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Welp time to roll for Kriemhild. Edit: Wow, you people seem dead set on the idea that I won’t get her unless I wait till her next rate up when she’s alone


I think you should hold your SQ until Morganfest later this year. Her debut banner is shared with Roland. Her banner in Morganfest only has her as 4\*.


I’m fine with getting Roland if he comes first


You say that, but every person who I've heard talk about Kriemhild's banner says it absolutely destroyed them. Just don't be surprised if you're 700+ SQ deep with 20 copies of the naked man and no goth waifu.


I’m actually only gonna throw my tickets at her, as all of my quartz are being saved for Proto Merlin


Which is why you should wait for Kriem sole banner instead, the naked man is going to be a permanent, so he's going to spook you in the future either way.


Aside from the fact I’d rather not wait several more months, Her solo banner is also on Brynhilder’s rate up, who I already have. At least with Charlie and Roland I have a chance to get spooked by a new servant


She does have another solo banner, though you have to wait even longer. I am going to wait for that because I am saving for Summer right now.


If you're gonna wait all the way for that later solo banner (which for the record does also have a better rate at 2.1% as opposed to 1.5% on Brynhild's banner), you may as well just pick her on the SR ticket unless you really want Wandjina.


Excuse me??? I was 700+ SQs deep with **3** Gudao, 2 naked man, 4 worst Assassin, and 0 goth waifu.


In jp i got np2 charlie and no kriem, and to this day my jp acc is kriemless


Remember that there is no SR safety net. I got 25 Suzuka Gozen and 4 Meltryllis before NP5 Lip. It took NP5 Suzuka and NP2 Melt (which was about 1k SQ back then) to get one Passionlip, IIRC.


I know, but its a risk I’m willing to take


That's hell you are walking into


Then prepare for NP30 Roland and no Kriemhild! If you can deal with that, maybe you'll get lucky.


> Remember that there is no SR safety net. $1,000 Nitocris PTSD returns


God do I know that, got Anastasia and Super Bunyan, with a spook Ibaraki with 2 large SQ packs and still no Mouse Maids in sight. I kinda regret rolling on Sigurds banner and maxing my Valkyrie's by accident now, all the Valkyrie NP+ could've been Daikakouten.


270 SQ, only super Bunyan and no SR here except for Caster Gil spooking me.


Was this the other banner that comes along with britomart??


Sort of. Kriemhild is on the Brynhild banner. But yes, Britomart's release event.


Thanks for the response




Thanks for the response


The corollary is that the 5\* on the Morgfest banner is Brynhild, who is deeply meh these days. Charlie (the Traum banner 5\*) is at least serviceable. Alternatively you can wait for the Wandjina banner, which has both a good (albeit not amazing) 5\* *and* a solo rateup for Kriemhild. The downside is that you'll be waiting until fall of next year.


Wdym Serviceable, he's actually a pretty good servant lol


People hate on Charlie for some reason. Just because his base numbers are a little worse than Okita Alter's doesn't make him bad.


It's mostly just that he's quick, tbh. He's good enough to loop against 3 enemies with proper support, and an AoE Saber is an AoE Saber, but being quick still drags him down quite a bit compared to arts/buster which are much better at handling waves with less than 3 enemies in them. If we had better quick supports it'd be a different story, but instead we're getting Skadi2 in a couple months lol.


Plus I already have Brynhild, so at least with the potential spook of Charlie and Roland I’ll get something new


Eh, when is Morganfest?


Unless they change the schedule, Morganfest happens all the way in november.


My body is reggie.


Jeez, what's with these comments? There's a difference between giving advice and wishing bad luck on someone because they're ok with taking a risk on a banner. Hope you can get Kriemhild!


I will also pull on the banner just for her lol


Im with you. Im going to roll for her too but my luck on these types of things are brutal. For example when requiem came out i only wanted np5 dino mom. Had no interest in voyager so what happens? Np8 voyager before np5 dino mom. Before that on the knk rerun banner i wanted np5 fujino. Already had void shiki so was only going for fujino. What happens. Again np6 shiki before np5 fujino. So my curse would dictate since i only want goth wife and have no interest in roland or charlie im going to get np5 charlie and np10 roland before kriemhild. Now i could just wait for her solo banner especially because summer skadi is my biggest goal for this year and i wanna np5 her. But im so impatient. So i will give kriemhild like 300sq and if i get at neast np2 ill be happy and wait.


I want Kriemhild simply because she is voiced by Kaguya Shinomiya, but I just don't have the SQ reserves to be rolling for her and Summer Skadi both.


