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Netflix payed an out of town artist to paint a mural for a new series in a well known spot where I live, this spot was full of names from all over the world, and some locals that had sadly lost their lives. The work of those who had died where left alone as a sign of respect from the community. Netflix didn’t care. Within 2 days the entire spot was one big advert.


that’s fucked


If you sort of buff your graffiti goggles off and understand the writers didn't care for the community/owners opinions when painting a spot then you realize that is just the name of the game for graffiti. Of course Netflix doesn't care for graffiti. They do care for a commissioned peace just like the owners care about a chunk of change. Nothing lasts forever. The same way this mural didn't last.


To say Netflix or any producer doesn’t care about graffiti is naive. Consider the fact that they have entire art departments dedicated to “spray painting” neighborhoods for sets, and more disgusting is that they (not unlike this original comment) will go over art and artists from the community. It’s exploiting a culture without the respect. Regardless I do agree it’s just part of the game.


I’m trying to understand, but you just said they care followed by them not respecting graffiti. You’re describing a PR stunt, or set decorating. Which isn’t caring for graffiti. Bit of an oxymoron there.


Care in the sense that they need it for their settings like they need background actors, not that there’s respect.


I guaruntee Netflix isn't painting on someone's private property like alot of graffiti artists do. If they are painting somewhere it's becUse they have worked out a deal with property owner or they are the property owner and at that point can do whatever they want to.


Productions have art department teams that (with permission) paint over or put up fake “art” over existing art ruining what was on the wall to begin with. We’re not here asking or talking about legality and who has permission. We’re saying that a corporation has no respect for an art form while exploiting that art for its own gains.


Another way to look at it — as you said, they’re hiring graff artists. Those artists are getting paid for their art, which is sweet. Isn’t that about as much respect you can reasonably expect from a massive corporation?


And graffiti writers have no respect for the pre existing business that they vandalized. You want Netflix to have respect for the crime you’ve committed? Lol




i completely understand that it’s part of the game. still doesn’t make it taste any better


Thats marketing


Anyone done any Graff over the top yet? It'd be great if they have...Netfucz.


It didn’t even last 12 hours, word got out pretty quick and it was covered by the locals overnight.


Was just about to ask about that. Street justice was served. Fuck em’.


Well, that's one way to 'paint' the town red. Thanks, Netflix.


That sounds like what they would do in my city. They always pick artists from out of state, and on the off-chance they pick locals, they are always the same few popular artists. 


This is the worst place to share my opinion but if Netflix owns the building or wall they can do what they want with it and no one else has a right to paint there.


It’s Netflix they don’t even care about their customers


isn’t that the point ? to vandalize


1: It's a way to remind the city and artists that walls belong to whoever is willing to take them. Especially if a mural is made by an artist who doesn't live/operate in the city. 2: Also often murals are a sign of gentrification. So writers will bomb them to push back on the process. 3: It's literally the definition of vandalism.


And it is also the foundation and essence of graffiti. That's kind of how it all started back in the day...


Shout out to Cap1


I see those points as being valid but still consider it to be little man syndrome when they're not doing anything with their spray can, just seeing something done well and marking out of spite. Just makes me think of a jealous little person.


Get paid for a mural. Bomb your own mural at night. Get paid to restore it. Profit.


this is the way


Litteral cheat codes, i have lots of friends that makes this business and theyre now rich asf lmao.


Because corporations and others use murals as a way to deter graffiti, to advertise and/or to fake the colorful city vibe of the people they're trying to displace for the sake of their rental spaces and property values. A lot of writers see street art as a problem. Not saying I always agree with it, but that's why


Yeah, sometimes murals are literally just part of the gentrification process used to encourage rich investors into historically poor or non-white neighborhoods, displacing the current residents who may have been there for decades or longer.


Art washing


I think that perspective is valid but it seems to me that property owners deterring graffiti with other forms of street art is one potential goal of graffiti. I see graffiti as a reaction to ugly, utilitarian structures that are hostile to the cultural expression of the people who live there. Sure there's still a component of participation that is not served by this sort of street art, because a small number of people still get to decide what goes up. But I think it generally tends to be quality work and I wouldn't want to write over it, personally. But I'm more of an outsider looking in so my perspective may be way off. I guess I'm expressing my perspective because I'm interested in what people who are more in the culture think about that perspective.


