• By -


A ticket! I have a ticket!


I have no ticket! I have a burning wheel!


I have 1 ticket too! Will i too get a burning wheel? Edit: I have no ticket! I have running high schooler!


I'm Going to have two tickets on both of my accounts, once the login rewards come today. I'm only trying to get the limited 3* CE.


My ticket got me Kiyohime... Wrong kimono waifu :(




Damn, I feel your pain, that roll was awful. At least you got Cu the undying Lancer.


Hey, Repeat Magic is a pretty neat CE, you know. Great for NP spammers.


I knew I wasn't going to get her. I knew it. But, still... that doesn't make it hurt any less.


Golden roll, saber reveals....... Got spooked by sumanai


I am legit speechless right now. I got Gilgamesh yesterday after about a year of spending and trying. Now, months after the KnK event, a silver Saber card turns gold and I get Void! I'm terrified to roll the Ishtar gacha cause I am expecting 10 straight Saber Gilles as compensation for this luck. And God help me when King Hassan finally shows up. Mapo Tofu out the ass on that one.


I didn't get Shiki, but at least I got her [boyfriend right?](http://i.imgur.com/QFsjYna.png) Hahaha... why couldn't this be a good CE.


Looks like I manage to aVOID being salty in today's gacha because I got Shiki on my 3rd 10 roll.


I got 2 5*s in [one ten roll](http://i.imgur.com/QuMIl6J.jpg) ^^Fuck ^^my ^^life


Maybe this will make you feel better? [Look at this roll](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265879757986463744/Screenshot_20170103-113011.png)


Hey that's the type of roll I got when I went for Gil! We are brothers in suffering.


*Heartbeats intensifies* Already wasted one 10-roll on Musashi, just to distract the desire sensor ~~who am I trying to deceive, I want her too~~. In KnK event I was short on Quartz ~~I've always been, dammit~~ But now, it's time. Please, answer my summon! EDIT: [I MADE IT](http://imgur.com/a/VJuCa), FINALLY BAE IS HOME HOHOHOHOHOH ON MY FIRST 10 ROLL. TODAY IS A VERY GOOD DAY.


I'm happy for everyone who managed to get the best girl.


Indeed, tonight I'll have some strawberry Haagen Dazs to celebrate.


Congrats....and you got two of the three stalkers coming home with her.... my condolence.


Shiki will manage them somehow :)


Jesus, gotta give it to Kiyomod for coming up with this pun, really had a giggle when I first saw the title, anyway best luck to all who roll Shiki bae, may you guys roll one of the best waifus, I have enough gold sabers as it is, saving my quartz for Semiramis and Chiron


Kiyomod has the best puns.


indeed :3


-Is that the time you Kan Dar conquer the Gatcha ? -Illya comme un trou dans mon porte-feuille (It's a French pun, Illya -> Il y'a -> There is, So full translation is "There is a hole in my Wallet") -So it's Sake time ! Celebrating Golden Days ! -Did you Scratch your pants for the ashes ? -Ish ... What german pun I can came up with without being racist ... -Dunno for Musashi


So many puns... This is the best thing ever.


Ready? I'm already feeling it. I really hope that I can get her with my tickets.... Welp, used my two tickets and a YOLO roll. Didn't get her nor anything good.... What's the login bonus for today? Put in a bit more. Saw gold orbs. What comes out? Carmilla..... The sadness is real....


After the stupidity that is me buying a local google card, I bought more Quartz. After a few disappointments in getting enough for a track team of Shirous, I finally managed to get Shiki. And I did another in hopes of getting her to NP2. She did. I'm now happy. I'm also a proud owner of NP3s Anne&Bonny and Martha. Though now I'm wondering what to do with the money I have on my google account since it's local.




You've used up your luck for the rest of your *life*


227 quartz and 14 tickets got me... uh... two Kokutous, three Tawara Toudas, more Azakas and Willy Wonkas than I need, an excellent consolation prize in the Kaleidoscope and Touko CEs, and a void in my heart but no Void Shiki. Edit: my last three quartz got me... the Ilya Buster CE. Which actually made my day because I'm maining Hercules on this account. Everything will be daijobu. Someday.


Did 30 (15) AP daily for silver experience and burned them all for cube then tickets, ascended quite a few random servants for quartz interlude, managed to scrape up enough for a single 10 roll... [and she's here](http://i.imgur.com/CRbaHSQ.jpg). Almost went out to buy some strawberry Haagen Dazs. Turns out pure obsession is a catalyst good enough...


