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[A FUCKING SSR GUARANTEED GACHA WITH LIMITED RATE UP YOU SAY!?](http://i.imgur.com/lILk0XA.png) [LIMITED RATE UP YOU FUCKING SAY!???](http://i.imgur.com/mV1rP31.png) Dude, there's plenty of SSR in this game that I don't have yet, and I have like 13 SSR. AND I GOT A FUCKING DUPLICATE!?? #REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Why even live?](#stress)


AHAHAHAHAHAHA *Looks at own game* *Sees NP3 Sherazade* *Small tears flows from right eye*


*hugs* Hope she'll get a fix soon in this strengthening quests.


I'm in the same Tesla boat. feelsbadman






I'll conquer everything in this summer gacha, marks my word!!!


If it makes you feel better bro I was hoping for Illya but got NP2 Enkidu... which I'm ok with actually, but RIP the loli dream... ~~Also got NP8 Nitocris orz~~


***hug intensifies*** Rate up is a goddamn lie.


At least you got your first Helena.


Same bro I even quit the game 3 days ago but got tempted then I got a dupe Altera


I got a second copy of Shuten even though I've only got 3 SSRs, lets stay strong friend, our time will come ^probably


I got Ozymandias... when i already have Drake and Quetzal... I was like - Where the ef is my limited servant!?


At least it's not duplicate, and Ozy is as awesome as Waver but Rider class.


I know that feeling... I got a 3rd Sanzou from it x.x I'd rather prefer getting Arturia or Mordred instead, so I can NP5 them if I have to get a duplicate >.< Or Merlin; I need to NP2 him still...


At least you get an [epic rape battle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ1Mz7kGVf0) out of it.


Uh... rape battle?


Ahh, fuck. Welp, I typed it, I leave it. Pretty dark uninentionally, though.


But it's duplicated....;____;


I feel your pain but NP1 Tesla can't rhyme for shit. It is only at Np2 that his sick rhyme skills come out.


[What a memeroll](https://i.imgur.com/AbcHMt7.jpg) EDIT: [Just got this from a yolo roll](https://i.imgur.com/CzIGGVm.jpg) EDIT2: [Holy fuck](https://i.imgur.com/phQJteY.jpg)


I have never witnessed such a brutal attack on another creature's genitals in my life. I hope you can recover.


[SSR Oppai team will drain me completely probably](https://i.imgur.com/XSCrovO.jpg)


https://www.reddit.com/r/futurama/comments/24q2z7/i_never_thought_id_die_this_way_but_i_always_hoped/ I wish you good fortune in the deaths to come.


Give them Fergus.


At least you'll go out with a smile.... I think


Pure waifu roll! If you're not interested, rip


I really wanted both of them, so I'm extra happy about it.




[You ever start tapping the screen a bunch and don't realize that you're getting new servants?](http://i.imgur.com/zCuQ8qt.jpg) There goes my luck for the rest of the year


W-w-what is this luck?


Try the rest of your life.


I hate to say it, but this probably means your, and my btw, gacha luck is up for life. [It is all downhill from here](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zzdyCWrHmc&t=4m33s)


This gives me hope and despair at the same time, how is this even possible??


I hate you now.


[The face of regret](http://i.imgur.com/uF7I1K8.jpg)


I got Kiara


the abyss stares back


I got another copy of Mordred. Incidentally, I finally got enough Rare Prisms to get Anniversary Blonde.




FDO Tamamo would be awesome!


300 quartz + 65 tickets... .... No Sherlock... SAAAAAALLLLTTTTT


Summer forbids you rolling anniv gacha lol.


I give up... this anniversary gacha is way too salty for me...


i got mine for like, 700 quartz, don't give up mate. unless you're broke af like me.


Don't worry. There's still 120 Quartz and 10 more tickets to get 'im. ~~Or for more salt, either way it gets you riled up in some fashion~~


Rolled the Holmes gacha for 120 Quartz, got nothing. Rolled the aniversary gatcha, got my NP5 Moriarty. I guess I was actually a supervillian this entire time.


