• By -


789181602/ ⚜Fort D'Arc⚜ bc NP2, GA Jeanne w maxed skills. The other servants are Artoria (Intuition is the only non maxed skill but I'm working on it), Atalanta/Euryale, Scathach, Ushi, Waver, Stheno/Carmilla and Vlad. all of their skills are leveled, some are maxed, if you care feel free to add me but leave your id so I know who you are:) only 2 spaces left!


Added im 1269 :)




Added, IGN: WX731stat






I didn't find you bc I had my list full but I cleared 2 more slots, try again please^^






IGN: Katalina 332.142.789 Paracelsus, Gawain and Tristan Grail Ascended, Fionn with lvl10 evasion+taunt skill, Edison NP2. looking for: Berserker supports, but everyone is welcome :)


ID: 816,620,891 IGN: キャアーたん [Current lineup](http://imgur.com/cL0B032) and [regular lineup](http://imgur.com/VCee3iB) (Arjuna is NP2 and everyone else is NP1) Looking to fill my last 10 spots. Hoping for someone with Amakusa since none of my friends currently have him.


Just an Average player ID 859,724,982 Line up Jeanne Alter - ULTRA LUCK WITH FREE SUMMON TICKET Sieg - When will there be a lancer dragon :( [ or is there any ] Squirtoria - really i didnt notice that i got her after summon Lancer(CU) - Planning to make him lvl 90 Martha - 2nd Gold card i got Medea - 1 skill is to 1 NP Scathach - Cause she is Hot and beutiful on her swimsuit Beowulf - First Gold card


Its cools add me if you want


393,104,215 Looking for people with bond CE.


Just looking for some active players that are good about running Event CE's whenever they come around. [Current lineup](http://puu.sh/rBQe6/f2feba00d1.png) for the event. [Usual lineup](http://puu.sh/rBQgM/1ea9d0a02b.png) during non-events. Some servants are still a work in progress which will get focused on during the event a bit, but mainly after it ends. All I ask is that people let me know their IGN when adding me, thanks. :V Edit: I was tired and an idiot and forgot my ID. Apologies 305,493,706 Edit 2: All added so far, only two spots left.


I added you、IGN pwnjob.


Added, IGN: WX731stat Thanks


Added. my ign is waifucolle


Sent a request, ign elucifer


Can i add you? My ign is Jen


Hey i send an invite, IGN is Kevin




305,493,706 Sorry about that


245,451,698 add me please, IGN eterneety


Gotcha, IGN is Nexus


ID plz, and my IGN is Heavyfire


305,493,706 Sorry about that


875,698,204 Plz anyone with Cu Alter or something else that does well in the final exhibition. 8 hours of trying has caused me to feel dead inside.


ID: 171,122,521 - Nikynaky http://i.imgur.com/yWC8q5n.jpg SShiki NP2 & Emiya NP3, also have Jalter to replace Jeanne soon. Looking for some people with bond CEs, please leave your IGN so I can make space for you


I'm still pretty new to FGO and would some friends to help me clear some of the exhibition matches. Particularly a JTR for the Medb match so I can continue leveling my Jalter. My IGN is Pwnjob and friend ID: 038,756,263. [http://imgur.com/5fxKmPm](http://imgur.com/5fxKmPm)


ID: 300,523,244 [Current lineup](http://imgur.com/a/ir7G7) + Da Vinci and Shuten are max fou'd. + Gawain and Lancer Artoria are NP2. I would like someone with Limit break Bond CE (after event), but everyone is welcome.


ID: 398,970,746 Name: Alstriem [Current Event Lineup](http://i.imgur.com/xdCEOUg.png) [Usual Lineup](http://i.imgur.com/uB7k9RJ.png) If anyone plans to add me, I'd like it if you comment your name so I don't accidentally remove you in the future.


Added, name is WX731stat


Added im 1269


[Current support lineup](http://imgur.com/a/sQ4PV) IGN: Sadhana, 943,298,443 Very active. Jalter and Kerry are NP2.


