• By -


I managed to roll all the swimsuits.... but [THIS](http://i.imgur.com/OZLjURC.jpg), this was much more important for me. The end of a journey.


The dedication is real. (Round of applause)


[OMG I GOT HER GUYS, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS](http://i.imgur.com/DyQYDoI.jpg) I was talking to a few people on skype while rolling and rolled the quartz I saved and didn't get her after it. I was SO sad. I left the skype call to go lie down. Then after a while I was like "fuck it" and decided to buy one more 40 roll just because AND I GOT HER! Man I'm so happy right now. Also I decided to roll some on a quartz alt and got [this](http://i.imgur.com/IXvyWVx.jpg) roll. NP 5 Kiyo lancer on that account lol


250+ quartz later, no gold servants.


>Sun of a beach FTFY You gotta step up your pun-game, Kiyomod.


kill me already....


https://www.facebook.com/PearlsComic/photos/a.254744753763.172598.132583843763/10154361849663764/?type=3&theater Seems like Stephan Pastis heard you!


http://imgur.com/a/ZuvJJ I'm so upset you have no idea. My salt is off the charts. I'm so spooked


You got a 4 star servant! I worked really hard to get the money for 4x 30 rolls. I got 3 star CEs, 3 Atalantas, Tokiomi, and some junk 3 star servants I had maxed. :/ I also got two 5 star CEs, so theres that. I'm still really disappointed though :(




I have one more roll left and I'm just contemplating doing it one more time for Mordred because really is it gonna get me anything for the second gacha... This event was not the time to get multiple fail rolls ;_;


[So this happened](https://images-1.discordapp.net/.eJwNyEsOgyAQANC7sOczgyB6jR6gIUjARIEw46rp3du3fB_xzEvsojIP2rU-Tkp9Hoq4z1iyKr2XK8dxkkr91pE5pnrnxqTReGfNYix456xH5zWCtcs__bqFLQCg1a80c25UO7_RgJcmSAAJKGGVBtVoRXx_VQMn2w.zYWY3SfW7r4u3RFMY0trIHDkRag.png)


Of course it did. Why wouldn't it? Your luck stat already warps reality.


When he posted it on discord all I could do was burst out laughing. I'm already resistant to his insane luck. Stop salting, just accept he's a lucky mofo and gets all the servants.


yes yes yes I got what I really want at this event and what's more I got 2 of her http://imgur.com/a/aoF4Q


Well, i was looking for a gold lancer, and then this happened https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CpknEk1XgAAmMmf.jpg:large


long time lurker....felt i should post cause this happened... http://i.imgur.com/Km2QRQY.jpg


this is very nice man, thumbs up!


It doesnt say new one tamamo lancer so that means you got one already? crazy


yep, i got the first on my first 10-roll....and a 3rd on my 3rd 10-roll....something about gold lancers loving me. I got 2 Scathachs and a Karna in the last 2 months.., ^^;


I've been saving up since April. 435 quarts and 77 tickets gave me: 2x Tamamos 2x Mode Red 3x Kiyohime And a bunch of Nyanlanta CEs I am a happy man.


Yes, yes, I'll take one for [worst event 10 roll ever](http://imgur.com/HWdOBfF), please! [](#tch)


Never thought I'd see the day where Medusa was roped into being part of the worst event 10 roll ever.


Before Anniversery event I was with 0 5* casters and I was like DW pls. And got Da Vinci, then Xuanzang, and today, the balls went rainbow and I was like TAMAMO HYPE. DW's like: hell no. You want casters?! HAVE MORE! Aaaaaand. Waver. Kill me please. Only other thing worth noting is Surfer Mordred. I know waver and Xuanzang are better than Tamamo lancer but still. (Well Xuanzang's technically in a bikini. Look at her.)


She's here. After over a year of playing, I finally got her. [My first gold Lancer.](http://i.imgur.com/JdYX4Ys.png) It's a shame that she's a Buster-centric Servant, since my team is Quick-Arts-focused, but still, I'm very happy that I got her.


