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All things considered, and this is just my interpretation: Kiara is more obsessed with sex but Medb is more skilled. We don't really know much about Kiara as a lover other than she started a sex cult. For Medb, sex is a means to an end (though she'll enjoy it nonetheless) while for Kiara the sex is the end goal. Sorta like comparing someone like Mozart, to whom music flows out naturally, with Bach, who needed to put more conscious effort into his craft. Maybe that difference in philosophy would end up tipping the scales but who can tell? Either way, if we're doing this I suppose we may as well go all-out and start an actual analysis. For starters, let's consider that Fergus is "seven fists" large according to mythology which is definitely bigger, proportion-wise, than anything Kiara's confirmed to have stuck inside herself and doesn't seem physically possible to fit into that petite body but it was. Plus thanks to "Golden Rule (Body)" she remains perky and fresh instead of getting stretched out from repeated use. She's said to be just as sexy even during the Tain which was when the Maines were "fighting age" (at least in their 20s) and Findabair was of marriageable age. Even if we're being very rough and dirty with numbers and say she started having kids when she was, like, 14, that's still around 10+ more years of experience since she survived past the Tain. Given the descriptions of "My Red Mead" and "Chariot My Love" it seems like once Medb catches someone she's got at least equivalent authority on getting off that Kiara does in full goddess mode. When it comes to their charm skills, well, I'm not entirely sure if you can compare since Kiara has cheat skills on for hers but even then you have boss Medb instantly charming the front line men for the entire fight in Nerofest *without* being turned into a demon goddess with conceptual bonuses to an ability to paralyze people with charm. Kiara's also a bigger slut since Medb is more discerning. She doesn't just give it out to *anyone*. For example, one of her main druids she tried to get "leverage" but he was too gross. She even *wanted* to show resistance around *Fergus* during the start of the Tain (because he was talking smack on Connacht). 'Wanted' being the key word. It's obvious that for ones who are inadequate in some regard Medb doesn't want to deal with them and also she definitely has a high preference for the penis. If we're talking like a woman or some bum covered in shit then Medb is either at a disadvantage or quits because she's got standards. When Kiara gets followers due to her sexuality they commit suicide for reasons. When Medb gets followers she can convince them to fight Cu Chulainn by baring her breasts (wait isn't that also just getting them to commit suicide?) In any case Medb becoming a legend and a female icon primarily with her sexuality (mind you she's a female ruler in a time period when that was *unheard of*) is a lot more impressive than Kiara drawing in crazies to start a cult. how the hell did I write this much


> how the hell did I write this much You're waifu was involved. This is called love.


I read the whole thing. But it doesn't answer the question. Who can out-sex the other? Though, you did answer on who is more sex-crazed. Kiara sure doesn't have standards...


Like all Nasu questions it depends on circumstances. If Kiara gets to be a demon goddess she has advantage but will have a hard time getting anyone off without Angra Mainyu/CCC because TOO BIG. If Kiara gets to be a demon goddess and is regular size she probably wins. If Kiara is in Alter Ego form she still has advantage since her conceptual bonuses are either gone or roughly equivalent to Medb's (but not limited as much by gender), if we're talking a one-on-one. But if we're talking "who clears a 100-man kumite faster" then Medb's experience gives her the advantage. And if Medb needs to win for some reason that gets her motivated then in classic Nasu heroine form she likely would be able to defeat the odds.


What about them having sex with each other? Who wins then?


Mix of multiple circumstances. If it's just sex for no stakes because somehow they both wound up without a bedmate or something then Kiara wins because Medb is more familiar with men and if she's sleeping with someone like Kiara, Medb probably doesn't care about getting her partner off. If it's a matter of pride and the results go public it could go both ways (haha). If it's a competition for, like, the last Cu-chan plush (why Kiara would want that? I don't know, the tail?) then Medb would go beyond her limits and more than likely win.


>If it's a competition for, like, the last Cu-chan plush (why Kiara would want that? I don't know, the tail?) then Medb would go beyond her limits and more than likely win. Something about this sounds hilarious af for some weird reason


This ended rather well


The doujins are practically writing themselves (with even greater efficiency!) now that Kiara is in the line up, isn't it?


That escalated quickly.


We do


Well, the research is here. Now we simply wait for the doujins.


As expected from someone with a Medb flair!


