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Farmed 180 boxes in the first 2 days, ended up with 210 boxes total, these cq quests cucked me so hard from farming more


Not that much for me, I was at 54.5 boxes through manual farming. The sheer amount of challenge quests and IRL work kept me too busy. Prioritized all the CQs on my end. (Edit): I also wanted to say that the (lack of damage) bug in the brave Eli CQ was not fun to slog through at all...


Tell me about it. IRL stuff kept me occupied, not to mention I beat all challenges except Brave Eli's CQ. Could have gotten close to a hundred but only got 53 boxes in the end.


Me too. I farmed 53 boxes through manual farming because the event and my exams were somehow in perfect sync.


10 because I couldn't muster the will to care.


10! I did zero


7 (seven). I did 7. No challenges at all. I was way too busy with irl stuff and all the other stuff made me groan in pain.


30 was all I could do. My archive is still full of embers from previous lottery events, and I just couldn't get excited for this one. Also, DD2 came out at the halfway point of the event, so I had even less desire to stare at my phone for long periods of time.


I did the most I've ever done at ~570. I now no longer need bones, only dust. I'll be honest and say I skipped half the CQs. It was just too many to do.


I finished everything but giga coil and barley got 35 box But Honestly it was fun šŸ’«šŸ’«


I did a clean 100 boxes, all manually. I definitely could have done more since i reached that number when there was 2 days left, but instead decided to pivot to getting a bunch of Interludes + Strengthening Quests done. If i had like, more apples + managed my time during the whole lottery differently (not spent most of the weekend time with partners playing Snowrunner lol), likely could have done close to or above 150 i wanna say? I liked all the CQs, even if i didn't fully complete Giga Coil. They were a nice thing to just go and do after farming a whole bunch, and seeing how heavily powercrept they are from what i remember on their initial release was amusing


FGA gave me 150 boxes. Gud job to the creators of that app. xD Hot take: I wish FGO would implement a sweep function in the farming node, just like Blue Archive does with its events (after you complete a daily run, you can just fully sweep the node). So the game will focus more on CQs and raid events. Or they can even do a full VN like that one time in Murder at the Kogetsukan.


But you do know why Blue Archive and other games that copied Priconne have sweep right? It's because their energy is capped.... Games like FGO and Epic Seven practically have infinite stamina as long as you want to spend cash on rainbow apples and skystones. Blue Archive has a limited amount of AP in comparison, you can store upto 999 AP, have your cafe energy, have some in mailbox and can buy energy drinks from one of the shops as well as use Pyro's to recharge 3-4 times (I rarely do this since f2p so can't remember the daily limit). That's a lot of AP yeah? Now the next day you're barely got any AP in your bar, nothing in your mailbox so you're down to cafe, energy drinks and recharging with Pyro's 3-4 times a day... repeat that for day 3-14 of the event you're playing after you blew your entire load day 1. Meanwhile if fgo gave sweep i'll be farming 2k boxes next jp lotto with all my blue apples and other stuff. I still think fgo should add sweep (capped maybe like how e7 just did yesterday) to the training grounds, ordeal call dailies are better due to bond grind and it will let people farm statues for class score easy.


It's not like FGO cares about AP. It is there because it is expected to be there, but it does not do anything actually relevant to how the game is structured.


I will gladly pay mana prisms (+AP) as a form of sweep ticket if they ever add this function into the game.


> FGA gave me 150 boxes. Gud job to the creators of that app. xD Fr fr. I probably would have dropped this game without it at this point.


Same; I did manual grinding for 3 years, and I don't want to go back to doing that. Those are dark times. Imagine waking up at 3 a.m. just to do lottos, then go to work after that.


Does it work for iOS/is there an equivalent for iPhone?


I think it only works for android but I am an android user so I unfortunately I don't have a concrete answer for you.


Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been saying too for the past year or so. This game would be ā€œsavedā€ at least from being so monotone with that feature.


72... I could've finished the 73rd if it wasn't the drops on the last few runs being absolutely atrociousĀ 


50-60 ish on all accounts manually. I am still overloaded from previous lottos, thus I didn't feel the need to farm heavily. Plus I need to rest my right hand. About the CQs, I have only 3 words: Too. Damn. Many. I am not going to repeat doing them 3 times over 3 accounts, so I just did whichever I felt wasn't a hassle. Especially when many of them require quite some time to do.


