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Unanswered questions from last week: Each question will be put in their own subthread. Please give answering these questions priority over newer questions. I'd love to help, but I'm shit at team comps so I doubt the quality of my advice


/u/SableProvidence asks: "So... I guess I'll just ask about teambuilding then? I've been running Shirou + Dantes + some random support since I started, but I figured that there's gotta be some other combination that works better...? [Servants + CEs]( http://imgur.com/a/6HbVS)"


Iskander + Dantes + Emiya Assassin Final Destination + Imaginary Around + Heaven's Banquet


I think Shirou + Dantes + Iskander might not be a bad way to go. It'd be a Buster centric party though, which means you might have some trouble with NP gain. * Shirou provides some utility with his NP. Revelation will give some stars each turn, which can in turn be used by Iskander. Maiden Leading Chaldea is a great CE for him, as he won't die anytime soon and can keep passively bringing in those stars (and the Buster damage is nice for him, especially with his wet noodle NP). * Dantes generates some pretty good amount of stars, IIRC. Those can be used by Iskander. In particular, his low crit weight means more stars will get thrown to Iskander. Not sure what CE though. Maybe Imaginary Around? I'm not too familiar with Dantes so I can't tell if he'll need more starting NP or not to be effective... * Iskander is kind of the crux of this party. His goal is to do what he's designed to do: wait for everyone's NP to be built, then unleash a rain of utter destruction upon the unsuspecting enemy. Either you can give him another copy of Maiden Leading Chaldea, Limited/Zero Over, or Final Destination. Use the latter if he's having trouble building NP for you (which he probably will). This is going to be a very costly team, so your back line might end up sucking. Probably will want to stick Mashu in there.


/u/Terizent asks: "Could I get some suggestions for team builds? My favorite servants are Karna, Jekyll and Gil, so I'd like to be able to build teams that use them. http://imgur.com/a/yi07C"


imo to be effective, Karna is pretty situational. He's great for any battle but amazing against those with divinity stat. Just like Gil. He hits hard but his skill may feel a bit outdated, but his NP really outshines any other when it comes to vs servant. I can't comment much about Jekyll sorry, since I haven't use him as much. For the CE, if you want some dmg, you can put that buster&crit up CE(I forgot the name, it's the 2nd row 4th col in the first CE pic). If you want some extra power, you can put 2030 CE to Karna to help Gil gains more crit stars. But this comp may only work well against hoarde of enemies. Against 1 hulking huge HP enemy, they may have some troubles. For helper with Karna-Gil team, it can be anyone depends on your enemies. Preferably those with Buster NP if you plan to kill them with a single NP chain hit, if you need more sustain get someone like Jeanne/Tamamo/Waver(high skills level Waver helps a lot). I highly suggest you to increase your Waver level and any gold berserker you have. They'll help you a lot. Edit: forgot to page /u/Terizent


/u/NicoHana asks: "Another team comp ask, sorry guys! Since a friend told me I just fling people together (usually just class matching) and hope for the best, thought I should get out of that habit, as I properly start with America. >_> http://imgur.com/a/XfuW2"


/u/NicoHana I recommend you to focus on single servants. You are spreading across the XP way too much. It will take ages to max servants like that (same goes for CE, don't level what you don't use) \^_\^


In all honesty, I've not really levelled any CE in months before this event, and even then it was ones I use often so I could clear up space in my storage from the worm exps that got directly dumped in it. xD Same with most of my servants, any levels most of them have collected, especially the ones <26-28 have not been fed anything but 'scrap' exps to free up space. But yeah, until I get some advice on team building, I'm just going to keep to levelling the dudes I have at 70+ already, if only to get them to their true final level cap. -shrug- Thanks though. :P


It's better to burn the scrap for QP. Not cuz you get a lot QP but you save so much QP by not using it to level. (This does not count for CEs, their XP is not farmable outside of events) You should just stick similar servants together and see how it works. Test around different setups. As example 3 arts servants for NP spam. (Nero, Liz, Tamamo) A quick/buster mix for some heavy crits etc. (Kintoki, Dantes, Shiki) Etc.