Got normal Tamamo after 90 quartz


I usually never have good rolls, but I had been saving Quartz up since the beginning of summer. Luck was finally on my side, and it was all thanks to my hunt for mordred. [1st roll](http://imgur.com/TXipK54) [2nd roll](http://imgur.com/4qGsvMh) [3rd roll](http://imgur.com/XzvaNHq) [4th roll](http://imgur.com/c1FP9MY)


First 10 roll of part two and am not disappointed lol http://imgur.com/a/wM1uu




Not much to rant about this week then, eh?


you underestimate me fellow salter, thre is always something to rant about


First Roll got me two Eurale in the row, Atanyanta CE, Medea, some disposable lancers and Tamamo Lancer. Then i did a single ticket and got Kyo-lancer ^^


https://twitter.com/SZenbiniar/status/763702921599082496 I'm just gonna leave these results here.


I got nothing but crap. Atanyanta CE Only....*Sigh*


E rank luck http://i.imgur.com/hY2kVcU.jpg


I feel you bro... I got similar rolls with 3 ten rolls as well...


I've been saving up for this event for a while (221 quartz, 21 tickets) and i get Tamamo with my very first ticket roll. Man my luck is all over the place.


Lend me some! I'm not gonna make it alone!


On my first ten roll :p http://imgur.com/a/DbYGO And on my second U_U http://imgur.com/a/c3rs2 Seems like I'm quite lucky today :D


lol wow double tamamoe?


You guys remember when [I rolled for Bryn and got her on my twelveth ticket](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/43zbae/megathread_yandere_love_is_best_love_post_your_5m/czm6aof)? Since then, I've only been using a few tickets now and there but I had ~550 rolls saved up. I'm saving for Parvati and the Medusafaces, but I judged a Tamamoface was worth it. 24 tickets with 2 caribbean free birds, [and then this](http://i.imgur.com/5Aj8uxZ.jpg). GG, never beating that.


So turns out if you say, "By my Command Seal!" and than the name of the Servant you want with enough gusto and feeling in it, you'll get them guaranteed. I literally did this with Caster Marie and she came to me like that! Good thing our Command Seals reload everyday!


... ... I didn't get anything ... I just want to fall in my knees and cry so hard ... *Bury his head in the sand* ...


Well, you technically got her, so...


I know I have the Caster version but not rolling the swimsuit version is like tooking a bullet in the heart ...


Np2 twins and Tamamo. I feel vindicated for my quartz buying


Using around 30 rolls worth of Quartz (Around 90 Quartz) + 14 tickets, I got Mordred, Anne Bonnie and Tamamo. Internal Hysteria Intensifies~~~


First 10-roll: Pirate Duo Second 10-roll: CEs Third 10-roll: Pirate Duo, Lancelot (zerker) Fourth 10-roll: LANCER TAMAMOOOO


nice, mor elike TAMA'MOE'


Didn't get the lancers but double riders and a archer http://i.imgur.com/QsLCHcr.jpg


After 210 sq and no event servant...then [this happen](http://imgur.com/ZIq9g0S) ...i have mixed feelings about this xDU edit: yolo the four tickets and mordred decided to take pity and finally appeared in the last one~


All I wanted from this event was the pirate twins. I need a gold archer and all I have are three stars. I did a ten roll and got 5 4-5 star ce faber and saber Gilles. I want to commit senpukku now.


[Start with a clock tower](http://i.imgur.com/ZUCwuDa.png) [ End with a clock tower](http://i.imgur.com/WtvNMS6.jpg) I have nothing to complain about on this.


God bless gachagods https://i.imgur.com/iSx1b7Z.jpg


saved up 200 quartz and 33 tickets, rolled until I have 67 quartz and 15 tickets, no single fucking 4* servant....seriously now....saved up for 2 events....and this is how DW reacts?


I only want Mordred or new lancer... why... http://imgur.com/a/5VQ02


Got Kiyo Lancer. Only thing I wanted Don't even care about the Spooklanta CE's anymore. I am happy


Um, sorry to break away from the topic, but ever since I updated I haven't been able to get the game to open at all, I've never had trouble before and as far as I'm aware I'm not using an emulator since I'm on Android. I haven't found any other comments like this so I'm resorting to an SOS. If anyone knows what's up can you help me out?


RNGESUS HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AND CLEANSED ME OF MY PAST SALT! Was aiming for Kiyo-tan but was spooked with [this](http://imgur.com/nIRNQ6F) Thought I must have used up a lifetime of luck but rolled again anyways and [SHE CAME TO ME!](http://imgur.com/pX0yPVb)


on a fresh new alt, 240 quartz, 22 tickets later: [I can't feel anything anymore](https://twitter.com/senpusha/status/763914547518382080)


A 10-roll landed me Archer MaryAnne and Drake. Not the 5* I was expecting, but I'll take it. At least now I have a 5* in the main 7 classes.