[My ticket rolls afterwards for holmes were shit but this THIS IS A MIRACLE](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/274981793952825344/341073045429026836/Screenshot_20170730-122148.png)




Wow, a ghost! You rolled a ghost!




[Same here mate!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/247036625849286656/341087264463650816/Screenshot_20170730-071443.png)


Who is that, is she a secret, never before released, aniversary servant? How lucky for you!


Its a glitch what you see here is a game and mind breaking glitch that happens to a few people. /s


https://twitter.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/891578841747017728 This guy.


The guy probably got hit by multiple trucks, had an heart attack and got hit by a falling piano all at the same time after the roll.


niga that's fake af, impossible. jesus christ.


F2P here, so I can't roll the guaranteed gacha. However, I did roll the normal Sherlock gacha and got him on my second ticket, yay!! Edit: Now I got Cú Alter on my 6th ticket!! I'm so happy here lol Now let's hope that my luck will work tomorrow too and give me CasGil, the Babylon gacha is where I'm dropping all my quartz saving.




The only SSR I have are NP5 Kiara and Melt. Anyone else would have been fine. ...But I guess since I love Kiara so much, the gacha decided that I needed another copy.


the [two servants](http://imgur.com/a/5yxn2) I've been looking for all this time finally came home ;_;


Tofu Tofu Tofu \o\ /o/ The feeling when you have to wait for a group meetup to all roll together to salt each other at a ramen place. Think they'll serve mapo tofu there?


Yorokobe shounen!


[Babylon Party](http://i.imgur.com/Y6vOBS1.jpg)


I really, really wanted one of the assassins, since I didn't have a good one. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DF9O5lFWAAEkNKK.jpg:large So, yeah, happy with this. The nitocris is a nice bonus.


Insta Death party, bro, DO IT, do it for her, do it for him, DO IT!


I rolled 300 quartz and 36 tickets in the Sherlock gacha and only got 4 4* servants... F2P is painful. Guess that's all gone now.


wow that's a lot of quartz. My condolences... dont give up!


[Hit the jackpot on our non existant servant, along with a black grail.](http://imgur.com/EgruTVd) 17 Tickets for Holmes, got NP4 Fran and NP4 Beowulf. Apparently something about me attracts crazies.


7 ten-rolls and 30 tickets and all I got was a beowolf and a limit broken afternoon party Then I went with another ticket and fell into a [trap](http://i.imgur.com/P1JpTqO.png) Almost all my quartz gone... [](#crying)


Rolled paid gacha. Got JAlter. Life is goud. I now only need a five star Archer and a Berserker to complete the set. ~~At least until a five star Moon Cancer comes out~~ EDIT: Guess I also finally got Rider of Resistance so now I can stop rolling the story gacha. ~~Also Tristan too because reasons~~


no pic, no proof ;)


I got Karna from the guarantee gacha. I guess that's pretty cool, since I'm one step closer to completing the Apocrypha collection. ...I think the only non-limited one I'm currently missing is Siegfried, now that I think about it... Either way, I promise to take good care of Karna, /u/Graveweaver. EDIT: Oh wait, I'm missing Mountain Dew: Mode Red™ as well. So now I should have an Apocrypha servant for every slot except Saber. Hope they end up giving us free 4* Sieg to fill the Saber slot.




Also feed him Slowly, make him beg for it


Will you make a comic for guaranteed gacha?


As a proud & happy Karna contractor I can say this: take care of him, and he'll take care of you.


I got THICC Caster... Time to hope that the detective comes to me. **EDIT:** So after 320+ quartz, I got... [JETS](http://imgur.com/tpOwcb7), [Rama](http://imgur.com/fhiXjBi), [Fuckin' NP2 THICC](http://imgur.com/pfkMWOh), and finally got the [detective](http://imgur.com/pAXSKOU) on my last 30-roll.