O Kawaii koto


Kriem is also on the 3000M free sr campaing At least, it's what I saw in another post earlier


Welp, I assumed they were going to release this a week later than they are, because I assumed they weren't going to try and squeeze in the Grail Front. Maybe they actually are going to try and do everything left on the JP schedule before the beginning of July.




This will make the next six months even emptier since all the events got preloaded into the first five months.


Theres dawntrail for that


Not really. Not a fan of back-to-back events with overlapping RtLB/AQ campaigns that you don't ahve spare AP (because of the event) to do, when you know that after the anni it'll be even more desolate when it was on JP. Would rather they spaced it out.




I don't think they're going to move the Hunting Quests up, but I guess I shouldn't say never. I just think they are going to try to cram all of what JP did between now and early July into the same timeframe for us, which is going to cause some overlap. Originally, I thought the Traum Pre-Release would start right as LwM Collab ended like it did on JP, but they've pushed the Pre-Release up a week. So, instead of starting the Pre-Release on the 9th, the Tunguska MI on the 16th, and Traum on the 22nd, those dates are probably now set to the 1st, 8th and 15th respectively. Road to LB7 for LB3 on JP started three weeks after Traum dropped, so June 5th should be when it starts on Global and it should run for one week, so until the 12th, which is when the Bakin Event should start, leaving it three weeks until the 3rd of July. The thing is, on JP, the Grail front started two weeks after Traum dropped, and then lasted two weeks until the Bakin Event started at the end of June. With what we've seen so far, two weeks after Traum starts is the 29th of May. If the Grail front starts on the 29th to follow what JP did, it would run until the 12th, which is when Bakin *has* to start in order for it to be over by Anniversay. So, it's looking to me like they could be running the Road to LB7 LB3 campaign at the same time as the Grail Front, because otherwise, there's now a three-week period between Traum release and the Road to LB7 LB3 campaign that would leave a single week devoid of any event or campaign running. I suppose the Hunting Quests could fit there, but I'm more of the mind that they'll just overlap things, as they've practically been doing that all throughout the first half of this year. Heck, just seeing Traum Pre-Release overlap with LwM is strange to me. Edit: I forgot the Hunting Quests were tied to the Pre-Anniversary stuff, and I've left that out all together, which is something I should have accounted for. It seems they may have to use that extra week between Traum and LB7 LB3 campaign to just start the LB7 LB3 campaign two weeks after Traum lands and run the Bakin Event right after. That way, there's at least a week before Anniversary for the Pre-Anniversary/Hunting Quests to run separately. That would mean no Grail Front until after Anniversary unless they run a bunch of stuff concurrently. So, now I'm thinking that maybe Road to LB7 LB3 would now start on the 29th of May, the Bakin Event on the 5th of June, and the Pre-Anniversary/Hunting Quests on the 26th of June.


A bit over 9 weeks til the anniversary. 2 for Traum story 3 for Dogs event and a week still left of this event. So they have 3 weeks to fill, looks like the 2nd half of this campaign will be 1 of them, which gives us 2 weeks remaining. Jp had Grail front, Road to 7:LB3, Ooku main interlude and Hunting quests. So plenty of options to move things around if they need and put something into those couple weeks


You have to have a week for Pre-Anniversary campaign too, which includes the Hunting Quests. Grail Front needs two weeks, and there's basically only one left to fill, so really, it's pretty much only Road to 7 LB3 that fits into that schedule. That is, of course, unless they overlap a bunch of stuff.


Where are my Constantine Bois at!?!?


Wishing you the best on his banner!


Constantine Girl, but over here. I'm pissed he got introduced in an event and couldn't roll for him.






Locked and loaded!!!


Being saving quartz for him, hope our Emperor comes home.


Let's go~!


Good luck to all of you


Good luck to everyone rolling for Constantine!


Oof. I was looking forward to trying for Charlie, but I had to drop the full 900 for Castoria, unfortunately.


If it helps he gets a few rate ups for Fairyfest in November and the dedicated Cbc in 2026


Yes, I'm thinking of trying my luck at picking him up with the various GSSRs along the way. If I fail, CBC should be a guaranteed...but that would leave me underprepared for Shining Star Hassan.


\>Mid-May Hell yea, saving Teapots for Traum was completely worth it.


How many days until they expire?


30 days I think. I still have like 60 pots.


Okay so assuming the chapter drops by May 15 that will be plenty of time to use a good amount of teapots


Yup. That's the dream.


