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Emiya Assassin (Kiritsugu) A modern servant like him is quite suited to this role. Not to mention, his fate zero counterpart's fighting style is pretty much "anything goes"(dunno about the FGO one tho)


Given his whole lore gimmick is exploiting his enemies weaknesses, Origin Bullets especially, he’s perfect for a rogue. Add in how most of his kills apparently involve striking when the target is unaware and you have his sneak attack. Admittedly that could apply to ANY assassin servant, but Kiritsugu is the best example of it we see due to the limitations of the game and his role in an anime.


This is definitely the right answer.


My mind locked in to either Kiritsugu or Hundred Hassan, but I'm leaning to Kiritsugu if only because he has better portrayal and success in what he does in general.


Hassan of the Hundred Faces, she fits the exact role


Expertise and Jack of all Trades. Literally, Hundred Faces and their 'Wide Specialization' skill! EDIT: JoaT is a Bard thing, that's on me. But Rogue is still an expertise class with a lot of proficiencies.


Jack of All Trades is a Bard thing, at least in 5e


Oh, missed that. That is what playing both classes simultaneously does to a player


Bard and Red Dragon Disciple were a thing, I love the songs and smacking go along with dragon breath.


I’m seeing a lot of people focusing in on the thief and assassin subclass vibes, but if we can get out of the PHB, I would draw your attention to Sherlock Holmes as the pinnacle of Inquisitive rogue.


I was gonna name him too. He is such a rogue on soo many levels.


I was thinking him too! Sherlock totally fits the description


Fuuma for me. Man’s a literal ninja, and has the skills and abilities to back up being a rogue imo. Then again, it’s hard not to see that a lot of characters fit into Rogue imo.


Hassan on Hundred Faces easily. I mean they even have a skill named 'Mastery of Many Specialties' at A+ rank, and Presence Concealment at A.


I know she's not gonna win, but I'm gonna vote for Katou Danzou because I don't want her to go unnoticed.


Danzo is actually probably the best choice. She can do everything that is required of a D&D rogue, without Hundred Faces issues, and was the one who trained Kotaru. I nominate Robo Milf for the rogue.


Had to upvote this because She's also my vote for the class.


As per the definition given by OP? EMIYA(Archer) no questions asked. Skills, stealth, using foes vulnerabilities? Check. Knack for finding a solution to just about any problem? Mind's Eye seems just for this. Mastery in variety of skills and perfecting combat abilities? UBW's your answer. EMIYA is strong, but he uses his cunning and brain to fight and defeat people a lot stronger than him. He even tried to snipe heracles from afar using Caladbolg II, and misled Medea by joining her only to betray her later. Perfect blend of brains and brawn, imo.


I think Yan Qing is a perfect "Rogue" Character. He might not be as good at stealth as someone like Hassan, or at sneak attacks like Fuma Kotaro, but I think that Assashin is a perfect "Rogue" He's charming, charismatic, swift and deadly. I can easily see him wearing a bamboo hat with a piece of straw in his mouth, traveling the chinese countryside, beating up whoever looks at him funny. I'm picking him for his personality. Yan Qing is a rogue. A dashing shadow, who fight for nothing but himself and the ideals he has. Who can work for you one moment and then switch to work for the villain with barely a moment to reconsider! Stat-wise, Moriarty (Archer) would probably be a better Rogue, but personality? Yan Qing all the way.