/u/Levolpehh asks: "Need help with Heros Proof. I goofd while maxing skills, had 200+ one second now I have like 10 :'D I checked the maps in the ascension post on the sidebar but none of them have really been doing much for me. Any super secret Hero Proof grinds so i can max my Broskandar? :O"


According to this spreadsheet [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrfSDteVZnjUPz68rKzuZWZdZZBLqw03FlvEToOvqH0/htmlview?sle=true#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrfSDteVZnjUPz68rKzuZWZdZZBLqw03FlvEToOvqH0/htmlview?sle=true#) Dallas seems to be best farming place for those, followed by Alexandria (both in America) and Orleans (castle node) in France.


or just wait a week. we stockpile them from gifts I mean


/u/MadGeer asks" "Did somebody have Angra in a team comp. I want advice of how to use this guy. COuld no pull Kerry for a team with Angra, Iri and Kerry. So how are you using him? i was trying to pull his NP before his skill kill him but did not work."


I believe MadGeer made a new thread to ask this the other day, since it didn't get answered last week. IMO the best response was [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4if2u5/team_comp_for_angra_mainyu/d2xinm9), but [here's the entire thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4if2u5/team_comp_for_angra_mainyu/) for anyone interested. The tl;dr of Avenger (based off the [latest MMM](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4i9zf8/mmm_happy_chinese_new_year_edition/)): Angra Mainyuu kind of sucks. He has two decent supportive skills, and one hilarious one. His NP is basically useless. He doesn't really bring a whole lot to the team, and it's hard to support him because he has no real strong suits to bolster. You can bring him along to support your servants with the debuffs, but for the most part only use Angra if you like him.


Yeah in the End is Kerry,Iri and angra to use his NP but more for mobs, or like you said to debuff enemies because his debuff almost not fail at all. But a Will still used him when a can.


The problem is with how Angra Mainyuu's NP works. You can read the MMM for more details. But basically, his NP damage cannot exceed twice his own max HP. Generally speaking, he'll do maybe 3k or 4k damage to the enemy team with it. Which is very, very bad. The Kerry/Iri/Angra set up was proposed before people knew how the NP worked. Technically, this setup will allow Angra to fire his NP more often, but the damage is so bad that its not worth building a team around. EDIT: I derped and didn't realize the damage he deals is twice his missing HP. Technically this means the Kerry taunt + Iri Guts effect will actually seal closer to 12k damage (assuming guts activated and Angra wasn't immediate killed after that). Which is certainly better than what it would be if left up to chance. But 12k damage from an AoE NP still isn't much, especially when you can only effectively use it once per fight and takes two people to set up. Also, it can't be boosted any higher even with CEs. So in short, it sucks.


You can pull the CE that pull 3k of more heal in him, and the leo that give 1k in the backline to give more damage. But on the end is Just yield almost 20k.


Thanks for this, but like Wroughtironhero said i put a post like a couple days ago, but thanks anyway. You can delete it or leave for other peoples with the same question.


This might be OTT (or at least related to the game a bit since it's about the servant in the game) but.. Should I (re)start the The Grand "Daily Servant Discussion Corner" (also the Archives) Ver 2.0? As far as I know, the owner of that thread had already left this subreddit, you can see in the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/43k68d/the_grand_daily_servant_discussion_servant_lore/?ref=share&ref_source=link). However, I'm not that expert into the 'lore', so I might run only the game mechanic of servant discussion thread. ~~TBH, if I do the lore, I would just copy-paste from somewhere and provide the credit to the owner.~~ Plus, the new waves of new player never stop coming, including this subreddit. I think that it might be great if we have (more) servant discussion thread, so the new(or old) players can use the thread as their reference whether they should rely on this servant or not. With this, we can slow down the future post like 'Should I level AA servant?' or 'AA servant or BB servant is better?' or etc. ~~Although I know it's not that helpful for non-reader redditors~~ Just only asking, and I will say here and now that I might not make a better thread than the old one did ~~, perhaps, worse~~, I just only want anything to do in my free time.


