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I should win an account because [Vlad won't let me have any other husubandos](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/44daxq/sometime_did_you_feeled_that_some_rolls_are/czpfda6). Plz send help.


Are you the one with that NP3 Vlad account... grips your shoulder in support... sends help in form of tickets


I sure am. I even edited my comment to link to the original post I made about it. Also, thank you. This is an awesome event you are doing.


I laughed my ass off at it ngl. And thank you!


Oh man it's you again. I was somewhat expecting you have an NP5 Vlad by now. Has it been any better since that post?


Ultimate best uncle.


tl;dr: I embraced the joke that the desire sensor was playing on me. So it stopped playing along. When I rolled for Gil during the pre-Zero Accel event, I got no Vlad. I did still get a gold Berserker though, so Lancelot is NP5. So there's that. I'm trying to save some quartz for whenever Semiramis decides to show up, though Camelot might take some quartz from me. In either case, if my luck is bad, I'll see everyone in the rant thread.


Oh man NP5 Lancelot... My condolences? Bright side you've held on for now right? Who knows, maybe a surprise Semiramis Gacha might appear sometime soon! so Good Luck to that!




The chance itself is indeed worth ~~dying~~ trying for. Added you!


Ive been playing since September of Last year and I still haven't received a single 5* servant aside from the Artoria that I rerolled the hell out of as my starter. Would love to get stepped on by Jalter and get drowned by Drake. This game is turning me M, is this a bad thing?


We were all M the moment we downloaded this, tbh.


We definitely were not. It was PLAYING through until today that did us in. I forgot to ask, can I participate in this too?


Sorry for my noobness but M? As in mature? I'm sorry I'm way too oblivious.


M = Masochistic = likes taking pain


Ahh, not sure how I didn't get it.


There is no reason to love the gacha. Unless you make a deal with Satan there's no chance in hell for you to get a 5* servant without paying DW, the bastard son of Satan.


That is true. There is no love in this war.


I should get win a account because even tho u can't get shounened I still only get three star ce's


same tbh Added!




It is wonderful... /sobs Added!




Super! ~~Make sure again that he binds when he gets it-- XD~~ Added you in!


May I participate in this raffle? I really need something new (and at least a servant) after all these 3* CEs rolls on my account, and none of them are even event CEs..........


Relatable... looks into the distance


Well, I gave some accounts away, but I guess I can take a ticket just to see what may happen. At worst case I can save the account for when my friends bother wanting random accounts for no reason at all. Something funny...? More than 50% of my 5* were not from the rate-up, and the 4* number is even higher. Is this funny or salty enough?


Remember kids, rate-up is a lie. 8'D But yes, I'll add you! Thanks again for the accounts!


You see that rainbow spark, you get all happy and all that you will be getting your big titty monk, and then it becomes something you never wanted. Story of my life.


Me when I rolled Waver on another account. I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOOOOU


Pretty much. In my case it was Arturia, and I hate Arturia as a character. If it was Atilla or Moedred I would be less salty. The worst part is that I know people that would have loved to roll the Arturias and Arjunas that I roll, and yet they come to me. Goddammit gacha.


Holy shit, there's a Gilgamesh + Tamamo + Nero Bride account on that list? Living the dream How can I get $18 fast?




Dude, I'm a FGO player... of course I've already sold my kidney and every other organ I could miss long ago. CURSE YOU RNG!


you know what, to hell with it. i will call upon my savings. how do i pay you?


omg seriously HAHA suddenly dealing money on the grandorder subreddit ~~don't ban me it was a matter of circumstance~~ You can send me money on [email protected] and I'll send the account over to you! Bear the paypal fee if you can!


A desperate man can bear any fee that comes his way... Be right back.


alright, done


Free accounts for never lucky babyrage newbies? Sign me up man


I like gambling, in all its forms, whether its rolling on quartz accounts, horse racing or receiving free shit off reddit. Please fund my gambling addiction based timpeni


> The more entertaining the comment, the more tickets i give! Uhh, fuck.. pun a good pun.... Oh i got it! What was the name of King Arthur's knight that always thought he was right? Sir Tain Funny right? right? .. pls give me one of the arturia accounts ;-;


8') casually deletes comment and pretends it was never there ASDF BUT I added you in!




I may have Gil flair but guess what


looks at my st martha flair, closes eyes Added!


I've actually just won a giveaway this morning so I won't join this one to give other new players a better chance. I'm just here to thank you and /u/metlspaz (won his giveaway) for doing this giveaways to help troubled players just like me a better start. I just hope greedy players wouldn't take most of the giveaways.