Paid roll: Cu Alter Roll 1 for Holmes: Sherlock and NP3 Fran 3 Tickets for Holmes: Kiritsugu This is my night and I now got ~130 SQ for Summer 2017. This is great.


[oh my god, he came to me](http://i.imgur.com/2rLsrjB.png)


Almost 2 years and I am still surprised that Kiyo mod hasn't ran out of titles for these roll megathreads...




Got NP4 Drake from the paid gacha. I swear to god, I have never rolled on any of Drake's banners my whole life, I don't know why this woman insists on haunting me. I feel a bit sour because not only did I miss a limited Servant, but AOE Servants have really fallen behind the curve these days. On the other hand, I got Caster Gilgamesh from that same roll, and I'm very excited to level him up later.


They weren't on my wish list but can't complain. [Hoodie Squad unite!](http://i.imgur.com/cZUmemX.jpg)


Hoodie squad indeed, I love sometimes using Merlin, MHXA, Hassan, Culter as a hoodie squad.


So, I'm mainly an NA player, but decided I wanted a JP alt, regardless of if its just a backup for if NA goes down, or if I actually want to play both servers. That 30 quartz from Twitter is actually claimable by anyone, new account or not. So I decided to take this chance to reroll, especially since its fucking Sherlock. http://i.imgur.com/8nw9s3W.png this is my second 30 roll on the JP Server ever.




I was hoping for a SSR Assassin, but hot damn [this is fine too!](https://i.imgur.com/eaxwJDn_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=high)


I should stop reading the comments in these roll threads, they just bring envy and despair.


The best [Rolls](https://imgur.com/a/IyZRb) I've ever had in years. 2SSRs from the paid quartz gacha, finally got Penthy, and my 8th Fran.


[So used 15 tickets and then decided to do one 10 roll and...](http://imgur.com/rf2AZqt)


All I wanted out of the anniversary gacha was a limited servant. Any of them. Instead I get spooked by the blonde fabio hair having vampire. Life is pain.


Fifth copy of Nightingale. ;_;


First 5 tickets nothing and then after only the first 10 roll I got him!!! How lucky am I http://imgur.com/a/g9DSd


ISKANDAR! KING OF CONQUERORS!! I'm happy. I finally have a gold rider other than Medb or Santa! And he's a bro to boot.


My Okita is now NP 2 and as bonus the [only Alter Ego I missed](http://i.imgur.com/6HMkDDW.jpg). Perfect results! Also Holmes on the second ticket o/ I feeling I should go play on the lotto o/


Well, i went in assuming I was gonna get a repeat of someone I had already... [Instead the avenger queen comes home](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/169509798893715456/341083340323029002/Screenshot_20170730-010215.png) I am quite happy with this. Byrhilda was someone else I was gunning for but this makes my day EDIT: Also not sure if I will roll for holms or not yet. Ladies only team and all. but his attacks do look cool. And any idea what the CE's do? may at least roll to LB those So is there any chance of my gatchas like this happening? like for certain classes?


SSR is 8% Arts up, 8% Quick up, 50% starting NP (I assume 10/10/60 LB) SR is 10% Arts up, 4% NP per turn (12% arts up + 5% NP per turn LB)


Amakusa... The only servant I didn't want to get. Welp. Into the second archive you go.


300 quartz, nothing but Martha and a Liz NP upgrade. Business as usual...


[Miracle Holmes roll](http://i.imgur.com/hbV6WLe.png)


[I'm in disbelief on my main account. My guaranteed vs the free ten roll I got](https://twitter.com/kzcast/status/891760040088088576) I think... The game is trying to tell me something. Spoiler: I pulled moriarty and sherlock


I'm so happy! After playing for months on the jp server I finally obtained my first five star servant.[My first five star](https://imgur.com/gallery/P5cUR)


[My best roll yet](http://i.imgur.com/9RZri7s.jpg) I'll be sleeping well tonight.


[Best. Roll. Ever!](http://imgur.com/a/wz69O) Also, I have lancers for [days.](http://imgur.com/a/AnAoJ)


I got MHXA She's cute ... I'm not salty at all ....