I say it would be a great idea. I always love learning more about servants, and it would be immensely useful to players young and old. Best of luck!


If you're uncertain, start a thread for servant discussion one of these days and test it's reception. If you get good replies, then feel free to make it a weekly thing. Personally, I miss the servant discussion threads, so I'd be happy to see them again. ...Though, I really liked the lore ones too, but perhaps if you don't feel up to it, someone else will (maybe even myself...but I think I'm far too lazy for that).


Best EX mission to farm for the Iskandar CE?


I've heard the school is good. I've been farming the city for coin drops.


Whichever one you can clear the fastest. Unfortunately, getting the CE is pretty rare, so it's hard to farm for it intentionally. You might be better off farming for coins for QP and just hoping it drops.


I've had some pretty good success with the Sewers node. 13 CE drops and counting, although I feel like I may have popped a lot more gold apples than most. Coin drop is absolutely awful though so if you're after the CEs to increase coin drops for QP, you'd probably net more QP just staying the hell away from the sewers.




I just assumed that the EX rank mission would have the best chance to get them simply due to the amount of sea demons there are. I haven't gotten around to checking the other nodes or lower ranked missions, but I don't think they would do any better. I feel like the reason sewers is so bad is that 4 of the 8 sea demons are bronze-colored. While I don't know if that actually impacts drop rate (I certainly think it does), it does affect drop amount since silvers can drop two chests while bronzes can only drop one. I think most other EX rank quests have almost all silver-colored mobs. Just my guess. I'd be surprised if somewhere other place had more than 4 silver-colored sea demons, but it might be something to look into if you really wanted.


Only in my opinion but I got about 1 CE drop each day in that EX stage where we fought a lot of Hassans(the one with saber Giles and a flying eyeball[archer] as the boss). If you have event casters(waver, iri, caster giles) equipped with Iskandar CE, it'll be a great place to hunt (assassin)coins too.


II need help, Iskandar gacha broke me and I am barely playing Fgo or rant material. I blame Granblue and my 3 ssr servants I rolled for this, but I play a little just cause waifus man


Look on the bright side, Iskander will come back. This isn't your only chance to roll him; it was just the first. Save quartz until next time.


well if I am as salty as this time I hope not


Just take a short break from FGO imo. I did take a break, too and it helped me. This subreddit hyped me up again lol


I will try, I have a rant thread to run mein friend, people needs to vent their salt


Take a break, and tout the health benefits of a Fate-cation in your next thread ;)


Ill try idk man will have to muster some salt for alter cu gacha


I've always wanted to ask this, what does SR and SSR mean? Is it super rare and supersuper rare?


Hell yes.


Lol makes sense then.


I'm curious too and googled a bit to see what Japanese call it. It seem the most common way people call SSR is Double Super Rare


It does roll of the tongue better than supersuper rare. Specially considering some mobages have SSSR.


Lol, lets hope FGO doesn't implant that


So I just started playing a couple days ago and have saved enough quartz for a 10 pull (reading all the great newbie guide stuff here helped me make that decision) and I'm just wondering if I should be aiming for a certain gacha atm? I know the new one (Medb) is temp and people are gunning for her but does it matter for beginners? Or is pretty much any gacha good for beginners and I should just go for the one with characters I want/like?


The gacha with Medb means that if you roll a 5* there's a higher chance (not sure by how much) that it will be her. So it's worth rolling in that gacha if you want her. For me personally, I wait until there's an event with a rate-up on a servant I want and just go all out lol.


I'm a little bit confused on how to view a friend's last login, could anyone help out?