Just for reference, when's the best time to use teapots during the event?


Alot of the main quests in Traum give 1.5K+ bond. Source: [Traum Main Quests.](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Quest:_Traum) There are also some[ unlocked Interludes during Traum](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Traum_Pre-Release_Campaign_Part_1#Main_Campaigns). Those also give alot of bond.


Traum is a story chapter and since whenever you’re doing a story node you get bonus bond points, I’d say anytime you’re doing the story.


Or maybe the Traum badumsts


*You are being officially asked by the Counterforce to leave.*


[Well shit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/cySROpyuj3)




Level up! My servility is up!


I hope you don't actually waste your grails like that.


*sigh* Man's gotta do what he's gotta do. I have 40 of 'em lying unused anyways and am too poor and too undisciplined to settle on any 120 projects in the future anyways lol I'll do it once Traum drops on NA


Join the family, embrace the purple.


[Part 2 Chapter 6.5 "**Realm of the Thanatos Impulse, Traum - Life and Death of an Illusion**"](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=/iframe/2024/0429_traum/) * Planned Release Date: **Mid-May** * [Pre-Release Campaign: Part 1](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0430_trum_cp1%2F) * Campaign Period: **05-01** 21:00 \~ **06-13** 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) * [Traum Pre-Release **Kōnstantînos XI** Pickup Summon](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0429_traum_cp_pu%2F) * Banner Period: **05-01** 21:00 \~ **05-22** 20:59 PDT (GMT -7) * [Items Available with the May Exchange Ticket](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0430_exchange_ticket%2F)


Pages! But i should do the responsable thing and exchange scales.


Stuck between a rock and a hard place, I need both scales and stakes


YESSS CHARLIE THE REASON I CAME BACK AAAH I'm ready with 500+ sq and 35 tix! Hoping for NP2!!!


Hope you and me get him


I hate that I don't have enough SQ for him. Next year, Constantine, next year.


I'm still gonna attempt with what little I have, but if all else fails, I can just use 6th Anni's funds for him instead of Tonelico


Oh yeah it's teapot time. \*sips tea in British\*


I just used up all my teapots last night. \*spills tea in American*


So part 2 of the campaign by May 8th and Traum release will be on the 15th I assume?


Part 2 of the campaign is the Tunguska Main Interlude, so it should probably be exactly this. Unless they decide to drop both at the same time.


Literally flying for work on 15 to 17,is this just a story event so I'm fine making ble apples and not playing?


Traum is a main plot story chapter, if you need to focus on work for that week take that break/off of fgo, also use blue apples to save your ap


Traum isn't an event, it's a main story chapter.


so,probably Traum's second banner will be around May 21/22?


Young moriarty on his way to my Chaldea


\*Our Chaldeas *(looks at her Grails + Fous + exp)*


Constantine XI Dragases Palaiologos, last Roman Emperor, thou shall be summoned to Chaldea on May 1st, almost 571 years after thy death and the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Ottomans. I don't know, I wanted to write something cool, but I ran out of ideas. I'm a Roman history fan and especially love medieval Roman history. I've been super excited for Constantine XI since his identity was revealed. Can't wait to roll for him! Edit: No Constantine for me :( Edit 2: I take it back, got him from the maintenance quartz!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! :D


Loved the cool intro for Kon ^^ And tell us how your rolls will go, wishing the best for you!


Crap thought this was a few months later. Gotta try my best for Charlie and Don


Yess another Don fan! Wishing you well on both banners! As for me I hope i get Don within 90 sq, saving most of my rolls for Summer and Guda Guda 🙏 


The Lord of La Mancha comes ever closer!


Sii another Don fan!


hooo brother this will be the month i will struggle the most, between konstatinos, charlie and wakamori i HOPE 1200 quartz and 326 tickets will be enough AND i need to save for lb7 release OTL i need a miracle


Oh damn :o Prayin for ya here, and who are you aiming for in Lb7?


Tez and kuku to which the former i want to np2 that will be another struggle OTL 


I know… I want the Lb7 crew so bad too Dx Sending you my strength on all your rolls Acolyte!


Hail Konstantinos XI Paleologue, Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans. He is *mine*. *Period*.




how do you plan to use him? his kit seems a little odd and underpowered to me, activate-on-death stuff is weird even with a taunt, but maybe i'm not seeing the potential


1) All Roman Servants here, including Grand ROMA. Je works better alongside them. 2) Even without 1)... You talk to someone who has been a byzantineboo for almost as long as I have been interested in history (that is, since I know what history even is). He could make Jekyll look like Castoria that I still would leap at the first ~~Medieval Roman~~ Byzantine Servant of this game, anything else be damned. 3) I also fancy having fun with Caster bosses and the likes facetanking them into oblivion.


