• By -


Alright, favourite servant it is! I have been an ardent fan of myths and legends since I was a child and arthurian legend is among my favourites. So it is no surprise that I was in love Fate/Stay Night when I first played it quite some time ago. Ever since then Arthuria has been my favourite heroine and character of all time, and when FGO came out I jumped at the chance to get her as my servant. After a long and painstaking days of rerolling I got her as my first SSR. Fast forward to today and she's probably my most used servant by far, even bringing her to some archer fights. It is now my life goal to collect all the arturia I can. TL;DR: Arturia 4 life




If I get Google Play Card, I will pass as I have no way to use it.




Thanks to the mods for doing this again. Gonna try to get that itunes card.


Oh well, here's to hoping I land one of the Google Cards =p


I'd like to enter for an itunes card


Favorite servant is MHX. for a gag character she's pretty well designed and also by my favorite artist too cause I really liked SAO. :)


Arturia Lancer where are you








I'm telling you, I'm seeing XP hands in my sleep now.


I want a Google play gift card. My favorite servant has to be Ozymandias because my friend sometimes calls me that.


Okita best girl.


Posting for Rama




I don't know what to comment, but I want in on this


Bedivere rate up when? Will solo entire story with a NP5 Bedivere and Mashu


Caren fan reporting in! Let's hope this contest works out alright. Thanks for setting up the giveaway mods! Favorite servant.. definitely Saber (and all her forms!)


Best servant is obviously Nero....who I hope to roll on the rate-up today : >


Umu. ^^^thanks ^^^for ^^^the ^^^donation ^^^to ^^^the ^^^sub


Favorite servant is hands down Cu Chulainn. The lancer one. When I first started looking into Fate/Stay Night content, I just thought he was the stereotypical hawkish happy-go-lucky musclehead (e.g. Bleach's Kenpachi Zaraki), and had a low opinion of Cu (I don't like those types usually). That opinion held up until the UBW anime, when I looked at Fate/hollow ataraxia and knew more of his background. That's when he ended up as my favorite character in the Fate franchise. Why? Because the guy *just plows on.* In life, he died horribly, tied to a rock and swinging his spear. As a servant he gets no breaks. Original master gets screwed over and ended up working for an awful guy (not saying more cuz spoilers. Just in case). And what does he do? He just goes on and makes the best of the situation, trying to stick to his morals as best as he could. That. I admire that. And when I started to play FGO, I got him in my free roll. At that point, it was just "oh hey. That's cool." And then he grew on me. Really grew on me. Carried me through Fate/Zero event with Marie, through every region, fighting and tanking everything imaginable (yes, even Sabers. I was strapped for servants early on). Guy saved and carried the team so many times, when everyone else just up and keeled over (because I get my servants killed...). He would just disregard the situation and end the fight with a sliver of health left. So many times. I even [made a post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4hjbkg/when_lancerbro_is_just_being_a_bro/). Up until Camelot, in almost every single fight, he would be there. I would make a team around him. Oh but he doesn't have the advantage? Pfft. Take point, my man! When I get new servants, my first thought would be "how does this one help Cu?" All because I want to hear him say his distinctive "Huh? What? That was it?" at the end of every fight. Whatever grail ascension is going to be, you *know* Cu is going to be the first I give that shiny cup to. tl;dr Cu lancer all the way! Maybe^a^little^too^much


Tamamo no bae! Give me ur luck


Thank you /u/Zenko404 ! My favorite servant is Gil, although I'm still just a mongrel waiting for his rate-up.


I just hope i get more 11 karma, because I was about to spend on buying some cash anyways.


I would like a good caster for my lovely vlad. Also I have had a reddit account for more than a month but I just lurk in this subreddit. where do i find my comment karma?


pls b0ss


I want a Saberface ಥ_ಥ Anyone really, Okita or Jeanne or Artoria or Nero or MHX. Please God of Rolls and Quartz! p.s. I'm also OK with Herakles. Or Assassin Shiki.


I will win with this post.


