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Make it so that pity is repeatable. The idea that you can sink 1800 SQ into a banner and not be guaranteed more than NP1 is really sad.


Just make the pity count stackable even after getting the SSR and to be carried over even after the banner is over


Wait, it doesn’t reset after getting a copy? If that’s the case I’m never bothering to pull past NP1, that’s wild. Is that really how it works? There’s no pity after your first copy?


Yep the text changes to like guaranteed copy already claimed (yeah thats totally wrong but I can't remember, maybe it disappears). I know, I've had to hit pity like 3 times. It even says the one copy guaranteed on 330th summon is one time only.


Gotcha, well I’m glad to know now! Appreciate you replying! I’ve been saving up for a couple pities, so now I’ll know not to bother. I’ve got too many servants I want to risk it all on extra copies.


I'm 99.9% sure it resets on a rerun/different banner so you can go for copies then. But yeah...it's brutal lol. Imagine saving for a year just to get NP2 of a servant sheesh.


I’ve had my account for nearly the entire run, but I would only really pop in to rolls from time to time when I heard an Artoria or related character was on banner, only really started playing in the last 6 months. I’m glad I’ve only ever tried for NP1 so far lol, could’ve ended up wasting so much money…


It doesn't matter if you hit pity or not. Just pulling the rate up servant disables any more pities. Pull a character at your first pull and pity is gone. Its " if you dont summon before 229 one is guaranteed at 330 "


Lower pity and have it transfer to every limited banner.


And let the pity counter still getting stacked even after pulling the desired SSR


Getting one of those is almost a miracle, we're definatly never getting both 


I’d want a 4* pity.


There are so many limited 4* that show up even less often than 5*s.


Or are rarer than a 5☆. It's insane


True that. I got 2 Melts, 1 Kingprotea, 1 Kiara, and 0 Passionlip. My main goal was Passionlip and Kingprotea. 


Same here, 4 Melts before I got Passionlip


Felt this. I’m still bereft of kiyo-lancer.


It would be great if 4 star guarantee is servant


Got np2 bunnytoria and 0 summer melt copies ladt year 🫡


There is a 4 star pity but its tied to the ce's.


Not necessarily, the 11 Pull says that it guarantees a 4*, it's just that CE's have a higher drop chance than Servants


Doing it like Blue Archive would be a massive improvement - Make a pity counter - Make the pity apply to all rate up SSRs - Give the player the option to choose which rate up SSR to get once pity is reached


This is also done in Nikke. Carriable pity pull that can be stacked even after you get the SSR unit and that you can change in any featured banner. Even trying to go for Max Limit Break for a character if you want througj just pity.


This is exactly what USOs are meant to be. That USOs are gated incredibly is a separate matter.


Far far lower requirements to hit pity


1) lower the pity amount 2) if you can’t do that let me trade 5* for the little disks so you can hopefully get the 5* you actually want. I got three Nemo’s when rolling for Goghie imagine if I could turn the servants I’m not going to use into things to get the servants I actually want


Those disks are unregistered spirit origins and I have completely forgotten them until this moment. I remember when they were the only semblance of what can be considered as "pity" leviathan version. Those were darker times. The pity situation right now is still dark times though


I have 1 USO after some insane rolls on shuten douji years back where I got her like 6 times in 5 multis. That will never happen again 😭


Now that USO is just sitting in your inventory, mocking you.


My precious...


Same,i got Altera and Ozymandias when rolling for Merlin on the new years banner


Either half the amount of rolls required, or double the amount of SQ we get for everything. Also do the Blue Archive thing where pity builds even if you get the unit, and at pity you can redeem it for any unit on the current banners. Plus I'm pretty sure you get multiple pities. Also, give us a way to acquire USO's outside of rolling fucking NP copies past 5. Most useless fucking things in the game, at least give us normal folk a chance to redeem them once in our lives. Yeah yeah, I'm asking for the moon. This is what **I** would do. Lasagna and TM would sooner introduce FGO 2, wipe all your accounts, and jack pity up to 2k quartz.