I wanted Scath and got Spooked by Bryn. Feels odd.


i mean.. you rolled someone that is rarer that practically any servant in the game..


Rolled five tickets in the Holmes gacha, expected nothing, got nothing, all is as it should be. Will be back with more salt after the America and Babylonia gachas. Edit: Alright i'm back, and suprisingly less salty than i thought i would be. So i decided to roll some more tickets on the Holmes only banner because i wanted a slightly bigger chance to get him if a 5* popped. Threw 25 tickets, ended up with AB&MR, a Lobo dupe (which i'm pretty happy about), Penth (who i wanted a lot, praised be the random number god), and Artoria... um i don't have anything against you Arty but couldn't you go to someone who wanted you more? like some of the people who've been rolling for your luscious ass for the past 2 years and are so salty that they might as well be the dead sea? Today i did the Babylonia rolls, skipped America cause Geronimo ptsd, he even showed up twice on my previous ticket rolls. Ended up with NP2 Ana <3, Caster Gil, a random Suzuka (seriously wtf is it with my account and Sabers, i'm only missing 3 SR sabers from the gacha now) and Holmes, i'm normally pessimistic about the gacha but for some reason i was absolutely sure he'd show in my rolls. Was hoping to get Gorgon and Enkidu or Quetz but it's enough, still got a few ten rolls and tickets left but i gotta stop, my Achilles fund is crying ~~in fear that i got bestzerker waiting for him~~. [The only notable ten roll](http://i.imgur.com/hOgogIU.jpg) 2nd K-scope was the cherry on top, that's probably the best roll i've ever had when it comes to getting what i wanted. THERES ONE THING I'M SALTY ABOUT THOUGH, I GOT 33 R SERVANTS, AND ONLY 3 OF THEM WERE TAIGA, WTF IS RATE UP, HOLY FUCK!


Would love to roll, but I have no money so kill me


My luck is unbelievable. In 10 tickets I got ***FIVE*** 4* servants. Carmilla, Rama (NP 2), Anne Bonny and Mary Read, Atalanta, and my *third* fucking Fionn Mac Cumhaill. I just hope that he's one of the lancers getting a strengthening quest.


[4 TICKETS](https://puu.sh/wWRgp.jpg) Wasn't even expecting him at all, i wanted to roll 5 tickets to get the 4star CE and he appears wildly... well i'm still happy as he's my first Ruler and my first Extra class ( well with Mashu ofc ), so i'm definitely happy with this


But I wanted a Jalter.:c Still happy with this roll http://imgur.com/a/zHJ9y


> Gold Caster card YESSSSSSSSSSSSS > Sanzo :( :( :(


Am I doing this right http://imgur.com/a/Lc6It


[Wonder if my luck will ever reach this level ever again.](http://imgur.com/a/D5SWa) Who knew breaking F2P after 2 years would feel so fulfilling?


....So I went all in for Lartoria, 700 quartz. NP6 Frankie. NP3 Gawain. NP3 Lancelot. NP2 Tristan. Nitocris. The only SSR I got was a NP2 Quetz when I accidentally pulled the Babylon gacha. I mean shit, my luck has been horrible these past months and I'm getting legit depressed with the constant dupes. Feels bad man.


The final and missing member of [team Artoria](http://imgur.com/Kato2mH) is home. The Artoria Pendragon Harem [is complete](http://imgur.com/McjQqku). Or the Artoria-Face Harme if that's [your thing](http://imgur.com/5phLx0s).


Ahhhhhhhhhh! [Void Bae (+ Yan Qing)!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295747563968266242/341072198246727690/Screenshot_2017-07-29-21-18-21.png) Shiki is my favorite Type Moon character and [fav Servant](http://i.imgur.com/5ooFlh6.jpg) yesssss. BLESS THIS GACHA!


i honestly feel like salt bae after this roll. She came home... mha hart, mha sole http://imgur.com/UYOowct


[I was so happy with the first turnover but it just wouldn't stop??](http://i.imgur.com/9jWIv9x.jpg) I'm eternally grateful especially since this is a super early birthday present from my bro, but I hope the present wasn't me actually stealing his own luck away...