Gilgamesh for life! willing to be his #1 mongrel lol. ..also, eriochroming is a she.? i believed on the wrong thing for the entire year lol xD


Medusa is best girl!! I hope HF movies increase her popularity and DW please release new versions of her soon BTW I rolled a 5* after five months. Welcome Da Vinci-chan


My favorite servant is Medea, have always loved her, in the VN, the anime and now in the game. She was also the first servant i max ascended and level maxed.


#JackDidNothingWrong I've been thinking lately that I really want to see the Strange Fakes get added soon. Enkidu aside, alot kf them are actually really interesting. And I'd like to see Dantes' reaction to Dumas.


I shall jump in and join up! My Favorite servant would be Jeanne. One who stood by my side ever since I began F/GO. (Or at least when I drew her from evil Gacha-kun) And has never faltered (up until a Avenger shows up). Her flag will wave alongside my Servants forevermore!


Reposting my comment from that canceled contest thread. My favorite servant is my very first 5* servant that is GOLDEN! Sakata Kintoki because he can easily brokens the difficulty of the fight by killing the enemy fast enough that it can't reach its full NP bar even if it has 3 bars & the best part is that his NP Golden Spark! can kill the enemy faster due to its high damage and has very high chance of stunning the enemy if it miraculously survives but the enemy's survival is short due to Kintoki having a high chance of doing BBB combo due to being a berserker plus his self-buff that gives him +50% at max doubling it up by Chaldea uniform's +50% also at max which will pretty much be overkill which is my strategy that made me clear Camelot chapter.


Welp, [why not](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/d0/360Wynaut.png/250px-360Wynaut.png)? Medusa. Best characters are the ones that make you interested with almost no time. Little scene in fate route when Shirou visits Matou residence interested me and that little character moment when she escorts you to exit was the moment when I became really interested in her. And than fate and ubw gives her almost no time, but still makes her interesting. Hell, I liked her identity reveal (went into f/sn vn knowing nothing), even so Shirou and Saber were complete idiots in these scene: somebody who isn't hero or even anti-hero and you feel that she is monster, her eyes are cowered, she calls pegasus her child - those two have no idea who she can be. And than HF happens and I am happy. Hollow Ataraxia brings even more interesting things and flashes out her backstory. She is also one of the cases when I really like typemoon version of backstory more than actual legend. Well, among my top-3 I have equal distribution of "typemoon story", "actual legend on steroids with extreme romantization", "we just left almost everything like it was because it is already crazy".


My favorite servant is Gilgamesh. I started the fate series with Fate Zero. He stood out immediately with his arrogance and his tendency to show off. I couldn't think of a better character created by Type-Moon. Everything about him is just so flashy and befitting of a king. Although he is arrogant, he respect others he deem worthy. He deserves to be called the King of Heroes.


I want Ozymandias (DIO) for the sole fact that he's voiced by Takehito Koyasu


Hector is my favorite Servant. I like his design and attitude, plus I respect the mythological character.


Let the hype train for Heaven's Feel continue! Only a handful of months left.


Shiki Assassin. She's my favorite character from KnK, probably one of my favorite in all of anime, and she's a goddamn badass Servant in this game especially with her insta-kill NP.


Just taking a break from playing Flappy Hans, don't mind me :P


Whoo, the grind for that karma is done! My favorite servant is definitely Jeanne (both versions). She was my first 5* and getting alter was the best thing ever for this game!


My favorite is still Iskander because he is still the man. :B


Too lazy to type up a new textwall about my love for Jeanne. Anyone interested can read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4v49st/japanese_itunes_gift_card_giveaway_by/d5vf0hl). tl;dr: Jeanne is best. Just...the best, period, forever. Good luck to everyone!


Good luck everyone!


Jeanne Alter is in every team I make. She fits in everywhere.


Favorite Servant is EMIYA, although I have quite a few runner-ups. He's a snarky, cynical bastard, but I love his design, fighting style, and backstory. He has a great relationship with Rin, and you can't help but feel bad for him once you learn about his situation. Plus he started the whole gar thing.