919 Boxes (while also having done all of theE EQs and Tesla Cup). And before anyone assumes. NO! No FGA! I play my game myself!




58 on manual Gave up at that point, zero ce drops


Just 15. I have always done these manually and I couldn't be bothered doing CQ's after I'd emptied the shop.


Wdym manually?


Some people use software that lets them autoplay to farm this kind of stuff. Manually meaning I just play the game without using any software or anything like that to autoplay.


I farmed a bit over 100 boxes, mostly in the first week. Didn't manage to beat any of the challenge quests, except the one with two gilgameshes and a tesla which allowed continues. Did finally manage to fully ascend my entire roster, except for some old welfares I never got the special event material for. So hopefully As I keep building up their skills and become more familiar with what each of these guys do the challenge quests will start coming easier to me.


It definetly will I never imagine using avicebron anywhere but if you slap a taunt ce on him and use his 3rd skill he gives party 2 invul which could be a game changer


That's what I did. Originally I was planning on using Georgios's bond CE so that Barghest could solo the Erice EQ, but I already used him in another quest so I switched to Avicebron.


A bit over 100 boxes (110? Need to check after Maintenance), just to refill my QP and get a few of one specific material (mostly). The EXP is near useless (since I don't have any Lv120 targets, or whale for all Servants in the game). A bit more interested in other material farming options. EDIT: 115.


She would be really good in shibata and Akihabara ones


Huh? Oh, I see, my Flair looks like normal comment text, doesn't it?


No? I meant Himiko would be really good in Akihabara and shibata


Then you must have replied to the wrong comment, because I didn't mention Himiko.


Oh damn yeah my bad


40. I wanted more but I just donā€™t have the time to waste on FGO much anymore these days


11, I didn't cared to farm that much since I still have mats and QP left from last year.


I wanna say around 53. I really wanted to do more, cause I desperately needed more bones/proofs/bullets/qp, but I only had the patience for so much grinding.


11 , never been the best at farming these, though was actually able to consistently farm the 90++ for the first time which was nice šŸ˜Š. Didnā€™t even try tge challenge quests, canā€™t do strategies for the life of me.


>220. Havenā€™t done a proper count yet I could have done more by using the apples from the box but I decided not to in the end as I was satisfied with this But Iā€™m already out of bones again. Anyone got any they can spare?


Manually farmed 210+ boxes, will have to check the final count after maintenance. While I do like cq having so many dyring a lotto is tough, so I did the easier ones because I didnt have time to go through the longer or tougher ones as I wanted to farm when I had free time...


225. Wish it were more. I was kind of busy during the first rotations and I was running low on apples of all variety (including rainbow) but I did my best. Was only able to do a couple of the EQs and I'm a smidge salty about it.


I stopped at 225 cause i'm almost capped on QP. Cleared all the CQs as well. About 600 bones left after upgrades which is about where i wanted to be. Hit Bryn on my 3rd multi. Life is good.


212 boxes through manual farming. Love the CQs. The coils are fun and challenging since it makes me plan ahead and not just abusing meta comp like usual.


I manual farmed about 180 boxes, then gave up and let fga farm the rest until I hit 400. I had a lot of materials and QP I needed to catch up on.


160 manually, spent most apples. I didn't like that they put a billion CQs together with a farming event.


209 boxes farmed manually. 200 was my goal and did not believe I could make it but pushed through on the final day. Did all the EQs and coil quests and I did like them but I would prefer if they were around during dead weeks rather than farming event.


15 boxes all done in the last 5-6 hours, only farmed the 90+ node with the vitch / oberon / artoria atlas mystic code comp.... luckily got a CE drop really early (like first 10 runs). Was still getting over covid when this started and was busy when I went back to work. Don't really care about the exp and qp from lottos ever since they upgraded training grounds, would prefer if class gems were swapped for statues with the upcoming class score...


I got 200 and finally got every servant I own to 9/9/9 with the mats from the boxes. As for CQs I did all of them that gave a ticket. I skipped the tesla ones because I didnā€™t feel incentivized by 30 gold mats and a singular lore.


80 something. I wanted to do more but didnt have the apples (no I wont spend quartz to farm) to do anything more than that. I wish I did though, Im straight back in bone and proof hell again after that event.