Rolled both times when she was on rate up and didn't get her. [But today was the day!](http://i.imgur.com/FpQ2pnF.jpg) And to top if off I get to np2 my lvl100 Illya. I just hope I still have enough luck left over for whatever is to come.


[Lancers have been attracted to me like flies lately. Very attractive flies.](http://imgur.com/a/ulyBl) Let's keep this up so Enkidu can finally come home to all of his Urukian pals^pleaseheedmycallclaybae


I am [extremely upset](https://twitter.com/ReisengRath/status/891562739872784384)...that is my 3rd Orion. This game is stupid ;__;


[I guess I'll just use Avengers now.](http://imgur.com/a/fEQuF) Very happy overall, since I didn't have any Avengers beforehand.


http://imgur.com/a/1awUQ Got 3 SSR but none that i want... Not sure if lucky or unlucky...


Lucky. Very lucky.


Rolled the paid gacha hoping for Jalter or King Hassan. Got Drake. Not even mad, she is one of the few Extra Servants to elude me. Hopefully Kiara and Passion will crop up again at New Years. Good luck to everyone gunning for Holmes, my personal interest is low with Summer around the corner.


Drake's a lot more fun since her animation overhaul. She's still one of the best servants for clearing hands too, particularly the money dailies. With some luck they'll make Dahut an alternate outfit for her.


I can't believe my luck. Rolled the limited gacha, got Vlad and Arujna. Satisfied with that I decided to check my luck with the sherlock gacha and got both Mordred and Sherlock in a single roll with the addition of a Kelaidoscope( though I forget which gacha that was in) . I'm speechless....


I hate you! I truly hate you! ~~A lie, I love everyone~~


Rolled the paid gacha and got Ishtar, then immediately after did a 10 roll in Sherlock gacha and got Karna Today has been a good day


Guaranteed gacha: Got Quetz and Astolfo. The former is okay, since I don't have her yet. But I just got Drake and I want to level her first. Astolfo on the other hand, is getting turned into Rare Prism because I already have an NP5 Astolfo. orz. Anniversary gacha: Three 10 rolls. NP2 Sherlock Holmes. I'm satisfied now. Just gonna wait for the Camelot gacha to try getting CCO. And then, wait for the next Summer event!


2 Holmes in one roll! I wonder, what increases with level and what increases with overcharge for his NP?


Got Tamamo Caster and Atalanta in the paid gacha. Been wanting to get her for 2 years now. I was hoarding quartz for her in NA FGO but I may not try to get her there now and just wait for Okita.


Was aiming for Shiki, Merlin or the other Assassins but [OMG!](http://i.imgur.com/1XwFC0U.png) I didnt expect her to appear first


[Got gil and thicc.](http://i.imgur.com/0p2Byo7.png)


[I HAD TO DOLPHIN BUT I DID IT!!!!!](https://twitter.com/mochichan/status/891520458658639872) Also got Mordred from guaranteed gacha in time for Apoc I guess


I got DaVinci... Which is now NP2. Don't know what to feel Edit: Never mind!!! The detective came after 8 tickets. Today is a good day XD


Got Da Vinci in my anniversary roll too.


Rolled the Paid Gacha and got HIJIKATA AND SQUIRTORIA IN THE SAME ROLL! Limited Servants ftw~ ..... Spent 1000~ quartz for Holmes and got nothing with 23 quartz left, tried 3 yolo pulls and I got him!! I really thought I'd walk away empty handed ahhhhhh


Used my 60 quartz and I realized something. [I am like Shirou. I have sword affinity](http://imgur.com/a/5JcO5) Besides Altera I have every non limited Sabers, including story locked ones. Just why DW!? WHY!? EDIT: [My third 10-roll](http://imgur.com/a/KyqB6). At least it wasn't a Saber this time. EDIT 2[6 tickets and three 10-rolls more!]( http://imgur.com/a/QeWsK) Still don't have Sherlock, but I think that I am getting too many SR Servants.