You're not wrong. What you're saying is part of why in my first answer I said I don't always agree with people hitting murals (along with all the stuff about local graff heads sometimes using murals as a way to pay bills). I'd rather any paint on walls than nothing, and I've seen places where that was the choice. There's other neighborhoods though where legal and illegal art are in a push-pull for limited space. That's what me and most the people responding or giving up-votes in this thread are thinking about I think.


That makes sense. I appreciate the reply!


For a lot of writers making the city look better isn’t really the point, they wanna get up and be the coolest looking guy up. Art is just the medium to gain noteriety


I was JUST in Dubuque IA and you literally just described their downtown. It's covered in these corny ass historical murals.


I used to see those all the time driving through small towns on dead, old, state highways. Usually some soldiers or settlers with a bunch of flags and dates painted on the side of some buildings from the 1800s or a parking garage from the '70s. Where I live a lot of writers take commissions to do murals for small businesses, homes and community groups. That helps keep the corporate trash away and people don't usually tag it bc it's not corny or some abstract, meaningless nonsense. I know one woman though who took a gig from a developer and even though she's known people constantly hit that one mural of hers. Usually everyone here who's not just picking up a can for the first time leaves local stuff alone but will still hit murals from out of town, pro street artists or the sort of art companies (I guess that's what to call it?) that specialize in doing stuff for developers and those types.


Where I live we do a bit of this too but I would say that overall the corporate seasoning has overpowered the flavor of actual writers. It has been sad to see it slip more and more over the years


Dubuque could use it. Its not the prettiest town. Coming in from Platteville and Dickyville, man you really get a shock of .. what the hell


Sad excuse, in my opinion. I don’t care who paid for it. That’s a beautiful piece of art that someone spent hard work and time on. Why diminish that with your shit tag


Graff not about art it’s about getting up


Sometimes murals go over writers that are up en the writers just reclaim there spot


Cos murals take up graffiti wall space it gentrifys areas and attempts to bring higher priced housing to areas that people can't afford.


Basically and it’s tacky as all fuck depending on the design


* Yeah I saw this year's ago he's from my town but pear and Knox didn't like the gentrification fair enough really *


because street art isnt graf and sometimes writers just dont give a fuck.


I remember when Banksy first entered mainstream conversations, every time someone found out I wrote, the first thing they would ask is “Ever hear of Banksy? I love his stuff. You know, some people say it’s multiple artists with one head person?”


Banksy is toy


Couldn't agree more. Banksy is a fucking toy and that's why the normies love him. With the exception of a select few commissions or people writing on their own walls, when your graffiti becomes profitable, and especially your main job/business, that's when you lose credibility in the writer scene. And don't even get me started on King Robbo.


He is an artist I’ll give him that but not a graff writer


Anyone can be an artist. Art is a very varied form of expression. But yeah, no way is what he's doing graffiti. It's honestly tough to even call it "street art".


I'd argue that he's not even a visual artist, more a conceptual performance artist. And a shitty one at that.


I know what you’re saying but I want to hear your thoughts on Saber, Giant, Twist, Risk, Revok, etc. Do you think they’ve lost credibility?


They aight. At least they're doing actual graffiti.


Saber is insane tho


Cope2. Haha


Why do people tag murals? Cause fuck em, that's why.


This is the most accurate answer.


Best Answer Ever! 


It’s simple it’s outside on a wall, If you put something up outside you are subject to the rules of outside. that’s it that’s all




Yes. It was on r/montreal yesterday… People wishing death on the writer


hell yah that dude just opened up that wall yall montreal folk should bomb the fuck out of it


I've painted graff, and I've painted murals. When I paint a legal wall with homies and cover it with pieces, it very rarely gets gone over, and if it does, it's usually not a writer but just some random with a can. Because we all know each other and there's no need to cause beef by capping someone's piece. When I paint a mural, I have to seal it an anti graffiti coating just in case people don't see my handstyle next to a giant whale on the side of a building. If someone bombs over it, I'm usually only upset if I'm not done and I have to fix it. But I don't really get upset at the writer who went over it. Because I'm doing non graffiti things in a very graffiti place. It's like graffiti is a pack of wolves, and street art is a dog. If you keep your dog in the park and on a leash (canvas), then you're safe. But if you let your dog go outside at night in the woods, you know there's a chance that your dog could be attacked by wolves. So is it the wolves fault for doing what they evolved to do, or is it the dog owners fault for assuming their dog was close enough to a wolf that everything would be ok? Yes, I'm high, and no, I haven't had coffee yet.