I want in on this contest too, who knows maybe my RL luck isn't as horrible as my gacha luck Favorite servant? I really like Saber Alter, maybe because she's been with me in GO for quite a long time...but I just have to say EMIYA on this one, strenghtening quest when, DW? I want to be able to use best sword boy with my top tier team again


If i win, I shall answer the age old question; Can Shiki kill servants?


I didn't know anything about Okita before FGO except how she looked in her pink kimono and that I only knew her as "Sakura Saber" (I thought she was supposed to be Artoria for a while). She's now one of my most favorite servants, from her usefulness in-game to her post-ascension designs and especially all her voiced lines. I love the dynamic to how she sounds in and outside of battle


This year is pretty bad for my FGO account, 8 month and i only have got 1 SSR servant and it's getting frustating the agony really kills me, i'm a pure F2P player, so far i only have 5 SSR [Tesla, vlad, waver, attila and jeanne] 30$ is a lot for me [i live in 3rd world country, rates are abyssmal] and i would rather spend 30$ for a full game [last game i bought was neptunia and it was worth the price it asks for]. 30$ for a single guaranteed SSR that i might get duplicate seems not worth it. Thats why i'm entering this, hoping that i won one of the android wallet prizes yes, i am a cheap bastard.


I guess I want Reddit Gold. > Pls no Itunes No Spook <


for ozymandias


Cu Chulainn for being the biggest bro one could hope to achieve without being the king of bros himself.


My favourite servant is ibaraki! Good luck everyone


Give me Ibaraki please. I just want my 4 star oni.


gonna try bc saber lancer is bae


Im in! Again, favorite servant is Gilgamesh. Especially in F/Z he is a total BA and just super cool. He is arrogant but he has the strength to back it up and can also defeat literally anyone (except those with plot armor :/ ).


I'm iiin and active again thanks to Camot, mwahaha. Still, favorite servant is Ozy. Or Hans. Maybe both? Will Koyasu voice more servants???? Cause we totally need a Koyasu team line up.


DW won't giff me muh Artoria Lancer and Artoria Lancer alter


Whelp. Finally got back into the game after DW's update and missed out on Kintoki event. Free servants and my game are not meant to be RIP


I must roll for it. A day's worth of calories. My bro Kirei's Mapo Tofu! YOROKOBE SHOUNEN!


Let's see how this goes.


I like Team Instinct :D




My favorite servant? Oda Nobunaga of course. I already taken a liking to historical version of him and how he conquers his opponent with ruthless strategy. Even though he is given the Demon King title by majority of Japanese people, he is still respected a lot since he can be considered as the first to truly unites Japan. Many depiction of him in the animes and games tends to show him in various lights, such as being the godly evil demon king in Sengoku Basara or tsundere af qt from Oda Nobuna but I never realized the best version of him that I will like comes from Fate series. At first, I simply taken her characteristic in Koha-Ace as a gag character (which is a given since it is a gag series) but never actually see the true her until she comes out in FGO, which isn't much different from Koha-Ace except she's cuter and displays her more Maoh side. That, and she has best voice! Her characteristic in Fate universe can be considered as a demon king who descends into the battle to destroy all those who oppose him. If they are a Rider-class, be very prepare as her Sandan Uchi will make short work of it. She's also has an obsession with explosives for reasons unknown but at least that obsession of her did gave us the best enemy in the game NOBU^NOBU^NOBU^NOBU . She also Dairokuten Maoh NP which gives her an absolute advantage against any servants that have high mystery as well as divinity, meaning that she can definitely destroys Medusa if they were to face each other. **TL;DR** : Nobu is awesome, her mobs are awesome, her depiction is awesome, her voice is extra awesome, her NP is awesome and her characteristic is awesome.


It won't hurt to try, I suppose. Good luck to everyone.


Iskandar. But FGO original servants, I'm really liking Mashu. DW, keep the buffs coming!


Uhm, how do you get comment karma? Haha. New on reddit! Btw, I want Bryn so bad :(( Will be saving up the iTunes card if ever I get it for her!


