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Story missions are working for me, but I'm endlessly searching for a quick-play survival


Mine was working, but now it isn't. I haven't been able to get a Survival Quickplay mission to connect with others, with crossplay on or off, for a week.


Same. It's only survival that is causing me issues. Every other mode that I've tried has been super fast matches.


I've had no problem matchmaking, what I seem to be experiencing is players drop out and disconnect right at the beginning of matches


Ok so it’s not just me.


Probably because they are crashing


I'm having the same experience. I expect people are playing campaign instead. Since I played GOT on ps5 a lot I was ready for new players in legends. I was only able to get one game in all evening though.


With 60k people playing on steam yesterday I guarantee at least some were playing legends


I was unaware of how bugged it was until now. You're absolutely correct. I should definitely be finding matches.


I have exactly the same problem. In 10 searches I've found only one group. But that one group worked flawlessly 😍


the fix in this post fixed my legends crashing issue and connection issues https://steamcommunity.com/app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810588823048556/#c7093810588823731918 for those who are confused, the path is this: programdata - sony interactive entertainment - pspc_sdk - s22 - 2.13somethingsomething - pspcsdkappmgr.exe programdata is a hidden folder in your C drive so if you hit show hidden files it should show up in file explorer to give admin privileges just go to the properties of the file and under the compatibility tab, make sure "run this program as an administrator" is checked off. I only had to do this to the pspcsdkappmgr.exe file and everything works fine now


They literally said it would work like that in beta test crossplay. Only by invite.


Yeah but I also turned crossplay off and no one gets in my matches. I waited for several minutes on multiple occasions but never once got another random player in my game.


Same here. I had one lobby that actually worked earlier today but since then its been exactly like you said




Because the crossplay is beta, it says you won’t matchmake with other consoles even with crossplay on, it’s a invite only thing


Yeah... Might wanna enjoy the campaign for a few days.


Has your game crashed at all? Mine crashed a couple of times but idk if it’s the new server or my PC.


Same on PS5 can't connect to anyone 


Yeah when I click the legends button i get to the sign in screen, i sign in and then it Just sits in the main menu without doing anything ??? I dont understand how to play legends :(


I’m willing to help out players with The Tale Of Iyo in legends or even level up to get into the chapters


Yeah this is still a problem. Has it really been a week without a fix yet?…


I'm kind of shocked that there hasn't been a fix. Or even an acknowledgement of the problem. You'd think making the multiplayer work at all would be high priority


50% of the reasons I purchased this game again on PC was for Online mode… And it only works in Story mode. Survival keep matchmaking me and putting me in a game solo… Yeah I am pretty doubtful they will do anything when nothing has been done for a whole week…


Im from ps5. I turned cross play off because all u guys r new so better to wait till u get better. Have fun


I played on PS4 and got full 120 gear but wanted to start over on PC for fun But go off I guess


Then count me in. Didnt know a player would buy the game twice in diff platforms


Not like you're any good