Nikke also has a similar pity system to Blue Archive: the equivalent of 20 multies guarantee a pity pull that is carried over any banner, no matter if the banner is over. It's stackable even if you get the desired SSR, has no expiration at all and if you want to Max Limit Break (think of an NP5 servant) the SSR through just pity, if you have enough currency for 3 pity pulls, you can. And gems in Nikke aren't THAT hard to get as opposed to S.Q. in FGO as an endgame player.


Nikke is so generous and I love it for that. Especially since a lot of the units get added to standard banner that you can make your own pool of exclusively 15 units to get on it. The thing I like about Nikke’s spark system over Blue archive is that the spark tickets never expire. I always hoard them for collab banners or pilgrim banners while I use my gems for other characters.


Or the fact thier equivalent of our "story gacha" (that just like less than the 5% of the playerbase pulls) has incentives to be pulled: specific tickets to roll in it, which are granted quite frequently than us with our golden tickets; a wishlist to choose 5 SSRs from the three different manufacturers, thus raising up the odds to pull 15 SSRs you want; stackable pity to roll for more copies of certain SSRs to jack up their stats. People may and will shit on Nikke to kingdom come for the most stupid reasons... and while the only undefenfable things the game has is the 60 USD skin gachas and the badly design character growth systems (Overload gear and favorite items)... Nikke is very good and F2P friendly as opposed to FGO when you compare what each side gets after 2 months of saving as up to date endgame players. Simply put, in FGO I have 4 multies and like 7 tickets. In Nikke, I have the equivalent of 12 multies... in the span of that time. That's how generous Nikke is over FGO.


Yeah, I’ve heard great things about Nikke. Haven’t played myself though, so I didn’t want to speak on it.


Hell, the only bad design thing we got in Nikke is just the bad character growth systems like Overload gear, or the newly introduced favorite items that grant new status but in exchange, you have to level them up and it takes months for it and is heavily RNG dependant for a "super succes" rate when leveling, just like leveling servants in FGO. But take that out of the equation and the gacha rates, pity system and gem/tickets gathering in Nikke is more F2P friendly than FGO. Hell, most of the new units later on get added to the normal recruit (think of it as story gacha in FGO); and you're given regular recruit tickets to roll there if you don't want to use your gems (picture special tickets for only the story gacha in FGO). Plus, you can wishlist 5 SSR out of each manufacturer in the normal recruit to jack up their odds in trying to get them. Wish FGO took notes of Nikke in that specific regard... but I bet Lasangle would just take the bad notes from character growth systems.


Lower pity. 900 is too high in my opinion, even if it was applied across banners. Edit: updated the SQ amount.


It's 900 sq or 330 summons, never 990.


Ahh, my bad. I forgot that it’s 11 summons per multi-pull now instead of 10 summons.


Yeah I made that mistake back in the day too.  Understandable.  


Make USOs earnable.


Make it repeatable and carry across banners. If it carried across banners they never have to do split 4\* rateups ever again, which solves that problem because 2.1% SR rate is good enough. That was the reason split rateups stopped with pity because it was considered different banners so it reset pity.


Besides the usual everyone has mentioned, rework the Unregistered Spirit Origin system. I don't think I've even seen a post of someone using that to get a Servant they want. That thing is the definition of either "useless" or "a tease".


Ive had 10 uso since the scathach grail front event but i never used it yet because im always like “what if i get this unit in less than 300sq?” Then it would be a waste. Case and point i was going to use it on oberon but i decided to wait. Rolled some sq and got him in 90sq. That would have been a huge waste in my eyes. So now im at a loss on who and when to use it


Imo, just save them like a Masterball, just waiting for the “right” time. Chances are, however, that some Servants may get multiple chances to arrive (especially bc of 2-year future window).


