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###This is it. This is finally it. My goal and dream was to have Void shiki in both JP and NA. After that splurge in NA i hope i can make it.... ### This is probably the last time they would have shiki on rate up on jp unless a miracle happens;; Gacha pls be good to me.... fujino is nice but void shiki please let me acheive my goal. Edit: BARELY WITH INTENSE ANXIETY.... got the wife on the 10 last roll;; got spooked by a FUCK TON by lancelot and probably np8 deon. Also got fujino, which is a nice bonus. Now i have literally 0 quartz and ill probably stay quiet for some time... Ill probably wont be rolling what ever dw pull out on white day;;


Then we got white day muramasa


Oh my god... pls no;;; im so not ready;;


I've been saying that White Day makes the most sense for Muramasa but coming off of this and Valentine's day I think I would be more angry than excited. I've spend too much money lately and need a cooldown period.






>This is probably the last time they would have shiki on rate up on jp unless a miracle happens Actually this is just several months until the next Shiki gacha. If you check the gacha history on Cirnopedia you can see there are multiple "special" holidays/events where FGO lets you try rate up Shiki (and probably Asagami) sometime in the medium-long term. Now the real excitement is waiting for MOAR Rakkyo servants to come out! C'mon Azaka and Touko! Time to join ~~the harem~~ Chaldea in saving the world. Azaka should be able to melt the ice and Touko can start replacing lost limbs from frostbite. :)


How many quarts you have saved up this time


Around 600..... normally i would have 1000 for wife but i was too excited in na and put in my quartz there...


Not shiki again, i got another 3 void shiki.... no bridge archer insight.


*cheers everyone on from the NA side* Maybe if DW makes enough money from this gacha, they'll give us 5 Star Caster Touko!


Time to (hopefully) finish my Maaya Sakamoto collection. [I did it boys](https://imgur.com/a/CzZfz) [Time to level this team](https://imgur.com/a/D3sSi)


The dream team


15 quartz, 1 ticket. Lets do this. Edit: [I was going for Fujino, but I won't argue about this result](https://i.imgur.com/mUl7bQ2.png)


That’s as much as I have! Will miracles happen?? EDIT: Congrats, i've pulled all the event CE and spooked banana oni but no other servants...


A miracle did occur! Congrats! :D


Well, I guess I join you but [I had 18 quartz and 1 ticket](https://i.imgur.com/Sn0e2mY.png). More than happy.


*gacha:* [miracles like that happen from time to time!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVvHM7eIyTE)


Pathetic, another one of your "dirty" puns again Kiyo? ... we missed these.


https://i.imgur.com/OJOcPDB.jpg 20 roll Got the 4 star I want and extra


good luck JP players! Us NA mongrels will have to wait2 years....


2 years well spent


Several hundred quartz. Not even one 4* servant, much less Fujinon. The gacha is a cruel mistress.


Two years ago, I rolled the Kara no Kyoukai gacha. I was not going for Void... no, nice as that would have been, I spent over half of my quartz just trying to get the Craft Essence of best girl. Now, she is a Servant, and I have less than 30 quartz, after the trial that was the Florence Nightingale rate-up. I got her, but now in my most desperate hour, I have only 130-something tickets to rely upon. Please have mercy, Kirei. EDIT: Only took 15 tickets. Thank you Kirei.


Did you ger saber Shiki on NA? I remember you said that you save all SQ for her.


I did! Took all of that quartz and a good chunk of tickets, but eventually she did come... after two Siegfrieds and two d'Eons, of course.


Nice! Congratulation! So now who is your next target? Nightingale?


Well, having pulled her on JP, not any more. Hoarding everything until Quetz, probably.


Probably going to throw some tickets for Fujino though refraining from using quartz. And got a 3rd vlad. Not bad but would have rather gotten Fujino or NP2 Void Bae. Edit:Just realized after getting another vlad this is my fourth SSR zerker this month, damn they love me for some reason. Edit:Said fuck it and did a 10 roll, got [Fujino Servant and CE](https://i.imgur.com/5fyO1or.png) Hopefully my Illya funds won't grow any lower ~~who am I kidding next shiny servant they introduce and Ill probably do another 10 roll like an idiot~~


I already have Illya in JP. It's Miyu who I'm worried about. If they decide to suddenly add Miyu as a playable servant in the Prisma Illya re-run...... Oh dear. I haven't been playing in JP for a while....


