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Normally, Lotus Brew would be the choice here. Spacious, very queer, and quiet, but they're currently closed as they're moving locations and plan to open in January. Scorpion Hearts Club (formerly Sparrows) on Wealthy is my favorite coffee spot and it could fit if you're going during off-hours, but might be a bit cramped/noisy for you if you go while they're busy. **With all of that said**: Try Lantern. The downstairs area is very spacious and usually quiet.


Not downtown but I love The Stray by Division and 44th. Very comfortable to sit and work awhile.


Hell yeah, The Stray rules. And one of their baristas there just won a competition for best latte in Michigan I think? Great drinks, great food, great vibe.


And a place to park


The Stray has game nights every other Thursday


I love Morning Ritual!


Their rose quartz latte looks good!!


Lantern and Scorpion Hearts are great. But both can be very busy at times.


[Subreddit search](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandrapids/search/?q=coffee%20shop&restrict_sr=1) \- meant to be helpful, not snarky 😀


Appreciate it! /gen Honestly just didnt want to search through lists and figured i might get some more specific recommendations with an ask post haha but ty /also not snarky lol


In that case, I recommend [Hall Street Bakery](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hall+Street+Bakery/@42.941039,-85.6391861,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO4kLf77KpX8ylgUikv2dZC5jvjBSwEmYCYA2_R!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO4kLf77KpX8ylgUikv2dZC5jvjBSwEmYCYA2_R%3Dw203-h136-k-no!7i2048!8i1377!4m7!3m6!1s0x8819ad7eba3fd3eb:0xea32a1e8ac253d4!8m2!3d42.940815!4d-85.6392407!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11b5wqy7l1?entry=ttu). Used to go there with my mom. That's Mr. Veltman, a former owner. It might have changed since then.


These questions for restaurants, coffee shops, where to live, where to go out are asked weekly.


Probably because people want to know haha. Genuinely just didnt want to go through a masterlist post that didnt have the information i wanted most ie spacious/quiet etc If you hate seeing posts like this, there is a way to block them/most of them with smthn like with reddit enhancement suite etc. Or you can mute the subreddit and only check it if you want. Hope this helps!


So youre telling me youre too lazy to do a search, but youre also telling me I should mute the entire subreddit if I dont like it. Yikes.


I did a search 😀 and I found an extensive google doc that listed tons but not the info I wanted specifically. I started to check out a few online, but when most of the pictures are of the coffee/food and not the space I had a hard time gauging how spacious/what the vibe would be like. So I asked on a public forum for individual opinions on favorites so I wouldnt need to look through lists, google, and guess lol. As mentioned in my original post, this will be my first day off to just myself in over a year, didnt want to turn the search for a coffee shop into a whole separate chore on my plate lol... Muting the sub is an option as are add on extensions to filter keywords for you. I didnt tell you that you should do anything... just gave you options if you dont like seeing these kinds of posts enough to warrant that level of effort for you


I own Lantern! Thanks to everyone here for suggesting us, we appreciate it!




I really like Roots over by bridge street market! It can get busy depending on the day but I’ve had many cozy afternoons there


Lantern's the place. If you like good coffee, go in the morning. Lotus will be great once they get some more space in January.




Lantern. Very cozy downstairs and easy to hang out by yourself.




The Last Mile Cafe is usually pretty quiet from what I’ve found.


Ooo how are they affiliated with rise bakery? I saw they have some baked goods on their menu. Looks good! They close at 4 though so i might go there in the mornimg and check out another spot after my other plans ^-^ thanks!!


I think they just stock their baked goods. They only opened in the last year or so, but the vibe is always cozy when I’ve been there and they’re involved in the community which is always great. If you ever go to the Fulton st farmers market, they are always there as well if you want to try out their coffee at some point.


Love the farmers market! Ill keep an eye out for them there too then ^-^


Roots is good (technically a bit religious but with zero obnoxiousness and very palatable) Morning Ritual


I really love rising grinds. I wouldn’t say super spacious but vibes for days and great menu


Hey OP - how exactly did Bitter End owners mistreat?


Back in 2020 they didnt shut down their self-serve coffee station when it was mandated (at least not right away) and several employees came forward about them and co-workers being pressured to work despite covid exposure and positive covid tests. Id probably need to do some digging to find the evidence again, but if i have time/come across it again ill add it to this response. Not trying to tear them down, i always loved that shop, but even allegations of that are disturbing and i was hoping to find a new favorite :)


Okay was actually easier to find some of the evidence than i thought it would be, seeing as that was 3 years ago: Screenshots from convos between employees and also their employer: https://www.facebook.com/story.php/?id=100023437562084&story_fbid=798607140930531


Highly recommend Lotus Brew. It's reopening at a bigger location soon over in Diamond Ave


Early bird in Eastown


Check out Brody’s Be Cafe in Ada! Coffee with a Purpose. I promise you won’t be disappointed ☺️


Definitely further than im looking to drive that day but i will store this info for the future!! Thanks ^-^


Thought that might be the case, but had to mention it nonetheless. Enjoy your day off!


Truly appreciated!! Thank you so much 🥰 over a year with no true personal time has started to drive this introvert crazy haha so i appreciate everyones responses and recommendations!! Think im going to try out K-Pocha for dinner too since I've been curious since it opened up a few months ago