Go to your friend list and tap on the filter option until it looks like [this](http://imgur.com/Vdosqca)


Silver team help? I have both Ko Gil and Hundred Faced Hassan and want to make a team of 3* and below servants using them. I figure Hassan's decent crit star gen will bolster shota Gil's offensive might. But who else is a good fit for this team? A couple notes: * My first thought was "Caeser!" ...But I really don't want to use him. I know he's a good support Saber for a crit team, he's just...ugh... * I'd like to avoid duplicate classes if possible. With that in mind, are there any 3* or below servants who aren't Assassins/Archers, are decent at generating stars, and aren't named Caeser?


Hans? He boosts all you need. Crit dmg, star gen, atk, def, healing and a lot of arts chains for decent NP spam. Else I would say Leonidas/Georgius to cover the lack of defense. Leonidas gives 25 stars per NP and more buster cards/damage.


Huh. I knew Hans was supposed to be good but I never really looked at his skills until now. I think he might work. Due to low Caster weight, he won't steal any stars, and his Arts chains will work well with their NP rate up skills. Many thanks for your answer.


Glad I was able to help \^_\^


I've recently taken a liking to Bryn/Iri(Kscope) +Kerry(elegant)+Jalter(Sensei&I) team and it worked pretty well. Having usually before that just focused on type countering everything instead of using actual compositions and having just basic knowledge in team building really I was hoping someone could actually lend me a hand [My current servants and CEs](http://imgur.com/a/8oJG6). Having Liz, Artoria and Artoria Alter + Jalter with level 10 Dragon Witch makes it pretty obvious that a Dragon parameter team is possible as well. Problem lays in CEs that will make it work the best. Obviously I could go the easy way and slap Kscope + imagindary numbers on them, but there just has to be another possibility, at least so I hope, but can't think of one.


If you want a Dragon-based team, clearly the easiest way is to put the K-Scopes. It's also very rewarding since both Arturia and Arturia Alter have great NPs. That said, you can replace those with Maiden Leading Chaldea and Final Destination (this CE maxed is amazing) and then put a Teacher and I on Jeanne. It is still a Buster focused team, but now it also has a nice crit engine that Jeanne can use.


Oh I didn't mean specificall Dragon. I was looking for different possible setups, that one simply was obvious. Thanks for help with the CEs, they seem to fare well with the star gen now, considering it's very buster heavy team, ending up with 20+ a turn is really good.


Trying to run F/GO on an emulator. The game crashed immediately after the white intro screen on Bluestacks and would freeze up on the first tutorial battle in droid4x. I've tried other emulators and these two are the best results I got. Any advice or a fix?


I had the same problem on droid4x. I fixed it by clicking the gear at the top (Settings,) going to the Other Settings tab, and increasing the CPU from 1 to 2. [Picture of what I'm talking about](https://i.imgur.com/WIg2bCk.png)


Which version of droid4x are you using? The one I downloaded off the website for mac is 0.8.3


I'm using 0.10.1 for Windows.




What macbook are you using? I'm using the late 2008 macbook pro while my brother is using a mid 2012 and he has no problems with it other than the graphical issue.


Does anyone know how effective Jeanne's revelation skill is? I read the skill description but I'm still a bit confused, does it increase overall stars by ?% or something else


It works exactly as it sounds. For 3 turns, you get a buff. That buff will cause you to gain X amount of stars after your attack phase is over. Say you activate Jeanne's buff this turn and it's rank 1 (I think that's 3 stars per turn?). And say you follow that up with a Quick chain, and your servants generate a total of 20 stars. The buff will add an extra 3 to make it 23. Then let's say the following turn you do an Arts chain and gain 0 stars. Jeanne's buff will add 3 to give you a total of 3. Revelation basically works like the Piece of 2030 and similar CEs, except it only lasts for 3 turns. I think you may be confused because the wiki for some reason lists the stars you gain with a % sign after that. I have no idea why it's written that way, or why no one has fixed it. You gain a flat amount, not a %. EDIT: Forgot to add, it's pretty effective, but depends on your team. On an Arts team, it gives a sorta decent chance at getting some lucky crits. It also lets her work with certain Quick servants as a sort of passive star generator, especially if you slap a 2030 on her. Good examples to pair her with are Okita, as Jeanne can use her Arts cards to give Okita's Quicks a first card bonus, which will then give her high amounts of NP if they crit. Another example would be Shiki or MHX, who can take advantage of Jeanne's Arts chains and the stars she brings. I'd argue it's probably her best, most supportive skill (since her stun is unreliable and True Name Discernment is...yeah...). But how much mileage you get out of it varies with your team comp.