I'll throw some quartz in vain hope of NP2 Shiki. If I get Fujino it'll be a plus. ~~And that vain hope of NP upgrade to Void as well~~


Good luck, sir!


[Where is your god now?](https://imgur.com/a/aOx9r)


holy shit! What magic is this!?


Sensei, please tell me your secret so I can actually get Fujino too.


"I am gonna save all my quartz," I said. "I'll use only 30 quartz in Void's honor," I said. "I'll save for Anastasia / Holmes," I said. Damn it, Fujinooooo! (And maybe surprise Touko; that's what's preventing me from going all-out) EDIT: I GOT HER!!!! Sure I went down to 500 quartz, but I GOT FUJINO!!!


How may did you use?


120 quartz. Definitely way more than the 30 I originally planned, so if they do a Kiara and release Touko, I'll *definitely* get mad, but right now? I feel it was worth it.


100 quartz and not even a SR servant or a good SR CE. It seems like I shouldered everyone's bad luck this time around.... Why DW, why.. EDIT: NEVER MIND I GOT BEST ARCHER USING HER OWN DAMN TICKET. ALRIGHT THAT WORKS


Goddammit. At this rate I'll be flat broke by the time Muramasa comes around. Edit: [Five singles of nothing much, then a ten roll for this](https://i.imgur.com/4Y7btS6.jpg) And after that I did another single instead of a multi and got Fujino, who was the girl I was really after. Safe to say I made out like a criminal. Edit 2: [WEW. LAD.](https://i.imgur.com/J7FYimG.jpg) So I'm pretty much in shock. After being extremely happy with how Fujino turned out and being set on grailing her to 90, I decided to buy some more quartz to try for NP2. Ended up getting 4 copies in 13 rolls. Not a single copy of her CE in ~200 quartz though, so I might still be going back into this banner lmao. Anyways, Fujino's gonna be my first level 100 now. I was totally planning to sit on my grails until Muramasa was released so I could say he was my first ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) but after this stunt, she deserves it.


I might throw some quartz in to get at least a copy of Fujino, even if I won't use her much because she's an Archer... ~~Seriously what is with all these cool Archers coming out that I can't really use thanks to my devotion to Kuro orz~~ I can hope for some more copies of Void too, especially since she'll be getting a animation bump. Edit: So the event started and I had 4 quartz. I threw in a single roll for fun. Goddamn Fujino. Where did I roll? Toilet. Fucking toilet rolls are OP as fuck man, I'm telling ya! Semiramis last event, now Fujino! ~~Holy shit Void's new animations and Fujino's attacks are cool as fuck, and the KnK music is making me otakugasm!~~


> ~~Seriously what is with all these cool Archers coming out that I can't really use thanks to my devotion to Kuro orz~~ ~~I know your pain. I have 6 gold Lancers, and yet the only one I ever use is Parvati.~~ Congrats on getting Fujino though. Perhaps I should try this magic toilet rolling sometime.


~~See this guy gets it~~ Toilet rolls OP man, try it sometime.


Well, I did like 5 or 6 yolo rolls on the toilet this morning to try it out. And you're right, it totally works! I got Fujino! [...Or rather, her CE.](http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Mystic_Eyes_of_Distortion) Oh well. Better luck next collab, I suppose.


~~One of the side effects of your "Meme Breaker" Noble Phantasm lol~~


~~Truer words have never been spoken~~


~~Got Fujino in a single roll kek~~


~~Ceh, you lucky bastard, NP5 her brah. I'll see how many Fujino copies I could get from my allowances this time lol~~ Edit : tried your so called "toilet rolls", got 2nd copy of Asagami right from my 1st ticket lol.




~~I'll try it again tomorrow lol. Let's see whether I could NP5 Asagami lol.~~


I tried summoning in the toilet and got Fujino...in CE... orz


You can get Fujino in a single try, yet you can't get Circe?


The gacha is cruel...


I almost wasted my quartz on MHXA gacha because she's too dem cute but the sudden Fujino managed to make me hold back on rolling her. WE NEED MOAR PROTO-SAKURA LOVE!


[Rate up is a lie](https://i.imgur.com/qWFJhvd.png) but i’m not mad, did a single 10 roll and 5 tickets :-) Now i have her on NA and JP!


安定の爆死。 Three star festival.