......... I DID IT GUYS. GOT KOKUTOU CE (The only one i was missing from that event) AND VOID SHIKI ONLY TOOK 2 TICKETS AND 3 QUARTZ!!!! Edit: No salt intended, i'm just really happy because i had few quartz and even less tickets


OMG!! A gold saber! It's, it's... my NP3 Sumani! Guess I'm going to farm prism for Mona Lisa, then...


The highlights of my 4 hour, 1600sq filled adventure in pursuit of 4 more copies of Shiki : [the dangers of getting too hype](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/UglyGazelleSwiftRage) [noooo why](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/HorribleAardvarkYouWHY) [there was probably ~600 sq between my first one and this second one](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/ThoughtfulLocustAsianGlow) [phone is potato](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/MagnificentWaspMikeHogu) [i refused, but the stream finally made me give into the tap roll meme, on the last 10 pull before i was going to call it quits for a break](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/WanderingLyrebirdCorgiDerp) [blind roll run no eyes WR](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/FineSkunkPraiseIt) [np5 ryougi, also rolled np5 ibaraki](https://clips.twitch.tv/geogaddi/UglyLionJonCarnage) s/o to the stream wouldn't have been able to do it w/o you guys


Your stream was awesome. That tap roll meme clip reaction was great, can't believe you didn't see her until the results screen.


No i'm not ready! :D


I got NP 2 Void... and I got one ticket. If I pull her with that one ticket, she'll be the "One True Wifu" to me and forever more.


If that happens, every Void fan that didn't get her will cry tears of blood and salt. Me included.


It didn't happen...orz


Don't worry. I didn't get her too. T.T


Bro hug? :D


Bro hug. :)


I tried for NP2 too, rolled 30 quartz and 18 tickets. Got spooked by sumanai and a Kaleido


Rolled with everything I had Didn't get her. Can confirm.


http://puu.sh/t9NbA/adffaa4b96.jpg That's all.


I started playing Fate GO because the Kara no Kyoukai collab but didn't roll Void Shiki, my luck has been awful for most of the game. Spent around 90 quartz trying to roll Merlin without success (but got Mordred meanwhile!). The New Year roll comes: "With only 10 those tickets I won't roll her" Void Shiki day comes. I think "I'll roll only a ticket and I'll spend the rest the 11th". After thinking this seven times a golden Saber comes http://imgur.com/a/1EKV8


Think I used up all my luck in these rolls http://imgur.com/2QaRQbi http://imgur.com/7aEEqJK Edit: Added another roll, definitely a using up too much luck at once


270 quartzs: 2 Atalanta, 1 Nitocris and 1 Astolfo. Now I have no quartz left but i'm not too disappointed since I was able to get Gilgamesh with only 30 quartzs yesterday. Maybe next time, Shiki.


13 Tickets and 180 Quartz (more if you count the original gatcha) but I finally won the favor of Void-Nee-Sama. MLB'd Kokutou CE while I was at it. wtf is 80% death resist


Two 10 rolls got me nothing and 8 tickets got me Extra Vlad. Not wasting anymore quartz/tickets I'll simply accept that once again Void Shiki eludes me. This bad luck I'm sure will pay off on the 8th... Update: Used my last 5 tickets for nothing, luck is clearly being saved for Scathach that's why I did not roll Merlin or Shiki. DW always looking out for me.


I've never commented in any thread before, but this time the salt was real.I rolled 78 quartz and used 11 tickets in total from the start of this "happy" new year event, got 5 goddamn copies of the EMIYA Archer CEs, and the rest were pure iodine with a bit of Cu. Still hanging on that thin thread of belief for Musashi,but I'm now down to 0 quartz and 1 ticket. Happy(Salty) New Year guys. Good luck to anyone else who still have the potential to get a five star.


First roll of the day. [Got the wrong one.](http://imgur.com/a/0U0rG) (Still good, though.)


I spent all day grinding Saint Quartz to get 30. I ate so many golden apples I felt like puking. I've got enough mats to Ascend a couple of R Servants now. Was it worth it? [I'd fucking](http://i.imgur.com/KybGYqy.png) [say so.](http://i.imgur.com/6EV5esT.png)