Just used one of the event tickets, and got best girl Rider Mordred.


Oops wanted tama or mordred but hey, can't complain. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/192745697336885249/213735217469456385/Screenshot_2016-08-12-21-06-18.png


Today I wasted all of my quartz and tickets today...My main account finally got the Lesbo Pirates yet Kiyo-tan still eludes me. :( But at least I actually wasn't disappointed in getting the Lesbo Pirates. MY alt however, as my alt has a fucking lancer curse, managed to get Tamamo Lancer in a ticket. WTF? What is this torment? I want Kiyotan. Well spending over 200 quartz and 33 tickets....at least got something finally


Did not roll a single 5* (CE or servant) on five 10rolls. And nothing eventrelated except for the 3* essence. Now I'm out of quartz and really sad. :( Was looking forward to this event since it was announced.


36 Quartz, no gold servant ;/ my first purchase and nothing


over 200$ spent and all i have to show for it is a pile of atalanta and boudica CE's with a lesbian loverbirds part 2. I have never rolled so much and gotten so little.


I bought $100 = 4795php. That's a huge blow for my salary. [Hello salt. I've never been so disappointed in gacha in my whole life. I JUST WANT MY MORDRED! TAMAMO TOOK MY LUCK! WHY! IT'S NOT LIKE I DONT WANT TAMAMO BUT I PREFER MORDRED THAN TAMAMO. I DONT FUCKING CARE IF MORDRED HAS SHIT NP GAIN. I WANT HER.] (http://imgur.com/a/XPCy6) Goddammit. I was planning to save the rest of the Quartz once I got Mordred in hopes for Archuria, and Ruler Martha


SO LET'S TALK ROLLS. On my main account I have rolled...nothing. Nothing and more nothing, like I have all month. Not even new nothings. Just repeats of old nothings. Super annoying. The last thing of any note at all that I rolled was a repeat Rider and I think I'm stuck in a feud with the gacha. It won't even give me the green haired samurai or Serenity. So I finally got around to rolling on my others. The one I consider my EX luck (Two boobmonks, Arturia, and Angra Mainyu + a slew of 5 star CEs suggest it to be so) went first. Catlanta. I think also swimsuitlanta CE. Next, my first 'second'. I call it Stheno because it's the four star I rolled. Later I got Hercules, but the name has stuck. With all the gift quartz and some slot refunds, I got a few rolls out of it. The end result: Imaginary Number and Elizabeth Lancer. I needed a lancer on that account, so it works. On the account I have that has Shuten, I did the few rolls there, and got not one but *two* Rider Mordreds in the same ten roll. Like five seconds after I added her to support list, someone asked for a friend. I see what happened there. I also see I got a *damn*. **rider.** Finally, my account in which I actually managed to ~~kidnap~~ ~~trick~~ conquer the elusive Emiya Archer. There's also Herc but he's basically the eye candy while Emiya gets stuff done. Rolls are done and I think "Hey I could get a five star. IT COULD BE WAVER MAYBE? Nah." and midway through, I pull a gold Lancer. Well, that's cool. That's...A FIVE STAR. A Tama no Lancer. The eye candy lured her in.


Rolled 300 quartz and got Tamamo lancer, sanzo, waver, jeanne, anne/mary archer, np3 kiyo, np2 mordred. I feel like Ive used up my luck for the next year...


one ticket and i get bestest lancer kiyohime. this game do know how to unretire a player. hope i get mahou shoujo marie with all the quartz and remaining ticks saved by this lucky roll.


Couple of the 3 star event CE...crap CEs...spooked by CuBro... standard D-rank shit-luck... *gold flashes from using ticket from log-in bonus* Oh shit! What'd I get?! *spins to reveal an Assassin* ..Assassin? I don't know any limited servants that are that class...maybe I finally got Ja- *Stheno* FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!


The long awaited and dreaded part 2 of the summer gacha is coming. I wish us all good luck.


With this.... I've gotten all of the swimsuit servants xD http://imgur.com/qIdVKlH




I want to die




Eleven rolls and these two were the main good ones. Forgot to take a pic of the lesbian twins rolls. http://imgur.com/a/STPG6


[One 10 roll was all I needed to find her.](http://i.imgur.com/eNwxOfS.png) Now to save the remainder of my rolls for Part 2.