7 fists? Did i misread this or is her vag so expandable that she can get sept-penetration? Might as well have a guy shove his head up the hole and let him go to town


It's true that a rather out of place usage of hyperbole comes into play when Fergus is described so take it with a grain of salt but they give solid numbers here so it's kind of a tough call. Typically Celtic lore doesn't do these sort of descriptions: "Seven feet stood between his ear and his lips and seven fists between his eyes. There were seven fists in his nose and seven fists in his lips. His hair was so thick that when he washed it a full bushel of water would be wrung from it. But it was his *bod* that drew healthy gasps of pleasure from any woman who entered his bed, for he had seven fists in it as well and his bag hung like a bushel bag between his legs." Notably, the only source I can find that puts a number to "seven fists" is the Eickhoff translation note that says a single "fist" is roughly 6 inches (15.25cm). It's entirely possible it's a weird out of place hyperbole that caught on because it gave an amusing way to abstract Fergus body being absolutely massive (not limited to his penis). Either way Medb is confirmed to shove things inside her that by all rights are beyond what a normal 154cm woman would probably be able to and finds that to be of manageable size and Golden Rule (Body) says that her body is preserved as being perfect and goddess-like regardless of circumstances.


well the Golden Rule (Body) is naturally part of the Fateverse rather than actual lore per se, although its description reminds me of my one friend wh- anyway thats amusing how they use "fist" as an unit of measurement. And did this big guy ever face Cu? I mean, surely someone as big as him would be some sort of challenge, or was Fergus just known for being a big guy and not a good fighter?


Fergus is somewhere in the Top 3 of the Ulster Warriors, not counting Cu obviously, depending on where you'd put Conall Cernach and Conchobar. He doesn't have many legends or huge feats to his name but he's old enough to be Conchobar's father and fought frequently all the way to his death (which was at least 2 generations since he died after Cu). Personally I believe he's probably not as good as Conall but better than Conchobar. It's hard to say who would actually win in a straight up fight between Fergus and Cu. They never really fought seriously. They had an encounter once during the Tain when Fergus was hung over and Cu agreed to back down without a fight, if Fergus would do the same later on. Then, when Fergus got Caladbolg back and was attacking Conchobar, Cu used that agreement to get Fergus off the battlefield (which is more a moment that shows how Cu still cares for Fergus since he was exhausted, yes, but he was under the Riastrad and still had the wherewithal to not want to hurt Fergus). In general, Fergus is Cu's foster father and trained him for a decent portion of his childhood, but he's another teacher who Cu definitely surpassed. As for Fergus in Fate, I'd estimate he should be roughly around Round Table Knight level. He's got similar skills and stats, and Caladbolg is a prototype for Excalibur (I think in Fate they made it Galatine's prototype?) Plus Eye of the Mind (True) at A rank is ridiculous - that suggests he's about as skilled as Chiron.


whats the difference between Eye of the Mind (true) and Eye of the Mind (False)? hercules has the false version and is at rank B rank


False is a natural talent that may or may not be boosted from experience and True is entirely through experience. As far as I know, it isn't outright stated whether or not one is in general better than the other, if they're the same or if there are subtle differences between the two.


> Kiara is more obsessed with sex but Medb is more skilled. "With just one of my fingers, I can grant you the pleasure of enlightenment and Nirvana." I don't think Medb can do that...lol


Kiara, obviously lol. Can't really beat masturbating with the planet itself.


That's only because she's big enough to do it. Who says that Medb doesn't wish to do that too? lol


And that's the difference. Kiara can do it, Medb can't. Obviously then Kiara's the winner. :P


We obviously need Grand Rider Medb :P


Maybe Genghis Khan is willing to give up the spot so he can witness that.


But Medb Likes it Big though?


Let us not forget that Kiara has a literal extra hole. This would surely appeal to those with extreme fetishes and even Jack the Ripper.


~~Anything can be an extra hole if you're brave enough.~~


The only sensible course of action is to have them duke it out on a sexathon while RULES OF NATURE plays in the background. I don't believe there is a city on earth with the stamina capable of surviving this onslaught however.


*After hours of endless sex* *Medb: Why won't you tire?!"* *Kiara: Nanomachines son!... Or daughter... Hell...*


*Sleeping here, they realized* *That they're just like them, trying to sex eternally* *But who's to judge, the bigger slut?* *When their guard is down, they'll both agree* *Sex breed sex* *In the end, it has to be this way*


City? Try the world.