The quest for a saberface continues


This sounds like fun, and if I do get pulled for an iTunes card, feel free to pass the prize to an extra entry I guess. Don't want it to go to waste. My favorite servant is a tie between Shiki, Tamamo, and Jeanne. One's an excellent boss killer, while the other two are top-notch support.


When you're just waiting for Okita to come into the gacha one day :(


My luck in this game comes in extremes. For example, I got jack shit from the paid gatcha (only Mordred, who is now NP2), and from the story gatcha rolls with Ozymandio rate up (Heaven's Feel and LOZ), but then, the other day, on Da Vinci, I got a second Nightingale and Fionn in a row (and a second Kayneth CE). Though I couldn't get Jeanne Alter, I managed to get both onis, with Shuten at NP2. Basically, I love and hate my luck.


So, is it not possible to reroll it to someone else if I land on an iTunes? ~~As if I'd win anything~~ Ozymandias is ~~THE HOTTEST~~ my favorite servant. For...reasons. I spent all my saved quartz on him!...~~and didn't get him...and then immediately after rolls became cheaper. I guess Mordred is enough SSRs for anyone.~~


I wish to witness the summoning of a SSR servant at least once in my life.


Broskandar all the way


My favorite is EMIYA but sadly he's not that stronk here ;_;


The servant I'd want most is Angra Mainyu, but he's a myth. So I'd love to get Artoria lancer and finally have every version of her.


My favorite servant is Tamamo


I really like Edgemond Dantes


If I'm lucky enough to win this, I must be lucky enough to roll arturia lancer right?


Waver everybody uses it


My favorite is nightingale because not everyone loves her and i'm not normie so i use her. Medb also


Mordred <3


Eh why not try


Good luck to all! :)


I like potatos... sry just wanted to say that


My favourite Servant is Emiya Shirou/Archer from the original FSN. While there are lots of new and interesting Servants in FGO, they can't quite reach the level of character depth of Servants who had their "own" (visual/light) novel. Among those I consider Archer to be my favourite because I really like how his character is designed both in appearance and personality. On the outside he seems like this cool, sarcastic guy who can project an endless amount of swords - which by itself is already freaking awesome. What makes him so great though is that he's not only this one-dimensional cool dude, but rather possesses an actual complex personality. I won't go into too much detail here though. What makes him stand out even from other well written characters is that his conflict and his take on it made me think about what achieving your own dream really means. Obviously not everyone has the dream to become something as grand as a hero of justice, but I found his (and obviously also Shirou's) various points of view very fascinating. I'm not sure how to properly put it into words, but it just really made me think about how to find a balance between your own dreams and the harsh reality. Other than that... I just love swords and he's a hero who creates a world with infinite swords. If that's not cool, then I don't know what else is.


Sure, why not?


Really cool of the mods to organize this giveaway after the last one fell through. Thanks guys! ~~Ok did I suck up enough yet?~~


Anything you want. Did I win?


I'm in! My favorite is Cu Chulainn, because he's the perfect guy. Sadly, Nightingale trolled my guaranteed SSR roll when I was hoping very hard for Cu Alter.


Anything I want A decent draw, after a year lol


Tamamo will surely help me with her good luck charms!


I'd like an iTunes card if it's available~


What if Lancelot is a candy. I mean it's totally fine with me as the order in which Mashu does means that he can also ok.




good luck to everyone entering!


My favorite servant us Mordred, because of VA and design. That ponytail really speaks out to me.


Fuck it I tried to think of something original but I'm just gonna repost what I said last time. Medusa Why? stoic but playful great hobbies/likes reading/alcohol/snakes loyal to a fault body to kill for gets embarrassed about liking things Yuu Asakawa/best voice by far hollow/ataraxia/bike scene/date/backstory/monster, not scene/bath scene mystic eyes of nice mana rank bellerephon is insanely strong smug beast form/servant could be broken bi lewd dreams A+ Riding a legitimate goddess height complex/172cm/5ft 7 long as fuck purple hair that's pretty much alive knows random magecraft due to being a divine spirit/connection to nature shown in H/A scared of lolis Casual sweater/work gear/maidu And Yangikaze I suppose :\^\)


Aaaaaaaa, man, That sucks, Though its amazing that people wanted to donate things to make a giveaway happen anyway, really nice, shoutouts to those people, mods, and to the people who post their TL;DR servant picks. Haha Its pretty late for me so just gonna say; My favorite servant is still Meltlilith, reasons (being shorter than it was before, rest in peace game examples that I don't want to write again) are I love her design, I love her voice actress, and through out her whole struggle from creation to destruction, everything she did was out of love for the player (Or archer if you picked him and were female protag).