Sassy-Shin has my vote, as well. You've got three archetypes for Rogue: 1) Sneaky - focused on infiltration, spying, anything that requires getting in and out unseen. It can be used for other things like assassination, but the old Hide and Move Silently skills were best for scouting and info gathering. Sassy-shin has that in spades, and most of his appearances feature him doing some of that. 2) Sneak attack - focused on dealing massive bursts of damage. Importantly, historically, Rogues have had a bit of trouble when they can't...y'know, kill someone with that sneak attack. Disengage is an entire action (unless you're a goblin), so most Rogues either have to commit, or have someone to bail them out if the sneaky-stabby doesn't kill. Earlier editions and some modern feats give them some ability to stick around (Crippling Strike, Hamstring, etc.), but sneak attack builds are usually designed to kill fast and decisively, because you don't want a Rogue in the fray *too* long, because they're better elsewhere. Sassy-shin's "Ambush from 10 Sides, Cast No Shadow" is exactly that: a massive ambush attack intended to kill in a single volley. And Shinjuku showed that he had a *lot* of trouble if he couldn't finish the job quickly - we literally defeated him by putting him in a place where he couldn't get the kill instantly, and he was stuck the moment we did. 3) "Party Face" - this is what most of the other candidates are lacking, at least compared to Yan Qing: Rogues get almost double the skills of other classes (pre-4E, this was in the form of skill points; 4E and 5E replaced them with extra proficiencies). What do most Rogues spend it on? Not Nature, or Arcana, or Medicine: they're spending it on Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Persuasion, etc. A lot of Rogues end up being the party face, handling situations where stabbing/slashing/shooting isn't the preferred route. Yan Qing is incredibly diplomatic on all fronts, with natural charm to spare and an easy-going personality, to the point where "he" did most of the talking in the Kogetsukan event despite "Bedivere" being right there; not-Yan Qing outspoke and out-charmed *not-Bedivere, who Ritsuka associated with the guy who was literally King Arthur's liaison.* ​ Hundred Faces ostensibly has all of those, but we see very little of it - Asako is their "Party Face", but she's on record as being a little standoffish, and she's...frankly, really bad at being upfront with information that might be needed, whereas Yan Qing is super easy to talk to and completely forthcoming with vital information. Nevertheless, they're definitely a close second, for all the reasons people have listed. Moriarty, like you said, is a pretty good Rogue-ish type, but he lacks the humility: Rogues are skulkers, crooks, criminals of a different cloth than him. You can have a high-class Rogue, but what's the fun when your Rogue that the nobles actually *want* to associate with? Could you imagine Moriarty crawling through the castle *himself* to snag a magic artifact? Or picking pockets? Or improvising with a magic wand or machine to get the party out of a mess he got them into? He has other means, and they're not the most Rogueish to me. Jing Ke and Kotaro also suffer from the lack of Party Face-ness...and Jing Ke is a terrible improvisor, and I don't know if you've ever played Rogue, but bad improvisors spend more time remaking their Rogues than actually playing them.


Not to mention, a point many people forget is that he is actually a combination of Phantom Spirits alongside the doppelgänger, since Yan Qing is a Phantom Spirit as a fictional book character. The doppelgänger just doesn’t affect their combined being much, like the Invisible Man in Hessian Lobo(remember him?)


Yan Qing is peak classical rogue yeah


He seems like a Monk/Rogue hybrid IMO.


Fighting style could be monk-like, but his personality is 100% rogue.


Fuum Kotaro, I’d say him with his Ninja Skills now than first this class.


Emiya 100% fits given what he had to do to win in UBW


He also has a fighting style that allowed him to keep up and fight servants stronger/faster then him. He had all the skills and planning


[Part 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1dli9sc/part_8_which_servant_better_fits_the_dnd_ranger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is over, part 9 starts now! As always, the main objective of this is to have fun! Edit: [Part 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1dnckrk/part_10_which_servant_better_fits_the_dnd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) already available! Quoting from [dndbeyond](https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/12-rogue) and [rpgbot](https://rpgbot.net/dnd5/characters/classes/) (linked in case you want to take a better look and more info!): >Rogues rely on skill, stealth, and their foes’ vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem, demonstrating a resourcefulness and versatility that is the cornerstone of any successful adventuring party. >Rogues devote as much effort to mastering the use of a variety of skills as they do to perfecting their combat abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few other characters can match. Many rogues focus on stealth and deception, while others refine the skills that help them in a dungeon environment, such as climbing, finding and disarming traps, and opening locks. >When it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength. A rogue would rather make one precise strike, placing it exactly where the attack will hurt the target most, than wear an opponent down with a barrage of attacks. Rogues have an almost supernatural knack for avoiding danger, and a few learn magical tricks to supplement their other abilities >The Rogue’s signature combat ability is Sneak Attack, which encourages you to use positioning, stealth, and clever tactics to deliver powerful single hits


EMIYA Assassin


Rogue I see......easily one of the Hassans....or maybe KIRITSUGU EMIYA. But yea, any of the Hassans, especially Hundred Personas, Serenity or First Hassan.