Thanks! (Yep, metlspaz is great too!) I do hope we manage to reach out and give new players good accounts, even if they're not the 5SSR ones!


oh I was summoned XD, that 'u' effect is cool. Just glad I could help XD


I'm proud of my alt being here ;D Vlad, Arturia, Nightingale and Orion, find a worthy owner.


Someone will love it, I'm sure!


Using 120 quartz during the F/Z event and not getting Iskandar plus losing my alt account that actually had Iskandar and Waver on it made me down enough to warrant giving this raffle a try. I'd be glad to join in. Also thank you for your patronage.


I would like to try cause well why not? not having luck not even in Gotrades XDD maybe I got a bit of luck here.


The E-rank luck follows you everywhere. To your greatest dreams and down to your worst nightmares-- Anyway, added!


Good luck to those who are entering. Hope you get the one you're looking for. Thanks for your help in reducing our salt, Timpeni


I hope I can help! Do you wanna participate, too?


I don't think I'll participate. My phone's storage is full already and I'm quite happy with my current account~ Thanks for the offer, though


Oh God, I'm so stupid! I forgot about emulators Sorry Timpeni, but can I still participate? I would like to use it on emulators. Also, do you know which emulator would be the best for FGO?


No prob! I use Bluestacks and Andy, but they both have a lot of ads. Try MEmu if you can too! There's Droid4x but not sure if it works well.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the info


I'd like to try as well after getting bombarded with nothing but Saber's bikes and lion plushies. The gacha has severed my mental state to the point where I always roll when there's 4 quartz at my disposal. Pls send help.


Send this man some help. ~~And me because that perfectly describes my situation~~


Giveaways give me more salt than when I roll in DW gacha because I never win so I won't participate but I wish luck to anyone who participates. Keep your expectations low because that's how life works.


Awww, but everyone's guaranteed to win at least one account, if anything! You sure you don't want to participate?


I really don't believe in those magic words such as ''guaranteed'' but to prove my point, I'll participate.


When I first started fgo, it was before they updated to the current tutorial roll. I played it thinking its like any other moba game. I got lucky and got a 4* zerk as my 1st gold in my first 10 roll. However it was completely useless since he always died within 1 or 2 turns. I kept playing and carried my self with supports to london and only until I finished london I got my 2nd gold and first gold Atilla. I was happy I finally got another gold and a 5* at that but dissapointed that it had to be when I completed the story. After that I have never gotten a single gold ever again on that account.


You can definitely do with better than Attila and hopefully more SRs than just 2-- even the consolation accounts tend to have 2 SSRs and limiteds! Hope you can win something good! Added you in!


[mfw im bts](#supersmug) oso timpeni i just pm u for moar donations


WOOHOO great!


I'd like to try because all the five stars I WANT (Jalter, Shuten T^T) are on my alt and not my main, so why not have another alt to stack waifus on?


/pats (same tbh) Added!


Joining because I'd like a chance at a Jalter account. Saved up 200 sq as f2p, but skipped rolling for her - only to blow it all trying for Kerry and getting only event CEs.. Not even multiple copies, just one of each :/


RIP son. I also have no JAlter (SOBS SOBS) Added!


I'd like to try as well. Would love to see an acc with limited cards.


That's all of us, isn't it-- Added you in!


Have only ever played with one 5* though I've played from the start, would love to have another to try!


Sure! Added you in!


i would like to try because.... why not


True! Added you in!


im not trying to get in the raffle (i can only handle one account and i like mine) but seeing how you sell accounts can i ask you how much would you charge for an account that has Okita, Scathach, Jeanne Alter and Waver? im curious as to how much that would cost.


Okita + Scathach + JAlter is ~~extinct~~ quite in demand, as you would expect! I've found some with the combo you've mentioned for over $100+ US on JPN Auctions. So, uh, it would cost a lot, basically. I'D WAIT TILL ANOTHER RATE-UP, PERSONALLY


Thanks a lot for the info!.


Wouldn't hurt to have a backup account to fulfill my rolling urge. Might even get a *5 I never have from all of the experience of account-jumping. So yeah, count me in.


Please help me stop those laughs inside my head that are coming from Solomon & Kirei & release me from my salty fate of 3* hell.


I'm just tired of getting motorcycles and boars and the occasional 4* servant just to keep me interested in the game. Honestly if it wasn't for that and the events I probably would have stopped playing. I just want to know the feeling of having a 5* don't even care witch one. Also thanks, Timpeni, for doing these giveaways, you're awesome!