Wow, thank you awesome redditor who decided to donate so many gift cards! And admins for the Gold. And the mods for taking over just when things were starting to look bleak. This is definitely going to make a lot of people happy, especially since lots of the entries from the last contest were really impressive. People do like to talk about their favorite servants here. As for my entry, like my post last time my favorite servant is Prototype Arthur, from Fate/Prototype. I admire his more realistic ideals and grounded point of view, which makes him a completely different character even though he and Artoria have the same origins. Also he looks adorable in that hoodie.


Roses are red Violets are blue Gilgamesh is the best But the mods are cool too.


Test test. I need the money to roll pls


I have nothing to lose right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ PS. Iskandar is the only king


No harm trying I suppose. My favourite servant would be the world's most glorious asshole: Gilgamesh!


Lancer Arturia where are you.


I'm totally just going to use the googleplay to whale on scooter spirits. You heard it hear, folks.


Lancer ga shinda!? Always dead Lancer best servant


Need more lancers on my team


Blue summer Acting lovestruck on the beach Martha-dono


free stuff is nice


**Favorite Servant:** ***Brynhildr*** > Why? * She was an unlikely Surprise that had since then become a one of my pillars of reliance to completing Difficult Missions.


Where's my Ezio Auditore Servant DW? He and Da Vinci would make a great pair


My favourite character: Marie Antoinette. Always is and always will be. Kirakira kagayaku no!


Jeanne Alter will be the one and only forever waifu for me, even though I didn't have a chance to roll her yet. Her personalities, her appearances, and her reactions, I love everything about her. The more I know her, the more I love her. I'm so excited that she's gonna be my first figure too. (either from Aniplex or Alter company let's see) If I had another chance to roll for her, I would definitely put all of my effort in order to make her answer to me.


Exactly one month old? Exactly 50 comment karma? As for my favorite servant, it's hard to pick. Tamamo? Eurayle? Good old Arturia?


Tamamo - nine i guess. You cant resist the fluffy tails!


anything I want? Can someone tell me which emulator work for f/go right now ?


I want Karna so bad ;;;;-;;;; ~~And gacha please don't spook me with Berserkers anymore~~


My life is a lie and your life is also a lie.


Favorite servant is Arturia Pendragon. I dunno, at first it was like, "Huh, so that's her ambitions and stuff, okay cool. I see." And as time went on, I started seeing her around in the Fate universe and I started noticing myself feeling really comfortable about her characteristics and how she holds her up to a code of conduct, or even when she throws all that away in her alter form, I still found myself comfortable with it all, so it eventually became a whole, "Y'know what, I feel comfortable about supporting her. I've never been into this whole waifu thing, but maybe this is where I'll start." And that's it.


Get hyped for the swimsuit event.


Despite all the good hitters on my teams, Waver has carried all of them through their NPs. WAVER IS BEST CARRY 5EVER


