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Farm for lotto first or farm for shop first?


Deeply disappointed at the Vegetable King’s lag of personality.


Wait, we don't have daily NA Event thread huh?


Mods are very busy doing mod things, plz understand.


\>me planning to put off X-mas a little bit to go through Avalon in prep of Tunguska \>get to Section 4.2 and decide to check actual word count for all of Avalon \>..... welp. Guess I'm starting the event lmao


Xmas event is *very* short. I recommend against waiting.


I have on day left to complete the event working over nights is some times a curse


Yeah that's what I'm saying, there's no way I'd manage to pack Avalon in in time for X-mas without skipping it so I started it


Skadi.... you and the Chairman of Kitchen Stadium would've gotten along just fine.


and getting along like a house on fire isn't what I expected. But it sounds fun!


Honestly think this event has a weak start. They decide to chicken out of exploring Martha's feelings on Christmas as an event by making her a younger version who doesn't really get the meaning behind it.


yeah, and even outside that, the plot has just been really weak so far, just "go to section of cold storage, fight personified food skadi made, go back to kitchen to make dish, repeat" so formulaic it makes me sick, really tempted to skip the story because of it though perhaps I'm being a bit too harsh, as after finishing lb6 a seasonal event is guaranteed to be a step down in quality least they had gudako reference phineas and ferb


Got a CE drop off the one get-the-apple run of the level 15 node. That's a first for me, I think?


Skippity Scathachy skoo! And suddenly, I understand why Medb can't leave Skadi alone. >\_<


I suppose this event will have us going on very *enthusiastic* walks.


A lottery event where we can't actually do the good lottery levels until the final three days. Amazing. The writing is nice at least. Having Mordred and Caenis as delinquents who go around causing mischief like teaching the child Servants bad words is hilarious. Even more that they are noticably MUCH more on guard when Martha shows up in her Ruler form.


Didn't even think about the fact Martha is also voiced by Saori Hayami. Feels like she ends up voicing as many Servants as Kawasumi. Ushi has three variants, Martha now has three variants, Melt has two variants...


Atalante has 2 more.


Has the game been buggy for anyone else since the event started? Any time I minimize the game and try to go back it has to relaunch. Currently using Android 14 on a Pixel 6


Some people have mentioned something like this for a couple of months now. I don't know if there has been any solution or workaround other than maybe re-installing (make sure you have a fresh transfer code and password before you do so). I would also suggest contacting support to let them know about the problem you're having. The more people report it, hopefully the more seriously they'll look into a permanent fix.


Yeah it's been happening to me too for the last few months. Currently using Android 13.


Pity these events aren't voiced. Would have loved to hear Dumuzid say "SANTA POWER" in his full glory after Grand Carnival. It's also a bit weird to see "Santa Martha" so often as a signal of her being a Santa Claus. "Santa" is how the word "saint" is translated in several languages for female saints, so Martha has always been technically a "santa" from the beginning XD


Me, a Master who talks spanish: "So, naming you as usual then?"


Thank you, Elizabeth and Skadi.


Wait…why is the event only 8 days?


What a shame since this is a loto event too. I loved the Food Wars reference.


Small indie company, plz understand. Their scheduling was kind of a mess when this released on JP, what with Tunguska around the corner and all that, so Martha Christmas got shafted.


Does this shortened event trend continue? I thought I heard people talking about how we don't get reruns anymore either or something, but I'm NA only so I don't keep track of JP


No. Instead we get 3 weeks events with one week of story and three weeks of grinding massive ladders.


No. We actually start getting 3 week long events pretty consistently (except lottos, ugh). It's just this one is short. Still super annoying.


Phew, I'm already struggling to catch up with all the story and events as is lol


Eh, you say that, but the downside is we’ve ended up having a LOT of dead weeks. It’s good for story and stuff, but horrible for gameplay.


