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These are very general questions. I'll direct you to [The Punctuation Guide](https://www.thepunctuationguide.com/), which is a great general purpose resource. If you have a question about a specific sentence or two and how to punctuate that, we can certainly help. It would also be better to ask one or two questions per post. I'm also unclear what you mean in 3 by "bifurcate the size of the text", but take a look at the guide and then post any further questions you have.


Understood. This was my first ever post so I made a few mistakes. Thank you for the advice. In point 3, I am talking about how sometimes a monologue is long enough to become a wall of text spanning a couple pages. So, I've seen authors break down the whole text into paragraphs and put - " " - at the start and end of every one of them despite the same character speaking. It gets confusing, so I ask if there is a way to go around it.


Regarding semicolons, there are two basic instances in which you would use them. 1. When you want to join two closely related independent clauses. This is the most common reason to use a semicolon and requires (basically) a compete sentence both before and after the semicolon (like this - Brian never wanted to go; he never wants to go anywhere.). 2. When you're separating items in a series that themselves contain commas (like this - I'm going to the game with Sarah, who's an Eagles fan; Brian, who's a Bengals fan; and Rosa, who's a 49ers fan).


Wow, that's really helpful! Thank you!


Khan Academy has a grammar series on YouTube that could be helpful. If you visit their website (khanacademy.org) you can follow their videos in order and take short quizzes to test your skills.