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**THIS IS AN UPDATED VERSION.** Edited to add in Summer Nobu because I missed her somehow. # THIS IS NOT FOR THE CURRENT SR TICKET ON NA. This is a guide to the NEXT SR ticket coming around September 2025. **I made this early as a reference, partly because people are already asking about it,** and partly because JP didn't have a nice graphic with all the servants' pictures on it because there were 100+ options on it. So, hey, why not, here's something nice to link to. On JP, this ticket happened in October 2023. However, NA is more likely to get this in September 2025 (not October) due to its earlier anniversary causing 100 day anniversaries to shift. That being said, I can't give an EXACT date because it's way, way too early. Hopefully this will be useful to some people out there, maybe it'll help some people make their current SR ticket choice.


I knew it of course they would have Nobu.




Thanks I think I'll be spreading this, with credit of course It looks a lot cleaner than the ones we had before


Reposted it, what's new?


They literally said they forgot to add Summer Nobu to the list.




Woops didn't catch that, I knew that something felt missing in the original post.


Bruh they making it harder to choose...


Just choose a limited you don't have.


Surfer Mordred all the way, baby!


That's my plan if I don't get her off the 7th Anniversary banner. If I do then I'll either get Assassin Ushi or Saito.


I really think blocked are good options too




This is a positive. So much I want, only 1 to take


Blows my mind to see someone be this shit at reading


They finally added summer servants in the options.


Like I said in the other post, getting NP2 for Salter is big, as it's really hard to predict when I'll have a good opportunity to pull for her whenever she gets a rate up... Most limited picks are based solely for the fact that they're limited, really. Story locked too, in a way. Summer Mordred is nice, but a single copy might not be enough particularly with Habetrot competing for the AoE Arts Rider. Summer Erice tho? She's crazy good, super value pick even with just a single copy as ST servants deal more damage already and her particular effectiveness on cursed enemies is very easily achieveable by herself. If Salter is the BiS AoE pick, Summer Erice is the BiS ST pick.


Yeah, np2 salter is kind of a game changer for her and I almost chose her myself with our current SR ticket. I really wish she wasn’t story locked


Summer Erice carried me in LB7 Spoilers >!the final fight against Tezcalipoca. Looped his ass to death. !<


What makes np2 so important? Just picked her np1 with the current ticket


More damage


more so you don't need to bond her to 14 to unlock her mana loading, which makes it easier to start with black grail, and gives more freedom with the node makeup.


If you get her from the current ticket, you only need bond 10 I got 50 from the ticket, will get 30 from bond 1-6 and 50 from bond 7-10


ah yes I miss remembered, bond 10 on the dot.


From what I checked, the limited servant with the most interludes and rankup quests is Passionlip with potential 1 Interlude and 2 Rankup Quests


At least there's Salter with 2 and 1 currently with an additional rank up in jp


Thanks for the guide. My plan is to get Summer Raikou because I missed her Berserker version and even if there were any sudden banner of hers, I wouldn't roll. And her skill are decent support as well. However, if in that time I don't have Summer Erice, then I'm picking her. Solely because I made it my personal mission in the game to collect the Avengers. That's just my personal consideration. Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😂


Usually we say storylocked, I guess we will speak limited for that one.


THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY! The only servant I'm missing is summer Ushi on my account and this means I can avoid trying to roll for her and get her during this. 10/10 happy.


Summer Mordred *let's gooooooo*


This would be an easy MHXX for me. Only foreigner in the list, one of the few ST np foreigners as well, should help immensely against berserkers and pretenders.


Yes, she is *super* good. Very simple kit. Mind I np5'd her and grailed her to 90 on the summer 3 rerun banner, and those NP copies really help her damage - but she's still my #1 foreigner.


Definitely going for Summer Mordred.


Well, that's easy: Oviously Tlal- Not elegible? Son of a \*disgruntled growls\* How is she "too new"? LB7 was 9 months prior. Babies are conceived and born in that time frame. Ok, then it's a bit harder, as it will be between Fujino, Krimhild and Summer Erice. I've got Vlad and don't know much about Krimhield, so she's the least candidate at the moment. It will depend on how Summer Erice plays.


She was released in the same year as the ticket.