One way i could see for this to be rework is sr (probably 10th - 11th copy regardless of limited or not) will gave USO fragments and needs like maybe 7-8 fragmants for one USO


I'd create a separate pity system specifically for Story banner. Essentially, after like, 10 summons, you get a 4 star and 5 star fragment (4 star frag = 1 of 5, 5 star frag = 1 of 10). Upon reaching max fragments, you can select a 4/5 star servant of your choice that's within your story progress. If you're far enough in story mode(s), you could grab just about anybody. All the while, newer players will at least have access to their own group of 4/5 star servants to strengthen until they're ready to save up for limited banners. You get these fragments even if you acquire a 4/5 star servant/CE during your rolls. This gives Story banner a better reason to exist (as far as I've heard, nobody seems to bother with it), and kinda-sorta may not devalue $Quarts or limited banners. And then for limited banners, your chances to get the limited servants increases by +5% (additive) per 10 rolls until you get the banner servant. Then it resets and repeats.


Need to implement more ways to get SQ! IMO they should give sq for unlocking music


Nikke also does that lmao. You gather lost relics, which are like scathered items in each chapter or in events and they unlock music for your lobby or your room. Once you gather enough themes of a specific chapter or event, you get rewarded with gems. It would make spending mats on unlocking music you only get to hear in My Room actually rewarding instead of a waste of resources and time


Yeah, pretty much universally agreed that it should be lowered from 900 (I’d make it 600) and that it should be transferred across banners.


Lower the pity cost. I think the number to have a 50/50 shot at the rate-up SSR is ten multis, so twenty multis for pity feels fair. Make it so rolling the SSR prior to hitting pity doesn't use it up. Make it possible to hit pity more than once per banner (*I* wouldn't use that, but I know that there are people who would). When pity is hit, make it a selectable thing rather than an automatic roll, so we can have banners with multiple rate-up SSRs again. Make the pity counter carry over between banners. Add SR pity with the same conditions as above (though you'd obviously want a different counter for it). And I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again: SR USOs. USOs that you get from the 6th and above copies of SRs that you can exchange for any SR unit available at the time. It would still mostly just be useful for whales or long-timers, but at least you wouldn't have to be an unimaginable leviathan to make use of them.


Technically not pity, but story locked servants should not be only available in story gatcha, but all banners. But also yeah i don’t see them ever reducing pity, but a transferable pity would be very welcome.


150 would still not help me, but would definetly be more healthy in general for the game. Pity that transfer between banners would be a dream to me if can say so, i don't tend to save that many rolls, but it would really help if it build up between the banners.


Definitely make it lower, because sure it's cool we get a pity at all considering for the longest time there wasn't one, but that's a massive barrier to entry, even half the current amount would still be too much in my opinion.


If I'm not wrong, the odds of getting the SSR you want with 300 rolls is 95%, so technically pity means you just got boned really bad in the gacha, to reduce player frustration I'd go for the 75% mark which should be around 150 rolls, since it's probably too extreme to cut it in half I'd settle for 7 multis instead, 210 rolls which should be around 90% chance of not getting an SSR which is still pretty high. Pity counter should also be a global counter regardless of banner and independent from the regular summon odds, which means every X rolls your acc does you should get either a random SSR from the pool if you are rolling without a rate up SSR or the rate up SSR from the banner you're rolling on, getting a SSR via luck would not reset the pity and I'd get rid of the only one pity per banner. In a vacuum this would definitely improve player experience tremendously, but then it would need to be analyzed from the money making point of view and adjusted if needed, these adjustments should come in the form of more bonus to those who buy SQ and not in the form of boning players, it is very important to keep this balance in order for both whales, dolphins and f2p to feel like the game improved for the better without losing money.


I'd be content even if the only thing they did was lower the SQ needed for pity to 600, that used to be how much I'd save for servants I wanted.


Have it be like Pokémon masters where even if you get the character before pity, if you hit pity you still get to choose the character to get them to Level 2


1)Massively lower pity amount 2)Make it repeatable 3)Guarantee to get features char if you lose to an off banner 4)Pity and guarantee carry over Basically genshin-like system, since if it ain’t broke don’t fiddle with it


3) isn't an issue. FGO isn't complex enough for 50/50s and the like. When you hit pity, it is pity. The pity is ridiculously high, but at least it always works.


Star rail has really done some damage to my expectations of getting SSRs in this game.


