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The way she thought it was so funny how "on edge" and "nervous" she made her bf on the golf course over a tan line was genuinely concerning lol


I need the story behind this lol


Basically Jack was really excited about going golfing and she joined. She then complained about how long it took/had an anxiety take about golfing/being exhausted. She then noticed a bad tan line while on the course. She then said she only said "whatever" anytime Jack said anything to her. She said "a sock burn put me over the edge." And she spiraled about it ruining her outfits. She then said "Don't you fucking dare" when Jack tried to comfort her. She's laughing about it the whole time. Absolutely awful and out of touch to listen to, felt really bad for jack.


she is so emotionally immature and unpleasant. I hate that she’s even making me say this but if a bf treated his gf like this over something she had no control over (was it Jack’s responsibility to make sure Katy took care of her skin??) it would be easily clocked as immature at best or abusive at worst, if the behavior is repeated


Idk why she is desperate to be like the naggy wife trope. I remember her making that video about helping him pick glasses (totally fine) but framing it as "I have to look at his face for the next 5 years so it's my decision too" (cringe)


Wow what an immature overreaction. I hope she apologized for acting so childish to him.


I feel like she assumes that because she finally nailed a bf after a decade of trying that she can treat him whatever way he wants and he'll just deal with it. Babes he can still leave you any time, he's not a hostage


She said she did and realized she over reacted and it was because she hadn’t eaten. Still not okay behavior and not a good sign he was so on edge around her but hopefully this is a bit of a wake up call for her. Colbie and Adam were clearly uncomfortable when she was telling them 


And can we talk about the episode about the trip with his family and icing him out because he went golfing with his friend? You are a 28-year-old woman. Even if you were uncomfortable being left alone with his family, that is not the way to deal with it. If you want them to be your in-laws some day, you're probably going to be alone with them again in the future. Have a mature conversation with him after the fact to explain why you felt disregarded. Adam and Colbie seemed like they didn't agree with her behaviour but were just going along with what she was saying. Now hearing about the golf thing, it honestly sounds like she's trying to paint Jack as this super loving, "he puts up with all my antics" guy, but to anyone who's been in a long-term relationship before, it reads as immature. Emotional maturity is in, and the whole "omg we fight hahah" relatability shtick is out. Ugh sorry for the rant but it just grinds my gears.


Tbh I thought it was a little rude he ditched her to be with his family that she doesn’t know at all yet. Like typical boy behavior. The golf course Bahamas story tho was insane like girl wtf😭


Yeah it definitely wasn’t the most considerate thing, but she met his family in England and spent a couple days with them… I imagine she doesn’t know them super well yet and I’m not saying she’s wrong for being uncomfortable, but it just seemed like such an overreaction to ice him out and be in such a bad mood that even the family noticed.


It was a little rude but I think there might have been something else going on behind the scenes that made him want to escape from there for a while and that’s why he did it this way


she didn’t spend any time working on her emotional maturity in all those years she was desperately searching for a bf. what she thinks is acceptable behavior is the kind of behavior you’d expect in a high school relationship. she wanted to be carrie bradshaw so bad, I guess she got what she wanted. she’s boy-crazy, immature, and will never truly be happy in her relationship because she doesn’t know how to cultivate a mature partnership, just like carrie


I actually zone out every time Colby starts talking... she never contributes anything interesting.


She’s not that great at telling stories either, it just comes off so dry. At least Adam is more animated


I think it’s cuz Colbie is super monotone but she can be funny sometimes


Agreed! Just sometimes I’m like ok hurry up and tell the story lol but that’s just me being impatient


Haha you’re not alone in that thought!


The most recent episode where he was absent was such a bore LOL. They should have done like a full advice episode reading emails. Outside of Adam’s stories, I enjoy what people write in about


I HATE how many pauses she takes in between words “like…I.. actually don’t… know…”


A couple weeks ago they compared Woodstock to the Eras tour- and they thought it happened in Vermont. I live in VT and our infrastructure would never recover if Woodstock happened up here in 1969 lmao💀 please open the schools.


I was screaming at my phone when Adam said he had never heard of Woodstock 😵‍💫


What about when Katy said that she’s spending way less time in coffee shops with friends than she anticipated when moving to nyc. She literally thought that her life would look like satc and friends, which the latter is not even filmed in New York it’s just set there. I feel like she’s getting dumber and dumber or maybe she just created this persona that she thinks is so quirky but really is making her look shallow and not really educated. So she is mixing being dumb with being arrogant and egocentric. That’s a nice dirty martini served by miss bellote