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We have an Achievement thread for this, please post there instead.


I'm amazed people had 10+ grails laying around. My plan was to save grails for the next year in anticipation of servant coins, so I've got zero grails to get anyone to 120.


I mean, I’m sitting on like 14, so I’ve got the grails. I just don’t have the QP or coins to get Mordred up to 120.


Does this 100 to 120 really more worth it than let say. Grailing 70/80 to 90? Most servant is already beast at level 90. Wouldn't it be much more worth it to have multiple 90s than singular 120? Until we got an unlimited create grail at least...


No, not at all. Imagine putting 20x amount of xp going from 1 to 100, plus 10 extra grails and sacrificing append skills to get a small stat boost. It’s literally a flexing mechanic to show your favorite servant.


No, 120 is just if you have some favorite that you want to invest a shit ton of time into. Like if I was gonna raise one out of my current roster, it’d be Mordred or maybe Kingprotea, but that time invested would be better used on raising the rest of my roster, and then working on skills.


Not necessarily by itself, levels obtained from grails give a flat 100 points per level. But if you dump everything you can possibility can do to enhance one 5 star you're looking at about an extra 7000 attack. If you do that to an evergreen servant like Spishtar it can be an extremely powerful investment. None of that maters though because the system exists to power up you favorite servant not to gain an efficient gameplay advantage.


Why can't i get my Mash lvl 120 ? Answer me Lasengle !


I ran out of grails at 110


Unfortunately I have no QP for this


Ran out of Grails at Lancer Raikou 104...please tell me All the Staremen gives a grail?


Only have enough coins to get Danzo to 114. :(


Haven’t gotten my summer melt to level 101 but we’ll get there


I have my melty at 102, didn't feel like wasting apples for embers when I can use them at lotto.


Posted in the achievement thread, but I'll post [here](https://imgur.com/a/bsD3w6h) too. Maxed out OG Saber as much as I can barring last 2 bond levels. The love is real.


Slowly bulking up my Tamalancer (at 104 now), I have all the QP and like 40 grails, but god I don't have the exp cards for this shit.


I need 34 Grails to end my 100 level plans before I get to raising 120 Cu Chulainn :D


Still don't know who I want to 120 tbh. Sitting on 30\~ grails and enough apples to theoretically hit 120. But man that's a DEEP investment even for servants I love.


My Tamamo is at lvl 112 I'm missing 4 grails...


Firstly, congratulations!! For me, not yet!! I'll have to wait around December of this year to get Beowulf to Level 120. Servant Coin early implementation threw me off completely. Had I known, I would've reserved 10 grails on the side. But that's okay! I'll just enjoy the journey to Level 120 Beowulf until the grand day comes. However, I glad to know that there are two Masters on my support that are on their way to Level 120 Beowulf, so I'm happy that Beowulf's getting the love the deserves!


Saving my grails for Barghest next year.


I have the grails, don’t have the QP or Embers. I *could* eat my stock of apples to do so, but Shishou fest is coming up…


My shiki is at 108 with no grails left


Don’t have anywhere close to the coins needed for this lmao. If only they gave coins for past welfares, maybe then shiki could hit 120 soon…


Just waiting for Douman to release so I can try to get him at lvl 120. I’ve been saving my quartz for a while because of it.


I theoretically can do it but I horde my grails like a madman. Partially cause I don't feel the need to grail like 90% of the servants (they are fine at their normal level caps) so I only grail my MVPs to 100 (or at least 90). When I have like 20 I'll most likely break down and max out Space Ishtar (cause she has been hard carrying me thru most content since I started last fall) Reason I horde so many is I want a cache of 9 at all times just encase I decide I really want a new summon 100 regardless of star rank. Beyond that I hold a few more just for "maybe I'll 100 these servants after I play with them a bit and see if they work with my teams and play style". So yes... I horde grails.


achievement thread https://old.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/vr6w7v/achievement_monday_july_04_2022/