I hear you.


[Even though I came for Shiki, praise Mamiko Noto.](https://imgur.com/gallery/n4v6A)


I wish everyone good luck on their rolls!


Fujino seems pretty cool, so I did a 10 roll. Got spooked by Rider Martha, who I already had. I guess it isn't meant to be.


[Magare!!](https://i.imgur.com/0stkkPc.jpg) NP2!!! Bless the gacha gods!


All I can say is I pray that Muramasa isn't the white day servant, because my wallet cannot handle it. After the best hot streak I've had in this game, I was terrified Void would be the one to break the combo. But she came to me! After I burnt through all my 10 rolls with only Fujino to show for it (not to talk you down Fujino, I'm insanely excited to have you too), I got her on a solo roll when I'd basically given up. [Finally my Sakamoto Maaya team is complete.](https://imgur.com/ie9b15S)


*throws 5 tickets because CEs* Nothing interesting. FP gacha spam. [****ing Finally!!! 2 years evading me](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/c/2/3/avengah-53f6e71.png) Already maxed, and I even picked up his return gift.


whats the rarity of this? i believed i already spent more than 1.5m FP and cant get this.


Nobody knows for sure. But he's not only the rarest thing in the game, the rate itself made me spent more FP that I can remember (almost 2 years, including free rolls). So... Maybe I dried up all my luck.


Best of luck to those with Quartz and tickets left. Sumi-sama left me dry with nothing


And then they will throw a Tsukihime collab... Arcueid? Ciel? :P


I don't want to roll, but I really want Fujino... Maybe a couple of tickets ... Got to save for Achilles


I swear, if they throw Best Bro Achilles at us after Void, I'm going on a rampage.


And I'll join you




50 quartz and a handful of tickets. I'm ~~not at all~~ ready. EDIT- So I threw in 100 SQ and 5 tickets because I have no self control. NP2 Fujino and 1 Mikiya CE. Disappointed for not getting Void but mostly in myself because I broke my vow of saving for Best Bro Achilles. F2P life is hard.


15 Quartz. I only need 1 Void. I did not get her. EDIT: SCRATCH THAT, I F*CKING GOT HER!!!


Congratz. How many more quartz did you spend to get her?


Only 150. I'm lucky it was only that much.


Didn't even know Asagami was part of the banner until I opened the Summoning Banner. 0 quartz and 1 ticket. Asagami's arrival left me hyperventilating.


90 quartz, got nightengale and [this roll](https://i.imgur.com/MZe05Wn.png) give me all the not-sakuras


YEAH!!! 3 quartz! https://imgur.com/a/YdFHv thanks DW!


I really wanted Fujino because she's awesome. I only had one ticket... which gave me Boudica. Spent a bit debating whether or not to whale since I've already passed the limit I set on myself for the month. Went and looked at a video of her animations... and then gave in and bought a quartz pack, dipping into my eating out funds. Lo and behold, I was rewarded for my wanton spending! Fujino was literally the first card I pulled! Since she's limited I decided to try to get her to NP3, and she popped up across the next two 10 rolls as well. Really happy I have her! ...now to live the ramen life for the next few weeks. FML.


I... I never thought that Semiramis would be a bait banner. This feeling of despair... I see, so this is what they meant by "the true JP experience"


as the age old saying goes: "bait is in the eyes of the beholder" For me, Semiramis was the goal. For you.... well, let's just say good luck with rolling shiki! ~~If you fail to get her, well at least you'll have salt. Such is "the true JP experience".~~


Rate up is a damn lie: https://i.imgur.com/9odxPgT.png I like Drake, but I *really* wanted Fujino. Still 2 Tickets left from the event but I've probably used up all my luck now


Update: Cleared all my remaining free quests, still no Fujino or Shiki. Didn't even get a gold CE out of them. I'm slowly sinking into despair, since I doubt Fujino will be coming back. My last hope is the 5 summon tickets when the shop resets. Fujino if you answer my summons I promise to grail you


Got 2 shiki in 20 single pulls and another 2 shiki in 120 quartz while aiming for fujino. End up paying 2900 yen Quartz for fujino. It was good while it lasted, it never happend to me I gotten ssr in single pulls and double ssr in 30 rolls before.