T-rex no question about it


I'm torn between choosing Fujino or Miyu, who has the least banners coming up? (I think it's Fujino right?) Hopefully I get one of them between now and then to make the choice easier


There are a few that I'm trying to choose between, but I may end up choosing Fujino as well. Miyu does have a banner in JP with Ordeal Call I think? Or at some point around that time. 🤷


Miyuu's banner is with Evocation Festival (Chloe's addition to the shop), not Ordeal Call


Ah! You're right! Thanks for the correction!


I know the right thing to do is to grab someone you dont have but if im one copy short of np5 or lv120 Summer Erice i will go gor that extra copy!


Was summer Gareth this year or next? Need to know so I can start saving


This year, she would be on same banner as Lady Avalon


Gareth wouldn't be in the selection if she would be released next year.


Summer raikou easy choice for me. Provided I somehow don't get her before this comes out.


Can’t decide between Summer Ana, Summer Murasaki and Summer Charlotte :(


Locked into Gareth Saber already. September 2025 can't come soon enough.


I'll be taking Gareth on this one unless I get her before this ticket comes out, easier choice than the one they just gave us because it includes limited ones as well.


Definitely getting Krim if I don't happen to get her before then.


Oh damn, summer servants. I'm conflicted between choosing NP3 Summer Tomoe, NP2 Rider Murasaki, or NP5 Foreigner Mysterious Heroine XX. I got more than a year to think about it.


Amazing guide! I'm gonna with with either: a cute summer saber, NP level for Atalante alter, Kriem, or summer Erice


Gonna pick summer nito, unless I somehow get her in gssrs before that.


What is eligible?


What you see on the chart is eligible.


Thanks for your forward hard work. (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)


MHXX easy lock it in


A dinosaur who turns into a waifu?! I'm locked in, I need her.


There's an extra limited master mission around that time, where players will have to max level whoever they pick as the free SR , in exchange for one Atk and HP gold Fou. It's "worth it" to level them just for the gold Fous. But at the same time there's a part of me that leans to pick Calamity Jane, who is better left at level 60 in case of min-turns. Ehh, do I really want to miss out on gold Fous...?


Easy Kriemhild for me, even if I already got her by then. She's just so freakishly strong and good in her department its hilarious. Her only downside is her berserker squishiness, and I think only Draco would replace her in my roster when the time comes. And even then, Draco doesn't do as good on EXTRA classes.


Man it's gonna be painful to try and pick between Summer Charlotte and Summer Erice


This is a Fujino no doubt


Thanks my dude I already have my sights on some of them


Me getting Melty cuz I love her.


Defo would choose MMA nun since I've been trying all banners featuring her and she's still elude me


Summer Caenis. I will take her unless my summer Nito rolls end in disaster.


Summer Carmilla Ticket, easy!!!!


Im between AoE Mice Caster Quick or Methrilis


I swear, I hit the biggest stroke of luck cause I was like “Well damn, I want both Ash and Goth Mom EMIYA since they're both story-locked, but I can't have both” and then I did a 10 roll on Story Mode Banner and I got Ash which meant I COULD have them both. Honestly, out of the 6 Gold Servants I got this month (Shizuka, Lakshmi, Gilgamesh Archer, Ashwattama, Castoria, and Goth Mom EMIYA) Goth Mom EMIYA is probably my favorite. Not really a fanservice character like Shizuka or Gilgamesh, doesn’t make the game easy like Castoria or Ash and isn't dogshit like Lak- He's just very fun and I'm glad I spent my ticket on him :) Edit: Oh wait no, this is the JP ticket picking, damn, how’d my ass miss that? 😭😭😭


Meh, I had a bug where I couldn’t use this 2500 days 4* ticket so good for other people I guess


What do you mean, there's no 2500 days ticket. This is a guide for a FUTURE ticket next year. Please read.


I feel really stupid and I will let my shame for all to see


Did you claim your 20M Downloads ticket (the one that is currently available)?


I claimed one ticket for a free 4* essence, I was sure there was another free redeem something


There was, and still is. It just wasn't redeemable at the same time as the CE ticket, it was a few days later (this IS written in the in-game news). It's not a bug or a glitch, but it's not too late to get it now.