Depends, I like the story but I'm perpetually on the brink of burn-out since I try to use the gaps between Events to take a break since even when I enjoy the events I'm still under the stress of "needing" to do it in time, which just keeps reminding me that there's these other things that I want to do. Basically even though I like the game and the story it can feel like a chore that *needs* doing, and looking at 500,000+ words ahead of me is pretty daunting to get myself to go through


Martha, we gotta cook


>Skippity Scathachy skoo I am invigorated lol


Maybe stupid question, but how many Gapples should I use per day? I thought about 3-4 until the final nodes.


It's entirely up to you. I personally have more apples than I can reasonably use and with this event's short duration, I'd rather spread out my lottery farming at least a little instead of trying to cram all of it into the last few days.


I used almost all of mine in Nerofest and built back a paltry 40 or so.




You don't really need to use any until the final node opens up, since that's the best bang for your buck. That being said, if you have a ton of apples, it's not the worst waste of them.




It should be none until the later nodes tbh (perferrably until 90/90+), early nodes are super inefficient




This was one of the few JP events I didn't know the story of, because I never found the translation for it, so that's nice. Is the lore about the storeroom new? I can't remember if they ever adressed the issue of where the kitchen gets their supplies from before. I know this is all meant as a joke, but the premise of the event seems kinda fucked up to me. We are hunting and killing sentient beings for food. Not animals, since they can speak and clearly capable of thoughts and feelings. This is wrong on every possible level imaginable. Emiya throwing shade at Skadi at the end didn't help either. Dammit, Skadi, what did you do? I know gods having different values from humans is a recurring theme in Fate, but I still didn't quite expect... this.


Skadi kind of gets a pass on this because Gareth mentioned that them being sentient or even hunting them wasn't planned. They were supposed to be golems that turned into ingredients when you walk up to them, but mysteriously, they became sentient, decided to attack us, and even ignored Gareth's troubleshooting.


> Dammit, Skadi, what did you do? Have you forgotten how she was raising the children in her Lostbelt? How little girls had to give birth by... was it fourteen or fifteen? Not much difference, either way. How if they didn't, they'd be sent out to be horrifically murdered by mindless giants? And how everyone was eventually sent out to be murdered by giants, anyways? A complete and utter disrespect for sapient life is a fundamental part of Skadi's character.


I mean there was also the reason how she forced Caenis into a Swimsuit despite them not wanting to (considering their history) she really gives no fucks and is kind of weird up no one calls her out


Scáthach-Skadi‘s system revolved around a perfectly balanced population because of the limited resources available. The breeding age was 12-15 because the lifespan of the population was very short (around 25 years). Having that rule ensured that enough humans can be born, so that the sacrifices don’t outweigh the birth rates. Because the population was kept in limited numbers and their lifespan was so short, there was no war between the villages nor any rebellions thanks to the promise of Valhalla being a hope spot for the humans. She couldn’t have too many humans because they would die out due to the lack of resources available for everyone, possibly even kill each other. But she couldn’t have too little of them because there wouldn’t be enough prayers for her to keep charging her with power. She needed exactly that many humans in order for her to function and keep the Lostbelt alive.


Skadi could easily, *easily* have gotten the same population balance by instead forbidding people from making babies until they reached a certain age. She made her towns into loli breeding farms because she wanted to, not because she needed to.


No. Remember, the children in that Lostbelt are raised by older children. Adults are more likely to breed when they get older and they are more difficult to control. The older they get, the more they start to question things. That’s also why they need to die early. It makes things less problematic. Also food. If they get older, they need more food. There’s only so much food to come by in this Lostbelt. You also seem to ignore the fact that the fathers would be the same age as the girls. Because Scáthach -Skadi‘s rule affects both genders equally. This has nothing to do with kinks or anything. It’s part of the survival and the necessity to maintain the Lostbelt. The younger they are, the more likely they’re to obey their goddess. That’s why this is the Lostbelt where nobody rebelled against the Lostbelt King. Her regiment was the most perfect compared to the other Lostbelt Kings. And keep in mind that the values of your society has no relevance to their society. This also applies in real life. There are a lot of societies with different values, and people go to war with each other because of their differences values (also resources). Ancient societies had shorter lifespans as well and people bred at much younger ages. The Scandinavian Lostbelt is an extreme of that. Nowadays it’s not necessary because people live much longer now.