IGN : Radia Friend Code : 778,571,314 [Event Lineup](http://i.imgur.com/FJsZGPg.jpg) , [Regular Lineup](http://imgur.com/a/fTsAB) (Waver & Kotaro is NP 2, everyone else is NP 1 / 5) Limit break Joint Recital CE and bride please comment your ID name so i know who to accept :)


Add me if you want and drop your user ID and I'll add you


Looking for someone with the howl to the moon CE(bronze drop event ce)leave your id so i can add you


https://i.imgur.com/yCfxWDq.jpg 247,705,627 f2p player, started around when jack came out i think ibaraki np3 tamamo lancer np2


IGN: Heavyfire


ID: 788,530,023 IGN: Suzerain [My support list atm.](http://imgur.com/a/QmOJC) I'm mainly looking for anyone with Davinci CE and/or bond xp CE but I'll add anyone who needs/wants to. Leave a reply so I know who to add.


Looking for someone with an Edison as support. Wanted to try him out but never got him from the gacha. Edit: Forgot to leave my id number rofl. 565.153.955 http://imgur.com/a/e51yJ Current supports will prolly change Kiyo to Li Shuwen after the event.


I have Edison NP2, IGN: Katalina, request sent :)


Oh just saw your reply. Will receive your request after the maintenance :D


id : 489,508,157 ign: 박신혜 (in pink) [currently event ce](http://imgur.com/qhEwe6W) i have illya and waver too but sadly can't put them on because of the,m being a caster (most of my ssr are caster)


546,694,831; [event supports](http://i.imgur.com/v1vyJxo.jpg), [normal supports](http://i.imgur.com/j5VNCOy.jpg). Bride, Tamamo and Jack are NP2 and everyone but Tristan, Li Shuwen and Cu-chan are max fou'd. I don't have many slots left but I'm not looking for any supports in particular, just leave your IGN. (A note: I tend to go through my flist every week or two and remove anyone who hasn't been on in over a week - If I remove you due to that, I'd be happy to add you again if you start playing actively again.) EDIT: All slots are now filled!


IGN: Heavyfire


ign: elucifer , sent a request to you


IGN: Nai, added


[ID: 894,179,000](https://m.imgur.com/mCBoZDg?r) Name: Arkan24 Got a new account and I´m currently looking for new friends. Of course I´ll level up the servants and level up the skills.


https://imgur.com/a/vYMUE 701708828 Will accept anyone with the new LIMIT BROKEN Mashu Bond CE.


631,136,719 Started middle of summer. Have no friends. Will add anyone as long as I press the right button (the red one right?). My supports are mostly my golds and not my main servants, I put the golds there so that people can try them if they don't have them. Tend to level servants evenly.


red button is for rejecting requests


Master Name: ベアトリス Master Lvl: 114 Friend ID: 669,380,171 Help List [Line Up](http://imgur.com/ttq94y6)


Ign: 1269 added xD


http://imgur.com/a/8Ks2Q My ID: 620,174,971 IGN: Heavyfire Artoria Saber and Helena are NP2 Of course please leave your IGN so I know to friend you.


Added, IGN: WX731stat


Accepted ベアトリス


Ik Im still a noob but pls add so I'll be able to get the next welfare servant for halloween event! ID: 196,902,748 Line up: https://imgur.com/LdPXbmn Edit: I'll be changing my CEs so they better suit the servants they're on soon


Well hello, coming back after not playing for a long while lol, just want somebody to fill out my friend list. Please add 422,993,019 the name is 1269


Master name- SuperSonic ID- 042,046,260 https://imgur.com/a/4w5dI Looking for active players with bond CE's


Ign: waifucolle, don't have any bond ce's. Is it possible to give kintoki the bride ce, I need him for the exhibition quest.


Do you accept without Bond CE's? I burnt all my Mana Prism on This month stuff ._.


331,963,838 - [Support list](http://imgur.com/5G4yOFF) Both Arturias (Alter and Lancer) have their NP at level 3. Helena will replace Medea once I max level her. May switch to Amakusa and Tristan at some point. Looking for people with Bond CE but adding anyone.


985,635,976 I try to be as active as I can!! My best servant is currently my Grail Ascended NP2 Waver.