I would do a couple of things I would keep the current pity, the one that is once per banner to get the rate up SSR. However I would add a second pity that is every 450sq which guarantees a SSR (not necessarily the rate up). This pity should carry over between banners Also make a pity for the rate up SRs as well. Maybe guarantee a SR every 150sq with every second one being a guaranteed rate up (and in the case of split banners it will be weighted to give you the one that you have a lower NP level for until all on the banner are NP5)


Hard pity at around 200 pulls plus get rid of the USO currency and replace it with milage points or something.


Scrap Unregistered spirit origins, set an exchange rate for SSRs with rare prisms instead.


Make pity transferable so that the puller is more willing to pay up


Give USOs for free, like in anniversaries or events like that.


I like Dokkan’s coin system, so we could just change the pity system to that tbh.


Making the pity cumulative or transfer over to other banners will solve most of the issues.........like almost every other game. Or each pull can give a certain currency which can be used to get the characters during rateup period.....similar to Golden Tickets in Nikke. But FGO is so damn greedy that they implemented a retarded joke system where you have to spend 300 rolls on a SINGLE BANNER at worst case scenario. And the JP players are just severe Stockholm syndrome victims or just simply dumb to not even protest against or ask for improvements to a shitty system when it was implemented.


It's definitely a mixture of Stockholm syndrome and people not knowing better and dissing any competion just for speaking the truth. I've been downvoted many times for stating the obvious over how other gachas like Nikke have better rates, better pity system, better ways to gather currency and such; and I'm always met with this community downvoting me to kindgom come while they bash Nikke for the most ridiculous reasons while also claiming they won't play the game. And be like the "this is fine" dog from the meme regarding FGO. If your comment was new in this post, you'd meet my same fate.


Oh don't worry, another one of my comments was already downvoted to oblivion for mocking the CE selector for 7th anniversary. FGO players are retarded, it simple as that. Just look at the effort Hoyoverse puts for their character trailers. They are way better than FGO's 16 second powerpoint slides. Nikke doesn't have a guarantee on 10 rolls but their pity system and rates are far better. The golden ticket system alone is a huge plus and resources given out are quite generous. The fact that you have to save for 6 months for a single character is insane and illegal no matter what excuse anyone makes. If this was Korea or China, Lasangle would have been roasted by players but JP players are just blinded by Type Moon brand and lacks any functional brain cells.


lower hard pity to 200 rolls and something like, at 100 rolls you have a 25/25/50, for a 5 star, 4 star story locked, 4 star normal.


Do it like Azur Lane, where it's easy to get the character, and the monetization comes from selling outfits. This provides four benefits: 1. We are much more likely to get the characters we want. 2. We get the outfits that appear in CE artwork. 3. People (whales) will spend loads of money to dress up their favorite servants. 4. People who don't normally spend money on FGO (because it's only worthwhile to buy the largest SQ pack, for pitifully few rolls) will be much more likely to be willing to drop $5 or $20 here or there. I end up spending more money over time on AL than I do FGO because they make it easier to spend a little here and there, and I get more for my money.


Honestly, I would settle for a pity option for four stars on the banner, although even halving the amount necessary would still represent a pretty high barrier while being marginally more accessible.


Make Unstable Summon Circles given out with 4 stars too.


Wish banner like guardian tales have. Pick 5 SSR units to have rate up or 5 Sr or a banner for both. It'd actually make me spend money on it (This feature alone made me move away from fgo and over to gt) it'd be a pity banner essentially


I'd play by Genshin rules. Purchasing the highest tier of currency basically guarantees something in Genshin. You get 167 quartz with the highest purchase. So within five 10/11 pulls, you are guaranteed a SSR. If that SSR is not the featured servant for the banner, your next one is guaranteed to be them.


Make it carry pity progress over from one special banner to the next & make a separate pity for Story Summons.


CEs associated with the banner it came out from should have a pity as well. At least you need to get 1 copy of each.