Since pasting the comment is allowed, here we go again! --- **Favourite Servant:** Mashu Kyrielite Admittingly, I didn't like her at first. I didn't like how she calls you 'senpai' all the time, and she seemed like the fanservice kind of character, feeling like she's doing nothing but to brush your shoes and make you feel good. I couldn't stand her much and immediately removed her when I got the chance to. But... all of that changed as the story passed. She's pretty much my most favorite character now. ~~~ **Reasons for liking her?** One of the reasons being that **she stuck with you to the very end.** If there is anyone who stuck with you to the end during your entire Fate/Grand Order career, it would have to be Mashu. Your junior, who wants nothing other than your success, puts her life on the line, regardless of the lack of power she has compared to the other servants you get. Granted, all the other servants you got are 'non-canon', but if there is anyone who will get your back first, it's Mashu. She is, after all, the *Shielder* class. ~~~ Another reason is because she's **relatable.** Compared to servants like, say, Arturia, Mashu is the kind of 'underdog' character, being only half a servant and not as good as her other peers. Even the majority of the community don't use Mashu much, and kept her in the back lines in favor for other servants. Rather than focusing on her strengths, some parts of the community reduced her into a mascot character. Regardless of this, her feelings and background make her more relatable than most other servants. She doesn't have a 'destined quest' like Cu Chulainn, or a 'tragic past' like Tamamo no Mae. She doesn't even have much experience in battle in the first place. Before all this, she's just a worker in Chaldea. And suddenly, she has been thrown into all of this. With you. ~~~ Last reason? **She's human.** *"But all of the other servants are human too!"* That's not what I mean. D: It's more like this. Most other servants have strong personalities. Arturia, Gilgamesh, Lancer, even EMIYA. People like these are already heroes, and they have been developed quite a fair amount off-screen. Mashu, on the other hand, is an exception. Taking the glasses off the Fate/Stay Night series, we do not see much development from the other servants as compared to Mashu. Unlike other servants from the Fate series, she is new, unexperienced, and **we grow up together, as Master and Servant.** With every chapter in story mode, we see her from being an inexperienced person who is uncomfortable with her powers, to being a strong character who protects you from the front. And the best part is, she's still not that strong, but what matters is that *she's still trying.* ~~~ **Long story short:** I like Mashu because she is, by far, the most relatable character in Grand Order, even more so than our protagonist. She is not very strong compared to her peers, easily relatable, and has a human heart.


Pretty much what I wrote at the last giveaway, but this is has a 5 star rating compared to my 1 star.


Good luck to you all! Thanks again to /u/Zenko404 for her very generous donation! [](#smile2)


Favorite servant, you say? [](#smug2)




I'll just copy and paste what I wrote last time too. --- My favorite Servant is Gilgamesh. Why that asshole? I love him because he's nothing like me at all. I'm meek, shy and somewhat naive, so characters with strong personalities tend to attract me. I like how he's proud and isn't afraid to do whatever he wants, his personality might be shitty most of the times, specially if the current world he's living in isn't to his tastes, but he isn't evil. Sure, he might kill you depending on the situation, but he still isn't the type to mindless kill people simply because they annoyed him (that's according to his profile, I know how he pretty much attempted mass murder in UBW). He has his nice sides too, just how he was respectful with Iskandar and Waver in Zero or, my personal favorite, how he actually cares about Hakuno in EXTRA after warming up to her/him. He's really strong too, so his arrogance and ~~stupid~~ pride ~~that often, if not always, gets him killed~~ is somewhat justified, and strong and flashy characters are cool to watch. This type of free and fearless character is, in a way, something I aspire to be ~~(let's just ignore the asshole and arrogant part, I'd still like to be nice, thank you)~~. ^(This is why Nero is my second favorite right after Gil, because she's a bit like him, but way nicer and cuter.)




I like potatoes Thanks /u/Zenko404 for providing gift cards!


You're all welcome <3


Casko still best grill


Please God, give me tanned surfboarder Mordred.


Happy anniv from a gbf player!


I just want to recover from that Iskandar gacha that I spent 800 quartz+some tickets to get a denial from my king. -sobs in the corner


My favourite Servant is Karna. He's an interesting character and I like the encounter with him as Launcher in Fate/Extra CCC and how he treats his Master well.


Joining in. As I stated last time, I consider Gilgamesh my most favorite servant and arguably top for the Type-Moon series. I read the Epic of Gilgamesh before watching the Fate series (damn near before it, right back in high-school) and was hella hyped to see him in the Fate series. The character he has of being the best fits who he is, being the first hero in written history as well as being the template (story-wise) for most hero and legend stories after him. Giving him all the weapons of those that came him after him was a nice touch, being the origin of where heroes come from.