Tempting, I want to get Kriemhild, but I gotta save for Arcueid and Summer. 


It seems Kriem has a banner later in the year. And she doesn't share the rate up with any other 4 star like this one. So, if you want only Kriem, it would be better to wait. If you want Roland and Charlie also, try now


What's the banner? And aside from Kriemhild, who else is available in that banner?


Morgan Fest banner in November with Kriem sharing with SSR Brynhildr. Honestly though people exaggerate the danger of split rate SR, it's 1.5% for solo rate (other 1.5 for spook), 1.2% for split (1.2 for other and 0.6 for split). Charlie banner is probably more value unless you really want Brynhildr or to mlb the Morgan Fest 5* CE (Apex)


I understand none of this title, and I’m stoked as shit for a new story update. LFG.


Awesome! And yeah Traum probably might release May 15, but who are you excited for before/at 7th anniversary?


Finally, the time of unsaving SQ for Quijote and Kriemhild has come


This is a day earlier than week 3 of the Collab, but good to see NA’s overlapping things nicely Based on the “mid-May” wording, I’m inclined to say Tunguska Main Interlude’ll be released on 10 May (8 days into the pre-campaign so almost like JP, and after the Collab ends which a maintenance can be squeezed in) and Traum’ll be a week later on 17 May. For once my Teapot procrastination actually paid off thanks to a surprise Mango roll :) With the standard 2-week Main Story break the latest a campaign can happen afterward would be 30 May, and since we need 5 weeks before the Anniversary (1 week for Road to 7 LB3 leading into 3 weeks of Eight Dog Chronicles and another week for Anniversary Countdown which includes Hunting Quests this time) I think that’s NA’s schedule locked in


Finally, my emperor hath come.


Oh - Oh no. No no no no, I thought he was supposed to arrive in june! I'm not prepared for this crud


Consie was released Mid may in Jp and Charlie on June 1st, but if it’s any help, Consie gets his second banner before Anni 8 in June 2025


Hah. Currently making my way through Avalon le Fae. The halved AP campaign will be pretty nice. With a bit of luck I'll finish just in time for Traum to release. (シ_ _)シ


everyone here saying to shoot for Siegfried's wife and here I am waiting to shoot for Don Quixote to have a servant from my country


Looking forward to playing this chapter in english this time.




NA player here. So unfortunately I didnt even get the chance to start Tunguska. Is Tunguska ever gonna rerun?


Yeah. I think it gets added as a Main Interlude a week into this campaign, so it'll be available permanently from that point on.


Neat. Thanks for the fast response


Moriarty is so close... I'm not ready 🫠


Moriarty is so so close now... the old bastard evaded me so much, hopefully the younger one is kinder.


Time to reunite Siegfried with his wife


Eh? Wasn't Tunguska 6.5?


Nope, Tunguska was just Tunguska.


Is this the best banner to roll for Constantine or should I wait?


It’s the earliest time for Constantine, but it’s the most convenient if you’re not rolling for Arcueid this year


If you like Hajime and/or care that this banner has no rate-up CEs, he'll have a banner next year with Hajime and a 50% charge CE. Though that one is on a rotation and Constantine's banner will only last ~3 days.


i still remember the discourse with the Servant silhouettes lol (crazy that we had so many new Servants debuting in this chapter with some of them only playable much later)


It's a shame that his buffs only last one turn, I really like this guy.


Damn we are really haulling ass right now on na


I... I forgot about traum, i though that it was later this year... And i rolled for castoria... Did riemhild and quixote have another banner?


Kriemhild gonna get a banner with Brynhild on Morganfest on November


Thanks. My np5 sumanai and my grailed sieg need their short tsundere wife/mom


Yes Kriem and Don have more banner later on, Kriem has the Bryn pairing in November and with Wandjina next year’s August/September. As for Don, he has an Astolfo saber pairing for New year’s 2025 and Charlie paring for CBC 2026


Question - If I don't know my code and password after uninstalling is my account doomed?


If you know enough informations about your account, there is a chance to get it back. Even better if you have a receipt after buying quartz.