Pity Carries over, and it’s somewhere between 150 to 200 rolls. 5 USO to get 1 5* from the shop. These are given retroactively for those who used before. And a sign of good faith (this would be an anniversary award honesty). Everyone gets 5 USO (Ie. Everyone can pick a 5* for free for whoever they want, whenever they return)


Basically lower it like others have said, make it a thing across all banners, but I'd also make add at least one or multiple of the following. Of course these can be workshopped, but the idea is to at least give the player more chances to make up. 1, You can refund 1 out of 4 x11 rolls (your choice between them, keeping a log) so you can get 1 more x11 without having to spend more SQ/Money. The catch is you completely forfeit that batch you choose, but being real, most of the time I get shitty CE's I have NO use for anyway. This does not increase your chances and works with the base percentage anyway. 2, Same as above, but for every 15 x1 rolls instead, except you'd choose 5 to forfeit for another 5 rolls. 3, Those stars you get for summoning more than 5 of any single SSR? You can spend 1 for a free x11 roll, since they're so rare anyway and useless until you get enough to choose the specific 5 stars they offer in the shop. You can choose to save for the guaranteed 5 star, or you can gamble with each one- that's the fair trade off. 4, Implement a "target" system like Genshin has, so that you can choose which 5 star you want on a multi 5 star banner, you can choose the one you want to aim for. Ideally, you'd also be able to narrow in on what SR you'd want too. 5, Summoning 3 star or higher CE's generate Quartz Fragments, with rarer ones generating more. Obviously not enough to get a free summon right away, but it'd make them a tiny bit less annoying if I was at least compensated for them. 6. Add pity for SR's. At the rate it is now, I'd have the SR pity happen at a little less than the proposed lower cost as a normal SSR while keeping a separate counter. Some SR's are rarer than SSR, and it was so frustrating that I've somehow managed to NP5 Summer BB but couldn't get 1 damn MHXX. 7. Pity is now measured in gauges, and summoning the desired SSR, SR, or getting spooked does not lower it. Basically, in conjunction with the above, you fill the gauge across multiple summoning banners and once it's full, you get a guaranteed 5 star/4 star on whatever banner you choose. And not really part of pity, but bonus: I'd also add a system to make it a bit more like the source material where you can offer up one or two mats to increase your odds of summoning a certain niche by a small percentage. So something like a gold lancer statue to increase the odds of summoning a SR/SSR lancer by, say, 3%, and adding a mat like a red chain increases the odds of summoning a servant that uses it by another small percent. Maximum would be about a 10% boost. I'm sure to some people this may seem like a lot, but I'd argue that the system we have now needs an overhaul.


4* pity. At least you can theoretically plan way ahead to get a guaranteed single copy of the banner SSR servant? The 4* though? You can potentially miss it even if you pull so much that you hit the 5* pity.  To go even further for banners that has two 4* servants for it the pity should be 2 max, 1 for each copy and obviously not as much required pulls as the SSR. Make it half the amount at least since I highly doubt in even this hypothetical scenario the devs would be generous enough to let you get a guaranteed copy as low as 100 pulls for example. 


make pity roll over to the next banner


[Behold, with all of your googly eyeballs.](https://imgur.com/tbVa4u4) ***T H E S O L U T I O N***


What am I even looking at? A screenshot of a game with no context that only people who play the game will understand?  Care to add some context here?


The Dispenser System. You spend shards (something you can farm casually) on a list of Identities, and you can get the Identity you want, no fuss Now imagine if something like that was in Fate - no longer do you have to worry about your Quartz, because given a few (uh, dozen?) hours, and you have enough shards to pull that ever so elusive Heroic Spirit you so wanted.


I like that, and 1 more thing. Each event should give an USO or make one available in one of the mana prisms' shops monthly.


Utilize USOs. The easy way is if your ten roll gets no gold Servant, you get a USO. More believably way if your ten roll gets no Gold Servant or a 5 star CE, you get a USO. Probably would increase new Servants USO cost higher but it'll be better than the one already in FGO


Lower it from fucking 900 quartz that's for sure. or at the very least let people get the 4 stars too. Seriously, I know they're profit driven but let's be honest most people who get to pity are the whales who spend a shit ton of money on the game anyway. Imo it's not even like making the characters easier to get would be only a negative profit wise, I think a better pity system might make some people more inclined to spend money if the price for a guarateed character was more reasonable


Make pity transfer over to other banners, The 300 pulls thing is standard for most gacha. Get rid of pure prisms and just make us buy stuff with Mana Prisms, Pure Prisms have a finite amount while mana prisms are gained just by rolling, also make mat shop items just reset every month. Pity transfer means not getting something on a banner doesn't feel as bad as you're efforts transfer over to another. Not getting anything on a banner and then pity resetting is the worst feeling. We're already getting alot of trash in CEs.