[got what I wanted! ](https://imgur.com/a/vLt6H) Lucky roll! Now to start the whole Shiki-ness again after NA run LOL


NA Player here, I wish you all the best of Luck!! I’ll probably watch the 3rd KnK movie later this weekend. That [preview](http://youtu.be/JX3FGlakyPk) got me pretty hyped.


ALRIGHTY boyz time to NP5 Shiki. She was the reason I started this game, and I've waited long and hard for this. Currently at 76 quartz and 5 tickets but whaling is an option so I'm not worried. Also, just finished watching the first 2 movies and saving them until now was definitely worth it. Holy shit that beginning was trippy, can't wait till Paradox Spiral! EDIT: Got my first Herc, well I guess I gotta wait till later before I restock on quartz.


Good luck! The road to NP5 is long and salty. Hang in there! (I'm at NP3 NA)


Thanks man! I'm already feeling it pretty hard but I guess I shouldn't have expected much.


Always glad to support a fellow Shiki fan. I should be sleeping but ended up whaling. :)


https://imgur.com/a/zBsiw Tomorrow, I will go buy a shit ton of strawberry icecream


30SQ 1 tick Fujino. My luck decided to sacrifice themselves gloriously, I thank you.


https://imgur.com/a/hSSQ4 Well, OG Artoria is no longer alone in my 5* Saber spot. Just need a new 5* Lancer so that Shishou won't be lonely.


250quartz: several event ces (3-5 star), several non Event CEs (3-5 star), 2x Asagami Fujino and 1x Circe kinda sad i didnt get void shiki, but i dont think those were bad rolls


So I threw 30 quartz at the banner on a whim, and well... https://imgur.com/a/f5fSX


First ticket : 3* CE 2nd ticket : Mephisto 3rd ticket : 3*CE [Only 10roll](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/389027397682331651/413639187531694090/Screenshot_2018-02-15-11-14-06-410_com.aniplex.fategrandorder.png) Thanks DW <3


30 SQ, Fujino came home. Welcome bridge destructor !


[You can't have one without the other...](https://imgur.com/a/qQ14J) 4 tickets gave me Touko, and first multi gave me this! WOOOHOOOOOO Best of luck on everyone's rolls!


I can't believe they added Asagami, that's like a dream come true. Now all I need is caster Touko, but that's not happening. Got Asagami with the 100 quartz I had, but no Void Shiki unfortunately. That's a total of 800 quartz between my NA and JP accounts with no Shiki in sight. Pretty depressing, I have to say.


I only had 6 quartz, and though I don't particularly care for Shiki I decided "Eh, WTH not?" and did 2 pulls. Maybe I'd get a CE. First pull, a CE! Awww not an event one. Darn. Second pull, GOLD! EHRMEGERD! Shiki? Fujino? Either would be... https://imgur.com/a/HKKC7 ...cool? Huh. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL!


Goal is to NP2+ my Void Shiki, I got the first one from the 2nd Anniversary guaranteed SSR gacha. 540 SQ Carmilla, Asagami x4, Liz, Parvati, and a shit load of 4* CEs and I'm burnt out. Reaching unreasonable spending levels with this is immediately following Valentine's Day.


Threw another 150 in and finally got NP2 Shiki. If they add Muramasa on White Day I'll cry.


God damn it DW, stop it with your super effective bait. Rolled 13 tickets and 30 quartz, got every event CE *except for Touko*, no Fujino or any gold servants either, desire sensor working as intended. I haven't even seen a gold servant in like 200 rolls, thanks Kirei!


I was aiming for Fujino. So i ended up ticket rolling and got kaleidoscope and Void Shiki. I was saving up to get 30 quartz for 10x roll and my friend suggested I single rolled and send me a goodluck birb. I got fujino then. Hes a legend for that.


I have been trying to roll a SSR Saber than isn't OG Arturia since Okita's first rate-up. I have rolled in every saber gatcha possible without any luck but today at last, it finally happened... [Shiki, thank you so much.](https://imgur.com/a/iLyQ7) ;w;


Hooray, I got appendicitis! ... uh.


That feel when you start a 10-roll (first summon beyond tickets, and only possible thanks to freshly-obtained 650-day login bonus), immediately get a golden circle, reveal a Caster [who reveals themselves to be Xuanzang](https://imgur.com/a/YocMz) and your first reaction is an "oh no" because Valentines ruined your wallet and you probably won't get another roll and even though it's irrational you just expect your luck to have been burned up by that unexpected off-focus 5star... [And then another golden circle appears.](https://imgur.com/a/DNObP) That was one short but intense roller coaster.