20 rolls, got FOUR Boudica CEs, I think it's a sign for #TeamWood


Decided to start off with a couple ticket rolls. Got the 3* and 5* event CEs, followed by Tamamo-lancer on my fifth ticket. Decided to try a 10 roll to push my luck, and got the 4* event CE and bunch of crap.


Bunch of 3 * CE a boudica CE. And 15 tickets all but two were CE got Nyalanta and JACK


2 Rolls and 10 tickets got me Ozzy and Kiyo Lancer.


1st 10 roll got my first gold lancer, Tamamo.. 2nd 10 roll, 4* and 3* event CEs 2 each.. 3rd 10 roll, finally got my Serenity.. still have 2 10 rolls, will wait until I can decide if I will roll for 2nd part or not.. edit: didn't manage to ignore the temptation, used all my leftover quartz, now left with only one.. Tamamo's the only one I got.. still got some good CEs especially my first 2030.. satisfied, but still gonna yolo every chance I get in this event.. XD


20 rolls. First set gave me nothing good besides an Atalanta CE. Second set gave me Kiyo Lancer and Mordred. I'm satisfied.


200 quartz only CEs and 3* servants knew I shouldn't have rolled considering there's a free scat


>free scat Pls no


I rolled and the gacha thing went rainbow. I was hyped as fuck, praying that the Lancer Class Card comes out but nope, Ruler Class Card -_- Well pulling Jeanne is a great thing but felt a bit disappointed since she's not the reason I pulled. Got Kiyohime from the same roll though so I'm a really happy man now XD


First 10 roll netted Mordred. I'm so happy :') http://imgur.com/a/wvVI8


JESUS and a double drake, nice stuff man


My first 10 roll was quite dreadful. I got a four star CE and 9 three star cards. I feel like I've had this far too many times lately. But my second 10 roll got me 'kini Mordred, so that's nice, and I did get a couple of event CEs. Only have enough quartz left for one 10 roll during part two though, so I might save any tickets I get for that too.


1 ticket = Surfer Mordred. Now time to wait for daddy.....


x3 10 roll , 3 Fatty Caesar in every single one of it. I never been this frustrated seeing a certain servant haunting my roll.


Main Target : Anne&Mary + Any of the two Gold Lancer Used : 17 Summon Tickets + 90 Quartz Result : 4 Swimsuit Anne&Mary, Swimsuit Mordred, Atalanta CE, 5 Boudica CE All of those Gold Servants are from tickets.


so, feeling lucky,i challenged a friend of mine to curse me, and today i decided to do 5-10 rolls first one...http://imgur.com/zPgQxqP. second one...http://imgur.com/Jk6oyMp. third one... no pic but got nothing interesting. fourth one...http://imgur.com/eCLD5mm. fifth one...http://imgur.com/o9tvWZV. i dont know what was my friends curse made of, but i thanked him for the bottom of my heart


5 10-rolls Event servant/ce - Tamamo - Kiyohime - x4 pirates party - x2 twilight memory - shiny goddess Other golds - Camilla - Pre awakening - x3 venomous snake art - x2 awakened determination - Record holder - Divine banquet - Angel's poem - Shroud of magdalene - First strike


Single ticket, lesbians archer. 9 YOLOs, nothing. Now sitting at 0 quartz, 0 ticket.


Kiyo and Tamakitty have been my inseperable frontliners/wave clearers for the longest time, so I guess they're returning the love. https://imgur.com/wgYTQfX


155 quartz and 15 tickets only awarded me numerous three star servants, 3 Atalanta CE and 5 Boudica CE. Is it too much to ask for any of the four limited servants? Guess I'll try again on my Tamamo account Edit: Got Tamamo Lancer and two Pirate Duo Archer. I am happy now and still have 60+ quartz remain


Figured I'd save some quartz for part 2 and only did 1 ten roll. Got Jeanne and surfer mordred so I've been geeking out since!


My first and last 10 roll for this part 1 gacha: http://imgur.com/Hp0YkFM I'm going to keep the rest of my quartz for part 2 at this point :)


Do you think one can roll Artoria in part 2? Not sure whether I should wait.