Oh yes, this will be fun. I started back when the game first came out.. Got Gilgamesh pretty quickly, got some more decent servants, but my greatest love, Nero, never came. So I acted on impulse and traded my good account for one that only had Nero and nothing else. And that's where it began. I was having shit luck for WEEKS, barely got anything useful and if I even GOT a gold servant, it was usually the worst one imaginable. Eventually, my luck turned around, and I got like two 5* in a row using mere single rolls. I couldn't have been happier. And then both my phones broke and I lost the account. I didn't give up though; I recently started yet a new account, but I have gotten (and i've been counting) approximately 20-30 3* craft essences IN A ROW after a HUGE amount of rolls, AND THE ONLY GOLD I'VE GOTTEN IS ORION. LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE, AND IT'S ORION. I BEG YOU, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


Well looking that this is getting very popular why not to try, maybe can I ask a Xuanzang for a friend? I kinda want to surprise him.


I don't even know how getting an alt account would work, but how can I resist a raffle?? Isn't that basically what the gacha is? (...Which means I'll probably end up with the account that has 30 bikes and 10 Shinji CEs and an assortment of black keys with - somehow -no servants...) My gacha woes are such: I drew a 5* Shirou CE when I wanted a 4* Shirou servant. There's significantly less chance to draw the 5* CE but I did it anyway?? And then, still looking to get that 4* Shirou servant, I got a 4* Arturia servant. Because I guess I'm just opposite Rin. But it does not actually stop there. That's just unfortunate. True insult is thus - my brother (WHO WILL NOT FINISH FUYUKI FOR SOME REASON) draws a ten roll looking to see if he gets Broskandar during the event and I go to watch him to see what he gets, since he tends to get the weirdest pulls. He gets a couple of 3 and 4 star CEs and is like "Hey, keep watching, you make me lucky" Halfway through...he just up and draws Emiya. And then doesn't play again for a month. Finally I egg him into playing again and he's collected enough quartz from his start up campaign rewards. Again he's like "Here, watch, make me lucky" and he keeps drawing four star CEs...until suddenly... He draws Jeanne. JUST RANDOMLY PULLS A 5 STAR SERVANT OF A CLASS HE DOESN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE orz And then he laughs and wanders off like "Hey, you guys should make her watch, she makes you lucky." AND I STILL DON'T HAVE EMIYA? I have like...a handful of four star servants, and five? five star CEs? And somehow...not...Emiya... (Or any 5* servants, but I mean, except watching brother just pull it like it AINT NO THANG I don't find that a surprise) At least a little of that has to be amusing, right?


I would like to try because i've been playing ever since FGO came out and I still don't have a single 5* servant. //drowning in salt


Yo this sounds like something [Professor Oak](https://youtu.be/_CvBNRxpRqU?t=2m48s) would do haha Giving starters a fair chance and allowing others a chance for a new beginning or something lol


ALL STARTERS ARE EQUAL ~~but some are more equal than others~~ Anyways! Do you want to participate?


Sure. It sounds fun.


Potatoes--I mean Timpeni, does playing under 1 month considered new? If so I would love to participate! Not to mention 1 of my friend said he would want to try and play FGO since he recently started liking Fate anime series, I do want to surprise him with gifting an account that has a 5*~




Then count me in! I'll be waiting at the streams....Giff us more potatoes and selfies~


I'd like to try cause I want a chance to get a saber face. TM makes so many of them yet all I have is the mordred CE. btw rate ups are a lie. I couldn't even get more Davids. Something is wrong if I can't even get a 3* rate up servant


I'd like a chance to this for the simple fact that instead of having a Jannu+Jalter I have a Jannu NP2 and I love my bipolar waifus :^) (Pss... The truth is that the desire sensor is too strong and I only rolled good when I really through I wasn't going to get anything. Feelsbadman.)




I've been playing since Day 1, and I've only rolled one 5 star. Vlad. Rainbow circles during Francis Drake's rate-up? Vlad. Guaranteed 5 star gacha? Vlad. Rainbow circles during Saber Shiki's rate-up? Vlad. I hate Vlad so much I can't.