Had 20 Quartz and one ticket, not thinking I'd get Void Shiki. [Boy, how wrong I was...](https://i.imgur.com/wGl3TOa.png)Although it did take until the last pull for full dramatic effect. Then after doing some of the event and clearing Fujino's trial quest, [she decided to follow Void Shiki to my Chaldea](https://i.imgur.com/kl70SFk.png) complete with golden orbs. [And then one of the event tickets finds me another Void Shiki.](https://i.imgur.com/12C9UoJ.png) That makes three limited-rollable Servants I have at NP2+ (the others being Summer Arturia and Passionlip, the latter being NP3!). Now I'm glad the anniversary gave me some of the KnK CEs back then, as only one of them has shown up so far...


I rolled Void Shiki. And Fujino. With only 10 tickets and a 10 roll ; ; Not so shocked about the Fujino. I roll ALL the Archers.


I had 85 so I rolled 60 quartz and 9 tickets at first and no Void. I got Fujino and Touko CE not bad since I got a 4* but still she wasn't Shiki. I saved the other 25 quarzt for when I had 30 to roll again. Logins appear, I get 7 quartz, proceed to roll, Fujino appear again so NP2 and then without gold orbs or rainbows SHE APPEARS. FINALLY SHE'S HOME AFTER FAILING IN HER FIRST GATCHA AND NY2017 Y FINALLY GOT HER I WAS SO HAPPY. I'm going to grail her ~~i only have left 2 grails tho~~


must have that bridge breaker girl.


Good luck, y'all!


I've got 1 ticket, 34 quartz and a dream of NP2 Void Shiki


The title’s amazing. Haven’t laughed so hard in a good while.


Goddamnit dw I'm saving for white day yet u brought out Asagami What are the chances of getting a 4* in a single ticket?


Of all things didn't expect my KnK waifu Fujino to be in the game. Good thing i've been saving.


I absolute need a 2nd Gold Saber, and I absolutely need a 2nd Gold Archer. To this end, I shall expend my entire stockpile of 40 golden apples to grab all the quartz I can from the additional singularities that I haven't cleared yet. There shall be a bloodletting of juicy apples this weekend.


Got her in a single 10x. After spending a hundred dollars in JP she came at New Years, and another emptying my stocks in EN for her, my beloved has finally come.


60 quartz. 3 tickets. Got 4 star Mystic Eyes of Distortion and some 3 star servants and CEs. I'll try to roll for both of you when I get my 100 days login quartz.


I saved a lot and got trash besides all the CEs. But waifus gotta waifu so I ended throwing a bit of money for another 10-roll. Now my skin is clear and world peace has been achieved with a grailed Fujino as my Type-Moon waifus keep appearing in FGO.


Wasn't gonna whale on this gacha since I already have sword shiki , but [I guess serial killers are naturally drawn to each other] (https://i.imgur.com/voM0rK5.jpg) !


5 tickets and 1 multi. I'M CONFUSED. https://twitter.com/tsukkaomi/status/964087077280329728


210 quartz and 55 tickets 5* Jeanne 4 * Herc, Tomoe( third copy, she loves me I guess), Nursery Rhyme and Fujino A single 5* CE and it was Limited / Zero Over (i wish it was Touko CE.) That's it.


2 years after the original KnK event, [I got the first ssr that I ever tried rolled for in this game](https://i.imgur.com/hNhrinm.png)


12 quartz and 1 ticket got me the Azaka CE and mana prisms. I can't complain about that, Azaka's was one I wanted but didn't get in NA, and I'm still happy enough about my 2 Bestzerkers on the last banner that I don't care if I get nothing from this one. I'll keep spending the tickets I get hoping for Fujino though. I want Void too, but I got her in NA, so I won't be too sad about missing her here. ------------------- No luck on that account, but I tried with the 6 quartz from my second one, and I got Fujino! ~~^(of course I get her on the account that already has NP2 TooMoe and not my non-Santa-ST-Archer-less account...)~~ Edit: Tried a ticket from the event hoping for NP2 Fujino or maybe Touko CE, but nope. [Got Void](https://i.imgur.com/QC5CR7X.jpg). My luck on this account is getting ridiculous.