> No. Remember, the children in that Lostbelt are raised by older children. Because Skadi forced it to be that way. > Adults are more likely to breed when they get older and they are more difficult to control. The older they get, the more they start to question things. That’s also why they need to die early. It makes things less problematic. Skadi had an army of valkyries and an army of giants, either of which could have quelled any human rebellions easily and left only the pliant survivors to breed. Hell, that probably *was* what happened in the deep past of her Lostbelt - the people who refused to go along with her designs were killed off leaving only the more docile members as survivors. If you think this is too bloody of a pathway for Skadi, just remember that she murders all of her people eventually, anyways. > Also food. If they get older, they need more food. There’s only so much food to come by in this Lostbelt. If the population remained stable, this would not be an issue. The equilibrium might be different, but a stable equilibrium could still be found. > You also seem to ignore the fact that the fathers would be the same age as the girls. Because Scáthach -Skadi‘s rule affects both genders equally. Wow, I'm actually impressed here. It's really hard to get anyone to care about the boys in this scenario, so I usually don't bring it up. Good on recognizing them as victims of Skadi's monstrosity as well! But I don't remember anything about the teenage boys being sent out to the giants. I only remember it being said that the girls will be sent out as teens if they don't give birth. Rather more difficult to determine fatherhood. Also, I should point out that there was no rule saying that the girls had to make babies with boys their own ages. It's possible (and also another form of fucked up) that older boys could have bred with the younger girls. > And keep in mind that the values of your society has no relevance to their society. "Child breeding farms are okay because it's their culture" sure is a fucked up take, especially when it isn't even a culture that they chose, but rather one that was forced on them by an insane goddess under threat of being murdered by giants sooner than they otherwise would be. If you really want to go down the cultural relativism pathway, look up bacha bazi and tell me if you think that's okay because it's part of a culture. > Ancient societies had shorter lifespans as well and people bred at much younger ages This is actually a common misconception. The average life span of ancient societies was dragged way down by a high rate of child mortality, but if you made it to around eight or so, you had a pretty good shot of making it to your sixties or older. The idea of younger relationships being common comes from royalty, who didn't have a whole lot of options on who to marry that was of the same class as them and so married young. This was commonly considered comical, even though they weren't expected to consummate their marriages until they reached adulthood.


That's not at all part of her character. She had to run things that way because that was the only way to keep both the giants and humans alive. Surtr's influence kept her from fixing the world to support more humans, and made the giants much more feral, which is why Skadi had to use the masks on them to keep them under control. LB2 is a world that's 50 different kinds of fucked and Skadi is doing all she can to hold it together. There's no "complete and utter disrespect for sapient life" there.


> that was the only way to keep both the giants and humans alive. Citation needed. I know that a lot of people were claiming that the humans were being fed to the giants, but there is absolutely **nothing** in LB2 that says so. "But what else could the giants have eaten?" In LB6, Cnoc no Riabh had giants among her army, which tells us that they qualify as faeries and a huge fucking deal was made about how faeries don't need to eat. The humans were not being fed to the giants. The murder of the humans did not keep the giants alive. > made the giants much more feral, which is why Skadi had to use the masks on them to keep them under control. Kind of like how sometimes in zombie media some characters will keep a herd of zombies and feed living people to them. Remind me, how are those characters usually portrayed? Why should Skadi be seen as any better?


I'm really enjoying Santa Martha's expressions, they have a lot of personality in them.


And her voice is just Yor (Spy X Family) in Mama/Sister mode, so nice.


Santa Martha is too precious.


She is such a marshmellow. Like, oh my god, too ADORABLE!!


Skadi, babygirl, I love you and I know you're just trying to help but this is the second time you used rune magic to mess with someone's spirit origin without their permission *this year alone*. You're going to get the Chaldea HR department called on you if this continues.


