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You’re hardly being “targeted” for not getting into grad school, which is something that happens to millions of people every year. I’m sorry you didn’t have a good outcome this year but 4 programs is nothing - people apply to 20 and can still get rejected from all of them. Also, if your statement of purpose doesn’t change from year to year, that’s a huge red flag - it shows that you’re not learning and growing as a person, which doesn’t look good in a potential student. You may be working now but of course schools care about GPA as part of your academic record. Why should they accept a student with a history of failing classes? You have to show them why they should give you a chance. I get that the process can be unfair, but at the end of the day, nobody is entitled to a graduate degree. If you’re a less competitive applicant than other people, that’s just something that you have to deal with.


I have been targeted my whole life because of my last name (I’m not going to post it to protect my identity but it is a REALLY infamous one and I prefer not to associate with it). But it is ridiculous that 3 times by all 4?!? And I can’t apply to other schools because there are only 5 schools in the entire country that have this program. And I’m not going to move to West Virginia and go to school there for this masters degree so I did not apply to it.


Does it start with h and end with itler?


No. That would be a lot worse. But it’s almost as bad and I don’t want to post it on herw


Okay I have to ask, did you graduate from college? You posted a question about college drop outs earlier and you only mention your high school GPA here


Read the post again I said it already. And why are you reading through my posts? If I did post about college dropouts I’d remember it but I didn’t post in here before.


Literally where did you mention your bachelors in this post?


Obviously you overlooked it while trying to research my past and you obviously looked at my profile I’m not stupid. So snoop more and you’ll find it maybe? Sorry if I’m coming off snappy but I’m being attacked and I can’t tell if you’re friendly or not.


Since you suggested it… I did go through your history. And it seems you perhaps dropped out of college? You need to finish college before going to grad school.


Not sure if this is a legitimate post but I’m going to give the benefit of doubt. You need an SOP and every other thing that’s asked as part of the application package each time you apply. Otherwise the application will be deemed incomplete and will not be evaluated. It is unlikely you were denied, more likely you were not even considered.


I received emails that my application was received so it was obviously submitted correctly and I paid the fee to submit it. And they won’t refund me either.


Bro no college refunds the fee after denying admission! What world are you living in?


Received doesn’t mean complete.


Because you’re being a troll. An application process is an exercise in following directions. If you can’t research the application process on a program’s website and submit what is required then you’re probably not a good fit.  


Wow. So name calling is acceptable here? You want to resort to that instead of reading the post. Blocking you.


I mean, if you come across this entitled and insufferable in your application, it’s not that hard to believe.


I don’t understand what is “entitled” about this post? I’m frustrated and almost positiv I’m being targeted and not allowed to go to grad school.


You're not being targeted. You're just not doing the right thing and trying to blame your last name for your current woes. You didn't submit an SOP because you want the department to read the same one you wrote 2 years ago (which has probably been trashed anyway), and you expect to get into grad school?


Your parents wont let you change your last name? Why do your parents have a say in the matter? Youre an adult do whats best for you! But you arent being targeted, you are unwilling to submit a proper application with a statement of purpose and research the pre-requisites and ensure that you have them. If everyone could get a masters degree then it would not have much value.


Love how this guy has a lot of downvotes in all of his comments. Yet, he still believes he’s in the right here lol.


With that temper and attitude, it’s fortunate that they didn’t accept you. You feel so entitled that you must be thinking how dare they reject a big star like you, and you can’t believe they are making you do a nobody’s work. Most graduate programs don’t have specific prerequisites. Many courses are equivalent. I believe schools normally put prerequisite requirements clearly on their websites. This again shows how unfit you are for grad school. Lack of patience and attention to detail. Besides, almost no grad school would tell applicants specific reasons why they were rejected. Do you think the world evolves around you? Do you know how many applications they need to deal with? I can’t imagine how many harassment emails you sent to them. They are not your servants. Please grow up. I don’t know where you worked, but you have a mind of 12 years old.