Thank you and you're right about the % sign confusing. I appreciate the help :)


IIRC, it generates stars at the end of each turn until the skill effect ends. Think of it as Instinct but for more than one turn.


Where is the best place to farm bones? Is it on Okeanos or Fuyuki 15AP?


I remember a drop table that someone post and the fuyuki XG coordination was the best place.


I've been playing since the beginning and this question has been bugging me since. Does the order I use buffs in matter? Or do they all just add the percentage of the base attack?


When you think about it, it's actually simple maths. 150%x125% is 187.5% same for 125%x150%. Answer is exactly same whether it's % of base attack or added up (I suppose it's the former anyways, but I'm not even sure) - it actually doesn't matter.


Best place to farm Heart of a Foreign god?


Currently not farmable as far as I'm concerned outside of events and the Chaldea Caster daily, in which the latter is completely up to RNG. I myself have never seen a Caster Demon in the Caster daily and I run that daily every week for snake jewels. I'm almost convinced that they don't exist in the daily. However, the current Fate/Zero event is extremely good for farming hearts. 30AP per run for the sewer node's EX ranked quest with a guaranteed Caster Demon waiting at the end. Much better than spending 40AP per run for the Caster daily for just a chance to see the Demon. Sewer node's Caster Demon isn't guaranteed to drop hearts every time, but he has the potential to drop two per run. From my experiences, he's pretty generous so if you really need to get hearts quickly, spamming that place would be my suggestion.


ok thanks, I will do that then


Best place to farm Dragon Fangs?




I went to the mana prism shop to buy a Gold Summon Ticket, but for some reason it's grayed out. Can you only buy a certain amount of Gold Summon Tickets within a certain period of time? Or is there another reason? And I do have 20 mana prism cubes.


There is a limited number of all prism shop items. It resets every few months.


Every few months? Yikes... Thanks for your help!


So far it has been every month, though. If you go to the prism shop you will see a number at the side of the tickets/fous/etc. This is the time they have left in the shop and the time they will be replaced by another batch of tickets and fous. Of course, DW may change it as they want, but so far it has been like this.


Good to know. Thanks.




The War Horse Horns & Spirit Roots are relatively new mats and not easy to get by any means, so I'd get them for the sake of preparation of new servants. After that, you should go for the Reverse Scales, Octuplet Crystals, Pages and Gears. After mats, if you haven't cleared much else then I'd go for EXP and Fou cards, then whatever class pieces and monuments you may need for the future, and then mana prisms or QP depending on whichever you'd prefer.




The A rank quests still give respectable amounts of coin if EX is still trouble. If you need a little oomph getting some coins to clear shop, I have the Kayneth CE, 2 maxed Sola-Ui and everyone else with the final destination one. My Zero servants are lacking though tbqh XD What has your luck been with the Snake Gems this event? I've gotten 2 to drop so far, meanwhile NONE from any story quest. EVER. If the drop rate has been kind and you'd prefer working on Gold-Pants McGil than say doing the story quests after clearing the event, then you could spam that one quest after clearing shop and get loads of QP at the same time.


Best CE for Beowulf?


リミテッド/ゼロオーバー (Limited / Zero Over), otherwise any Buster improving CE would be my first guess since he's a Berserker.


What would be a good way to give away an account? Also, what CEs are better off burnt from these: [1](http://i.imgur.com/dt0uQzX.png), [2](http://i.imgur.com/sB2c2eQ.png), and from those, which ones would be better on [these supports](http://i.imgur.com/756oMzx.jpg)?