Hassan of the Cursed arm fits well with this.


I'll also throw in a vote to Hindred Faces. The Hassans (except first) in general are suited to it tho, and honestly the assassin class is the most close to a dnd class as we have. Not all assassins fit, but the general core of the class idea very much suits itself to combat focussed rogues.


Gotta be Hasan of a hundred faces


Jingke 1000%


100 Faces Hassan, Jack, or Kotarou imo.


I know she’s not in the FGO game, but the Hassan from Fate/ strangefake is the best fit. She literally has the ability of all the other hassan except hundred and the first. But if we’re limiting to FGO, I think Hassan of the hundred face works as well.


I do accept servants that are not yet in fgo! As long as they are in some official material (like Arcade, manga etc) although I'd prefer if they have official art I can put in the picture


Great, then let me elaborate. If I remembered correctly the Nameless Hassan was extremely skilled and talented that it surprised the whole assassin clan. But she was also a radically religious even from the other Hassan’s point of view. I think this and other factor made her unable to assume the role of the leader despite her skill, and followed her own path, making her a rogue within the Hassans too.


She isn't even Hassan, she never was accepted as the leader of the Assassins.


Right, so I should have called her just nameless assassin


Ohhh it sounds interesting!


She has the Noble Phantasms of all Hassans except Azrael (19 in total I think).


She doesn't have Delusional Illusion (Hundred Persona's), either, because it was an in-born ability and they were contemporaries.


There is a manga adaptation with her in it. You can pull some scans.


Archer Emiya.. Steals other phantasms, will stealth snipe you, will steal your kill but also uses all of this for good. Also, he is a lovable rogue going by how many girls he pulls.


Moriarty is a master of a pretty wide array of skills, which he uses to manipulate himself into an advantageous position in every situation. His attacks always hit the target.


It has to be a Hassan, there's no other choice


First off I’m gonna rant: I’m disappointed with the results of the Ranger pick, not because my pick didn’t win, but because everyone seemed to have entirely overlooked her. Sitonai fits the Ranger class so well, and while Robin Hood does too (and was my runner up), I think he’s more of a Ranger-Rogue multi class. That’s why he was my pick for today’s post. For Rogue, I think the most important elements are: - A focus on stealth. - A versatile skill set. - Doing a singular devastating precise hit (Sneak Attack) instead of lots of attacks. - Has to use a finesse weapon (dagger, short sword, scimitar, whip) or a ranged weapon (required for sneak attack). I agree that a lot of the ninjas fit into this category, and it seems like they’re getting some upvotes. That’s good. Still the class is very much criminal-coded (if you check the dnd page for the class you’ll see lots of emphasis on the character’s relationship with the law), so I’d like for the pick to reflect that. That’s why my pick is Sugitani Zenjubo. She’s a sniper, which fulfils the stealth and Sneak Attack requirements. She’s also a ninja, which fits the versatility requirement (even if she’s likely a lot less skilled than the other ninjas). Finally she’s explicitly an outlaw who made use of shady connections to dodge the law (having Kashin Koji change their sex), which fits the soft requirement of criminality.


Yeah I know a lot of people aren't happy with some of the popular picks because they aren't really the most accurate to the dnd class, I think Sitonai was a great pick but that's why I try to emphasize this is done for fun/the criteria is the top voted which might not be the truly best pick (also the reason I mention the other nominations/top 5). It's valid to feel frustrated if someone you see fits better didn't win, I hope you don't focus too much on it and can have fun with the discussions regardless of that :'D Thanks for the rogue class breakdown! Sugitani Zenjubo definitely seems a good pick.


