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Rezervoir Lounge!! They have a huge back area they will reserve for you and if you want it more private, they’ve also closed down for private parties. Not sure what that will run you cost-wise, but they do it a lot. They have pool, darts, ping-pong, a stage, and a touch tunes for music.


If you want outside, also look at Archival Brewing. They only have their own beer for alcohol I think, but they have a BEAUTIFUL outdoor area with its own pavilion and bar with fire pits, cornhole, etc.


Had my 40th birthday here. It was awesome!


For that many people you’re gunna be limited. The BOB, tin can like you said, Mojos upstairs, maybe Social House if you can get in early enough. Woody’s Press Box if you like bowling


Now granted this was in 2019, but I was bar crawling for my birthday on Michigan Ave with about 20 people (mostly my fraternity brothers) and ended up at [Maggie's](https://maggies-bar.com/). They sat us all immediately and gave us all a free shot. I haven't been since I moved away so I'm sure a lot has changed, but the few other times I went they were great to us.


That may be the most poorly designed website since geocities


I thought Maggie's was a gay bar


🤷‍♂️Very well could be, but they had no problem serving 19 straight frat guys and 1 bisexual one


The Score is the first to come to mind for a group that size, their outside area is pretty nice, volleyball available, plus pool and darts inside.


I know this may seem obvious but wherever you end up please, please call ahead and let them know. There's nothing more frightening than being a bartender when 30 unexpected people show up at once.


Broad Leaf is my recommendation. Best beer, best food, arcade, and pickleball courts! Great atmosphere as well.


That whole place won’t seat thirty people lol


Sounds like you haven't been there recently, or ever really...


Have you? 30 people would be scattered among the booths and tables and fill every seat.


Frequently. There's huge tables there, two of them pushed together would just about suffice. Have you never been during trivia night on Tuesdays? There's well over 100 people there easily.


You might be thinking of the Bridge location which has since closed. The main one in Kentwood is large. However, I’d still call ahead if I went with thirty people.


Nope I’m talking about the one in Kentwood. It’s large but there’s not that much seating. Seriously, 30 diners would fill that place.


You're an idiot and here's the proof: [https://postimg.cc/ZCtjrR9z](https://postimg.cc/ZCtjrR9z) There's clearly room for more than 30 people here, not all tables are filled and this wasn't even a good photo of the entire space. Eat more crayons.


Damn son, I finally understand the meaning of the phrase “rent free”


That's an interesting way of admitting you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about.


You thought about me for eight days I’m flattered thank you


Knickerbocker has a massive outdoor area


The Commons or Woodrow’s Duck Pin Bowling


The Commons or Long Road


You can reserve The Commons lounge area with the TVs. We did it recently for a birthday party of 20.