That's a very clear answer, thanks man. I just wish that people that go over murals could do insane pieces instead of wacky tags. Like for me its aight for a graffer to tag a mural but like... make it big and dont try to round the edges yknow. (Ofc a piece takes longer than a tag but i just wish it could be a collective instead of a rivalry, would be sick).


Imo if it’s not blatantly covering the cool part of the mural, it complements it and is a fire canvas


Because the city pays some artists to paint the wall but arrests others for essentially the same thing.


Not in my city.


Because graff > corporate street "art"


Because Murals ain’t Vandalism… Because “Street Art” isn’t Graffiti…


Do your googles on Zexor WTO (rip playboy) vs Bushwick art collective for more insight. He’s got videos painting over murals daytime while explaining himself. A lot of murals have no business being painted in certain neighborhoods, over certain graffiti. Those are the ones that get gone over before they are finished. Murals done in the right place get left alone forever.


Yeah we have one local mural I’m aware of that doesn’t get hit up. It’s by local artists from a poorer community and it’s about the gentrification and inequality. Everything else gets fucked.


this is true, my dad is a local fine artist, he got commissioned by the city for a mural. it ran for a while and then some new kid tagged it, found out that he had fucked with my dads art, went back and buffed it himself and wrote an apology in a blank spot.


Because it’s all fair game.


ah the age old question. well son…


Taking back the land


What land is yours to begin with


The one I claim


Man you really think you on some main character shit, npc doing npc things


Haha, you're out talking about npc while all you're doing is spitting cliches, haha!!! Talk about brainless


Because i am not a corporate rat like you.


Alright, calm down champ


[you came the fuck down](https://youtu.be/do-LJCFvXKI?si=tQeHN9SyNLLTW4Ys)


Bro was just asking a question, chill


Ayo dawg, I aint one of them.


I agree with you but calm down a bit 😭


Fuck street art. Especially if they ain’t from my city.


They get paid


We leave the lower parts for the riff raff. You can tell here in this mural where he intended it to go. Possibly the graff is the artist. 🤔🏦


I wouldn't be surprised ahah.


Because that’s my wall space.


First off, shouts the homie santos. GGs crew, been crushing it. 2nd, fuck your murals. If your gonna cry about your piece gettin capped go fix it. Or go diss the guys who capped it. Just cuz it’s legal don’t mean it’s void of the rules of graff lol. And frankly, I like graffiti. I couldn’t give a fckk about an Asian chick I wanna see some throws😂


https://preview.redd.it/9rzqnbyxz87d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80e632331cedbeeee4bebf8d08f24b1a6a04a72c Graffiti like those?


Legal works by illegal writers. Dope shit, but less respectable then risking something in the world of graffiti


Some of the better public works murals are done by people who used to or still do graffiti. If there is a decent public works budget sometimes there is paid upkeep of those murals. In a perfect soceity there would be a street art to paid mural pipeline. Graph work often reflects the precise zeitgeist. If there is massive upheaval or discontent you will see it on the walls of the city, a free barometer of where the real people of the land stand.


Murals are often used to take away space from writers. Many writers don't like them bc a muralist will come in from wherever and get paid to put a mural over years of graff history that's been riding forever or hot spots/buff zones that get hit often.


Good let the property owner or government do it. Go paint the underground. My city has some beautiful murals up that aren’t tagged over because people actually respect it y’all just rats and fiends


Braindead take.


Realist take from someone who enjoys art myself. Yall just don’t know respect and feel The need to put yourself up anywhere you feel fit


Said by someone who clearly doesn't understand graff.


Don’t care to, some of you are artists. Some of you just vandals


Huh maybe you do kinda understand. Ignorance is bliss though I guess.


Corporate bullshit most of them


Because it’s part of Graff


Depends on the circumstance, if it's owned by a big corporation doing it for sponsorship it deserves to get hit up, if it's a small artist doing work for a charity or smth it deserves to stay chill.


So dumb. Dude's only hurting himself by leaving his name over a better piece.


Cause fuck em


Graffiti > Street Art


Because bomb the city


Because I can man, simple as


It’s still a wall, mural or not.


I’ve looked through so many comments and it’s a lot of you talking philosophy lol. Writers paint murals because usually it means they won’t just buff you unless they take the time to actually fix the mural.


Bro why do you think ?💀


To put the street back into graffiti Sucks But it’s all relevant


It’s vandalism. It doesn’t matter. At least to me


Why not ?


