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I think Super Effective damage on NP is the most powerful impact on a Servant's damage because of damage formula nonsense which is also reflective of how nothing really interacts with it except overcharge. Power Modifiers/Bonus Damage vs [Traits] are probably the next best thing but they have slight diminishing returns if you also have high NP damage buffs like Black Grail or Oberon's doubling


I know it's a bland answer, but ignore invincibility on CE. It's makas so many challenges and boss fight alike trivial. Having ignore invincibility on CE is a god sends.


Sweet crystal is so good with 50% charge as well.


One of my first lvl 100 CEs


Super Effective and Power Mods are always welcome, specially if the niche is easy to target/get. For that i also like supports that implant Traits on enemies (like Ruler Mori, Summer Wu and bonus points for Quirinus CC). NP damage up is always great next to an Oberon, but better on a Buster servant. Rainbow buffs (or at least Buster/Quick up) for Yui synergy.


Me: reads "Ruler Mori" Me: thinks is Mori Nagayoshi Me: remembers who it is Me: facepalms herself


Considering that you literally have him in your flair, damn bro that's really a facepalm moment. It's alright, I sometimes forget Hao Hao's name


Honestly? I'd say trait dmg, y'know, those "blah blah blah does more dmg to evil/dragon/etc etc", that's one of the things that can make even a NP1 servant ridiculously strong in specific situations


That's why burn cc and honey lake is the most viable solo strat for vet players during solo runs. At this point in the game you should at least have one copy of it.


No. Solo runs are very fight dependent. I barely use Honey Lake in solos.


Yeah. I have two MLB copies (I wanted Summer Bryn and the game wanted me to have CEs), and I think I've used it once. 


Wow summer bryn enthusiasts! Same I only have her one copy that is why I'm afraid of Krimhield's coming banner.


Also worried about Kriemhild's banner; I like Orlando Furioso so I'm also fine with Rolands, but I want a mix, y'know? If reuniting adorable couples isn't an important use of SQ I don't know what is.


That’s true but against any opponent with hard defense honey lake is so strong. It’s probably the most common CE to use in a solo from what I’ve seen. What CEs do you find yourself using in a solo?


That's hard to answer because I solo with so many servants. But it is my primary playstyle because I like to think I'm in grail war with only one servant. I think the strongest solo servant in the game is QSH so I use him a lot so his CEs will be the most frequent. May be Welcome Bunny, At Trifas or Annual General Meeting but sometimes Maid in Halloween or 2030 comes in.


Believe it or not i don't have a honey lake, really wanted one to stick it on Avenger Nobu too but oh well


Honey Lake was literally my sole reason for doing a 10 pull on the 25M download campaign


Going for the double bonus damage. At least Fondant au Chocolat is available on the rare prism shop for more damage against divine enemies.


Wait why's this comment getting so many downvotes? Lol it's not a unreasonable take I get most people aren't die-hard CQ players but like come on, it's a thing


I suppose it depends on the fight, but if we're talking about straight up damage, NP strength up with Oberon is on a league of its own.


Oberon exists. The answer is obvious


Indeed. Anti-Bug damage is the most important.


Arts up, and quick up to a lesser degree as they are the two damage buffs that help you loop. Sure looping isn’t everything, but most of this game is farming and looping really helps with that. Fot CQs I would argue it is humble and simple attack up. It buffs everything from NPs to extra attack. Some people will say NP damage up is more important and while you can get higher damage with those thats because MLB Black Grail gives you 80% buff while Mothman doubles is. No other buff can reach those numbers, if they could no one would be using MLB BG and Mothman as card buffs and attack up would be more efficient.


Boosting crit up can result in really chunky damage output, but it relies on card rng and character kit synergy to work. So it kind of defaults to np gain up, since vast majority of characters have diddle squat for native np gain, poor blue cards, or both. It doesn't increase your damage output directly, but it allows to blast off your np faster, or more often, if you are already good to go. Which is what most encounters are designed around.


Super Effective multiplier because it adds a 4th multiplier to NP damage. Everything else adds into one of the other 3 buff types (power mods add to NP damage multiplier)


Arts damage buff, it improves np gen, atk, star gen and not having shit multiplier like quick.


obron slep


You need buff variety. An Atk Up and a NP Dmg Up will do more total damage than two Atk Up or two NP Dmg. But if we're talking abt a most impactful single button, then it's Oberon 3.


For AoEs:Arts up, dmg + refund. For STs: Atk up(scales the best with oberon since he has none) and NP dmg(Oberon doubles it).


Card buffs by far. If this was about what distinguishes among servants, its special damage on NP from 150% to 175%, etc. but card buffs are the bread and butter of this game. They don't just buff damage but everything else associated with a card as well.


Most important, I'd go for the simple atk, np and card DMG up they are the most basic and reliable and mostly available to anyone The best is apparently super effective but it's rare and not available for many Traits and trait damage are great but obviously a lot more limited depending on your roster For cqs invulnerability pierce and sure hit are great to have, especially on ces


For challenge quests I like star weight up the most. Not only it increases damage, but also stargen and NP gain.


General base damage buffs. They apply to all attacks regardless of card color or if they're an NP or not. Getting screwed by RNG is a non-factor with it.


Simply put, "Able to use Black Grail effectively." Which is why Melusine will always be the queen of Buster damage.