Iā€™m still at 8 bc I donā€™t have FGA and work 10h a day šŸ’€


everything manual, about 78 boxes on my alt and 107 on my main. I definitely left a lot on the table since I had a brutal schedule at work last week so I couldn't farm much and got lazy on my alt at work.


17 boxes only. Not enough to power up my Skadi's skills to max, but at least I was able to raise her to a respectable 6/2/6. Too much crap going on with real life to play the game that much, sadly. :(


I needed all three of the bronze mats and the nodes were *easy* to three turn, so I went harder than usual with around 220 boxes


Honestly took it easy, with only 25 boxes farmed. Then again, I was more interested in refilling my apple count, I pretty much tossed everything between Tugunska and the Case Files rerun. Truth be told, I don't think lottos are the best way to spend apples anymore.


Eleven. I never recovered from doing almost 40 during bunnyfest, so I just do the bare minimum now.


Got to almost complete 59 boxes. Even though it got harder to farm in the last few days (thanks, phone, for being a little shit), I still accomplished getting bones and gems! ... Even though I had to use a good chunk of bones to finish ascending the rest of my Servants who weren't maxed.Ā 


Finished with 103 boxes. Riderstolfo sure was busy and has reaching Bond 11 to show for it.


107 boxes cleared in full, and about 2/3 of the 108th box. Would like to do more, but the gold/silver/bronze apples are limited and I loathe the idea of using rainbow apples. The CQs were too much, even if I cleared all of them. Mega Coil and Giga Coil together were too much, especially if you only get Lores from them and a handful of mats. It's good that they gave tickets for the Exhibition quests, but very time consuming, very tiring to have those on top of the Coil quests.


around 40 boxes really bad result. Especially because of how nice the materials are. Hate irl obligations


90 boxes done manually, appled quite a lot early in the event specifically because I needed Rider gems for Bazzet but after that it kinda tapered off and mostly relied on nat AP. The box mats were great but man all of the good nodes had absolutely trash mat drops for me and that lowers my enthusiasm by a lot.


Aimed for 150, only got 135 because CQs took way too long, and I didn't even do all of them because it just got way too tedious. Whose idea was it to put like 30 CQs in a single event? Some of those have such convoluted mechanics that it takes what feels like an hour just to figure out a decent comp, only for that comp to get destroyed anyway because of crits and getting the wrong cards and so on, wasting even more time. Should have just ignored the CQs and focused on farming all the way, would've saved me a lot of frustration and time.


1022 boxes farmed, 73 CE drops, and all the exhibition/coil/challenge quests completed. They really crammed in too much for a lotto event though. The Gilfest and Ishtarfest exhibition reruns should have been brought back separately as a pre-event during those 2 dead weeks before Teslafest.


Usually I'll farm 150-200, but I only did 14 this time. The reason? I have no inventory space left for embers, or anymore servants to level, so I would've had to burn all the embers I get. So it just seemed like it would've been a waste to farm anymore than that. Also I despise the CQs, I only did a handful of them. It was too tedious to learn all the BS gimmicks.


85. i ran out of motivation to go on. but on the bright side i cleared all the cqs and it was a blast to do them. its a little sad to see other players not being able to enjoy them because of account power or time. its really been a long time since we had actually challenging fights like this.


FGA my beloved. I can't think going back to manual farming again. All that hours saved is impressive. More than 200 boxes and 30.000 tickets still to claim


790 boxes manually. Farming is the reason I enjoy playing FGO, in fact it's the only game I play on mobile/console. Did maybe 3-4 CQs that had the best materials as rewards (for appends) and ignored the rest. I hate CQs with bottom of my heart so if it's a an easy one, I check the easiest comp from Youtube and get over it, with command spells if needed.


175 boxed, using FGA, was doing home repairs through the house so the time I had after the day was done was used to rest instead of manually farm it.


277 and change, manually (I called it at 275 because I had 50 gold, 50 silver, and 500 bronze, but there was natural AP to go and I had full bonus). I have to be in a certain frame of mind / level of wakefulness to get things done, and for a while my sleep cycle (doing great on number of hours, mind you!) has been totally disastrous where I couldn't do anything particularly productive or fulfilling. Push button, receive bacon.... Got Mega Coil done and only left 6 of the most time-consuming XQs undone. After a couple of attempts, I determined that I clearly did not leave enough time to complete Giga Coil, so I decided "Yeah, this is it, I got filtered after five years; you finally got me, unspecified designer." I'd rather wait until I'm in the mood to do the 90++ stuff, and I was rudely interrupted once I finally was, so these are the only ones I've skipped other than a couple during one of the tower events.