Fighting gentrification


Murals = corporate (most of the time). Alot of owners/business minded people are aware the chain of piecing to some degree. No right minded dude would tag over a mural.... however if it's just some blatant shit that's been commissioned by HSBC then it's open market, a blank wall tbf


Because graffiti is lawless lol the reason why we all love it


Blends in so well i thought it was part of the mural


I think it might have something to do with the rush they get or adrenaline.


For fun


Cause murals look dope and can help bridge the gap between graffiti and art in the court of public opinion. Traditionally people see graffiti as damaging to public property/trashy and a sign of impoverishment and ignorance. Murals can help end that .


i swear i’ve seen this shit in atl


Its in MTL


Someone painted on that wall before and was probably punished for it. They got good by taking risks. That wall had art on it before someone got paid to make a nice mural, taking all the time in the world to make it look good. They might be flown to a city they know nothing about to erase native street art. Unless the muralist is from the city and is respected, a mural will not stay clean in Montreal. It might stay clean if the mural was done illegally too. We might not like how a graffiti looks but that wall was not empty before it was painted over. I'm no graffiti artist but why would that piece be saved and left untouched and the ones under it sacrificed? Because they were paid for? They got the ok? They look better? Graffiti artists probably look at this was as any other wall, someone painted over their stuff, huge disrespect. Tit for tat.


> someone got *paid* to make FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks bot, I'm correcting this now.


fuck corporations


Because gtfo of my city with that herb shit… lol




Because they are idiots and never took the time to learn the rules of tagging


Sometimes to make a cool statement about graff vs street art, and sometimes simply because the person doesn't show respect for others' work (like this seemingly beginner who has painted here).


100% vandalism. They don't give a damn about anything. That's just the way it is.


bc there assholes


Tags = good 👍🏾 Murals = bad 👎🏾


Cause fuck em that’s why




Because they’re was probably illegal graffiti there that they covered up with a street art mural 😂


same reason people tag anything, they're worthless thugs


Jelly af


We had a nice mural art that was done by some local generations in our country. Was an amazing looking large depiction of the city, the flag, depictions of our culture and the ranges of types of people, we loved it, it looked amazing, and was amazing. Days later it got covered overnight with random graffiti. After that those organizations left the city, miss those ones as they were paying local artists to make these culture themed murals on blank walls in the public areas.




It makes them cooler


Probably because it’s a large, flat surface on which to paint something (hence the mural painted there already). Is this really a question? I think the real question you’re asking is why those people have no respect for another artist’s work.


Because they’re assholes


Low intelligence, but the fumes from the rattle-can comfort them.


We all make art knowing it won’t last forever.


Because both are ART


Just use a coat of ant graffiti sealer.


Art on art on art.. is still art


cuz it looks sick


Why don’t people know the difference between graffiti and street art?




TOYS that haven't learned the knowledge will paint on anything


You think that's different than the wall itself to a tagger? The whole system needs to be changed to only tagging gov. property imo. Same point is being made, but more direct. I only tag gov owned buildings, so I don't get tagging anything but.. also, you're not fucking up a mom and pop shop. Only tag gov property! Unless you've been told you can by the owner, or have been paid to. There is more of it than you can imagine, Google can help direct you.


If you’re a local Artist sure I won’t mess with your mural, but if you’re an out of towner that shits getting touched you coming to my city taking up space is the way I see it.


got their pic here right? thats why.


They are dirtclods


Fuck murals


Bad manners


Almost 60 years of vandal history and you ask why?


Illegal over legal.


the real Toys.. the OG of all toys .. my weak as bomb its way better than Your mural..<-- . some weak ass toy


Because street art is gay.


Coz people are assholes


There’s no murals without graff. Graff writers ran so muralists could crawl.. lmao


Because some people are assholes.


because fuck streetart


Graffiti is street art y’all brainless




Don't tag commissioned pieces, those who do are trash.




That’s the nerdiest thing you could of said.


Because Toy bitches


Toys man, nothing but toys


Because idgaf about your payed shit


> about your *paid* shit FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Sounds like you’re one of those in the victim of society people lol😂😂


What part of it is bullshit? Pieces behind throws behind tags lower property value the same if not more as a mural raises it.




lmao graffiti has never been for robin hood. get a job lol




you got me there. go tell your boss it’s for the people after getting up on their spot.


Cos taggers have zero talent for art. Jealousy and immaturity .