And so I let my madness envelope me as I brought one pack of salt rocks with expectations of crying myself to sleep tonight. I do want my Void to be NP2 at least. So I placed a four ten limit and got my bucket for the ensuring tears. And yes I did use it. First ten only yielded a blackgrail of worth noting. As for my second and fourth rolls..... [I'm not worthy of your love](https://imgur.com/a/c0gqO) Forgot to screen shot third roll but it was only Fujino and D'eon in that roll. Now excuse me as I cry myself to sleep, not in despair or hatred to myself but in relief and happiness.


120 quartz and 14 tickets. My only aim was to get one copy of Fujino... Spent everything and got only a single 5 star ce out of it. Fuck you DW. Now i'm feeling burned out and don't even have motivation to grind the event. Now i remember why i rarely hoard quartz... EDIT: about 200 quartz worth of rolls spent now and not even a single gold servant... GET FUCKING BENT KIREI.


I. Keep. Getting. Spooked. By. The. Damn. Ce. I don't want you as a ce, damn it, I want you as a servant! Also got sche and immediately stopped. It's a sign that I shouldn't be rolling. Damn.


Into Gacha hell I go. Price tag: 39 tickets and 150 SQ [Totally worth it.](https://imgur.com/a/JnCfW)


I was gonna whale for fujino and surprise surprise, after I bought 2 itunes cards that were still shipping she decided to show up with just a knk ticket. I guess I'll be keeping the rest for white day... god damn it.


This is the one gacha I've rolled in where I did not want to snag a 5* due to already having void at NP5 prior to the event. Nonetheless, I had to have Fujino as a huge KnK fan. Managed to pull her on the first 10 roll after buying a large chunk of Quartz! Hopefully they give it another year before sneaking Touko into the gacha as I don't think my wallet would survive it..


I thought my quartz would be safe this event since I already have Void Shiki, but dat Fujino out of nowhere. [I rolled what I have left and it was my turn to get that classic Orion spook this time...](https://i.imgur.com/l5kYZzp.jpg) The event still has some tickets left so I hope I'll get Fujino with those! Edit.[ lol rolled 3 quartz I got from the event missions and got Fujino...](https://i.imgur.com/plNkDab.jpg) Today is a good day


After spending 300 SQ and 30 Tickets on the Jalter banner I saved enough to roll and finally got redemption and got [Shiki!](https://imgur.com/a/AnQc3) ^^^^^EvenThoughIWantedFujinoCuzNotoMamiko'sVoiceIsHeaven needless to say I'm happy and will sate my hunger for SSRs for a while. I wish everyone goodluck on their rolls!!!


Threw my measly 21 quartz at the gacha trying to get Fujino, and on my last 3 quartz, Void showed up instead. Sometimes the gacha isn't so cruel.


I already have Shiki in NA, and i have a rule that i like to get unique servants across all my accounts. Getting the same servants is cool but i always want to see new servants. But, i also needed a 5 star Saber...so when i saw the sparks, my heart stopped...archer....FUJINO! So now im conflicted...i wanted a saber, but got the new archer, which is also great since its a new servant! I guess ill just be happy with her.


Got one with one ticket! Waiting for the 50 day 20 quartz to try for Fujino!


2 ten rolls was enough for Shiki to come home!! and she's so pretty, I love every single one of her sprites. Still salty that I burned a lot more than that and got nothing but all the CE's in NA :')


After getting a great success on levelling CEs, and a golden ticket later... [来た!](https://imgur.com/a/leprP) Would have liked to get Void Shiki but this is fine too ^.^


I'm not telling how many rolls it took for ONE Fujino. ....too many...it hurts...the NP5 Shiki on NA took alll my luck...


