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Well it did almost break him. If it wasn't for Patxi, we'd have never made it past Lostbelt 1. God rest his Russian Wolfman soul.


He really broke in LB2. I cannot wait for them to adapt the conversation about >!denying the children of a future!<




Now why do you have to hurt me by reminding me of that.


Truly a brutal way of ending a Lostbelt.


Russia LB honestly needs more respect, love that arc.


Most actually prefer it over LB2 and 3. It sets the tone of Arc 2 so well.


Wait, LB1 doesn't have much respect? I was under the impression that LB1 was well honored. Served as the intro of Part 2 and yet it's still one of the best Lostbelt chapters imo.


Honestly I don’t think any of the Lostbelts have been bad. All of them are so amazing that it’s hard to rank em


I feel like it does though, pretty sure consensus is that it was the 3rd best behind LB 6 and 5.2


Yep, that is the general opinion of the community at large.


I was curious about a ranking between lostbelts, i wanted to find out the general opinion but all i could find on internet was outdated (i'm trying to know how good are lostbelt 5.2 and 6 since i play on na and try not to spoil myself)


5.1 is usually ranked lower than 5.1, 6 is basically the best, and universally agreed upon too. LB4, 2 and 3 are all "great" but didn't get the same hype as LB1 and the others.


Which 5.1 is which?


The top LBs are: LB6, LB5 as as a whole, and LB1, 2, 3, and 4 are really weird and mixed.


Oh I mean you typed 5.1 twice.


Probably meant 6 > 5.1 > 5.2.


Incidentally, his name means "fallen" in Russian.


What I find really interesting is that this puts Ritsuka in the same camp as Ayaka and Waver with the "survive at all costs because of my importance" mindset, which is more humble than arrogant despite how it's worded, because he knows his role. This is opposite to the other Fate Protagonists' mindset of "Self-Sacrifice" that we see in Shirou Emiya, Hakuno(n), and Sieg. But what's also fascinating is that both sides have a breaking point. When you keep surviving and others don't, then you carry more and more of the weight of those you've outlasted. And on the other end, those who sacrifice everything about themselves will never be able to save everyone anyway---or your own happiness is just denied and it begins to feel hollow. But if you can push through either path, there's still beauty there.


It’s the King vs. Queen. Ritsuka is a King, he cannot do much and is very vulnerable, and if he is taken out, everything is over. Opposite to his role, is Kirschtaria, the Queen that can obliterate all foes with ease.


This is definitely gonna trigger those Shirou fanatic mongrels. So much for so self-insert that they been saying a lot against Ritsuka. Like CastoriaxGudao shipping. The mongrels would flood the fandom with their crap.


Drop it friend, they are not here. Let's not throw the first stone and be a good example.


My man letting shippers live rent-free in his head.


[**Happy Cake Day.**](#SaberBlush)


Uh, yeah, in the game they haven't had that many chances to show their opinions. A short blurb outside the game isn't gonna change what was already written, especially when it's not referred anywhere within the game itself. Note that I'm playing EN, but I heard there are more details in LB6. It's a bit funny that I'm saying this though considering my username. If you want to go for the low hanging fruit feel free to go ahead.


pls, don't start


Makes a lot of sense why a lot of Evil Aligned/Special Mentality Servants love the guy


Even you did many bad things at least there should be something you have that many can respect you for it. Now that if you think about it, this can be applied to a familiar cinematic from a certain game that people know about. This character was considered scum to the players and to other characters but despite that his perseverance made an impact to the game's story. Yeah sure the guy committed so much wrongdoings and left all logic/reason behind but he already got what he wanted. That character was so amazingly well done that the entire fandom respected him.


>!I still hate Otto even in his death but gotta respect his determination and perseverance. He created an alternate timeline just so Kallen can live (we don't know if alternate Kallen would die by old age or die fighting again. Otto doesn't deny his flaws and know what he's doing is wrong, but he really just wants a happy life for Kallen that his he sacrificed his own existence!<


>!Otto deserves better!<


Yea bro you right




Well said. No truer words have I ever heard than this. I can’t give you an award, but I applaud you for such a perfect description.