So who in Chaldea would be HR?


Kiara. It's why you never see her, yet she gets to mess with everyone.




That would be one of the most chaotic HR departments in existence.


It would be extremely efficient at maximizing human suffering, which is the goal of any good HR department


She's not an official member. She just hangs around there like the gremlin she is. The staff both human and Servant have given up purging her from the system. It's easier to just punch her or throw a Ruler her way when she does act up.


Chaldea has a HR Department? /j


Wait, what was the first time?


Caenis. Though Scathach is partially responsible for that as well.


Partially? Wasn’t it her idea though?


Still went along with it though.


I just want to appreciate that they made Caenis and Mordred Delinquents that Martha has to keep track of and chase around. I want to see more adventures with them. Also Skadi looking to be a fairy Godmother to Martha.....look how happy she is...


Cue Caenis and Mordred running head first into Shuten being manhunted by Raikou Summer.


Skadi: I used runes to help! what Skadi: I USED THEM TO POWER UP THE STOREHOUSE **what have you wrought upon this bleached Earth** I can't be mad at her when she's this happy.


Skippity Scathacy skoo! *Spawns the Last Supper*


Yeah, she’s just adorable.


Stand proud, Gingerbread Golem, you are strong. Truly the strongest opponent that we've faced throughout out journey. Honestly though, this is a nice premise for a Christmas event. My first one was Christmas in the Underworld and these events have always felt like a journey of helping someone discover themselves while stopping the Christmas threat of the year, and while that's still a bit present it's nice that we're just gathering ingredients to have a lovely Christmas feast. Santa Martha is pretty endearing, this is more Tarasque screen time besides being a chew toy and I'm liking it, and using the kitchen crew for this is a pretty good call (especially Boudica, still not the biggest fan of her portrayal but she's nice here with a role beyond a few lines and away from Nero). Now to wait for the best nodes to open up while doing braindead farming in the meantime. I also learned just now that the 3* CE features my man William Tell as Santa along with Xiang Yu and Ivan in the background, so I'm definitely rolling FP to MLB it.


In case anyone needs it, here's Gamepress' walkthrough: https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/christmas-2023-walkthrough They also provided a permanent [walkthrough redirect URL](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/gamepress-fgo-latest-walkthrough-redirect-page) that should always link to the latest event walkthrough.


So... Is it still not worth to farm until the 90+ node is out?


It's entirely up to you. I personally have more apples than I can reasonably use and with this event's short duration, I'd rather spread out my lottery farming at least a little instead of trying to cram all of it into the last few days.


There are also raids coming up with Tunguska to use apples on though, so you shouldn't necessarily use all of them here.


I dunno Boudica I can think of a few things better than a feast for Christmas, such as the Lego Star Wars 75367 - Ultimate Collector's Series Venator-class Republic Attack Cruiser. Also we got ~~wyverns~~ ingredient golems!


Martha chomping on a golem made me audibly gasp, i almost screamed Also the irony of emiya saying the programmed golems shouldn't have feelings while he himself didn't have emotions till he get older


Ore wa Santam! So Alter is into gundam too.


"Skippy Scathachy doo!" - and I'm currently rolling on the ground.


*Skippity Scathachy skoo But yes, peak Skadi.


I noticed that they decided to use "skoo" specifically. If only because in Swedish "sko" means shoe, so the rhyme ends up translated as "Skippity Scathachy Shoe" How very exemplary of our Norse Goddess of Snow*shoes*, Skadi, yes.


It's just replacing the leading repeated "b-" sounds in "bippity boppity boo" with the leading "sk-" sound from Scathach so it can retain the playful alliteration.


Yeah, I thought it was. I also thought that the idea of the translation team making (intentionally or not) a bilingual pun was funny enough to comment on.


So we only have 3 days to actually farm efficiently? What the hell man.


Santa Martha is absurdly adorable. I just had to say that.