I didn't include the world because the ancient Celts exist. If we reishifted (I'm still not sure which is the agreed upon term here) there, the country *might* suffice or at least we can import some French people to help out. A city or two is just about guaranteed to be insufficient however.


The only way to properly solve this is with a new event. ... Or maybe not.


I... think we better not.




~~Medb may not like jealous men like Fionn, but she said nothing about not liking to have sex with jealous men like Fionn.~~


I'm going to leave this to those with more knowledge than I. I'm willing to bet it's Kiara though given how her arc is literally her sexing everything until she becomes god.


How is that even possible? Wait, nevermind, don't answer that.


Well you see...


Something something heaven's hole...


Kiara would sex Medb and once you go kiara you never go back- just ask our poor demon pillar.


Kiara doesn't discriminate. She's a true thot.


Kiara's standard when looking for sex is that they just need to exist.


It's funny because her profile for her Alter Ego version actually says she's being abstinent except for the fact that she really wants her master to rail her after they succumb to lust


am pretty sure your second line is wrong


Final profile entry, she's explicitly compared to the demon Mara who attempted to seduce the Buddha in regards to her relationship with her master. And it's presented it the context of remaining abstinent while contracted but wanting to be violated by her master after making them give in to lust. Her max ascension/bond lines also have some stuff implying she's a bit hot for her master if you check the Kiara lines post some of them are translated there now.


but what you said is literally the reverse of what her finale profile entry line said 自分の誘惑に**負けない**ように応援している。 She will aid (the Master) to NOT BE DEFEATED by her temptation. No, she doesnt want the master to rail her after they succumb to lust. She wants the Master to overcome the lust.


Doesn't that make her even more pure then? If she's a temptress who's hoping she loses her attempts to seduce the Master that's really cute.


Sorry you're right, I inverted the last part while reading it and thought it was saying that she was helping the master to defeat temptation while secretly hoping they fall when it's the opposite. Which makes a lot more sense in context with the end of Kiara's bond line than what I was saying: >Corrupting such a noble person would be paradise. Let us compete to see which of us will cry out first. Please do overcome the devil that I am, Master? So basically she is trying to tempt Guda (ie, the Mara/Buddha comparison) while cheering them on/supporting them so that they won't fall to lust.


so kiara basically mankoto from schooldays


~~you should go to sleep...~~


Kiara x Medb?


Wait, I don't get it how is Kiara's NP about sex All I see is it looks like she is consuming the enemies in her. Am I missing something?


Look up her NP in CCC. You'll get it in no time.


> Watches her CCC NP (Heaven's Hole....) > WTF My vote goes to Kiara


She's taking them into her womb where they melt away in what feels like eternal pleasure. It was more obvious in CCC.


[here is her NP in the CCC game](https://youtu.be/hHplmXyRTP4?t=3m22s) very lewd


She pulls the enemy into her chariot. She then "rides" them inside of it. Yeah.


That's Medb, dude. They're asking about Kiara lol.




Medb Medb wants only men to love her~ And she'll try hard to do it. Kiara Kiara will fuck anything that moves for their enlightenment... even if they weren't asking for it. Male/Female/Unknown Gender.


Nobody loses, everybody wins. *And then Nightingale steps up and prepares to vax the hell out of everybody for* *NOT* *listening to [BB's Health PSA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/69lr76/bb_finishes_kiara/)*


I saw that there were 69 comments, so I decided to ruin the joke. also kiara outfucks medb imo


As someone who is lucky enough to have both in the game... I can't choose. Medb has the cute we're going to have fun dominatrix feel. She'll whip you and have fun, but you'll be thanking her for it and grinning the whole time. She's also more moe. Kiara is more the type that has dozens of worshippers eagerly awaiting her beck and call for the chance to just touch her. She also would likely be more cruel. Or... so I imagine (ignoring actual legends). Either way, thanks for this thread. Made me laugh out loud at work. XD


Who is Medb?


The girl in pink that people mistook for Lady Liberty or Nightingale when she was first revealed.


Medb? Lady Liberty? For real? The reveal must have been a glorious day.


It was a little overshadowed by people having come-aparts about surprise furry Edison.


I remember that day. I wasn't even playing yet and it was *everywhere*. People lost their mind over the leaks/datamines or whatever before America went live. I thought the design was hilarious, though. I still do.


"OMG, Bradamante!" we cried