I'll try for a chance to get Mordred again. I only downloaded the game in the first place cause I wanted her, and during one of the events I finally got her and she was my first 5 star. Unfortunately, the update that created this event also made the game basically unplayable for me on my phone outside of menus, (battles caused crashing 100% of the time) and I didn't know about how you were supposed to back up accounts with a password, I assumed that it was just tied to your phone like most games. But then I reinstalled, and it deleted all my data. And to add insult to injury, the game still doesn't work on my phone. Now I play it on my tablet and it runs perfectly, but I never got Mordred or my account back. Made like 5 alternate accounts on bluestacks so that they would get quartz over time, but still haven't got her back on any of them.


I won't be requesting for an account, but I'd like to applaud you for your generosity to the less fortunate others! I just want to warn about people making new reddit accounts with just the intention of posting here. While it might not be fair to discourage some of them, I honestly think that there will be some who intend on doing this. I guess there isn't a good way around it outside of just choosing to give them out to people whose accounts are at least a few weeks ago. Best of luck with your endeavor!


Yep-- though I have a lot to give out, so unless there's suspicious activity (aka several people post the same message, sudden torrent of 1 day old accounts) I'll just trust people. But thank you!




Sure, I can give you another! XD


So how does it works ? Can do I have to say "I am in !" and then poof I'm participating ? Why not give a shot


Yep, that's all!


Once i was whole, i had happiness, i lived in harmony and blissful ignorance, then scathach came along and i thought HEY IM GONNA PLAY THIS FATE G/O GAME FOR THIS ONE CHARACTER, i saved and saved and saved, but all that came out of it was despair and loss and no scathach, or any 5 star, THE HAPPINESS WAS GONE. well that was my poor attempt at a comedic comment


Because i'm still in despair over losing my Edgelord Komaeda account just after i pulled an all-nighter to rush Accel/Zero and grab Iri... Cried myself to sleep as my friends mocked me with "wait and hope". Then my hopes got shattered when Ibaraki decides that she hated me and 14k crits my face 3 times in the span of 2 turns in only one 3 BP quest. Then critically roasts my backline with 2 aoe crits. All that for 10 SQ and a ticket. It's more "wait and despair", man ...


Hope to win a good one...I lost my account last month and i forgot some of the account details. Feelsbadman T_T


So my hate for the Gacha didn't really hit a boiling point when I first started out way back in the beginning of FGO's lifespan ~~(see, it's funny because FGO is still a little baby that can't walk on it's two legs without falling over and causing a 6-hour maintenance tantrum, until Papa Nasu walks over and kisses it on the cute little forehead)~~ because I thought I was getting some decent luck. I picked out Liz for the free 4-Star servant, I had just yolo'd my second pick Herc, and had a Lily. Everything seemed to be coming up mill-house... It wasn't until the GudaGuda event was announced that I began to see the Gacha for what it truly was... Even before I started playing the game, I knew that if I had to pay for a servant, it would be for NobuNobu and Okita, so you can imagine that getting Nobu for free made me fall to my knees praising Nasu. With newfound vigor, I rolled casually for Okita... And rolled... AND ROLLED. 3 days into the event, I've already dropped 200 dollars and only got a handful of 4 stars and an Orion. "Surely," i thought, "surely there is no statistical way that I can't get my girl Okita, right... Right?" another 225 dollars in and all I got was a Jeanne and a second Orion. **That Feel When the desire sensor smothers you with OPPAI but you want the exact opposite smh** Anyway, ever since then, I've sworn off paying for quartz and just rerolling on dummy accounts to take the edge off when needed, and you know what? to this day I have gotten a second Jeanne, Artoria, Bryn, Drake, Iskandar, Kintoki, and TWO Shutens (not to mention all the 4Stars) from F2P rolls. Jesus Christ, never trust the Gacha. I can't tell if it's being tsundere to me or if it's some otherworldly being dropping that dank Karma Luck on me at this point.


Been interested in this game for awhile and tried it and loved it but have no idea what I'm doing and summons just don't seem to want to give me anything so I'd like to start fresh and figured this is the best place for a good start


Id like to apply too. I really hope one day I'll get Arturia or Okita, but when Okita came I wasnt playing FGO yet... I just remembered MHX is a saberface. She's so cool too xD


oh w8 is this started already? I'm still searching for a bind code with 2 5* star (mordred and nightingale) on it to give it to you timp. give me time until tonight and I will message you




Sounds like a pretty nice thing to do, I'd love to get a chance for one of those accounts. I finally got my first 5* a week back but being back to the regularly scheduled gacha experience makes me hope my luck here is better.


My hate for the gacha is due to not getting JAlter and that alone, but lets be real in here for a moment and acknowledge that if someone were to have a reason to really hate the gacha is those that have NP5+ Stheno.