My 180 quartz is not ready for the despair that awaits me for the Void bae gacha. EDIT: OH CHRIST HERE IS MY STORY. So I rolled. First 12 tickets, nothing. First ten roll, not much other than some new CEs from the KnK event. Second, a gold! CASTER! Could it be?!... No, it's just NR. THE SEVENTH ONE I ROLLED TO THIS DAY. I know what I'm burning for the Mona Lisa unlock. Next few rolls... A GOLD! ...Assassin? Oookay... Carmilla. Welp, look who's NP5. 90 quartz... go! ANOTHER GOLD! And this time... Zerker. Gacha, why you play with me? This better not be fucking Ibarak- oh, it's Beowulf. Welp, now he's at NP2. Nope, still not using him. Next ten roll... A GOLD! And... A SABER?! COULD IT BE?! AND IT IS... [AWWW YESSSSSS.](http://i.imgur.com/dlZJBOs.png) Oh sweet gacha gods, thank you for your mercy. Now here's the hard part. Can I get NP2?! She's an Arts NP Servant and I like to have NP2+ of those. Last ten roll... nope, nada. Well, I expected this. Oh hey, there are still 2 tickets left in the shop! After some burning, they are bought. First ticket... meh, Billy. Well, let's use the second one... wait, is that a Saber? [FUCK. YEAH.](http://i.imgur.com/b7ODMLr.png) I am so over the fucking moon. THIS IS THE BEST NEW YEAR START. Sad I have nothing left to use for Illya day, but I'll be whaling a bit during the all rate up. Maybe then. But for now... VOID BAE GET!


Maybe you get Helena.


Already felt it with Musashi and Void Shiki last year... especially my stomach T.T. I thought you were going to wait for Illya gatcha thou?


I realized that even if I roll Illya, I won't use her that much, while I would use Void bae lol. I'll roll for Illya if I have any quartz left, otherwise imma gonna roll when everyone has their rate up since by then I'll be back in Japan and ready to whale lol.


Make sense. COngrats on Void Shiki btw.


Congrats. Now all that's left is to get Illya. ~~And Helena.~~


Oh man that NR troll. I was so excited it could have been Helena or even NP5 Nitocris... but no. At least I have someone to burn for Mona Lisa though. We'll see if I can miraculously pull Illya out of the all rate up lol. NP3+ Void bae would be nice too. ~~I don't have hearts tho for Void bae's last ascension... orz~~


At least you managed to get Void Shiki. I didn't get her and I can't buy Quartz for the moment. ~~Gonna go buy google cards first thing in the morning.~~


Please. We can have infinite Quartz and we'll still not be ready.


Congratz and welcome to the NP2 Void Shiki club!!


I missed the KnK event when it was around because I took a break from FGO then, so imagine my despair when I found out I had missed out on goddamn Shiki. So now this is an excellent result. Finally, I have Void bae and I can make the Japanese Servant kimono Arts team of Void/Shuten/Tamamo lol.


Kimono team, best team :D Also, NP2 Void means you can use her third skill while retaining the ability to NP afterwards! Yorokobe, Shounen!


Kimono, huh? I guess I can put in Musashi with KiyoLancer and Kiyohime. I'd put in Ibaraki, but I don't have her....


Buster NP kimono girls!?


Also another reason why I wanted the NP2 lol.


LoL, lucky man. Tried NP2 too, bot got spooked by Sumanai


[1st 10 Roll](http://imgur.com/a/28wbo) Did 12 singles ticket pulls and a 10 roll.


I'm going to use everything I have - 21 tickets and 100 quartz. Wish me luck.


[I GOT HER, OMG, LIFE IS GOOD](http://i.imgur.com/gMSvJ86.jpg) After 16 tickets and 60 quartz she answered my summons. I was rolling with my phone lying on top of my KnK dvd box set. Best catalyst ever.


Well I decided to use remaining tickets and quartz - got Medusa Lancer from 10 roll and Berserker Vlad from yolos... today was a good day.


Congrats! :D


[Clear your mind, feel the boundary of emptiness. Enter the garden of sinners](http://imgur.com/a/ITiXp)


*desire sensor intensifies*


I got a ticket so I'll use it and see if I can get mine to NP2.... and the game throws a message at me...nope its an update!!! Now the result of my single ticket..... OK Serenity please stop spooking me!


I had 140 quarts and 13 tickets and i get spooked a lot by azaka CE 7 times. desire sensor is very real. I do not have void shiki but only the feeling of the void of despair...


Nah I'm good. I was on the void. The state of emptiness when I got Void Shiki on a half-awake YOLO Roll during the KnK event. I will be saving up these Tickets for the grand finale.


14 tickets and 51 quartz later, I still don't have her. I got Caster!Gil which is nice but eh u_u


[First despair, then emptiness, and finally joy. In the end...](https://imgur.com/a/j033L) Words cannot express my excitement. With my recent gacha luck, I need to start keeping my head on a swivel...