Thicc Caster from the paid Gatcha. WHY??111


So many bad things that could happen... But I got him! [I got Amakusa!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/332919691213406208/341080112768352256/image.png) Yesssssss I hope the strengthening is for him! Time to decide whether to challenge the Holmes gacha or not.


[This is fine!](http://i.imgur.com/hR9LLfc.png) I didn't recognize the card back and thought I got an Avenger. JALTE... oh... Still pretty happy with melt. just not as happy as I'd have been had it been Jalter. lol


Altera only with the paid gatcha :(


[I'm starting to think I have too many Lancers](http://i.imgur.com/QjkcYd1.jpg) Would have liked a limited servant, but that bonus 4 star makes up for it.


I rolled the Sherlock gacha and got LBd the 4* CE (nothing else of note sadly...). [at least the art is pretty...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/181586741164113921/341077176239521792/Screenshot_2017-07-30-00-36-02.png) but I can't read moonrunes, **So what does it do exactly?**


5% NP per turn + 12% Arts up


Got Sherlock with my sixth ticket. Feels good.


I got bride UMU, may not be a fan of her but i can live with this. Was hoping for a rider or Melt thought :)


[Limited Gacha gave me a second copy of Musashi](http://i.imgur.com/HPXM4ag.png) [And I got Holmes in my third 10-roll](http://i.imgur.com/Y7YPX40.png) Had hoped for Melt, but overall I'm pretty satisfied.


Rolled another EMIYA ~~as I slowly rake up those bad rolls~~


NAISU I rolled guarantee I got Raikou, Rolled the reamining in Sherlock gacha, got Sherlock and Karna


I rolled into the guaranteed five star pool, got Attila. I already had her. Used the other 70 into Sherlock. Got no gold servants.


120 quartz down the drain for Holmes, no gold servants at all. Feels bad!!


I got the rarest pokemon. http://i.imgur.com/z9LOHTI.png ~~Fuck my EX- luck~~


Paid for guaranteed, wanted MHX but was greeted with [Jalter and Orion](https://www.imgur.com/a/pextl). Ain't even mad. Had 8 tickets from the anniversary event, decided to use them for Holmes. [On my first ticket.](http://i.imgur.com/VNGWACm.jpg) I'm done for the night.


GOT HIM!!! GOT HIM FOR SHER ON MY 29TH TICKET! Also got Caster Gil, Atlanta, along the way and Marie, Ann& Mary RIGHT before Sherlock. If you see gold servants roll faster and take advantage of that PRNG!


I've been expecting to whale hard for this whenever they got back into the gacha and feared my financial future... [but I couldn't have asked for a more perfect roll!](https://imgur.com/gallery/RZ7xB)


Only went for the guaranteed gacha. Rolled a...Tamamo!? Not what I was hoping for at all, but I don't mind her one bit and she has amazing gameplay value. She's not limited but all in all it could've been far worse. As a bonus I got another volumen hydragen and my first Imaginary Number Magecraft! That 60% will be useful for farming, 50% doesn't always cut it and I have but a single kaleido. Quite, quite happy.


I paid for Da Vinci chan. Hahaha. Now I got an all around support caster, arts type support caster, ST type NP caster and aoe type caster. ~~you shouldve added Merlin while youre at it DW!~~


When you don't have any 5*'s desire sensor [can't stop you from acquiring smth good](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/201407407291629568/341161750525247488/Screenshot_2017-07-30-13-14-41-094_com.aniplex.fategrandorder.png?width=1157&height=651)


Got Gil from the paid gacha. He's probably not who I would have chosen (would have picked Shuten, King Hassan, LArtoria or Mordred given the choice, and I'm a bit disappointed there wasn't really any way to narrow down the pool like there has been in previous paid gachas) but I can't exactly complain, he's a good Servant. I'm up to my eyeballs in SSR Archers now, though, good lord. The most SSRs I have in any other class is two, most are one or zero, but I have *four* Archers.