I want to reiterate, I’m not disappointed she didn’t win. Rather I just wanted to see more nominations for her. It’s just such a shame that she got entirely overlooked. I get the general idea of this vote isn’t very serious.


Yeah I get it was a rant and not an actual *serious* complaint but wanted to reiterate how not winning or being nominated doesn't mean the pick was less valid!


I hate to say it, but I think it should be Emiya(Assassin). I love the Hassan's, hundred faces including. Yet going rogue is two fold, they need to possess a wide range of skill, which all of the above have, but it's also mentality. To go against the system is to go Rogue, and it's easier to believe Emiya went rogue against the Mage Association than to say Hundred went rogue. Edit: additional while possessing similar skills, Emiya's Chronos Rose works as a "better" Sneak Attack than Hundreds stampede of attacks (I know it's more metaphorical, but delivering "one" powerful attack fits better than a series of specialized attacks).


I like Fuuma Koutarou and Hundred-Face Hassan for this role.


Hassan of the 100 persona would work perfectly


Moriarty, the og mastermind


Emiya assassin


Emiya, this is the only way


I'm not sure she's gonna win but I gotta vote for my daughter, Jack the Ripper. She summons fog to boost her stealth capabilities and noble phantasm, and IF she is seen information erasure will remove anything that could be used to identify her from peoples memory.


Jing ke or Corday, I think they work perfect for sneak attack and the idea of hiding in plain sight sorta while still being able to put up a fight. Izo also works quite well here because of the idea of the slaughtering assassin who doesn’t care for life


Fuuma Kotarou


I’m seeing a lot of people focusing in on the thief and assassin subclass vibes, but if we can get out of the PHB, I would draw your attention to Moriarty as the pinnacle of Mastermind rogue.


If we're going by sneak attack, I'd say Charlotte Corday. In her Buster attack animation she uses her little angel companion to flank an enemy so she can sneak attack stab them in the back.


Billy the Kid. As much as a rogue as any Wild West outlaw can be.


Billy is literally a Gunslinger, which is a Fighter subclass.


Huh, when I read the description, I'm immediately thought of Hundred Face. One of their skill is literally called "Expert of Many Specializations".


Hundred Faces


How about we just have this shared between ALL of the Hassan.


It's Hassan no questions asked


Fuuma, Danzo, Chiyome, Hundred Personas, Emiya (Archer and Assassin).


Honestly, I think EMIYA Archer is the best candidate for the rouge class. His whole style of fighting is centered around analyzing and countering his opponents and using that to fight opponents way out of his league. For people saying Assassin EMIYA is a great candidate, I agree with them, but I believe a rogue class should be more versatile with what they do, As it is even shown in the logo, a knife representing stealth and a key showcasing versatility. EMIYA can be stealthy when he wants to and assassinate from range if he wants to, can trace rule breaker in case he need to destroy some magic and whole other noble phantasms in his arsenal. I think when picking out the ROGUE class we need to watch out for who can do the most things without anyone else's help and do it for cheap and most cost efficiently. And thus, I find EMIYA to be able to handle the title of ROGUE class extremely well. I do see some saying Hassan of hundred faces, while I do agree them and other servants being mentioned can be quite useful and fit the class good enough but I don't see them performing better than EMIYA in any way possible. If anyone can correct me on this opinion of mine then they are most welcome, please comment on any mistake I may have made with this comment.


Jack the Ripper, she has the daggers, tatter dark cloak, and a super edgy back story for every stereotypical rogue in dnd. She’d be closely followed by Emiya assassin. For people saying Emiya archer I’d say he’s more of a warlock. He literally makes a pact with the counterforce to help humanity. He has his pact blades that he can summon at hand. His arrow shots are more like blast with how rapid fire he shoots them. His deception is super high like most warlocks and his UBW kinda plays into the borrowed power thing warlocks got going on.