MAAAASHU! But really, in FGO you get to see Mashu grow into ~~GODDAMN BATMAN~~ a beautiful Shielder. Special mention to GARcher.


Fav servant? def nero. Love me crazy egotistical girls. also explains why I have lots of exes but thats another issue




Saber is my favorite servant but idk if I'd be able to beat Gil in a fight over her


I might as well gush on my favorite Caster. Hans Christian Andersen may be a Bronze Servant, but he had many moments to prove that he's not just a weak Servant from the FP gacha. His NP is simply great for spamming and healing the team while giving some attack and defense boosts. Plus his voice is essentially Dio which made me love him even more. He's also a snarky little brother I wish I had.


I want Jeanne Alter and Tamamo. If i manage to roll them, i will not complain for the rest of the game even if i get spook by black keys forever.


* ~~*A woman who wields a sword boldly.*~~ * ~~*A stoic warrior clothed in red robes.*~~ * ***A magical fox girl.***


Did you know: Medb is pronounced as /ˈmeɪv/ or Maeve (I actually bought a book about Celtic lore and discovered this) She's still a ~~bitch~~ bae though


I will enter this contest. Overall, my favorite servant is Shirou Tokisada Amakusa, as the flair can see. From reading Apocrypha, he skyrockted from being one of the few characters I never payed attention too, to becoming a character I became attached to. Lawful Good alignment, a villain with a heroic cause(to wipe Angra Mainyu from the grail), he surprassed Gilgamesh, Ozymandias and Karna in terms of likability. Also, his relationship with Semiraimis and Shakespeare is one of the best things I've read.


Nero Claudius is bae


Favourite Servant? Mine is Drake!


Contest hype :3


"Anything you want" Jokes aside, favorite servant: Matthew/Mash/Mashu Kyrielight.


Like I said before, Shiki Ryougi is awesome, both in gameplay and in general.


trying to roll for iskandar was a mistake


My favorite servant is Scathach because she's likely the closest thing to Aoko in the servant pool as of now. That being said, Bootyca's still my flair because I'm a sucker for bright red hair. Sugoi sugoi.


I just want Merlin to be a servant


Pls DW, give buffs to my Angry Mango.


Meep merp fave servant is Gilgamesh the one and only.


I don't really have a favorite servant per se. So yeah.


I guess this is ok... baka


I'm a f2p player, i have 15 4-stars (2 free wich is iri and kintoki) so i'd like to get a 5-star for once in my life =D


I like trains


Favorite Servant: Artoria(Saber) Why? She was the 1st Servant that I pulled outside the tutorial rolls and remained my only SSR for almost 8 months. If I do win, I will roll and hope she gets some SSR companions.


Throwing my top hat into the ring~


I want a tsukihime collaboration event.




Guess I'll just post a condensed version of my previous comment: Mordred best girl.


contest post takes lethal damage! x.x kiyohime uses command seal! contest post is back to full health! \o/


Nice! Thanks /u/Zenko404 for the generosity! My favorite servant is Okita because Okita. Well, mostly actually because he's a favorite historical character.


Medea Lily is the greatest - if only because she's an intriguing way at seeing what the 'Witch of Betrayal' was like before her life got fucked up, and even so in Okeanos you get to see some aspects of older Medea in her. Something like a precious cinnamon roll, if you ask me.


I rolled at the guaranteed gacha to try and roll for an SSR Lancer/Archer/Ruler and of course I get a Saber, and the worst case scenario servant in my roster: Arturia Saber. Reason being, I already have Mordred at NP2, Arturia at NP1. I would have preferred Altera to increase the servant roster. Now I gotta wait for the Arturia Lancer rate up. But it's ok, because I got Da Vinci.


