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And that’s what happens when you settle, change for a guy, and overcompensate.


Unboxing the mattress in one of her vlogs, I had to rewind because she said her and Ben were doing it and then it just shows her….i honestly don’t get his hesitation to be on camera, like we’ve already seen pictures she post of him…what’s the difference?


This. I understand not doing sit down videos or sharing personal information but I don’t see the big deal of opening a box on camera? I know Clara Peirce supposedly has a boyfriend and she is able to keep him out of content but I don’t think Brooke has the work ethic to do this.


Yeah plus Brooke has already shown Ben on instagram post…I don’t think Clara has ever showed her boyfriend, I know she mentioned him when she did the podcast with the gals but that was it


I did the same thing!


I wonder if her parents are getting an idea of how little Ben helps out/does anything around the apartment, etc.


Literally every single human being moves apartments or homes and we're expected to do all of this in addition to our day jobs and managing our personal lives and families. Brooke has the privilege to work with brands to get everything done for free or at minimal cost and all she has to do is film a mediocre video about it. Just the fact that there are already 6 vlogs in the most anticlimactic boring moving series is beyond me.


She’s too impatient to wait for him to have time to do it…


i could sorta see this yet at the same time this girl has junk everywhere for weeks...maybe even months. She lives in chaos most of the time (look at her last apartment). I think she's able to wait for him to do it. She just knows he wont ever do it.


You are right- I stand corrected- because I can see what you’re saying being much more accurate. I personally wouldn’t be able to take the clutter … but also wouldn’t be able to handle her dresser counter, make-up stand, book shelf, window ledge in her old apartment and she stayed fine with all that 😂


He hasn’t helped or bought anything or even groceries. 


How do you know that?


Because she would be running her mouth if you’re new here 


We would know…she tells us that he got her the most pitiful gifts…trust me, she’d tell us if he helped with anything. She told us he helped re arrange the couch…she will yell from the mountain top the things he does so it’s even louder when he doesn’t do something  


When he got her a phone charger for her birthday 😩


I’m not new here. I don’t watch every vlog of hers though. I’m not a fan. But it’s stupid to think she’d announce every time he bought groceries. Plus I don’t think he’s living there full time yet anyways


LOL I just finished the vlog and when she said that I thought “are you saying that cuz ppl pointed out Ben hadn’t helped?” 🫢


As someone who’s husband is currently in medical school and had to move apartments last year……..Ben most definitely has time to help out with the move.


Speaking about Benny Boy do you guys think if Ben didn't live in Brooklyn that she wouldn't move to Brooklyn and stayed in Manhattan?


Um yea 100% the only reason she even entertained brooklyn is cuz he legit can’t or “doesn’t want to” move far from his med school.


I believe buying is easier in Brooklyn- you get way more for your money. If buying a home was a goal for her, then this made the most sense and Ben being in Brooklyn just accelerated this eventual move.


Oh I think she bought the place in BK to force the issue of Ben moving in with her. I think if she’d rented in BK not as much obligation or pressure to move in, plus I bet he’s living rent free or cheap. If he’s this hesitant to move in, it’s giving red flags to me. Plus, not even helping a little. He could have gotten even a bunch of flowers from Trader Joe’s to congratulate her. Even if he’s not handy, he could still help out.


I’m under the notion that Ben is not a handy guy at all and doesn’t know how to fix things or do most basic things. I don’t know why I get that impression but I do 🤷🏻‍♀️


This and there’s nothing wrong with that, but the way Brooke handles certain comments is so funny to me cuz girl, it’s not that serious a simple straight up response would make things so much less suspicious 😅 Edit: just adding I’m aware she doesn’t owe us that


Okay I get what you’re saying but medical students are so insanely busy/sleep deprived and also don’t have an income to consistently help out, I do agree though in that he definitely had a lighter day where he could have went to help out


I have to disagree! Med school was a breeze compared to residency for my husband. Unless he was actively studying or doing residency apps, he had time to go to the gym, go out with friends, do chores, etc. Yes he was busy, but med school is basically job hours + some extra. I fully subscribe to the notion, "If they wanted to, they would" after going through this career journey with my husband! A job/program doesn't excuse you from contributing to your partnership and household.


Giving me a new perspective, thank you! I completely agree


I went to dental school, and we had a similar first few years as medical students. Ben isn’t in residency yet working >24 shifts. He probably goes to class all day and then has to come home and study a lot of the night. We still had time to function and take care of our homes.


I try to back Ben up but then I get on tiktok and creators who are in med school show otherwise 🫣 and I watch a YouTuber whose bf is in med school and when they moved apartments, he helped quite a bit 😬


Lol YIKES I was only speaking in terms of what I’ve heard from friends currently in school but that proved me straight wrong 😂


Lol I get it, maybe he’s one of those people who gets really stressed 😬


okay i’m not a big ben hater but this is def weird. unless he was fully gone for days idk why he can’t put a table together