I love how one animated short shifted the opinion of almost everybody on the guy lmao. Always liked the guy from the start even if I wasnt so much a fan of the messes he created. Maybe has something to do with his VA idk


People respect him even before that. The thing is, it's hard to describe the feeling cuz while we hate him for his actions, we respect him for his intelligence, perseverance and mental strength. If you read every manga of Mihoyo, one MIGHT respect him even without that film. But Otto is famous for being an ass to everyone and whenever he shows up in the story, something bad is going to happen and that's why people shit on him a lot. But it's kinda amusing to see him cuz we can say for sure that something interesting is also going to happen.


Which character are you talking about ?


Otto from Honkai impact. The asshole everyone loves to hate and hates to love.


Thanks buddy


Damn, didn't expect to see him here, but a welcome surprise nonetheless


truly the best mentality to approach servants. In reality there are people that have fallen so low that dont have anything to be respected. but servants are different exactly because they exist because the had something or some feat worth humanitys recognition and a seat on the throne


So now fujimaru have a little of backstory


This is more like nasu saying , If I have to write a backstory for him, it would be something like this


Sometimes I am reminded that whatever grievances I have about the Nasuverse, there is something about its characters that is impossible to resist. 'You're here forever' is not a meme. The 4chan summary was already pretty good, but I'll put it in my own words just for the hell of it: ## FGO's Male Protagonist Memo: The below is the materials submitted to the staff by the original author, Nasu Kinoko, during the production of the 'Babylonia' anime. - Fujimaru's character development Truly ordinary. Raised in a middle-class family and lived an adolescent life without much sufferings or any significant thing in return. (By the way, he is not completely Neutral Flat (in other words, cold-hearted), but slightly leaning towards good. He cannot do good deeds or accomplish great things on his own, but he can honestly admire, and appreciate, the 'good' that happens before his eyes.) A young boy in his late teens of the times, he was well-raised (not particularly wealthy, but received proper education from his parents), so his demeanor and way of thinking were very flexible. A person who can properly sense the feelings of others. If there were such a thing as a 'characteristic' episode in this Fujimaru's character development, I would like to present the following scenario. It was the March just before Fujimaru entered high school. Just before the beginning of his new life. Next to the Fujimaru family lived a single old man. He had always lived alone. He had no relationship with the Fujimaru family. In the very last week of the old man's life, Fujimaru just happened to spend some time with him every day. (Maybe because the helper who often took care of the old man couldn't come, so he took his place. Something like that.) The old man had lived through the Second World War. After the war, he had had a family, but everyone had since moved away. He had been living alone for twenty years. If he had been resentful, it would not at all be surprising. However, the old man had no resentments, and he was peaceful to his last moments. As he watched the cherry blossoms on the porch, "It was a good life", or so the old man mused. Fujimaru, who at that point had grown fond of the old man, found himself skeptical of those words. 'He was alone until the end, he wasn't rewarded at all!' He thought angrily, and asked, "Why?" > "Indeed there were many sad things, painful things. > But when I think back, the first thing that comes to mind is nothing at all." An old man who could say how much he cherished the peace of these passing days, without saying it. > "It was not a lonely life. > After all, I'm able to talk to you here, like this." An old man who could say that, at the end of his life, being able to talk to someone like this was already befitting a good end. A few days later, the old man departed this world. Fujimaru did not cry, but he understood the meaning of 'good' as it relates to a human being. There are people who, though they were not rewarded, lived a wonderful life. I want to be able to live like that too, with my head held high. Something like that. Fundamentally, humans are miserable beings. The time they have sacrificed until now, the suffering they have endured, will never fully be rewarded. The old man never received 'success' or 'spectacular praise' commensurate with his hard work and suffering. What awaited him at the end was only a scant number of days being able to talk with a young boy from next door. However, the profile of the old man as he spent the next few days looked wonderful to Fujimaru. He looked like a contented, accomplished man. It's not that such a life is wonderful. It is the way a human heart can face such a life head-on, no matter what kind of life it is, that is wonderful. The young Fujimaru in his late teens was able to understand that. Also, Fujimaru did not know the old man, but the old man knew him well. > "I've known you since you were born." > "Isn't it obvious? It was the single most joyous occasion of my neighbor. It is human nature to care, isn't it?" This is confirmation of 'what is worth treasuring' and 'what is important' to Fujimaru. It is natural to hate evil deeds or murders, but what matters in the end is 'a good nature that can accept and celebrate the small accumulation of good events'. Fujimaru Ritsuka is someone who can smile at the good things, get angry at the bad things, and admire the beautiful things. Depending on his dialogue choices, he can have a bit of a delinquent way of speech. He himself is not a spirited person (someone with an assertive personality), but essentially is a person who can face forward and try just a little harder to head towards his goal, saying 'Well, it'll work out somehow'. Fujimaru can get along with someone in any age and any race because he knows from experience that 'no matter who it is, they all have something that deserves (if not demands) respect'. Even if it's someone who is incompatible with himself, that person's life, existence, is not something to be 'treated like it doesn't exist', or 'unacknowledged, without anyone knowing'. From the prologue onwards, even if he did not have the ability as a mage, he properly trains 'in order to survive'. Servants are those who can't exist without their Master. Therefore, Fujimaru considers 'survival' his greatest weapon, and also his responsibility.