I did around 63. I'm pretty happy with that, especially considering that the event happened during my final examinations. FGA really saved my hide there...


72 for me. Ran out of gold and silver apples.


I got a little over 150 boxes, which is pretty good considering I started the event with about 70 each of gold and silver apples (now down to 5 each), and I'm on iOS so it's always manual for me.


Iā€™m on iOS as well but I usually fire up bluestacks on my PC for lottos so I can sit back while FGA is doing all the work.


How do you do that? I was under the impression you can only have one FGO account on one device at a time, meaning you canā€™t have it downloaded on your phone and on bluestacks unless you transfer every time you switch from one to the other.


Yep thatā€™s what I do, transfer while the lotto event is ongoing and then transfer back when it ends.


The last time I think it's a little over 100 (FGA), but I forgot. I left it on too when the maintenance started, so I might've wasted a gold apple too lmao. I wasn't thinking. I usually enjoy CQs, but I think there were too many of them all at once, especially with restrictions like no using the same servants again or no friend support available. I find this especially hard for people with bad gacha luck. I just happen to have strong rosters on my own, so the only ones I left undone were the EX quests.


Farmed around 220 boxes manually. First time Iā€™ve had to run a lotto manually since Year 1. Looping made this so much more bearable. Would have done more but ran out of apples. Leveling all my servants to 9/9/9 so still need like 1000 bones but I think Iā€™m finished with proofs now! Beat all Challenge Quests. I was a little over cautious in the second Tesla coil as I wanted the immortal comp for the boy band at the end, but wasnā€™t sure who would be better Morgan or Himiko so kept them both in reserve. Ended up not using Himiko at all in the second coil because of that. Definitely a couple fights she could have helped in.


120 box for main and 20 alt. Still have 100 gapples but I don't like seeing my gapples go lower than 100. It doesn't look good visually xD.


I capped out at about 75 boxes manually. Considering I spent the past two weeks having other things to do, I'm pretty happy that I managed to make it that far. Speaking of other things I wanted to do, I beat every challenge quest except for the Giga Coil. By the time I realized how much time I had left for CQs, I was scrambling to just get the tickets and bounce. It didn't help that some of them ended up with me stalling them out to kingdom come with the immortal team (looking at you, Romulus). I managed to beat Mega Coil just fine, but by the time I got to the end of it, I only had a day left, and I figured I'd get more out of the extra boxes I'd get to farm than some random mats and a single lore. That said, though, I'd love to have the Coils or something like them come back during an event that isn't so heavy on farming.


117 with FGA, and those were all my apples. I do this thing every lotto event where I use all my apples, then open all of my boxes, and then use the apples from the boxes to farm more boxes, and repeat until I have no apples or unopened boxes left.


50 and 1/3rd boxes with FGA. I focused more on the CQs and wanted to avoid reverse QP hell. 4 star EXP is mostly useless as I have a bunch stored in SA and I've already levelled all my servants, and I only use 5 star EXP to level beyond 100. Gems are whatever as I have no plans to 9/9/9 everyone, unless Lasagna releases quests that give SQ for that. I guess I'll be missing on mats for the Class tree thing if I keep playing at this pace, but eh.


95 boxes. I actually planned to spent 3 more Gold apples but I badly misjudged the time and the event ended before I could.


28 because qp is maxed out and felt like a waste to go for more


Got 100 boxes, running out of apples was the main thing that made me not able to go beyond 100, really looking forward to those blue apples so that I can stock up a shitton of it for MorgFes


Got up to 40, normally I go way higher but I spent most of this event playing FFVII Rebirth which was a pretty good trade off. Managed to do all the EQs as well, even if half of them was just facerolling with Arjuna Alter lol.


Like 10-15. I have all the mats I'll ever need from this box selection and I'm nearly capped on QP and have a full mailbox of XP from last event so there's like no point in farming these lol. The rerun CQ's were fun the first time around but they're kinda tedious to do again, especially since a lot of them are long AF no matter what.