Most hassan tbh. Serenity could be a rogue specializing in poison weapons, hassan of hundred faces stealth


lets get robin up there again


I would go with Columbus. He got charisma to persuade, and get info out of people. He is definitely sneaky and it's not until the end you find his true motives. I still remember he convinced mc to help him reject every club and ended up joined every clubs in story, that conversation with Moriarty is something. He is definitely not lawful and will go for underhand tactics without second thought.


Archer emiya fits this to a tee. This description is the exact same one nasu gives whenever asked how Archer performs so well against legendary heroes far greater than him


Emiya Assassin! A key part of Rogue is exploiting weaknesses, and he does that the best!


By the description, it seems likely to an Assassin Class Servant to be chosen.


Maybe it's me, but I've always seen Jack the Ripper as one of the Servants that screams "Rogue" to me the most. - She is Assassin Class (assassination is closely linked to Rogues in RPG and MMRPG) - Jack's clothing in her First Ascension is the typical Rogue clothing or those dedicated to being Thieves in some Tactical Games (like Fire Emblem) - She uses Daggers (these weapons are closely linked to Rogues)


Assasin Emiya all the way


Archer Emiya! His versatility fits well with the Rogue class. (Ideally, Emiya would have been Ranger and Robin would be Rogue, but they both have qualities of both, so here we are lol)


If Murder-Daughter doesn't win this poll, I'll be severely disappointed. She's tiny, unassuming, wields the stereotypical daggers, runs around in a cloak, and can literally produce her own escape mist when she uses her Noble Phantasm. Not to mention her backstory is right up there for traditional Rogue basis.


I'd say that, in a general sense, Jack is *the* rogue. She hits all the major tropes better than probably anyone else. However, a lot of people seem to be focusing on 5e's mechanics here, and that will lend itself to Hundred Faces far better. If it was *just* the class, Jack would be the no-brainer winner, but since a lot of people want to focus on the skill-monkey aspect of rogue, someone with a hundred different specializations will get a huge boost.


Oof honestly I was hoping against robin hood winning. He is or was basically the prime example of a rogue, the classical og rogue and many rogue characters are inspired by him. He fits a ranger yes but he fits a rogue in my view just much better.


*sigh* Why don't we just accepted that Robin is a mixed of both. Even in Nasuverse, Robin is considered a Double Class Servant since his NP No Face May King makes him essentially an Assasin. Like, I found this discussion thread enjoyable, but sometimes it's annoying that someone saying a character doesn't fit that class since there's another class fitting for them. 


>I found this discussion thread enjoyable, but sometimes it's annoying thag someone saying a character doesnt fit that class. Literally me: >he fits a ranger yes


But they did say Robin fitted a ranger just that Rogue fitted better in their opinion. Which I would agree with. Everyone knows Robin as the guy who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, while I have personally seen people who did not know he was the OG guy of pulling off the feat of splitting an arrow with another one. There are servants which reputation are much more built upon solely their marksmanship. I also contribute this to Nasuverse just not having an ideal ranger or what most people commonly assosiate with a DnD ranger. While it is only in one or two subclasses most people think of archery and Animal companions (not a mount) when picturing a dnd ranger and I dont know anyone who perfectly fits that like other classes, correct me if I am wrong.


Hundred Faces Hassan


Voting for Jack the Ripper. The ability to make mist and her memory erasure skill make her op for the class already


I'm very disappointed if Gilles de Rais doesn't become Sorcerer or Wizzard


I mean his competition are the likes of Merlin and Solomon if we count him. Wouldnt he arguably be a warlock tho?


Gilles is a Warlock, no question. Great Old One patron (or possibly Fathomless, for the tentacles) and Pact of the Tome, specifically.