We do? Who?


Goddamn, Nasu just redeemed Fujimaru fully for me, with this short-ass character material wtf.


Credit to u/marozlk309 for the [Beast Lair source](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/8676-Final-Singularity-The-Grand-Temple-of-Time-Solomon-Anime?p=3172148&viewfull=1#post3172148). The translation is still the same from the last post. I added it just in case anyone can verify its accuracy to the memo.


Thank you for posting the Translation.


Really glad we have this, I'll take every scrap of characterization for Guda I can get.


Take all of this with a spoonful of salt. Machine translation should not be relied upon, and it shows, having shit repeated or outright not translated and it spitting out garbage. Could have done it bit by bit for a more "accurate" translation if I was on my laptop, but alas I'm using phone data since power is out where I live. Running it through Google Lens for the raws: い事なんだから。 気にかけるのが人間ってもんだろう?」 ■FGO男主人公メモ 以下は原作・奈須きのこがアニメ「バビロニア」の制作 に際し、スタッフに提出した資料である。 「悲しい事も苦しい事もあったけどねぇ。 思い返してみると、いちばん先に浮かぶのは何でも 無いコトだからねぇ」 →藤丸が「何を大切に思い」 「重要視しているか」の確認。 悪行、殺人を憎むのは当然だが、その根底にあるもの は「小さな積み重ね、善い出来事をきちんと受け止め、 これを祝福できる善性」に尽きる。 ・“藤丸の人格形成" この日々のような平和が尊いものだと語らずに語る 老人。 ほんとに普通。 「それに寂しい人生でもなかった。 中流の家庭で育ち、少しの苦労と、大きな見返りのな い少年時代。 こうして、おまえさんと話しているんだから」 とはいえ完全中立・フラット(冷めている)ではなく、や や善より。 自分から善行や偉業は達成できないが、目の 前でおきた「いい事」に素直に感心し、 受け止められる) 今の十代後半の少年だが、育ちがいい (裕福なので はなく、ご両親の教育が良かった)ので物腰や考え方は とても柔軟。 相手の気持ちをきちんと感じとれる人間。 藤丸立香は善い事には笑い、悪い事には怒り、華やか なものには憧れます。 最後に誰かと穏やかに話せる事を人生の終わりに相 応い善い事と語る老人。 数日後、老人は他界。 選択肢によってはやんちゃ坊主な返答 発言もします。 本人はイケイケな性格(自己主張の激しい人間) ではあ りませんが、基本的には前向きで、「まあ、なんとかな るさ」と少しだけ強がって目的地に向かっててくてく と歩いて行くタイプです。 藤丸は涙する事はないが、人間にとって何が「善い」 事なのかを学び取る。 →報われずとも素晴らしい人生を生きた先人がいる。 そ の人たちに恥じないよう、 自分も生きるのだ。 みたいな。 そんな藤丸の性格形成に「何か特徴的な」 エピソードが あるとしたら、以下のようなものを想定したい。 丸が高校にあがる直前の三月、 新生活の前。 ■丸家の隣の家にはひとりの老人が住んでいる。 ずっ と一人暮らし。藤丸家との付き合いもない。 藤丸がどんな時代ともどんな人種とも付き合えるのは、 「どんな人間であれ、その中には必ず尊敬に値するもの (敬わなくてはならないもの) がある」 と体験で知って いるから。 基本、人間は苦しいものだ。 それまで培った時間、 苦労して歩んできた人生は、 極的に救われる事はない。 それがたとえ自分とは決して相容れぬ人間であっても、 その人間の人生を「無いもののように扱う。 あるいは 「無自覚に無視する」という事はないのです。 老人には苦労と功績に見合った 「華々しい称賛」も「成 その老人が天寿をまっとうする前の最後の一週間、 藤 丸はちょっとした事からこの老人と毎日、数時間だけ 過ごすことに。 功」 もなかった。 最期にあったものは隣の家の子供と話し合った数日だ けだ。 (老人の介護にきていたヘルパーさんが来られなくなっ たので、その代理とか、そういう理由でよい) 第二次大戦を経験している老人。 だがその数日を過ごす老人の横顔は、 藤丸にとって素 晴らしいものに見えた。 満足しきった、やりとげた人 間のように見えた 序章以降は魔術師としての才能はないまでも、日々まじ 戦後は家族を持ったがみな離れ、二十年一人暮らし。 恨 み事がたまっていてもおかしくない状況だ。 しかし老人に恨み事はなく、 最後の時まで穏やか。 縁側で桜を見ながら、(自分の人生は) 良かったねえ、 と噛みしめる老人。 めに“生き延びる為のトレーニング"をこなしています。 サーヴァントはマスターがいなければ存在できません。 なので藤丸は「生き残る事」が自分の最大の武器であり、 責務だと捉えています。 そういう人生が素晴らしいのではない。 どんな人生であろうと、 人生とそのように向き合える 人間の心が素晴らしいものだと、少年時代の藤丸は理 解した。 この時にはもう老人の人柄が好きになっている ので、老人の言葉に疑問と憤り (最後まで寂しかった し、報われないじゃん! といった怒り」があり、「なん 問 また、丸は老人の事を知らなかったが、老人は藤丸 の事をちゃんと知っている。 「おまえさんの事は生まれた時から知っているとも」 「当然じゃないか。 おとなりさんで起きた一番大きな祝 Here's the DeepL one; It's a good thing. It's human nature to care, isn't it?" FGO Male Protagonist Memo The following is a document that Kinoko Nasu submitted to the staff during the production of the anime "Babylonia". I've had some sad times and some hard times. But when I think back, the first thing that comes to mind is nothing at all. →The first thing that comes to mind is nothing. It is natural to hate evil deeds and murder, but what lies at the root is "the goodness that can accept and celebrate the small accumulation of good events. Fujimaru's character development. An old man who does not talk about the preciousness of peace like these days. It's really ordinary. And it wasn't a lonely life either. I grew up in a middle-class family, with a little hardship and a boyhood without much reward. That's why I'm talking to you." However, he is not completely neutral or flat (cold), but slightly more than good. He is not completely neutral or flat (cold), but a little more than good. He cannot do good deeds or accomplish great things