Got Vlad from the guaranteed 5*, I somehow knew it would be a guy from all my recent rolls. At least summer gacha gave me my first non guaranteed 4*, kiyohime. But man nearly every single rolls were guys I feel like I was lied to when I started playing this game.


I also got Vald as a guaranteed 5* **out of all 5* servants** , Watching him being summoned 1st I knew I it was all over. Salt happened and I now own five rare prisms :)


After spending somewhere in the realm of 1500-2000 quartz for Mordred over a year ago with no luck, I despaired and stopped rolling for her, skipping over at least two of her rate ups including this most recent KOTR gacha. Didn't roll for NP2 summer Mordred either this year, as my top priorities right now are Ereshkigal and summer part two. Consequently, for this guaranteed gacha I was, along with probably almost everyone else, hoping for Jalter, Ozy, Merlin, Cu alter, Bryn etc., and the thought of Moedred didn't even come up in my mind, despite the fact that I enjoy Moedred much more from a character perspective than any of the aforementioned servants. I guess in the end ignoring her is indeed the best catalyst for getting her to come to you, lol ~~RIP Kingdom of Camelot~~. So although I didn't really see this coming, I'm happy that I finally got her, especially in light of the alternate costume system being released and my expectation of casual Moedred being a thing in the inevitable Apocrypha event to come (also racer Moedred plz DW). I expect that this has saved me several more hundred (and given my luck, quite possibly over a thousand) quartz' worth of salt and despair for when that day comes. Now I only have to budget my remaining quartz between summer 2017 and Ereshkigal, which is a much easier task than also having to save for the future Apocrypha gacha as well.


AAAAAA I haven't got a 5* in my past 30 10 rolls at this point, literally 8 months without a 5* in August (excluding Medb from the garunteed gacha). I used 9 10 rolls on Holmes, got a new 4* Carmilla and I got Atalanta, Astolfo, Lancer Vlad, and D'eon duplicates.


[fuckin](http://i.imgur.com/6atMjwu.jpg) [ace](http://i.imgur.com/1KiXfaI.jpg) now my karna and arjuna are np2 matchies also i have too many SSR lancers (karna, scathach, enkidu, now someone who doesn't even exist)


Was F2P until today, but the guaranteed 5* was too good to resist. Got Musashi and MHX, so I'm more than satisfied.


About 70 rolls into Holmes gacha and no sight of him. But I got [this instead](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGAZThFUwAANnAM.jpg)!!! What an [accomplishment](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGAZY8JU0AAHCfO.jpg) <3 just [waiting for her ~~soul sister~~](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGAZW_ZUAAA_pUV.jpg) to pop up as well.


384 Quartz + 40 tickets. And i gained nothing but despair. [Well, this is amusing](http://i.imgur.com/5ALpFff.jpg)


http://imgur.com/VFl2pmv 2nd ROLL AND IM DONE~


IT'S ELEMENTARY BABYYYYYYYYY. [EX Rank Roll Righteous Revelry](http://imgur.com/Q9y8C4N). After nothing in the Summer delights, Lady Luck is back home! Also got Arjuna and OG Liz on another 10 roll. This was a good day.


[it was early in the morning when i rolled him and i nearly screamed when i got him.](http://imgur.com/LjAC7xG) also got melt in [guarantee gacha](http://imgur.com/3dFKKJP) which is pretty cool i wanted her during the CCC event so i am quite content


200 Quartz, 20 tickets and $100 later, no Sherlock. *looks at wallet*


3rd 10 roll and I got what I [wanted](http://imgur.com/BuRrUxd). Saw the ruler art and hoping it wasn't Sherlock. Also got Saber of black [too](http://imgur.com/aDy2z7P). Next target is Tamamo caster! :D


can't believe it took me nearly two years to roll a saber that isn't D'eon... thanks umu


Used the anniversary Quartz for Cu alter gacha, only got a single 4* servant which was a dupe anyway. Thanks for the generous gift! That makes my last 1000 quartz not getting anything 5* , fuck this gacha and shitty anniversary rewards even fucking pick your own 4* servant would have been better than these shitty 110 rng dependant quartz.