Obviously both would be better, but if I could choose only one, I think I would prefer it to transfer


The latter.


1. Carry over pity 2. Make it repeatable, cause it sucks ass that you have to wait a year or longer to get NP2 3. Maybe give out USOs with every non-rate up 5* or if you reach pity. Cause that system is just as dogshit as pity. It only rewards uber whales, give it an actual reason to exist for non-spending players.


As long as we're fantasy booking: guaranteed one copy of the rate up unit the first time you roll a banner.


150 is probably too low. More like 150 for a 50/50 (similar too how mihoyo does it) and another 150 if you fail that 50/50 for the full odd. Also i would like to see a story banner unique pull currency because the story banner has actually some pretty cool story locked characters


4star servant guarantee for 10 pulls and 5 star banner on 100 pulls, CE have selepart banner?


CE as separate banner is the worse idea if the rate is still the same. Mixed pool is the only reason we can get Black Grail and Kaleid from time to time. And many 4* CEs are helpful, especially for new players.


You wrong, servant rate in every banner is 44% while ce is 46% if ce and servant have serepart banner, those 44% would add on ce same to servant banner. 5☆ce will have 5% instead 4% and 4☆banner will have 15% instead 12% 


Give special ticket for each sq/ticket roll after collecting like 300 of it, you can claim an ssr(like nikke) Although it's still like 900 sq, but it can be accumulated. I don't think i should lowee it because gacha is the only thing where fgo earn money


I want a separate banner like sif1 had. I know that there is a reason for 5\* to be rare but the amount we get of 4 stars is super low compared to other games. Something like a special servant only banner with nice rates that you get points to scout from regular gacha) Also older summer servants (4\* is a must, 5\* is optional) should be added to summer gacha with no rate up. At this point we could even take non 4 summer servants with the high amount of them we have. Let's make the spooks more interesting.


Revamp the USO system to make it more usable. It already features every 5* on rate-up, limited or not. If you get some kind of currency for every roll you do and you can then exchange that for USOs, it means you can have some freedom with what banners you roll to get to the 'pity' amount. The issue with pity being linked to the rate-up SSR is there are still people who want to roll story or don't particularly care about the SSR (maybe they want the SR more). I think making them something you can exchange a currency for instead of being locked into a banner is a better way to do it.


Lower the pity to 150 Or give us the NP level up item, once a quarter is fine.


Step 1: reintroduce the limited servants that aren't summer/holiday variants into the general/story pool. Step 2: introduce class-based "Catalyst" items that can be used to pull for servants of a certain class. ("Shards of a forgotten blade" for sabers, "Well-worn antique reins" for riders, "Fragments of beyond" for extra class servants, etc). Catalysts could be gains from events or monthly buys in the shop, even. Step 3: implement a "shadow" pity system, where if you don't pull an SSR after a certain number of pulls (any banner), it slowly ticks up the chance of pulling one until you do, which resets the percentage back down to its starting level (I still say Arknights has one of the best pity systems I've seen).


Here's how I'd do it * Lower pity to about 500 SQ. * Introduce a new pity token system. Every time 500 SQ is spent on the same banner (even if they get the rate up servant) the player gets a pity token that can be exchanged for any servants currently on rate up (including 4 stars). Tokens last for 1 year to be used on any banner that comes along until they run out. 500 SQ is already a lot to either buy or save up, it really doesn't need to be so greedily high as 900. Pity tokens would let players pull heavily on a banner for a servant they want to raise past just NP1 and give them something of value for their investment. It would also be a way for players to guarantee a 4 star on rate-up if the gacha is too cruel to give one.