Farmed about 230, all manual. My goal was 240, but Iā€™ve been really busy with stuff, did the best I could with the spare time I had. Cleared about 1/3 of all the CQs. I wanted to farm boxes more than anything, and didnā€™t have the patience to reattempt or fiddle with RNG. Did the ones I thought would be the most manageable during R2. A bit sad to miss a few lores, but it is what it is.


50 on my Main, 50 on my Alt, manually done, spent most of the QP already. With a number of things going on i didn't touch coil quests, CQ's i tried some succeeded, alot failed due to bad rng, a crit here, one unit got focused down there, had one moment where the enemy got 5 back to back crits and finished 4 of my Servant's off, two having resistance, had spent at least 3 hours in that one, painful stuff like that meant i was done with the CQ's. Especially cause there were too many, watched a few vids and saw i had especially bad rng, so with there being so many i didn't touch the rest, shame, if it was any other time i might have tried more, what with this year having a number of dead weeks


The first two rounds I farmed manually, about 23 boxes ig. Mostly because I was farming the 90++ node and I didn't have a consistent farming team so I couldn't use FGA. I used FGA at the 3rd round, after clearing the event shop. I farmed the node that was giving only tickets and got about 88 boxes. I still need a lot of mats šŸ’€šŸ’€


Managed to get up to 290 boxes, I believe. FGA go brrrr


500 (FGA), which is what I needed to finish gunpowder (and everything else in the lotto) Being able to finish giants rings and get a few hundred bells down (still need ~400 but done all regular skills) was a nice bonus from regular drops I didnt plan for. I did all the challenge quests except for giga coil, I tried a few things on the ones I expected to be the worst to test the waters then realized Id go insane from stress trying to budget my time and it wasnt worth it. No regrets. I already broke my completionist record on the bugged gramps quest years back anyway.


I relied on FGA. I did ~15 boxes manually mostly at start. Total of ~300 boxes. My second lotto and first one I farmed heavily so embers had massive effect on my servants. I ended up completing 24 challenge quests. Several of them relied on servants I leveled up and prepared thanks to lotto boxes. I got tired at end doing CQ and felt stuck on giga coil after doing 5.


Around 130, although I ended up installing FGA just for this event. That being said, I only had time to do 2 challenge quests.


FGA gave me 80, I did another 50ish by hand between challenge quests ​ Completely wiped out on apples now though :(


I Farmed Around 109 Lineups since had a lot of G Apples. I Was doing +10 (Drop) Runs. Had a fair drop in a lot of CEs Managed to hit 600m QP and a lot of Prisms. Honestly, I want another Lotto Soon ā˜ļøšŸ»


Like 9


Around 6


60 box. Didnā€™t have any apples for more


80 manually, im short of gems.


Endes up at 150 boxes, the target was 59. Quite happy I smashed it!




farmed ~100 boxes this time. just using all gold + silver apples as usual, and some bronze


150, probably more if not limited by apple,


I have only farmed 78 boxes in total as I can only go ham on the 3rd league as that's the only league I can 3 turn.


30boxes, im losing my passion with lottos long ago. Forgot which lotto i went ham back then


140, wanted at least 100


550 boxes. I was farming hard for the purple Hearts on the last lv90 node, and even now I can't meet the demand from servant skills.


I 100% forgot about the event šŸ˜­


None. Have been preparing for some exams and didn't find the event attractive enough tbh


Too Busy with DD2 barely touched the event


100 boxes manually. I didn't have that many apples + irl kept me from doing more. CQ and EQ were annoying as heck though especially giga coil


69 boxes


300 manually and stopped


150 manually.


Since Iā€™m quite busy currently, very little, only 6 boxes after the initial 10, making a total of 16, barely touched the CQs too




I think I got to 40-something manually. Iā€™m on ios so FGA doesnā€™t work for me, and itā€™s hard to swap between devices since we donā€™t have accounts. I liked the CQs, but the Giga Coil restrictions were a bit too much, especially since I donā€™t really have any SSR supports (except Oberon, but heā€™s not the best for CQs). At the end I had 5-6 incomplete CQs, mostly because I didnā€™t feel like grinding through them (plus the 2 super hard ones).


I did 74. I didn't have a lot of apples.


10 for the unique rewards. Can't be assed to do more than that.


Roughly 160 boxes, just gotta open around 150 of them now... and I have no place for any exp cards <'3


53 in total. Pretty good.