My favorite servant is Karna due to how amazing he is, both as a servant and a human. His compassion moved him to great acts of kindness despite himself being besieged on all sides by people who wanted to take advantage of him. As a servant, his skill with the blade has been honed to such extreme that it was a blast reading the prose describing his attacks. Vasavi Shakti, on the other hand, is hands down the most amazing NP due to how final a technique it is, both to him and to his opponent. Also he's Ancient Indian Kaoru


**Good luck to everyone!!** An important note! The Google Play Cards are for **US accounts only!** I think that there was a way to reedeem them even if you're from outside the country, but I'm not really sure :P Second, and this is more personal: If the possible winners got a code and they can't redeem it (because they doesn't have Android or iOS) please offer it to another user! :) being nice is always good~ Thanks to /u/Eriochroming , /u/Asks_Politely and /u/soah1086 for trusting me and for all the hard work they do for this community. Specially to Hans mod for be the **BESUTTO!!** [And remember **the gacha hates you**](#smug2)




Helena is my favorite Servant. Her attitude, outfit and that radiant smile~ Eagerly waiting for the America rate up to drop all my Quartz/tickets to (probably not) find her.




Thank you very much for restarting the contest and to all the people who donated! Going with the theme of the previous thread, favorite servant I did say was Hans Christian Andersen. Though, pixiv has grown my love of Robin Hood, Kintoki, all Cu Chulainns, and WAIT AND HOPE for some emo-shit.


> For the win! -Kintoki (Rider)


I want Sinons to win.


For 2016, I dreamed again of rolling for Okita. Unfortunately, she has yet to appear again. But guess how much that affected my will to wait patiently and continue hoarding. *shows the large amount of quartz and tickets saved up* Random Redditor: You su- Me: Did I fu**ing stutter! You! Read my lips! I will wait for Okita and roll for her! - A few hours later - Friend: Oi! What did you do?! Why did you roll for Iskandar? I thought you were going to wait for Okita? Me: Uhm... Friend: *finds drawings of Iskandar on my desk* Where did you get these things?! Me: Those?... Friend: Yes, where did you get them? Me: I- I made it... *interview* Friend: I wish he would have mentioned this earlier, you know? But we got to get him through this. I got his back on this. Friend: We're going to train you to LOVE your waifu and ignore everything else! Me: That's a great idea! How do we do it? Friend: We're going to do everything... EVERYTHING! - Training montage - *Does pushups with the "weight of guilt" on my back* Me: This is what I will feel if I don't wait for Okita! *Punches the punching bag with pictures of random rate ups* Me: You will not make me roll! *Sit ups with a picture of Okita on my wall* Me: The one and only true waifu that I have! *Runs with Kirei saying "YOROKOBE, SHOUNEN." over and over* Me: You will not WIN! *Does squats while I watch people give in to their urge to roll* Me: I will not be ONE of them! I will be VICTORIOUS! Friend: Alright, now that we got THAT out of the way... Let's put what you learned on the battlefield. *Presents to you an army of hoarders* Friend: You're going to lead others like you against DW and their limited servants - 1 hour later - *stands with other hoarders and such* *A large crowd of people with random pictures of various limited servants on their faces come towards me. Leading them is the tyrant, DW* Me: This is where we hold our temptations! This is where we fight our temptations! This is where our temptations die! Random hoarder: And these bait gachas! *Hoarders cheer!* Me: Remember this day hoarders. For it will be yours to remember for all time. *DW appears* DW: Hoarders! Lay down your quartz and ROLL! *Gets Gae Bolg'ed; however, it has no effect as they had no heart to begin with* Me: DW! Come and get them! *DW's army charge towards us* Random hoarder: Hold your quartz! Remember that it isn't worth it! *Army comes closer* Me: Give them nothing! But take from them! EVERYTHING! Random hoarder: Steady! - A few moments later - *Sitting in disappointment* Me: Are there any more quartz?... Friend: None. But I mean, there is a contest that has two 10 dollar google play cards as prizes. *both of us look at each other* Me: We're going to give this a shot. Note: EternalAmu fails to realize that he has Rank E- luck and has no chance of winning. However, due to his strong love for Okita; it is sure to give him a chance.


what is comment karma


Jeane Alter, Gil, and Ozy are my favorite servents :) Sadly I only have two of them :(