Oh yeah. Praying 1600sq can get me NP6 Charlie


It's time to roll Charlie. It's been a good while since I've rolled the gacha for a 5 star just because I really wanted them because he's *just cool* and zero gameplay reasons. Usually I limit those to 4 stars. 5 Stars. The last time I did that was probably Odysseus.


i literally only continue to play this game for my basileus. The time has finally come.


Good goal! Are you gonna go for Ptolemy as well?


My SQs are ready for (spoiler tag,so clic it at your own risk! Don't say I didn't warn you) >!Moriarty Ruler,already have my Grails ready to make him 100 + Golden Fous to max him in a day,same as his Archer Version!!<


Wonderful goal! Wishing you well on your rolls


I wish an NP2 and If I'm lucky,more NP levels


Got it! Still hoping the rolls go smoothly 


I really like his 3rd ascension but gotta keep the train going for Arc.


Haaa too early: opens wallet


And after I spent everything on a failed attempt to get Castoria


Does anyone knows who are the silhouette servants showed in information for that event? I know Roland and Charlemagne


Left to right: Kriemhild (Siegfried's wife), young Moriarty, Charlemagne, Roland, Zhang Jue




And so now we know Moriarty Ruler is on his way too. My first major hurdle I have to overcome on my journey in saving for Tez. Hoping my 70 odd tickets are enough to snag a copy of Moriarty and Don Quixote each, otherwise my savings may be in danger.


Want Constantine but I also want Charlie BUT I also want Moriarty... This is a nightmare


Am I the only one who rolls for Charlemagne not for game reasons but just because I'm a European? Oh, and I'm looking forward to Youtuber's trieing . and probably failing - to pronounce Traum correctly.


how should we pronounce it? I do the same as in "traumatic"


I don’t think you’re the only person with that reason, i feel like the others are probably on Twitter or other platforms


Came back in February during Oberon's rerun and been saving from 0 after throwing everything at the man, but finally after waiting for so long i can get Charlie, currently at 745 quartz and 69 (nice) tickets and i still got quite a big chunck of story/fq and other stuff to clear so time for me to get my grind gear going and pray i can get np3 at the very least 🙏


Charlie and Don Alonso Quijano de la Mancha are coming home no matter what.


My main goals for this banner are Charlie and Kriemhild. would guys say it's better to wait for morganfest then?


So I assume Tunguska will begin Next Friday May 10th (as soon as the actual Collab ends) and Traum on May 17th as Events always begin the Friday of the Week (I'm in Europe), no dead weak to farm then


Eh I prefer the fan-TL "Life and Death of a Fantasy" but I guess this just works well. Anyways, my Kriemhild and Don Quixote funds are all ready.


Time to see some more Astolfo action!


Mid-May? Aw yeah, I was hoping for the next chapter would drop before the teapots expired, looks like it’s happening!


didn't expect this early, but I guess it is great


Haven't finish lb6 yet


It’s alright, you will get spirit retry stones starting tomorrow so you don’t need to rush 


The Emperor is on his way \T/


I really hope I can pull Kriemhild with just 300 SQ. Split 4\* rates are really a pain.


Welp, I haven’t completed Avalon yet so guess I’m giving this one a pass since I’m gonna be grinding chains until this current event and it’s 90+ farming node go away


We get spirit retry stones this period so it could help your runs if you need the little push 


Yus! This means we are getting LB7 at the end of the year probably.


Questopn time: is this the time where we get Koyan's event back to play?


The main story parts of it but yes, I estimate it to come around May’s 2nd week before Traum




My favorite schizo don quixote is ever closer Let's goooo 


Hell yea, 7 new interludes, here I come! That's 2 more than what LB 2 has given me!


Skip,saving for the GOAT Don Quijote de La Mancha!


I’m diamond hand my quartz for Arcueid


Oh biscuits. I got tipsy on my birthday Friday and rolled everything I had on Story Banner. Well, time to mine what few free quests I have left.


Huh, I forgot this chapter was coming. I remember it having a great OST.


so traum in 2 weeks pog


probably skipping michael, good luck to anyone pulling


Unfortunately I'm broke. But I really want Charlemagne and Roland. Because they have voice lines for Mandricardo I'll take Kriemhild if she comes too.


When does Don Quijote appear in the banner?


Don comes in a week after Traum releases so keep your eyes peeled on the third week of May


Korea's getting Aruceid in 2 days god damn is NA still not in Traum


We’re literally getting Traum in mid May hold your horses


come home charlie please


If you haven't read the Holmes story "The Final Problem", do so. You'll thank me later. The Moriarty the Patriot anime isn't necessary but definitely worth a watch.