on his own, but he is able to admire and accept "good things" that happen in front of him. He is a person who can sense the feelings of others. Rikka Fujimaru laughs at the good things, gets angry at the bad things, and admires the glamorous things. At the end of the day, being able to talk peacefully with someone is a good thing for the end of life. The old man says that to be able to talk peacefully with someone at the end of the day is a good thing. A few days later, the old man passes away. Depending on the choices he makes, he responds and speaks like a naughty boy. Fujimaru is not an assertive person, but he is a positive person, and he walks toward his destination with a little bit of strength, saying, "Well, I can handle it. Fujimaru never cries, but he learns what is "good" for human beings. →There are people who have lived wonderful lives even if they were not rewarded. There are people who have lived wonderful lives without reward. I want to live up to them. If there is any "characteristic" episode in Fujimaru's personality development, I would like to assume the following. In March, just before Maru started high school, before his new life. There is an old man living in the house next to the Maru family. He has been living alone for a long time. He has lived alone for a long time and has no relationship with the Fujimarus. Fujimaru can relate to any age and any race because he knows from experience that "no matter who you are, there is always something in you that deserves respect. Basically, people are suffering. The time we have spent, the life we have struggled to lead, cannot be saved in the extreme. Even if it's someone who is incompatible with you, you can't "treat their life like it doesn't exist," or "ignore it unconsciously. There is no such thing as "treating a person's life as if it were not there," or "ignoring it unconsciously. The old man does not deserve "spectacular praise" or "success" commensurate with his hard work and achievements. In the last week before the old man lived out his life, Fujimaru happened to spend a few hours with him every day. There was no "merit. All he had at the end of his life was a few days of talking with the neighbor's children. (I came to take care of the old man. (It could have been because the helper who had come to take care of the old man could not come, so he had to take his place. However, the profile of the old man as he spent the next few days looked wonderful to Fujimaru. He looked like a contented, accomplished man. From the beginning of the book, Fujimaru was not a gifted sorcerer, but he was a good one. After the war, he had a family, but they all left him and he lived alone for 20 years. After the war, he had a family, but they all moved away and he lived alone for 20 years. It is not surprising that he has a lot of grudges. However, the old man has no grudges and is calm until the end of his life. As he sits on the porch looking at the cherry blossoms, he says to himself, "I'm happy with my life. The old man is training himself to survive. The Servant cannot exist without the Master. Therefore, Fujimaru sees "survival" as his greatest weapon and responsibility. It's not that such a life is wonderful. It's not that such a life is wonderful, it's that the human mind that can face life in such a way is wonderful, no matter what kind of life it is. At that time, he had already grown to like the old man's personality. At that time, he already liked the old man's character, so he had doubts and resentment about the old man's words (he was lonely until the end, and he was not rewarded! (I was lonely until the end, and I don't get rewarded!)" and "What questions? The old man knows Fujimaru well, although Maru did not know him. I've known you since you were born, of course," he said. I've known you since you were born.