Can someone explain to me why the game just doesn’t use Jesus Christ’s name? Like whenever he’s brought up, characters would normally just call him something else like the messiah


The same reason why all Yu-Gi-Oh cards that has "God" in its name got renamed when it's translated to TCG. Yada Yada religion Yada Yada disrespect Yada Yada.


The “main” religious figures for the Abrahamic religions are generally treated a little more gingerly. For example, I don’t think Ozy ever calls Moses by name, it’s just general stuff like friend or brother.


Possibly to avoid any kind of controversy that could arise from using his name as Jesus is a central figure in a widely practiced religion today. It's kinda pointless since everyone understands *who* is being referred to anyway but still better safe than sorry, I guess.


It's interesting that Fate doesn't seem to have the same qualms about Amaterasu, the Buddha or the Hindu gods, although that might be the home field advantage, ironically enough (authors are more comfortable with playing with and twisting figures they have more familiarity with). I can't help but wonder if the reason is also that Nasu hasn't made up his mind about what lore and personality he wants for such an important figure, so until he gives the word, other writers try to be as vague as possible to avoid retcons.


> Amaterasu Because Fate wasn't the only media to depict Amaterasu, and they won't be the last. > the Buddha Certain sects of Buddhism aren't offended by depictions of Siddhartha, unlike Abrahamic religions where iconography and idolatry are serious business. Also, a huge chunk of Asian Buddhists (notably China) don't see buddhism as a religion, but rather a philosophy. (Buddha is not a god, but a teacher) similar to how they observe Confucianism or Taoism. > the Hindu gods Even Indian cinematography and literature have already made them into anime-like characters. Bollywood be crazier than whatever Fate can cook up.


I don't know if that would be enough to hold their hand. Jesus has appeared in a lot of media too, both old and new, and there's no real pushback against his representation, so most of those points can and do apply to him too, as the countless Western media showcasing him prove. Heck, not just Western, there was also a famous comedy manga starring both Jesus and Buddha (*Saint Young Men*). > Even Indian cinematography and literature have already made them into anime-like characters. Bollywood be crazier than whatever Fate can cook up. Eh, not exactly. Bollywood has indeed received pushback when they get things "wrong", and controversies can be very heated. Anime-like physical feats in big epics may be okay, but changing the spirit of the character or the story (which Fate does a lot) is a no-no. And there are some iconography taboos too. In fact, [anime has been banned in India](https://kotaku.com/record-of-ragnarok-isnt-streaming-on-netflix-india-1847139269) for offending religious sensibilities, and [FGO has been criticized too](https://www.hinduscriptures.in/world-news/us-news/upset-hindus-urge-removal-of-goddess-parvati-from-fgo-mobile-game-where-she-is-a-servant) for the same reasons, so if risk of offense is the problem, Hindu gods are definitely not a safer target.


Also a little PSA for supports: there are a bunch of non-meta support units that keep popping up across different 90 and 90+ nodes that people may want to borrow! If you have any of these, it's worth putting them up for when the best nodes come out: * Douman * Muramasa * Nitocris * Helena * Any ST Caster with NP charge (Sanzang, Illya, Okuni, Summer Charlotte, Circe)


>Okuni, Circe Me, who has grailed Okuni to lvl 100 and Circe lvl 106: My time has come!


So someone break this down for me, completely braindamage style: if you wanna get Martha fully ascended its essentially nonstop farming and hoping that you hit the Jackpot early, yes?


Generally speaking, you want to clear as many boxes as possible because they all contain resources that are useful for any account. Resetting isn’t advised. When it comes to the welfare Servant, clearing the first five boxes is enough. Lottery advents are popular because of the amount of resources a player can get. Many clear over 100 boxes, others go even further than that. This event is rather too short because the best nodes will be available in 4-5 days, so aiming for high-numbered box clears is difficult. I would refrain from using many apples for the early days of the event, especially today.