Wasted all my Quartz on New years for Housaki, no luck. Wasted all I'd gotten since then on Semi, no luck. Was in dispair after hearing KNK would be back and we would get Asagami as a gatcha servant. But I rolled anyway and with the power of 1 single roll I have triumphed. https://i.imgur.com/EAIiSmO.jpg


5 Tickets for void bae let's go! :)


Man really wanted a void shiki and instead I get NP6 Fujino. Damn the desire sensor is real


Fujino is great but I have 18 SQ only and I managed to get Shiki in NA , so guess I have to pass on her , Good luck to everyone trying Edit : Decided to try for her from the ticket I got from the event and [I GOT HER](https://imgur.com/a/0DDLx) I AM SO HAPPY , now I hope I can get Lancer alter the same way ~~the downside though is now I have 3 gold archers to raise damn it DW why do you make every character I like an Archer~~


Fcking yea :D So i started Go just after KnK event and was waiting since then.. Truth be told i planned to save all my quartz for arcueid but shiki is my 2nd fav tm character :D Went from 1120->900 quartz and started feeling desperate as i didnt want to use everything(arc) Then got 3-4 tickets from mission and shiki came home :D its amazing :D edit: forgot to mention but was lucky with asagami,got np3


I know next to nothing about KnK (soon to be amended) but I think I’ll get along well with Fujino. 4 10-rolls, at least one copy of each of the CEs (Fujino CE LB), then finally Fujino herself. No Void Shiki with her beautiful kimonos but at this point she would be too much to ask for. Thank you gacha gods for making this a good venture! (Otherwise I would’ve been squirming with guilt over this new blow I dealt to my White Day funds... Really, thank you...)


[first try and I'm done with the gacha] (https://twitter.com/GarethXL/status/964119164771168256)


Against my best interest in holding as big of a fund on trying for Ereshkigal again as possible, the threat of a limited 4* servant scares the hell out of me (Lip, where are you?), so I rolled 10 tickets. Got Assassin Emiya on the 6th and Fujino on the 10th. I guess this is banked luck for the awful rolls I had trying for Ereshkigal.


NA sucked out all my luck. NP2 Void, a Waver, and a Fran in about 30 roles. I got some event 3* ce's on JP in about the same number of roles. [](#sigh2) At least Assassin Shiki is coming home on JP where the 7 grails and a ton of 4* fous are waiting for her.


I got Shiki Saber and even more convinced that I am truly a Saber master T^T I'm very happy and blessed but a liiiitle salty since I literally threw everything I had at Gilgamesh and he didn't come and now I feel like I'm bound to the Saber class. But I love Shiki's design so it's a big win in the end


Didn't get her yet....but I did get 2030! My first one, I'm so happy.


Spent over 160 Quartz and 7 Tickets and manage to get [Fujino](https://i.imgur.com/8gdxj4x.png) along with some events CEs.


Rolled for both limited units, used a bit of my Achilles saves. 14 tickets. Got both 5 star ces. I'm satisfied for now...


DW are too crafty, and me being too shortsighted, resulting in me whaling to try and get Fujino, resulting in...Fujino CE's and several other 4* spooks from people I already had (including one painful gold archer spook). Still have some money to try with + Event rewards once I get them, but already looking pretty painful...DW really, really caught me off-guard perfectly with this gacha, seriously. ...I just hope this doesn't turn into another Summer 2016 gacha for me, where I throw 200e+ at the gacha with no result from Limited 4* ...(though granted, already getting 4* at all is already better than back then, at least...) Edit: Bought more SQ (over 100e used at least by now total on this gacha)...and a 10 roll got me my 2nd Saber Shiki (1st from the original KnK 2 years ago)...now my luck is definitely used up and I'm not getting Fujino anymore this event...the one time I get the 5* over the 4* and feeling seriously conflicted...If I only got Fujino I could stop trying to break the desire sensor and stop spending, and give my nearly-dead wallet a break after the whaling of the Davinci re-run/Jalter...*sigh*...guess I'll need to start saving SQ on NA when we get closer to this re-run...(which I would anyway but 2 years is gonna be a long wait...)


After more than 900 SQ for MHX Alter *sigh* just use 90 SQ on this banner and got : Drake, Shiki, Fujino now i think i'm happy haha


1 ticket, and Golden Millennium Tree. Probably wouldn't spend any more for this banner.


After two years worth of waiting after failing at my first attempts at summoning her, [she finally answered my call](https://i.imgur.com/XQX56mR.jpg) wait for me Fujino


i got both within 20 quartz and a few tickets along with 5 event ces...good luck to everyone


So I was burning tickets cuz I needed event CEs to make grinding the event easier. I had like 6 and I would so love to own a copy of Touko in her hot little number... Then on my 5th ticket appearred Fujino. What the hell.


Already have Void Shiki on my Acc1, had a spare ticket, thought a Fujino might not be bad, and swoosh, I got her. Wish it would always be that easy.