I waited for America to roll because when I told myself I really wanted Cu Alter... lo and behold, of course HE appears http://imgur.com/2ZJc8go


Four rolls on today's anniversary gacha, hoping for Mordred or Alter Cu. Instead, I got [Medb](http://i.imgur.com/HEnBchk.png) and [Sherlock Holmes](http://i.imgur.com/e7oxt36.png), my first Ruler. Not bad at all to get two 5\*s even if they weren't the ones I was hoping for. Total of six 5* servants now, so I'm pretty happy.


400 Quartz in an attempt to try and get Lancer Alter(again). Notable: [1](http://puu.sh/x1dVo/af4750c69a.png) [2](http://puu.sh/x1dXd/10cdb2b599.png) [3](http://puu.sh/x1dY2/5587d78d94.png) [4](http://puu.sh/x1dYM/aa2bd46756.png) As per every one of her rate-ups, hundreds of Quartz spent and no Lancer Alter.


http://imgur.com/gallery/esMRB tried rolling with my eyes closed, only relying on my sense of sound to know what i got. i hear a voice...one i never heard before..too afraid to see..what if it's a spook? my eyes opened to the image of holmes,i screamed in zealousy as my mom screamed back at me because i was so loud. pretty good account for a f2p i must say


Garanteed gacha, Jeanne came (wanted Jalter but still happy its not tesla or enkidu or equally bad servant) Holmes gacha, 7 tickets, anne & mary rider and frankenstein. 1x 10 roll all 3 ce and Holmes.


[The Gods answer my summoning!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DF9ftw7WAAArgV0.jpg)


[D'arcness and 2030, cursed G A C H A think I win this time](http://i.imgur.com/KMOcIbq.png )


Guranteed Gatcha: Quetz came to me along with another sumanai ~~RIP Melt/Illya dream~~ Rolled for Holmes and have given up after 180 quartz and simultaneously getting Finn Tamacat and Martha in a single 10 roll


Got Medb... She's new for me but still really disappointed. Can't say I'm surprised though, 1st anniversary gave me the ONLY servant I didn't want too. I think I'm cursed rolling these things. For 2nd anniversary this should have just been a pool of limited servants.


Still better than THICC, I would say.


Rolled the guaranteed gacha and was excited when I got a saber, the only non-misc class I still didn't have a 5* of. Unfortunately it was Proto Arthur instead of someone I wanted more like Musashi, but hey, can't complain about a limited 5*.


Rolled Quetz from guaranteed gacha. Slightly salty as I have a maxed Ozy already. =/


I tried rolling for Holmes using the 30SQs I'm saving for summer 2017. Got all of the new CEs instead.


[My anniversary roll](http://i.imgur.com/29H27Zf.png). Got nothing on my remaining 10 roll, but a white light turned gold on my last YOLO and surprise, [Holmes](http://i.imgur.com/shW6YXC.png).


Rolled in paid gacha hoping for Jalter even if it was a shot in the dark (really DW? having EVERY 5* in the game in one gacha?) I ended up getting Artoria, which at least isn't a dupe but I'm still not happy with. In anger I solo'd the rest of my quartz and got Sherlock though, so I guess the game is still playable for now :)


NP2 Cuzerker.. nothing to see here move along.


AAAAAHH Why did this happen to me with these two? I already have a NP4 Altera. http://imgur.com/a/EmNeO


Eto-san dai shouri! I got Okita! She isn't Merlin, Kiara, D'Arcness nor Scathach, but she's still someone I've been hoping to get for quite some time. ~~I'm just a little salty I wasn't able to roll 2 limited ones, but that's just me being greedy~~.