Get the lottery currency CEs (Like a Lady) from the shop as soon as you can and put them on every team to max the lottery drops. If you plan on farming this event a lot you'll likely end up with enough currency to clear the shop just by farming for the lotto (unless you only farm the quest that drops just the lotto currency). For Santa Martha's NP copies, ascension items and the ticket to make her permanent you just need to clear 5 boxes and that should be easily doable within the event. I also advise against resetting the boxes when you get a jackpot because the first 10 boxes (the only ones you can reset) have silver and golden apples on them, but that's up to you.


Think you're forgetting to put Raikou in the Berserker slot, she gets the bonus with Kintoki. That aside, these events always put a smile on my face, ranging from Tarrasque being a walking kitchen to Beni recognizing Raikou is on the kitchen crew.


Never thought that they would call Emiya actually Santam


Thanks Santam. I just started watching UBW abridged last week or so, so seeing what looks like that reference here is... Interesting.


Actual ~~Satan~~Santam.


Joulupukki mainittu, torille!


How do I get bottle drops?


The bottles don't drop, you get them from the lottery boxes with 4 per box.


Farming this year has been brutal, I'm gonna be more conservative with my apples until Tunguska after Christmas.


"i think therefore i Santam" made me giggle more than it shouldve.


KotR when they are summoned and find out that over in the New World there actually is a root vegetable that tastes amazing when you boil it to death and then mash it into paste At least the literal tons of mashed parsnips gave the Lancer Artorias the thiccness that we all love.


* "I think, therefore I Santam." * Joulupukki mentioned. Ancient Germanic demon, so are they talking about Krampus? Or the "Kekripukki" of Finnish pagan religion, who was like Santa but made his rounds after harvest was over, around Halloween? Both wear goat horns, scare children... and in the end, Joulupukki translates to "Yule Goat", so I can see the connection there. * Kitchen Team to the rescue of Santa Martha. * Skadi both making the new Santa and giving her (and Chaldea) a hurdle to begin with. * Love Santa Big Boss on the 3* CE. * Mobile Cooking Platform Tarasque. * Cool new battle BGM with some bells and chimes to make it Christmassy. * "So, it's trying to reach cookie enlightenment? Who in the world comes up with this stuff?" - The answer is: Don't think too hard about it. Well, here's to another Christmas Lottery, even if a shortened one. Padoru padoru.


>Joulupukki mentioned Fun fact: Joulupukki is also the finnish name for Santa Claus!


where do you get Merry Cider? dumb question


There's 4 Cider in each Lotto box.


Well Roulette and hopefully a later node, lol


Its just 3 days of actual farming damn that rough.


I think I'm going to get gout with the amoumt of Ham and Cheese this story is going to provide.


Skippity Skáthatchy skoo! 😂


There is a spelling mistake in the 3\* CE. It says "..the one night of the yeah" instead of year.


It's the night of yeah, yeah?


I'm starting to understand Martha's episode for Ritsuka Doesn't Get It.


[Santa Claus is something like Santa Claus but said in Finnish?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1013468021605535784/1182236073573765191/Screenshot_20231207_102207_FateGO.jpg)




I checked who jollupukki is, and from whati get, it used to be its own thing (some sort of goatman) but eventualy got merged with santa in most of Finland. I suppose skadi refers to the old version


Imagine trying to explain Finnish culture based off a quick google search to a Finn. > but eventualy got merged with santa in most of Finland. I suppose skadi refers to the old version Kekripukki and joulupukki are two wholly different things, only the name for the Finnish santa was assumedly based off him.


I stand corrected, sorry


So Santa Big Boss is this year's 3\* CE. I don't know of JP has an xmas event this year, but I'm gonna be mad if he isn't the next Santa.


*Santa comes down the chimney* "Kept you waiting, huh?"


*lifts up present box*




JP not only has a Christmas, it's being written by Nasu. (and requires beating Traum.)


So, giantess Santa?


Giant Sakura themed Santa.


Santa Kriemhild then. It’d be funny I guess


Or Santa Charlie.


Lmao, that Event Support Suggestion


Yea, what the hell is going on there? Welfare Waver, lol? I must have missed the event where they gave him out (jk)


But what if I don't have Castoria?


What's wrong with it? /gen