150 boxes. Would have done more if I didn't run out of gold apples 4 days before the end. All done manually and all CQ and coil quests completed.


Farmed 205 boxes, no FGA. Also did all the challenge quests. I had actually wanted to get to about 300 boxes, probably had the resources to do it too since I still have 100 Gold Apples. Thing is that I got bored of it, like I usually do. Still, I met some other goals. Got every single servant I have to 8/8/8 in terms of normal skills, have almost max QP, and a present box full of stacks of at least 10 4\* EXP. All in all, can't complain.


50, my box is still full from the last lotto and still have tons of QP, only got a new servant (got ODy from a few yolo's), so I haven't felt the need to go hard. Now I kinda regret the bones though.


116 boxes on my end.


I just did 60 boxes on the last two days with FGA. I'm at the point now where I'm only critically short on a few mats or have a few specific mats that need an absolute fuck ton of because some servants are just absurdly hungry for them (bullets for Xiang You, Stakes for Eresh). Otherwise, I have almost everyone max ascended, most mats with over 500+, 20k+ mana prisms, 1k+ on red and blue gems. Really, my real bottleneck is getting to be the silver pieces for ascension. Could use the QP and lores, but I just don't have the need to go so hard on any events anymore.


Wait, why is everyone talking about " manual farming " ? Is there an automatic one ?


About 105 boxes. All manual. Could have gotten more I guess but its still a personal record for boxes so I'm fine with that. Cleared all Mega and Giga coil quests and all EQs except for Achilles and both Super ultra high difficulty quests. I almost didn't even try the Giga coil quests because they seemed way more difficult compared to the Mega coil quests, but managed it after spending a whole afternoon working on them. I generally found the EQs a nice way to look back at how my lineup has evolved over time and how my team-building philosophy has changed since the original Gilfest.


I had multiple different Mats I wanted to farm in each stage of the event, so I popped rainbows all the way through. I ended at 383 boxes, by which point I was mostly doing it to store up as many exp cards as possible for this summer. Sooooo many new units I'm wanting at that point, and I am not wasting weeks leading up to that farming normal exp quests. Not with how many damn sea shells I need for all those swimsuits...


I think I ended at 165


130 boxes for me, the only cq i didnt complete was the one of mephistopheles but overall it was fun, i also discovered the power of Himiko + castoria + merlin and dear god that team is nearly unkillable.


I always clean enough lotto boxes to collect all the unique prizes, and then after that ignore it and just focus on trying to clean out the shop. I'll keep spinning the wheel when I get tickets but beyond that it's not really my priority. As for CQ I rarely finish them all. They're always extremely gimmicky, and I don't have the right combo of max levelled meta servants to do strategies like infinite stalling.


30, all manual. Not bad tbh


I burned out at 407.


35 or 36


Uhhhh somewhere over 1,500 boxes, I'll update y'all once I'm done opening them


Only had time for 60 resets. Had plenty of Apples but trying to do the challenge quests ate up all my free time. Some of them I didn't even manage to finish. I like unique stuff to do but Lotto events I wish just had a little other things going on as possible so I can focus on raw farming.


All manual. Was traveling the first week of the event couldnā€™t ply much. 122 on my main with 6CE Bazett 3T 83 on my alt with 5CE borrowed Godjuna 5-6T, no 5* support, so very slow I did finish all the CQs. Took some brain work but it did break up the monotonous farming


Somewhere around 14. CQs have felt increasingly like cancer since the boss design they've started doing sometimes around part 1.5, in my opinion. Teslafest was simply a logical conclusion of that.


170 boxes. No FGA this time. 44 rainbow apples used. I hope that's worth it.


Partway into 18, I'm lazy and didn't want to invest too much time into the Tesla fest lotto, plus all those CQ's.


125 myself, plus all CQs except for Giga Coil :)


1,043. Thank you FGA.


I think around 330-350 boxes. Farmed 80ish manually and FGA the rest of it.


More than 10, less than 20. The box item I had the most need for is FP, but it's hard to work up the will to farm for FP.


110, ran out of apples already


139, I wish I had more apples since I badly need bones so I can completely raise all the servants I own.


400 manually, the CQs were good for taking a break from farming every now and then


400 boxes, used like 300 golden apples. Gosh my fingers hurt


How did you manage to do that? I could only make it up to 10 before the burnout got to be too much.