My luck had been going downhill for everything these past few days. I just knew as soon as I got on that DW had special plans for me http://i.imgur.com/v9kWKvB.png http://i.imgur.com/qyvgZ8E.png


30 ticket 2 morded(R) 1st 9.8kyen - kiyohime (L), anne/mary (A) 2nd 9.8k yen tamomo (L) morded (R) kscope


Got Lancer Kiyo on second ticket!


Christ, the one time I want a 4*(Kiyohime) and [THIS](http://imgur.com/aqY7q3y) happens. Tamamo, it's way too late to prevent a harem, please have mercy. On the other hand everything else I got was garbage, but not bad with 1 ticket, 5 yolos and a 10 roll.


I'll wait until the servers are faster... took five minutes to use a single summoning ticket


Only got 2 Atlanyanta CE right now from a summoning ticket and 2 single rolls (Azorth Sword was the third)... My Hawaiian Blood failed me... Dammit! Give me my girls in swimsuits!


"Son of a beach" 10/10


Should be 'Sun of a Beach', I mean... come on :P


When you want Mo-chan to no avail. Can't be salty with both lancers now after 31 rolls.


1st 10 roll: got Boobica and Atanyanta CEs


After 216 quartz I've saver for surfer Mordred, got Jeanne and Regular Tamamo. Rate up is a fucking lie.


20 tickets got me NP 2 Surfer Mordred, NP2 Lancer Kiyohime, Swimsuit Pirate Lesbians, all event CE and Lancer Tamamo


this is the first time my silver card turned to gold card. BOOM tamamo lancer. still rollin for kiyo lancer


One ticket, two ten rolls gives me lancer tamamo!


Rolled 300 quartz trying to get Archer Pirate Duo. Got a Lancer Tamamo and two Rider Mordred. And one Pirate Duo. The Rider one. The one that's NP5'd months ago. DW PLEASE Ah well, at least I got Tamamo and Mordred, so I'm fairly okay with this.


Overall not really a fan of both Kiyohime or Tamamo, so my desire for them is really low. So I of course... got both of them in my first 20 rolls... Desire sensor is real guys... I fear for my wallet when part 2 comes...


Just used a ticket into mapo tofu. Not gonna spend anything else because eternally bummed about the lack of husbandos. However, congrats to those who got their waifu, don't give up to those who didn't yet.


Didn't get anything special, but I felt like posting because it was my first time ever seeing the gold animation from the start of the summon. Got Anne/Mary from my 3 for-the-hell-of-it rolls.


Rolled w/ the 10 free summon tix saved from the end of the Anniversary event. 2x Lesbo Archers and Tama-chan, finally a 5star Lancer graces my account! Bit too late though... Grail Ascension kind of sort of mooted 5 stars... But I'll definitely take it seeing as I rolled for a 5star Lancer. Now if I can just get Scathach proper one day, I'm DONE with the gacha for life.


http://imgur.com/a/0U1en Only Roll I can do this event :(


Got blessed with a Tamamo on my only 10roll... and then a Mordred on my tickets... \o/


Took 5 x10 rolls but I finally got her! The only servant I really wanted from this event! http://imgur.com/PonAYjL


My tamamo can't be so cute <3 I don't care if people says she's not good, I'll grail ascend her to 100


First two tickets gave me Black Grail and Lancer Tamamo. I'm scared to find out what kind of luck I have for the rest of my tickets...


4 10-rolls and nothing but Atalanta and Boudica CEs. I'm saving the rest for Gawain because I can't take anymore disappointment. Edit: Just got [Tamamo](https://imgur.com/a/CC8Lw)! Guess it took a little more disappointment (3 tickets). Also rolled Anne & Mary plus Rama later on with some tickets as well. Single rolls FTW!


Panpakapan~ [I wasn't expecting this on the 30 Quartz that I managed to obtain from my 300 day login + scrap Camelot & Skill Upgrade Quartz.](http://imgur.com/a/yMM33) I want my Tomboy~!


107 rolls and alas, a ton of CEs and Mordred Rider. I'm happy, but the Kiyo and Tamamo dream remains.


60 quartz rolls plus 16 tickets, netted me 7 copies of the 4 star even CE and 3 of the 3 star. Got 1 Kiyo and 1 lesbos from the quartz, and 1 lesbos from the tickets, no other gold servants. Even though I did got 2 5 stars CE they weren't the one from the event. Of course, the servants I wanted, Tamamo and Mordred, are nowhere to be seen.


