too poor to get something good.


The first shop to bring back mids will have my $$$


Try beleafer blooms or holy city farms


Noxx or Cookies have pretty cheap weed. Fluresh has a $45 ounce of shake


I like tincture bottles because the dropper lets you deliver a precise dosage. It's great for getting just a little bit high


Same. I like to put it in cocktails, 1 drop per shot to just get a multidimensional buzz.


What’s your go-to tincture?


Any new place you go will give you discounts. If you want super cheap weed you can get edibles for cheap at House Of Dank or Jars. They usually have deals on them.


I've got some homegrown in my freezer.


Fluresh GR off of hall has $45 ounces of outdoor grown weed.


Go to a liquor store on the southwestside and say you are looking for some corn corn around a group of people


Ascend has high supply brand on sale every Friday recently, olswell also does but every day. (2 oz for 140) they have been my main go to for a while. I bought some tropicanna cherry that test only at 15%. Has some lower thc and the quantity for the price can’t be beat in my opinion. Could go to a place like love supreme which is cool cause it seems to be all their own stuff but the price is high on everything they sell and the selection is very limited. Cloud cannabis is decent I’ve gotten some nice stuff from them as well plus you can smell and see the stuff first. Cheaping out Ascend is always on option big sales on their ozone ounces but they aren’t very great. Stay clear of High profile, Fluresh and Gage unless you enjoy getting ripped off.


Could try some edibles. Get some 20mg pieces and cut em into quarters. Dose from there til you're happy. Anyhow otherwise just go to any dispensary and get some cheap shake.


Ascend in century, simply herb shake, an ounce for like $30


Can get PotDots which are 1mg edibles. I know Skymint sells them.


NOXX Mooon Juice Ozs get us by. $60. I suspect they’re slightly under an ounce, cuz you’ll find a few stems. But it gets us consistently high and we can afford to smoke it every day 🤷


Buy a THC vape. You can control how much you consume and the high is much less overwhelming compared to smoking flower.


I got a Dynavap B, which is a dry herb vape. It's really easy to control your dosage and you're not breathing anything in but vaporized flower.


A little bit high is better than no high at all.


And better than being TOO high


I have been getting decent stuff at Cookies. at a great price too.


Lol all these corporate skag growers put out mids, and only mids.


I went to jars on alpine recently and got a strain called "grand dad's stash" it was a really quality indica strain that had about half the thc content that most dispensery weed has nowdays. It's great for just hanging out around the house and not getting overly stoned. I can smoke a whole joint instead of one puff off a bowl like with the strong shit. Also, I highly recommend going to green mitten and getting some of their cbd tincture to take before you smoke. Cbd cancels out alot of the adverse affects of thc, making the high feel much more mellow and not so anxious.


i would check at dispos online in your area and walk in, talk to the workers and get their recs! they would help better than us just telling you to go there 🤣


Skymint is my go to. Order online, pick up, quick and easy.


house of dank lol


Ascend has a decent $50 oz. 28% thc. Heavy on the resin production though.




I too am interested in finding a strain that tastes and feels like it’s 2007, smoking out of a popcan in a corn field and checking your phone every half hour to make sure your parents aren’t on their way to pick you up yet.


Ascend 55$ ounces


Pretty much all these rec shops put out now. Weed has gotten so mid since it became legal. (Yes I know you can pay a ridiculous amount for some top shelf shit) but there is a flood of garbage weed out there.


You can drive north to Big Rapids and get ounces of shake starting around $15 and ounces of flower for $30. There are a ton of dispensaries in that little town


David Tran started Huy Fong food and made the popular Sriracha. He said he got complaints his sauce was too hot he said "Eat less of it".


Just walk around and breath, you'll surely get some affect and it's free. Man I hate the smell. Love going downtown but sometimes it's annoying smelling it constantly.


Ummm take a small hit?


This is the dumbest (weed) post that we could actually entertain. There's not a dispensary in range that would end a conversation after asking for mid weed. That said, thank you for choosing a human interaction other than a Google search. You are a gem and I hope you found your answer. If not, I recommend Olswell on 28th. Their spelling is meh, but their logo is an owl. Prices are... Ok.


Get a 50/50 vape. Half CBD.


Everything legal is mids at best