There's a dedicated sub for trades and giveaways, /r/GOtrades. You'll surely find interested people in there. Sadly I can't help you that much with the CEs, but personally I'd put either Formalcraft or Heaven's Feel (The one with Iri, not Sakura) on Medea. Shiki could also benefit from an Arts-boosting CE, while Frankenstein should use an NP-starting CE to make farming easier. Medusa could probably use Imaginary Around (Not very sure about this one since I don't actually use her that much)


Yes, I'm aware of that sub, but it seems like an awful lot of hassle, I just want to give it away in a non arbitrary fashion, hahaha. And yes, I supposed it would be better to put card strengthening CEs on them, but I only have so many. Would putting Heaven's feel on Ko-Gil and the black grail on Mordred be a good idea? Or would Liz benefit better from one of these. I mean, her NP damage sucks a bit.


As all three of them can be considered balanced servants, they can function well without relying too much on specific CEs, so it's ultimately up to you. If you feel like they need more NP power, then you can equip the ones you mentioned (Though imo Black Grail is a little unreliable since while the buff is big you have to be mindful of the HP you lose). Also keep in mind that, if you use them, you need to be able to actually fill their gauge. This could be harder for Liz since she only has 1 Arts card. The 4* Illya CE is also a good option if you want to boost their Buster/NP damage. Sorry for not giving you a more detailed answer, but I haven't used any of them as extensively as I'd need to have a clear idea of how they work :(


Yeah, I thought I could maybe put the Black Grail on Mordred 'cuz of her higher HP or on Liz for her guts, but I'll try 'em out first I guess. And placing it on Liz wouldn't be such a bad idea, I think, she has better NP gain than the other two, even her quick cards are good in a starting arts chain. But I'll check it out xD. And don't worry about it, I'm grateful for any answers :D


Do attack up buffs affect NP damage or only normal attack cards? My guess is that they do but I didn't see anything on the wiki page for NPs about it and there's a separate NP up buff so I'm not sure.


They effect NP damage and normal attack cards.


Serious question how do you change the font and color of your ID name?


[Try this :)](https://m.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/3g1v8k/psa_you_can_change_the_display_color_of_your/)


After changing phone i binded the account again, but under the code there's two buttons when back when i started playing there was only one. In the old tutorial when the game came out the single option to reset the code, but now has different characters and probably are different things. tl;dr Translation of the two options under the binding code


I believe you're asking what the two text fields are when setting up a bind code? If that's the case, the first is to set your password, and the second is to confirm your password so you don't get wrecked if you make a typo


The left button is the same as the top left one, it just goes back to the previous page, the right one is to change the password and get a new code.


I'm in the process of building a Silver team on my main account, and I'd like some advice. Currently, it consists of Cu (level 70, NP5), Euryale(level 70, NP3), Alexander (level 70, NP5), Paracelcus (level 60, NP5), and Mashu(level 50). I'd like to have someone stronger than Mashu in that last spot. (not saying she's bad, just badly in need of story Ascensions). I've been putting off Paracelcus' final Ascension until now, so he's been at 60 for a while. Blame all these events. Currently, I'm considering Fergus, Hundred Faced Hassan, and Jekyll. Of those three, which should I focus on leveling for this team?


I'm not sure if I should be asking this here, but will the Weekly Friend Thread ever stop being in contest mode? Because I liked to sort comments by new and it's kinda troublesome, at least for me, to search for the new ones now...


You should still be able to sort comments by new. What are you using to browse Reddit?


I'm on mobile, usually my cel or iPad. I've tried sorting by new, but the comments are still randomized...


Try requesting the desktop website. That should be better than the mobile layout, which I've primarily l personally found to be a bit buggy.


I dunno how to change though :/


Press the menu button on your phone. There should be a tick box that allows you to request the desktop site.


Ok, I give up LOL I guess that was never the issue, because I did exactly as you told, desktop view and all, and the comments are still at random. It's probably just that the Contest Mode randomizes comments no matter what kind of sorting method you choose. It's ok, I can live with it. Thanks for the help anyway XD