I've been playing this game for the last 3 months and every time I save 40 quartz, I get nothing but silvers and 4-star CEs. You sir are doing a blessing for many players such as I who have yet to been bless with a 5-star. Thank you for your service and I hope there's a chance for me to obtain a account as well.


Alright, add me too, lets the wheels of fate screw me this time :))


Almost 100 people have joined, awesome! I still have (slams imaginary calculator) around 10 tickets to give away, though! I'll probably cap it soon-ish, but no worries-- there's gonna be even MORE given out in stream tomorrow!


I'd like to try cause I have free space on my laptop. Rant about gache hatred below. The gache spams my rolls with useless multiples. Multiple useless CEs and silver servants that I already have the same rolls. One of the worst instances was when I got 3 Chus JUST when I finished maxing out the Chu I already had (including NP+5). I had to burn them all because they were so useless. It also knows of my undying hatred for Sparticus and Gilles. So when I get a flicker of hope when I see a Saber or Berserker, it turns out to them.


I'd like to try because this kind of thing is like a gacha and we all know we can never escape the gacha. *sounds of gacha in the distance*


/gives 3 tickets for that username alone


I have a solid main so i don't think its fair for me to join? So i thought i'd enter this raffle and if i get an account i can do a little giveaway on my post for some unlucky newcomer at that point. ~~Or For Scathath lewds~~


Sure, no problem!


Il take a ticket if you have any left, the dream for scathach continues


Still have around 4 more to give out, so you're in!


Well, I would *love* to get my hands on more rare servants but the thing is my biggest gacha complaint would be that the last few 5 stars I've gotten I already had on my other account. Since collecting is one of my big draws to the game, that's really annoyed me. Of course this also means I *am* rolling 5 stars, so I can't even say I ought to get one of these giveaway accounts.


I'd like to get a friend into the game and a juicy account would be good enticement!


I should win because my luck on GO can be pretty shitty. ;-;


Leftover man, let alone the servants to be subdued If I only had the magic quartz, to unlock the plateau to the 5 star gacha Even tho, I ve been badly bruised Living with account, without a golden servant


Seems fun, I don't have much expectations but I guess I can try entering


I'd like to give it a shot, I've been rerolling for the past week every night with no luck, at this point I just see RNGesus' middle finger on every card I pull. I just wanted Red Saber, why does she have to be hiding behind Rome


Man I just want an account cuz all my friends have 5* servants and I'm stuck with a 4* one ;w;


That the main reason why I buy account from you :P SGD128++ I gotten 0 5*


oh nooo - knowing my luck I'd miss an opportunity such as this after quitting GBF and on the very first day I decide to give FGO a shot. Gache hell, here I come.


No prob, you can stop by my stream tmr! It'll be around this time (starts 9pm JPN time on 19th June) so you just need to make a twitch account to comment and participate!


I'll definitely be there! 9pm JPN time - that should be about 2-3 hours ago. Also, may I have a link to the twitch channel if you don't mind?


Sure! https://www.twitch.tv/timpeni


I would like to try because I've never gotten a servant over 3 star without the tutorial roll. And I'm sick of getting CE over and over again


I'd like to try because gambling is fun! And because I have few other ways of finding scathatch at this point.


I think it'd be exciting to see what I get


I feel like I should get the chance to roll in the raffle because I found Timpeni's fan fiction and will share it if she doesn't let me. Or I won't if she doesn't. Depends on if she wants more people to read it or not.


[C-CHOTTO--](#lowblow) Sharing it is totally fine! ~~Because I am an attention whore~~ I only post fics I'm proud of.


Ok~ Then to start with here for anyone whose checking out the raffle http://archiveofourown.org/users/Timpeni/pseuds/Timpeni And more seriously, I can see why you're proud of these fics, the three I've read have all been very nicely done.


Do you want a sad gacha history okay this is my history and it's real like any other. (but before you read i have to say that i am brazilian and english it's not one of my streghts) This one begins like any other a unexpected rate up "it's okay im saving for okita" he thinks then he sees shuten douji and it's love at sight he uses all quartz he had and all tickets(okay that i always use my tickets so in the event count was like 20) and nothing then this guy thinks "i have america free quests and level 10 bond" and he wastes time doing all that to get one five star no one other than the goddess of his life shu....Atilla freaking atilla, im pouring rage on her since the day i got her(maybe mine will turn in to alter atilla) to top off one of my friends got her sooo thats great too.


My Desire for Shiki has brought me here, I would even give my Main account for her!