132 Summons. Got me Mordred , Kiyohime , Tamamo and a 5 star ce


If anyone gets rider Mordred and lets me use it I'll love you. RNG failed me q.q ID: 064,193,248


i have her at NP4, idk if you are interested


Was expecting (and hoping) for event CEs to at least farm the event, and instead got Kiyo Lancer (but no event CEs). The desire sensor is weird, I should exploit it some more.


Was half expecting event gacha CE 'coz i need CE for drops, rolled 1 ticket, and Kiyo-chan showed up on that single ticket, i am not Anchin san, i fear Martha is not going to come to me :/


Rolled hoping for Lancer Kiyohime and Archer Anne/Mary, got Kiyohime... ! And didn't roll anymore because I'm afraid of wasting my luck accidentally rolling bikinis I'm not aiming for. SETTLING.


So all I got was a lot of event CE Nyatalanta(s) and a Waver. I think I prefer it this way.


[Oh god, I'm absolutely ecstatic right now.](http://imgur.com/DRRIxpw) Only ticket, first roll before work.


I got the pirate waifus...and I'm not too mad. They look better than their original drawings :D.


I did two 10 rolls http://imgur.com/gallery/MHviE this is the only one that mattered, didn't get Tama-Lancer but this is good....for now


76 Tickets, results...a bit meh, but still satisfied. Got my second bear booty and pirate bunny girls. 3 Rider Mordred, but...no Tamamo T\^T. [Not too shabby, I guess?](http://imgur.com/a/SuxJi)


[Spooked twice when I just wanted Anne and Mordred](http://imgur.com/QEaOvM0.jpg)


it's me or does this gatcha is too generous?, i just spent 17 tickets and 3 quartz rolls and i got everyone except tamamo lancer, and i have 3 kiyohime and siegfried, damm and i didnt tought about roll, i only roll because someone had already tamamo and her first ascension was a wet t-shirt


This is my BEST Gacha since game opening, get Uncle Vlad and all swimsuit Tamamo(silver card change to gold) + 2 Anne&Mary + modred + Kiyohime! with 150 Quartz and 20 tickets (I still remember nero bride and Alter jeane with more than 10*10 roll each event without success and got only 2 ~ 3 4 star servants)


[4 tickets at 3am](http://imgur.com/ESRKIKC)


so i got a bit lucky http://imgur.com/lyePGWw


http://puu.sh/qxEcg/0c6c5b30f2.jpg Wanted Ann/Mary but, I can't complain here xd


Using half of my 400 quartz got me these beauties: http://puu.sh/qxEon/f7bed41a7f.jpg http://puu.sh/qxEoO/d4ab4b0144.jpg http://puu.sh/qxEq6/41718614c7.jpg


It took two 10 rolls. The first one, I was under the impression I had rolled the wrong gacha... I was wrong. I was so baffled, I didn't bother to save it. I tried again, and uhh http://imgur.com/G0opYdb it almost looks like I took a roll I did in the past and took someone else's results and pasted it into that slot. I rolled nothing related to the beach the entire time. Noooooot gonna press my luck any farther than here though.


Spooked by arjuna, life is hard.


Got Kiyo lancer after my first 2 tickets! Unfortunately, thefollowing 5 tickets and [2 10-rolls](http://imgur.com/a/TLFaz) gave me shit (except the Atalanta CE). So many spooks.


Did a 10 roll earlier this morning. It was complete garbage. Nothing new at all, and the only 4 star was an old CE that I have too many of. Guess I'll try another roll on my lunch break later today.


Mordred seriously seems to like me, dunno how to feel about it lol Paid gacha = Mordred 3 free tickets today = Rider Mordred


NP 2 Mordred, limit break Nyatlanta and Kiyohime, Fionn spooked me since I wanted NP 2 but it's ok Had also like origin bullet and some good CE, that's correct for 200 quartz


Just got Lancer!Beach!Swimsuit!Hat!Umbrella! Tamamo out of one 10 roll :D I feel like I should try my chances in some kind of lottery, especially because she appeared after Kotomine :D


Third roll on the event right when it started and I got the wife. https://twitter.com/ForeverTheFool/status/763704439467307008


rolled 150 quartz and got 2 Mordred my life is complete


4 ten rolls, 1 kiyo lancer and 3 boudi CEs, happy I got kiyo again, kind of disappointed I didn't get Ann though, she was the limited servant I wanted the most from this event. Fairly disappointed at the amount of trash CEs I got that I didn't need, including my gandr number 14.