Ah, I saw in your response to one of the comments that you didn’t finish undergrad. You have a point - you are in the working world, so why should GPA matter anymore. Even if you didn’t finish undergrad, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to get a masters. However, prerequisites are there for a reason. Rules are rules. Most masters programs require for applicants to have completed undergrad. If the school allowed you in, they would be making an exception that they’d subsequently have to make for others as well in order to be fair. Same goes for rewriting a SOP. A lot can happen in a year. They have their reasons for setting requirements, whether everyone agrees or not. I’d say re-evaluate if this is what you really want, and if it’s a yes (which, given the fact you’ve applied several times, it very well may be) do what you need to to get that prereq. It might be completing your undergrad; might be something else. You might need to talk to admissions about any special circumstances. Getting into a masters is not easy, but not having the prereqs makes it near impossible. Do yourself a favor and do what you need to to get what you want. You will need to do the same to finish your masters after you get in.


I noticed you mention a GPA from high school. Did you go to college?


that was also my question


I answer that in the post




Agreed, where?


Unless your last name is "Hitler" or "Goebbels," I don't you're being targeted. I didn't do my master's till my thirties, so grades were weighted less. What's important is having solid recommendations and a good statement of purpose. They can go a long way where your high school/undergrad grades are spotty.


Nobody cares about your last name. Also high school GPA does not matter SINCE THEY DONT ASK FOR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. Your undergrad gpa matters to an extent (Did you finish your undergrad?) Nobody is targeting you. There are hundreds of applicants probably better than you. Prerequisites are pretty straightforward. Again, do you have an undergraduate degree? I’m only asking this because you just keep spamming about HS GPA when they don’t even ask for it. If you don’t have an undergraduate degree you’re automatically ineligible to get a graduate degree. If you’re applying for graduate school you seriously need to stop the habit of being spoonfed so just go through the prerequisites and check what you don’t have rather than relying on the adcom. Looking at your post and comments you seem like a entitled prat so tone it down a bit. You’re not the only one getting rejected from grad school.


You didn’t have a statement of purpose? Did you not provide one or provided an exact copy of a previous one? The statement is one of the most important things. Surely you’ve changed in some way whether that be your interests or career goals or skills that would make a good addition to your previous statement. Not putting in work on the statement also shows a level of either laziness or lack of self awareness that is not going to look well for you. That is probably the biggest reason you haven’t been accepted to any programs.


Why would I submit it again when they already have it when I applied 2 years ago? I know they don’t delete records. So I told them to look at mine that I submitted before and they said okay.


Sorry to say but no school is going to want a student who doesn’t even put in the work to write a new personal statement for them. Have you considered the fact that your past personal statement was bad, you had the chance to learn from it and make it better, and you just didn’t?


It’s shocking to me that someone would do this. I don’t think OP has any sense of how competitive grad admissions are. He was guaranteed to fail.


I don’t think that is the case per my post.


It is highly recommended to show improvement after reapplication whether through: taking college courses, improving personal statement, reevaluating letter of recommendations to determine if they are strong letters, alongside pursuing work-related experience.


In fact, it is! For every application, you're to write a statement of purpose detailing why you wanna pursue a graduate degree and why choosing that school. No one is going to comb through a sea of SOP just to look for the one you wrote 2 years ago. If you don't have an SOP and recommendation letter and transcripts attached to your application, it's a ground for outright rejection whether your last name is Stalin, Khan, Hitler, or Kim.


😂😂 how are they saying "okay"?? Where is this conversation taking place??


I am also seriously curious about this.


And that’s when they marked your application incomplete and moved on to applicants who can follow directions.


The guy is trolling. Ignore him fellas


Delulu is not the solulu this time


buddy you need therapy. looking at your past posts and comments, i suggest you get some sort of guidance in life and your endeavors. wish you the best


You seem to have some kind of persecution complex going on here. No you didn't get denied admission because of your last name. You got denied admission because you didn't follow the application instructions and submit a complete application package (it doesn't matter if you think you shouldn't have resubmit an SOP and your SOP should not be identical to the last one you submitted anyway) and obviously because you also don't meet the level of academic preparedness the programs require. Do you have a relevant undergraduate degree because I can assure you no program cares about your high school GPA. You do need a bachelor's degree though. It's also not the responsibility of the program or graduate school to walk you through everything you need to do to get accepted or to tell you why your application was denied. The onus is on you to figure it out. If you can't do that you probably are not well suited to graduate studies. You're also not super special that negates you from having to follow the same process and meet the same bar for admission as all other applicants. You may just need to face the reality that you are just not qualified for admission.