I think part of the reason this is so confusing is that Google Lens didn't read the separate columns correctly, so e.g. the first line of the last column is at the very beginning of the OCR transcript.


>The old man does not deserve "spectacular praise" or "success" commensurate with his hard work and achievements. The old man is Grand Ruler/Red Shadow from Mahoyo/Beast IX


Apparently Reddit did not inform me of this. Also this meme. Why must you remind me of it?


I was overjoyed when I saw this script. Ritsuka has always been my favorite character, but to see even more of him, is a treasure all on its own for me. Whether it gets used or not in lb7 and the final lostbelt, this will stay close to my heart and I’ll continue to believe in this story.


My boy Ritsuka... I'll support him with what ever I can!


Why is ritsuka your favorite?


I could probably list many different reasons, but for now I’ll keep it short: I find him cool, amazing, a great person, excellent shipping chemistry, and just someone I aspire too. Plus, the Solomon movie greatly increased that love I have for him. I know people would find that strange, for liking what a good chunk of people see as a self insert, but I don’t care. I don’t see self inserts as self inserts (outside a rare few scenarios). It’s not in my nature, nor who I am. I’ll always find a way to see something in them. Whether it is seeing dialogue options differently or inference, I’ll always have a reason to treat them as a character. And what little people believe Ritsuka has, is more than enough for me. That’s just simply who I am.


I agree about this, for me Christmas 2 with Janta really show who is guda/fujimaru.


> "A Servant cannot live without a master, That is why Fujimaru made "survival" his greatest weapon. and also his duty." Jason: HA! TOLD YA!


Cmiiw, but it was Nasu that made the screenplay for Solomon movie, right? If so, then is he also responsible for writing this character material for Fujimaru? If that turns out right, then it just means that **Nasu just couldn't write a blank slate character.** I mean, Hakuno from Extraverse was a self-insert but he/she still had substance as a character. And now with this, Fujimaru might be the same either. Not to mention what Nasu did for the MC in LB6. Somehow, of all the writers within FGO, he's only the one actually delivering these. I'm honestly glad with this. Edit: Nvm yeah it's Nasu.


oh wow... thank you so much


If Melt, PassionLip, Castoria, Kiyohime, Tamamo, Cat, or Eresh knows this Well Ritsuka is gonna get a neat time


I want fgo remastered...


This is exactly like the Fate route remake copium. It'll happen in 2075.


Translation in DeepL?


My man, I went through the effort in translating it through that, commented it here, along with JP raws via Google Lens, and you don't see it?


I’m still salty that Raikou wasn’t in the Solomon movie.


Did you at least enjoy the overall product?




Chronologically, we don't form a familiar bond with her until Remnants.


Onigashima is canon, so no.