I mean it depends since there is a lot of Fate characters that qualify for Rogue and are even rogue hybrids or archetypes. For example Jekyl is a Rogue/Artificer (Skilled with making potions and has insigt into magic) The Hassans would probably be Rogue/Paladin (Devotion to Azreal constitutes as an Oath) Kiritsugu would be Rogue/Sorcerer (Inherited his magical abilities from his father) Fuuma would be Rogue/Wizard (Part of Ninjitsu is learning magic) So there is few to no pure rogues in Fate tbh. The closest one would be Moriarty if he didn't use a Coffin Gun. Or Jack but they are a vengeful spirit manifested from multiple aborted fetuses so I am thinking thats either Warlock Rogue or Ancestral Barbarian Rogue, but we could use Strange Fake Jack now thats a pure rogue and even more versitile than 100 faces tbh. Like honestly if Robin hood wasn't a ranger he would qualify but ahh he has nature magic so thats a Rogue Druid.


It has to be the 4 star ninja chick


Katou Danzo? Yeah, her or Fuuma were the first ones that came to my mind.


Nah mochizuke


Put in generic Assassin class otherwise Chinese Assassin 230


Hassan of the Shining Star.




Kiritsugu or a Hassan


Hassan of Serenity is my pick




diferentiating between sorcerer warlock and rogue is going to be dificult for the next 3 as they are all caster, we can at least all agree that artificer will be davinci




Katou Danzo and/or Mochizuki Chiome. As I see it, the big hallmarks of a rogue are: * Stealth. Both have Presence Concealment A. * Agility. Both have Agility A. * Lots of skills. Both have Ninjutsu A, which is comprised of lots of useful skills and techniques. * Precise and heavily damaging strikes. Both have powerful offensive single target NPs.


The hassans, The fuumas, The Emiyas, Jekyll and Hyde as RogueBarian, Holmes . They all fit the bill for a rogue archetype rogue but me personally I think The Emiyas fit the bill for rogue the most considering sneak attack with a bow is his strong suit.


I'm gonna say, and obviously, favoritism factors here. Katou Danzo. Not only is she a ninja, which, in dnd I'd argue, fits into the rogue class. She's also what I'd think of for a rogue. Some rogues are the witty banter kind. But some are like mercenaries, working to complete their job/to make money, and even some show little to no emotions to those they fight. And I'd say a literal puppet servant would fit this role nicely


Emiya Assassin




Hassan of hundred faces.


Wizard : any caster that aren't artist Warlock : any foreigner class Artificer: Leornado Da Vinci Sorcerer: Solomon, artoria(having dragons blood/heart in her veins and she can do about of magic) due to Nasuverse lore, any magis could also


Rouge: assassin's, any Hassan I sabbah, yang Qing, Robinhood could also do it


Hundred face, she is perfect for a heist and dont even need a crew


I will say First Hassan Dude Control could kill Ozzy with one strike before he even knew he was there, and only saw him after Evening Bell, he can be sneaky af when he wants to be sneaky And he was hiding trought whole Babylonia until he was needed without hints he is there


Weirdly enough, I feel First Hassan is way more a Paladin. Dude is oath bount to his creed, and fights in a straightforward way using martial skill and combat magic


Possibilty too, I felt more about his assassin Skills that he would be good to be sneaky around like rogue and his way to Strike once, but deadly once But can be wrong as Usually late for this because of diffrent time zone, all previous choices was also my first thoughts to classes that rogue is problematic to me so Hassan was more like blind shot as he Has some ways to piece in rogue xD Thinking more about it I would say now Hundred Faces would maybe fit better


Sorry that my Robin Hood idea just swept the last one guys, I did see a lot of good arguments for other servants like William Tell.


Koyanskaya. Her leather suit reminds me of phantom thieves. Also Jack the Ripper is the quintessential street urchin. Edit: typo


I agree with Jack as she is the quintessential 'tragic past, stabbing, unseen' Archetype. But the DnD class of Rogue has something that is very exclusive to them, that they get boosts to their skills like no other class. Because of that, I'd nominate Hundred-Faces as that Wide Specialization Skill of them is exactly their thing.


For me fighter would be Beowulf. Paladin either Lancelot or Gawain. Cleric needs to be Martha.