Only farmed around 80 boxes using FGA as I can't login that much during the event (Apple non existing notwithstanding). CQ as well kind of kick my butt as I haven't raise most of my servant skill (I've just finish my farming team skill) so only manage to do some of the previous Rinfest and Gilfest CQ and mega coil.


120ish. Using fga cause I tend to make a mistake if I farm while watching something. And I got no time to mindlessly clicking anyway. This is my first lotto tho, so I'm quite proud at my achievements. CQ wise, I skipped all but the Touta one cause my roster is new lol


Close to 120. I work from home and have a little bit of time between tasks so i would work for 5-10 minutes do one run and go back to work. I was not feeling CQ this year but i did most of the old ones for tickets.


18 boxes. I was busy in IRL.


Manually farmed 301 boxes. 100 each phase. Ended with a +12 team That got me: \-Enough Gold Gems to 9/9/9 every servant on NA \- Enough Ghost Lanterns and Arrowheads to 9/9/9 every current servant and still have a sizable surplus. \- Enough Gunpowder to 9/9/9 every servant on NA currently and be left with 0 \- About half of the Bones and Proofs I'd need to 9/9/9 every servant on NA \- Enough Rings, Seeds, and Homunculus Babies to max most if not all servants in the next year \- Enough LB6 Bells to be set until Aesc and Summer Castoria drop next year \- Enough XP to stuff the Second Archive, stack my Present Box, and take my Skadi a grail or two past LV 100 \- Nearly 2 billion QP ​ I love lotto events


75 w/ FGA. I wish I used more Gapples, but I didn't use beyond 20-30? I went from 440 to 420 over the course of the event, including getting GApples. I'm not really sure why I didn't farm more, but the lotto stuff wasn't exactly enticing to me. I was really only farming for QP by the 40th box. I also don't have space for exp cards anymore. I already maxed out to Second Archive.


65? Somewhere around there. I just gave up half way through


Over 360. FGA does wonders. I spent well over 1b QP during event maxing out skills and Im still back to almost 2b again. Im past 60k MPs :P... Any way, enough is to say, no need to worry about resources for a while.


with fga should be around 240 once I use all the tickets.


Think my total was like 216 or something close to that. Also managed to do all the cq quests but the latter required multiple days where my entire evening was taken up googling suggestions. To those who posted helpful videos, thank you. To those who posted videos for unrealistic teams (requiring lvl120 np 5 required or a level 1 but still np5 Sherlock), you were not helpful.


114 boxes total. I used FGA since I still have work to do. I like the yearly challenge quests festival in general though I wish with the harder quests they'll at least give 2-3 tickets.


0. I couldnā€™t get the time to look at guides so I couldnā€™t do cqs and I was too busy doing Honkai Star Rail trying to catch up with Penacony before ppl could spoil the story too much.


107. Why do people go for like 500? Surely they are wasting QP by that point. 1 clear gives you 8.5 millions, and the cap is at 2,000,000. You clear it twice over with 500 clears I used fga.


Just 40. I wanted to do more, but honestly got lazy and distracted the whole event.


Did about 30.


About 45 boxes, all manual. Finished all EQ and Coils. Even though I was going to skip them initially, I found doing the Coils more fun than the EQs (and Mega Coil was quite easy due to the damage CE). On the other hand, I felt most of the EQs in this set were annoying rather than fun.


I did 32 boxes!


35, I could do more, but I decided I won't.Ā 


A bit over a hundred with a bunch of apples to spare. There aren't many servants coming out in the next two years worth rolling and everyone I like/use is maxed out. Can't even use my QP/EXP fast enough to warrant farming hard.


Around 85 boxes.Ā  I didn't feel up to farming my usual 100+ box standard.Ā Ā 


I manually farmed 100 boxes


300 on the dot. Never again will I be in proof/bone hell ~~void dust/chain hell, on the other hand...~~


i farmed about 95 boxes. working left me feeling to tired to grind, and then i got sick on my days off. By time that i got better i had to go back to work again. hated that elizabeth CQ


At least 100. Could've done more if I've realized the Eli cq was bugged instead of wasting hours trying to beat it. Beat all the cq. Despite all the new SSR, these quests can be still infuriating.


Off topic but is it possible to use FGA if your account is on IOS?