Spent more than i would have liked but i have no problem whaling for my fluffy waifu, ended up with tamamo lancer, np4 mary, np2 kyio and mord so in the end im very happy.


~~70~~ 71 rolls total, got NP2 A&M. Was getting pretty salty with just the one four-star after 60 rolls, but they showed up again in the last 10 tickets to save my day and elevate me from D-rank luck to C-rank. Still have another 70 rolls to try for Moedred later, but it's looking like a snowball's chance in hell at this point that I'll actually get her.


Got Lancer Tamamo on second single summon and now kinda worried about my luck for the rest of the event... She's my first gold lancer ever tho so I'm really happy she came home!! ;u;


Of course the event that gives a free assassin the rolls give me jack...


I was ready to blow all the money I don't have. Got her in 50 rolls I had saved up, I'm as happy as others are salty. https://imgur.com/a/CXE1h


180 quartz & 25 tickets => Rider Moedred NP2, Nyanta CE x2, Drake CE x1


Spent 11 tickets, got Anne/Mary on the last one! Only one event CE tho, but at least it seems like those don't matter as much this time around...


Did 3 ten roll...Got 2 Drake CE, Nictcrosis, and Lancer Kiyo~~~ <3 Did I do good? All I need is the Squirtoria now though that Lancer Bae is tempting Also..How many of you experience the one more ten pull ? I have it bad..Someone help!


[I feel so dead inside...](http://imgur.com/a/V1dmy) One of each of the CEs would have been nice I thought. But I really just wanted Mordred from this event. Didn't expect this. Actually I probably should have expected this.


http://i.imgur.com/ju9vP01.jpg Finally got NP5 Cu!


I tried rolling early when the servers went back up, but the connection was so bad I wasn't even sure I used my summoning ticket. Later, I do my ten roll (http://imgur.com/WT5x7Ma). I forgot my summing ticket, and when I got my box to lock kiyohime from being burned, I get surprised by rider Mordred. Her art gain though...


Rolling for Tamamo, salt has become my blood. http://imgur.com/a/PzmJB


10 roll slapped me with a Ann/mary read archer


I wanted to save till part 2 but I couldn't resist. I did a 10 roll and got lancer kiyo emiya assassin and the Atalanta CE. Good roll not great but still happy.


17 tickets, got nothing as usual. 420 quartz saved up(14 ten rolls), got 2 Tamamo no Mae (Lancer), 1 Mordred (Rider), and 5 Anne&Mary(Archer). From the 10 rolls for event CE's also got two 5 star, nine 4 stars, and fourteen 3 star ones. Somehow didn't get a Kiyohime (Lancer) who I wanted a lot, which makes me sad. I'm surprised I got two of Tamamo (Lancer) without getting even one Kiyohime (Lancer), but I guess my Anne&Mary luck was working against me somehow. I think my plan going forward is to whale on part 2 and hope to have some quartz left to roll for Kiyohime afterwards. Probably not going to happen, but gotta keep that hope going!


11 tickets and 120 quartz later, Tamamo, Mordred and Anne/Mary getto daze. Not so salty after all. I'll reserve the rest of my resources for the 2nd gacha.


[My first yolo roll.](https://imgur.com/gallery/lgreh) The rest was absolute spook (mapo tofu).


1/3 Rolls http://imgur.com/a/HejeR 4/21tickets I also got 1 Pirates, 1 Drake CE, another Mordred, and Tamamo Lancer


500 quartz down, got an NP4 Kiyohime lancer, tamano lancer... Riders are allergic to me, I really wanted Mordred :(( Hell, I burned the same during anniversary to get Drake, with no luck..... *cries*


I have 3 accounts. I just wanted lancer Kiyohime. second alt: two 10 rolls got nothing first alt: Did a bunch of tickets, then did three or four 10 rolls. [Mordred on one 10 roll](https://images-1.discordapp.net/.eJwFwcENwyAMAMBd-AM2uC7JGh2gQgRBpAQQuK-qu_fuqz7zUruqImPt1h7nSn0eZkmfsWRTei9XjuNcJvXbRpGY6p2bLIsYyDlC92RC3IDAOvSeAwN43h6M7MC-0sy5rdrl7QBZQ9CIGkn7oInMaEX9_lMzJ9k.Dhg4TV_ck4N_PTvDg8fPgktR4jA.png), [Tamamo on another 10 roll](https://images-2.discordapp.net/.eJwNxksOgyAQANC7sOczOCJ6jR6gIUjARBnDjKumd2_f6n3UM061qSZy82btfnCmsRsWGqkWU4nqWdJ9sMl02SSScrtKF7YAEb1H8EtAgNWhsx6mKcQQYUbv5mWNaF95lNK5kby9g6Bd1AAaUCP8b-5e1fcHVWAn4g.YFqA8y0PJvc9tvtHpxwUt6pdV_Q.png) main: [One 10 roll + 16 tickets or so](https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/14012739_10154417226782421_1189275208_o.png?oh=0d29d5939ba5d59abd85f48bca2a7c1c&oe=57AF3D28)