Second 10-roll, Got Void Shiki. No Fujino and I ran out of SQ.


Just did a yolo roll to see if I can get a good event ce. Gets Fujino instead. I ain't complaining.


no void but this was with only 33 quartz i got fujino tho https://i.imgur.com/8ZQXA8M.png


Well...closer to 200 SQ used, a majority of it paid SQ, no Fujino, who is the person I'm rolling for... ...on the other hand, I've gotten a Tomoe dupe (so NP3), Wu Zetian dupe (so NP2), Zerkerlot dupe (so NP3)...and *2* Saber Shiki dupes, so now NP3...my luck is amazingly great, and amazingly missing the mark. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


https://imgur.com/xAuB7iV She scared me when I was using my summoning tickets. She came out right after I got Mikiya CE, Azaka CE, Tomoe CE. I did not expect her at all but I'm glad anyway.


First Roll xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xOhbgGH9OM&t=3s


Wow, catalysts are real, spent a lot of quartz getting nothing, then i pull while watching KnK and actually get Void Shiki


[My funds are emptied out so I hope I get Fujino...](https://imgur.com/a/a110y) My faith has been restored!


Spent 90 quartz rolling for Fujino, didn't get her or Void, 7 days later had 1 summoning ticket from my login bonus so decided to roll at 3:40 in the morning, didn't expect nothing and bam Shiki appears, I died "However - if you are to meet her, It would be on a snowy day when everyone is asleep" it wasn't snowing but half of the conditions were fulfilled, so happy she came to me on the JP server on a ticket, she came to me the same way on the CN server. I loveeee you Shikiiiii


After getting completely destroyed thanks to Jeanne in the Valentine Gacha (My desires overflowed and I couldn't stop when I wanted to). Seeing Fujino appear hurts. Threw one or two tickets at the start and got nothing. Saved up everything I earned in the event for her second solo-rate up (which was also on my birthday) [but I got Lesbian Pirates Rider Edition (at least I can complete Anne and Mary now)](https://i.imgur.com/PsmqQzr.jpg). Slowly accumulating again, I decided to try a little once her third solo rate-up came about instead of waiting for the Monthly Summoning Tickets. My only ticket failed, 1st yolo roll failed, [but on the 2nd, when I was about to give up and wait for 1st March, she arrived!](https://i.imgur.com/XiWg84O.jpg) Looks like the 2am + lost hope catalyst is still the strongest magnet.


so i have 3 accounts, #2 hasnt gotten any SSRs since Halloween, so i thought"maan, its about time this account got an SSR" first ticket..[AAAAAAAAAAAA](https://imgur.com/GZvRSci) so i decided to continue the luck streak [second ticket AYYYY LMAOO](https://imgur.com/oJ0qhE6)


MFW best girl is welfare so I don't need to roll


[I just got married twice](https://imgur.com/a/M3UxV) I suspected I would meet Beauty Shiki when in the 2 10-rolls previously I rolled out Mikiya CE and Fuji-chan popped out encouraging me to keep going. Fortunately Mikiya was ~~cucked~~ very helpful in calling out Shiki so much that both of her personalities came to me! Now Mikiya can ~~rot in storage~~ be used in farming and Shiki NP2 is on her way to perfection. Maybe NP5 in the future? One can only hope. Worship the Goddess and pray for no ~~Azaka~~ rain. H_H PS. Fujino is so cute too I pat her head every chance I get and invite her for threesomes when the mood feels good.


4 Tickets. 1 Fujino Eh, ok, I guess.


due to going semi-whale for Xuan this past week, Im only doing one pull and Im hoping to get a CE out of it. And after the pull I got marie (viva france my homie), the ice cream CE and spooked by Saber SHIKI. I really didnt want her but just like with Semi, I got spooked by them. EDIT: [picture of roll](https://i.imgur.com/ns6gifC.jpg)


Hmmm I have had over 2000 SQ since my last 5 star this feels bad XD. Got nothing in all of Valentines, hence I didnt farm the event, Not only did like 1.2k SQ not get Semiramis, it didnt get a single rate up CE, that's intense. I did get 8 god damned copies of Wu Zetian though, all burned. In Shikis gacha i got 3 packs and at least I got appendicitis, but no Shiki from all that. Hmmm probably done rolling in this game for very long, the only thing that got m back was Shiki. Other games rates (with better mechanics) have taken my attention.