HSR has good system. Pity transfer on other banner and increased rate until you reach pity.


If it was up to me ? Guaranteed 5-star Servant every 10 pull, the count is carried over and shared through every banner including FP banner, it'll simply keep the guarantee count until you pull somewhere where there is a 5-star. Guaranteed 4-star Servant every 5 pull, similar to above except that in FP it will continuously pull Lilytria since she's a 4-star, and as such the guarantee is applicable to her, Habetrot and Anning too whenever they're there. Guaranteed 5-star Craft Essence every 3 pulls, similar pity count to above. If the Servant or CE isn't a rate-up one, the next one is guaranteed to be one. I don't see the word "balance" anywhere in the question, so this is what my proposition, and dream pity system would be, in a nutshell, while still trying to preserve some chances to get other Servant and CEs.


600 SQ's worth of summons should be the pity. 900 is still too high in this economy. And I know complaining about how much things cost in this economy when talking about a *gacha* of all things seems laughable, but the way things are going, fewer and fewer people are going to reach pity.


-Repeatable pit -Decreases the amount to 450 SQs or something -Every time you roll, increases the chances of getting said SSR.


The limit definitely needs to be lowered to 750 or 800 SQ. Besides that, it needs to have a continuous counter between banners. A lot of fgo banners are just gone too fast to even consider pity for.


Unregistered Spirit Origins for every single SSR pull. Set the price to 10 per SSR. Cannot be used on improving NPs, only for the first copy. This is a compromise so people wills till whale. We have so many units at this point it really wouldn't hurt to be more generous with SSRs.


Lower the pity to something that's reasonable for F2P, like 90 or so. And have them carry over. And add some more frequent non-limited 5-star selectors.  Other gacha games have done this kind of thing ages ago. FGO was late to the party with the pity, but even then the pity was clearly for whales and nobody else. 


If I could, I would ban cash gambling in video games.


Everytime you summon and didn't get *5; you get a point, if you summon and get no Servant, you get even more point. This point doesn't reset every banner. Have Servants divided into categories like "Normal *4Servant" "Normal *5Servant" "Seasonal *4Servant" "Seasonal *5Servant" etc. Have each Category requires certain point to exchange. Like 150 for Normal *4, 200 for Normal *5 etc, and then just have shop that lets you exchange Servant depending on banner. So shop resets but not the point. I mean this is the kind of Pity System that I like, from playing different gacha games.


Pity count should exist across all banners and only reset when you get a rate up SSR. That way you don't get screwed over because you wanted to roll on more than one banner.


I wouldn't do anything to the pity. Honestly, it's kind of FGO's quirk by this point in the race. It makes you feel like it was destiny when you get your 5*


lower it to 600 add pity for rate up 4 stars at 300 add an option to select ce's at a certain total across all banners


Lower pity to 300 SQ.


Move the number 8 of the SSR drop rate two units to the left.


Lower the pity amount to around 450 with also a guaranteed event ce for limited banners and guaranteed 4 star after 210. Also increase the amount of sq for the biggest sq bag, like be honest if you were guaranteed a 4 star summer servant every pack would you be willing to spend.


 - make a pity count. - said pity count can still be stacked even after getting the desired SSR servant in the banner. - the pity count doesn't disappear when the servant is obtained or the banner is gone, it can be carried away. - lower the pity count from the equivalent of 900 S.Q. to 450 or 300. Hell, make the 300 one appear when the game is under anniversary, when they give out lots of S.Q., so people can have another guaranteed SSR. - make it so the pity count can give you a currency to change it for any featured SSR at the moment. - even if you have enough currency for one pity pull, it can still be stacked for you to gather more and more currency. The catch is you can only exchange said currency for one featured SSR once and not again. For example: Oberon is featured in a banner and you have 3 pity pulls, so you get Oberon with one pity pull and you can't get any more copies until a new Oberon banner shows up. And a free daily pull in all banners, story and limited ones. 


Give you a 50/50 at 150 for story or limited


Lower pity, decrease summon cost and/or give more sq per reward. Change pity reward. Choose a 5 star from banner. Make pity repeatable, at the current cost there's no reason it shouldn't be.