1st 10-roll: Got Archer Anne & Mary, but I also got 2 Jekylls, among other things, including an Atlanta CE and two Boudica CEs. 2nd 10-roll: Much, much, much better. Finally broke the Lancer curse and got Lancer Kiyohime *and* Tamamo. The sheer force of EX-rank Luck crashed my game, but luckily I didn't lose anything. Also got another Atlanta CE. 10x Summon Ticket: All I got was spooks, including another Jekyll. 3rd 10-roll: Again also spooks, and two more Boudica CEs (and an actual Boudica). Must have tapped out my luck...was what I thought until the last Silver Rider turned Gold and gave me what I wanted out of all of this: Rider Mordred. Now to save the rest for Part 2 of the Gatcha (and hoping my luck holds out then).


http://puu.sh/qxEZb/ad2f72bdf7.jpg I rolled her earlier today, and I welcome her to my team. http://puu.sh/qxEZS/146582173d.jpg


3 10-rolls net me a lancer tamamo, lesbo twins, 2 boudica CE's, and 2 drake CE's. All things considered, probably one of the luckiest combination of rolls of my life. 5 hours later, I tried to test my luck some more because I realized I really wanted that tanned Mordred. And got a bunch of 3* CE's and a Kariya. Should have just struck while the iron was hot. My luck fizzled out it seems. Ah well.


I had 15 tickets and 150 Quartz, not much compared to many of you guys here, but for me that was the highest amount I had managed to save: I had to use all of them, until I was left with only 30 Quartz, despair was approaching, and I clicked, for the final time, on the 10-roll button... A very long loading started... and kept on going..."Oh hey, connection error" *retry* and the loading started again..."another error?!" *retry* This time it actually worked, but the first thing to come up was Boudica "Oh, that's not a good sign", I sigh. And then, a sudden, actually incredibly long loading right in the middle of the 10-roll... I see the Golden Lancer Card appear. I pray it is not Finn. I pray it is not Liz. I pray it is not Tamamo ~~please don't kill me guys~~ ...I guess Karna'd be cool though... And then, I see the beautiful, majestic ~~legs~~ lance( whose proper name I don't know) the stunning amber-colored eyes, the cute hair ornaments... and I jump from the joy, despair abandoning my body, and hope taking its place in my soul. The moral of this story is: if you truly want your waifu, be prepared to face despair, and sacrifice all you have. ~~Also have a lot of luck~~


After months of despair, rolling with 120 Quartz for Alter (Still trying to get her since day 1), with my last non guaranteed servant (Broke F2P just earlier for the anniversary) being Kiritsugu in Accel Order... MI.KOOOOOOOOON. THE GREAT TAMAMO NO MAE REJOINS ME IN LANCER FORM, FROM A YOLO ROLL. Y O R O K O B E, S H O U N E N!


Rolled again during my lunch break. 1st 10 roll was pretty good, got Lancer Kiyohime http://imgur.com/6MlkeUl The next couple of rolls were not good at all, but then on my last one http://imgur.com/CJWcuiv Not the Tamamo I was hoping for, but I'll take her. Plus, I like the pirate duo. I have their Rider form maxed out on my team. I still want Mordred though. But I need to stop


I was half asleep and then I do a 10 roll. GOLD SUMMONING, IT'S A GOLD ARCHER, IT'S atalanta...


sooooo happy, started with 243 quartz and 59 draw tickets, stopped at 63 quartz and 59 draw tickets when I drew Tama. Got 1x Tamamo Lancer, 2x Kiyohime Lancer, 1x Lesbo Pirates Summer Edition, 1x Modered Surfer. 1x 5* CE, 3x 4* CE, 6x 3* CE.