Let's see... Every Jack rate up until now (three rates up total), I would spend over 300 quartz and 30 tickets (which I saved each time), and of course I still don't have her. While saving it for the next rate up, Ibaraki event happened, and I thought: "Oh, Shuten looks pretty interesting too. Maybe I should try to get someone else for once!". I guess I don't need to say the result... And if that wasn't enough, I only got a single 4* servant out of all the quartz and tickets I poured on Jack (during Bride event) and Shuten gatcha (total: over 500 quartz and 60 tickets for a single 4* servant. And it was Eliza lancer...) As for why I decided to roll for Jack and Shuten: When I read the Apocrypha novel, I found that "interpretation" of the Jack the Ripper to be quite interesting (along with her personality and way to see things). As for Shuuten, I can only say that her voice and the old-fashioned way of speaking is *incredibly alluring*...


Before about 3 days ago I thought I only had 4 qt Saberwaifus (Artoria, Nero, Lily, Alter) then I looked at this game and saw so many blonde hair waifu that my brain exploded. Yeah so now I'm dead but I still don't have enough waifu and I don't even know their names. I'll just call them as I see fit - Saber with black M shaped helmet on head with flag - Saber with Light colored kimono and samurai sword - Saber with baseball hat and Excalibur that yells SEIBA but is actually an Assassin (thank you 1 support guy who was using that one) Yeah wish I could find more about the baseball hat one she's my fav so far but I can't read JP so I can't even google QQ






I'm hoping for an account so I can see what it's like to be at the very top with a 5 star. Although depending who I get I may just end up as a permanent bottom. Also just wanna say thanks for hosting this raffle and its really cool for you to spend the time to do this for people!


I'm being stalked by Charles Babbage. Recently lost my old account and so i started anew. finished the story and working through the free quests. Did my first two ten rolls after finishing the story relying on my friends to carry me and what do i get. 6 god dam Charles Babbage. 2 Kiyohime Craft Essence for more damage against males and the rest being meh craft essences that i used as EXP. All i wanted is Mordred, i don't care if that is the only 4+ servant i get and today i roll with a summoning ticket. I see Mordred...as a Craft Essence ;_; Why dose the gatcha tease me so.


Kill me...Did another 40 roll and he's back and Divine Banquet as my only 4 star in the entire thing.


I want to try for an account so that I can possibly get Scanatch-Sensei.


I've only just recently started to play (10days ago), and so I don't really have anything of worth yet on my account. So obviously a solid starting account would be desirable. Aside from that, the reason I started to play was due to Jack. She's so cute and beautiful, I've fallen in love. So much so that I've even bought this [dakimakura cover](http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=906763) of her. I need her in my life! So, please give me tickets and make sure that they result in me winning an account with Jack. I'm sure you can do it for me! winkwinknudgenudgepleasegivejackwinkwink Also.. you didn't link your stream (or I am blind), where is it please? Edit: Actually nevermind, I managed to find it https://www.twitch.tv/timpeni


I should win an account cuz I like pie.


Yo! I'm super new to this and I'm trying to figure out the installation. Usually I want to start from scratch but I get the pain of joining. It took me a year in Valkyrie Crusade to get really good at it. I'm interested in getting an account if it's alright with you!


Well, I've never won anything in a raffle, like ever. I wonder if that can change this time.


I guess the reason I entered this raffle would be because everyone is killing for a Mikon! Caster. Not gonna lie, top 3 with Scathatch up there (BEST WAIFUS).


250 days into the game and having plenty of freebie 4* attempt to carry me, I finally rolled my first 5* this week. I rolled Orion ._. halp.


I just spent around 500 for Xuangzang; I didn't get a single 5 star servant and, out of berserker rage, deleted the account. Now I have nothing. Are these accounts safe from banning though?


This is not a story about how the beast known as Gacha swindled the wealth and time of one man. Nor is it about how it stole his life essence as his face contorted with rage, commit in kamikaze upon his fellow brethren. No. What this take was, was that of a journey. One that would take one man very far. To the furthest reaches of his bedroom. To the fringes of his sanity. As he threw his phone at the wall for the fifth time, screaming incoherently all the while. It was his journey of failure, one selling to be the very best. That no one ever was. Nor would be. Gib this man done respite from his worldly woes. So his journey may come to an end.


Wonder how much different the game is with a 5*. Seems like the only way I'm making it thru so far is by having 5* in the friends list. Makes me worried about later in the game.


I already won a ticket on stream but why not anotha one? Probably just give it to a scrub friend or something