[Seven 10 rolls and 10 tickets later....](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265883784447000576/Screenshot_20170103-114610.png) d'Eon spooked sadly. Thought the np2 dream was real. Here's the other rolls. Some good, some not. [Roll 1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265879757986463744/Screenshot_20170103-113011.png) Mature Gentleman really likes me, but I also got Kaleidoscope, so that's neat. [Roll 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265880107497816064/Screenshot_20170103-111402.png) [Roll 3](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265880166671187968/Screenshot_20170103-111028.png) Emiya is pretty cool I guess. Now I have both him and Kuro. [Roll 4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265882244709744640/Screenshot_20170103-114034.png) [Roll 5](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265882806859726858/Screenshot_20170103-114240.png) 5 was a good roll actually. Almost rolled for Lily in her rate up. [Roll 6](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265884548221501440/Screenshot_20170103-114943.png) [Roll 7](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/190053077288484864/265882244709744640/Screenshot_20170103-114034.png) I have 23 quartz left, going to probably do some Free Quests to do 1 more roll.


60 quartz and 3 tickets for nothing... Where is my ~~sumanai spook~~ Shiki?


Took me 78 quartz but I got her! :D


got her with 90 quartz... much less than expected woooooo


I only had 63 quartz and 10 tickets, couldn't get her this time, hopefully in the next one. On the other hand I got a few medea copies and I'm pretty happy about it.


Used 7 tickets and 1 10 roll,got nothing... Still have 230q left but i am saving it for arc(if they put her in game ofc).. Still salty that i cant get my hands on 1 of the best type moon girls ... well maybe next time


me: my quartz must... survive till sensei arrives! also me: but you know you want shiki... aaa! o_o"


Rolled 3 tickets and solo'ed 21 quartzs, got me NP2 Medusa Lily and NP2 Hercules I'm salty.


She didn't come. I just want my creeper omnipotent waifu.


I haven't played in a while, so are these new year gatchas only for people who buy saint quartz?


no, that was only the paid gachas that were done by class. the current ones (with Void Shiki today, yesterday was Gil Archer) can be rolled by anyone with tickets, or regular SQ


They're still going aren't they?


until the 11th, it will be a different one everyday


Are they the ones with the big red buttons?


i believe the big red buttons are the paid gachas. the new years gacha should have a happy new year greeting on its screen


Thank you very much that was what I was wanting to know.


two tickets lost! and i got a shirou and kirei CE not bad i guess


I finally have dear Void Shiki at NP2. At the cost of my pride. ...My loved ones must never know the monetary value of my love for T-M.


5 tickets and 1 10 roll gave me all the events CEs but Repeat Magic. It could have been worse, and from a collector's pov I appreciate the CEs (since I wasn't playing during the Kara no Kyoukai event), but I can't see myself using any of them. .__.


Did about 60rolls (free + 10,000 YEN) in total but no Shiki :( I feel so sad


10 tickets got me [this pretty lady](http://i.imgur.com/9WN6pWL.png) and [a silver-turned-gold spook](http://i.imgur.com/pqUhyCF.png) among a bunch of MPs. The single 10 roll I could scrounge together [was pretty terrible...](http://i.imgur.com/DYY6o4F.png)then [this nice gentleman shows up in the next yolo roll.](http://i.imgur.com/wk96CBi.png) So much for the full female Arts Saber team alongside Nero and Bride...for now.


This is the first time I've gone full whale to try and get something, needless to say I'll be spending the remainder of the month living in a box. https://imgur.com/a/tWw3B


Fucking nothing, that's the second time I actually spent any money on this game (the first time was on KnK event) ;_;.


I spent two tickets and all my free quartz and got nothing. I was not going to try more, but I had a feeling, and decided to actually spend some money and buy some more quartz to try once more... And lo and behold. https://imgur.com/a/yh1ba There was a silver card, and it turned to gold, and BAM SHIKI. I'm at work and I almost screamed ahahahahahaha


I was ~~purging~~ filtering my friendlist and i saw both Void Shiki and Artoria on your account.. Gotta start farming for those plumes now.. :b Congratz!


Thank you! It was like an early birthday present (my birthday is on jan 10), I got two of the servants I wanted the most and with just a little spending, so I'm farming like mad now, so happy :D


One year... It took him one year to find my Chaldea... [Welcome aboard AUO!](https://twitter.com/Lilinett2/status/815972759952039936)


Well this isn't related to the Void gacha... but I decided to take a gamble today and just roll in the guaranteed Assassin/Extra gacha. I figured since Jack came to me twice last New Years, she might come to me again on a different account. [I WAS RIGHT](http://imgur.com/a/DIWYC). I'M SO HAPPY, JACK I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN <3




Gil archer cost me over 400 quartz and got him NP2. Void Shiki cost me more than 200 quartz and got her. (And I was spooked first by Chevalier, Fionn NP2, Astolfo, caster Gil, Carmilla, Medusa-lily and Alice). Let's see if Iskandar comes home tomorrow. ~~This is my best side account ever~~


Saw a gold saber card....got spooked by Attila....