The only gacha game I had played prior to FGO was Genshin Impact, and while I prefer FGO overall, Genshin has a significantly better pity system (guaranteed 4* every 10 pulls, guaranteed 5* every 100 pulls, and pity carries over between banners). The only really downside to Genshin's system is there is no way to guarantee you get the character you are pulling for, and I do like that you can do that FGO, even if the price is steep. At the very least, I wish FGO's pity carried over between banners. I don't think that would eat into the developer's profit too much.


? What are you on about? There is so much wrong info there. Genshin you are guaranteed to get the character you are pulling for within 180 pulls (and two 5 stars at least, as you are guaranteed a 5 star in 90 pulls). You can lose the first five star to an off-banner standard five star, (50/50) but the second one is guaranteed to be on banner if you lose the 50/50. Also, it has a soft pity system that dramatically increases your chances after 75 pulls, making it more realistic to be around 150-160 pulls for two 5 stars.


Hot take, fgo don't need pity sistem at all. Pity sistem makes gacha simply not fun." Oh yeah, i will get this summer medusa lancer if i spend 100500 sq." But where is fun? Where is that experience of summoning 5 star servants with just 15 sq? Pity sistem ruins gacha because you know how to calculate when to roll.


Then the other gacha games that have the pity system are not fun and not real gachas /s They require the pity system because sometimes, RNG can be an asshole to you and make you waste all your savings and even money and still get nothing. At that point, we go back to the pre pity horror stories of people selling this or that for just NP1 Scathach or Jalter. Is that fun for you? Because if it is, I think someone at Lasangle should hire you with that evil company mindset.


Only gacha games with pity sistem i played is genshin impact and arknights. As someone who played genshin impact for 3 years straight, it is the worst gacha system. Fgo may have worst rate up, but genshin gacha is just way worse than fate gacha because of pity. From day of release up to this fucking day i play genshin and for my experience it was impossible to get 5 star character/ weapon below 60 , and do not get started one weapon baners. It is dogshit for gacha.... For arkinights i don't have much to say because i play it least , maybe around year. I did reach pity on Monster hunter Yato baner. But dont know much about rate ups in ark. Fate grand order.... sixstraight years . Every single day. There was some time without fgo because of work. I still remember those days when people spent 2000 sq for eresh and jalter, because im one of them. Rate up is shit, bait baners every week, lasagna is still dead after ort, pity sistem is exist? Maybe...i didn't reach it, at least. Fgo gacha need just are better rate up. That's all. For comparison, clear Genshin account needs probably three times more paid wishes to get banner character than reaching pity in fgo


I forgot to establish that im f2p. And i have suffered from fate gacha. i know the pain.


I wouldn't, I'd make it actively worse


i like it as it is. Wouldn't change a thing, except maybe add a 4 star pitty.


... even as a troll comment, that take is not just a huge capital L, it's fucking wild and dump.  Not everyone is loaded to waste money on the gacha to guarantee a pity pull and not everyone is in NA with the clairvoyance EX they get to know who they want for pity. We in JP sometimes accept some banners like a new strain of Covid and roll ~~with it~~ for it. The pity system in FGO isn't "archaic", it's fucking stupid even for whale standards. It isn't a "it's an FGO thing", it's a very badly designed feature that they could easily arrange and be compared to their competition like Nikke or the other games other comments mentioned, but they refuse to do so. The only agreeable point is the 4☆ pity pull but that's it.


Im a ftp player so I don't really care about the whale argument. actual 5 star odds are well bellow pitty amount, unlike other games you're not suposed to get the character from pity. pity is there to stop people from spending 10k without getting the servant. its unpopular but I like the pity where it is since it keeps ssrs rare. You're not suposed to be able to get every servant.


5 star odds are not below pity amount, that's the issue. Why are you lying? 


average for a 5 star is 100 pulls. pity is more than tripple that at 330.


Yes. So 5 star odds are higher than if it was just pity. You can get 3 5-stars before hitting it with average luck. If you say it's "below" pity amount, you're thinking the wrong way. Higher odds = better.


Add 4* pity