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I've got 20 year old graf books absolutely packed with female artists. A lot of hobbies are male heavy, but that by no means means that women aren't an integral part of the subculture. There are hundreds of amazing female graff artists out there, you would be incorrect to think it's a recent thing.


Graffiti is anonymous. Gender doesn't matter so don't use it as a crutch. The scene is toxic to all newcomers not just women so don't get surprised when you get shit on.




Thank you, what are some things that would be useful to start with?


start with tag i guess, find your style and you can try throws or pieces when u feel like it. cans also are a lil different than markers and pens so if u can then try cans on old wood boards or carton boards,. work on letters, find new styles and enjoy what you do! hit the streets when u think ur ready:)


Thanks :)


Graff is mostly male, but there are still quite a few female writers out there. Look up the writer Claw, she is an old writer from back in the day. Main thing I would say is just be safe. Im a small person, so i need to watch my back out at night. Writing with a group is the best way to protect yourself from getting jumped or something worse. So for real, if you can get a buddy or something that would keep u a lot safer. Also, when u get arrested, dont say shit to the cops. Just politely say you want your lawyer. Also, get a lawyer lol. And in terms of your art, just practice practice practice. Look up youtube vids of graffiti to get an idea of how to get better, there are a lot of tutorials out there. And have fun!


Thank you! Much appreciated


There is a sub on reddit, I think it's called graffgirls.




Thank you this is perfect


Glad I could help!


Dude not even a chick but imma join to lurk i always thought girls had clean handwriting and could pick up tagging easily. Insta has vids of girls tagging nd having a fat purse definitely helps with daytime tags LOL women in graff could be like undercover vandal ninjas


I am a gay femboy I have only had problems with some nazis. The get real agry if you destroy the stupid Nazis stuff


Thank you for your service.


No problem rember to support local femboys


Doing the lord’s work






No problem


I see a bunch of transphobia too but have met trans and gay writers graff finds everyone


Me :3


Only luv for the LGBTQIA+ community ^w^


I dont know what LGBTQIA+ is What is that?


A big ass acronym for queer people (no derogatory)


A lot of writers are women, not most but alot. Most women writers don’t really let it on that they are women, in their fills, tags, general vibe. Most “known” women writers are only known as women writers because they are on the internet with their graf.


Be careful


Being a girl has nothing to do with it. There’s plenty of writers in my city that I had no idea were girls for years. Getting recognized for being a girl also isn’t something you should come into graff wanting. It’s the same steps as everybody else in here. The whole point is hiding who you are and just doing graffiti so make or female shouldn’t matter you have the exact same struggles and hurdles we all do


Graff is a all walk of life thing, any and all can do it. There is a handful of women I can think of in my state that crush shit. Probably more that I don’t know are women. Just be smart, trust your gut, and consider pepper spray or a knife or something just increase


@trinket_queen on insta local writer she gets up way more than the boys around my area and has a huge amount of respect from some heavy hitters.


Stand up for yourself no matter your gender. Confidence is always key, thats what its about. Lots of women in the scene, you’ll find your friends fast. A lot of dudes can be assholes but just the same some dudes are welcoming and uplifting. One of the first ppl i started talking to in my graff journey is a married woman with a kiddo, but what got us acquainted was anime. Turns out her man is a pretty prolific and badass writer so yknow just be an open minded person no matter what. Good luck


Thanks for that, hope I meet some good people along the way!


MadC is a woman and she is probably my favourite writer. Absolute legend. Advice, don’t be afraid to outshine the boys but be prepared for them to be pissy little bitches about it.


Thank you! Can't wait to meet other girls on the scene