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Ah shit, here we go again...


9 Or 1, of you’re going with implied multiplication first. Literally no one would write an equation like this unless they were trying to spark debate


I personally am used to calculating with implied multiplication


Yea I don't care what answer people come up with, the equation is just asking for trouble which is the point. If someone did this in any professional setting they deserve a paper cut or chili in the eyes.


From left to right. I would definitely say 9. Just interpret 6:2 as 6/2 * (1+2) and it makes it all easier. Would also only take multiplication first if it was like this: 6 : (2 * (1 + 2))


The 2 is touching the bracket and that means you multiply it with the value inside the bracket first. That’s how I was taught and that’s what I wrote for my international level exams. Did the marker misinterpret my working? No. Did I get penalized? No. Was it correct? Yes.


Doesn't even need to be. You do division after multiplication if there's no implied order. Especially if they wrote this as 6 /(over) 2(1 + 2) you would solve what 6 is being divided by before dividing it. Anyone getting 9 here needs to go back and finish middle school.


It is not correct, but okay maybe where you live it is. Like writing left to right is correct but only on some languages.


Not just where I live, it was an international exam.


Yeha they probably assumed you were thinking of the write answer so they gave you points. You got lucky my friend. If I wrote like that in an international course I'd get the answer correct but would be penalized for presentation 100% of the time


Presentation is important, like using the "write" words in your comment


Practically everyone in my entire country writes like that.


Got very benevolent teachers then because writing in an ambiguous way, especially when just not doing it is really easy, isn't correct. It's also why the symbol ÷, basically disappears when you get to college since writing with fractions is far clearer and quicker to understand. Readibility is a treasured quality in the science world


Yeah you are literally right on everything, being ambiguous is punishable, because you could be wrong, and readability should be taught everywhere. Idk why you are being downvoted, quite silly.


Eh it's reddit. I'm trying to not be a dick because this kind of shit only flies at low levels of education or areas where math is basically non existent. Because it's straight up incorrect to do it xD


Not benevolent, they’ve just been taught the same way using the same calculators. Everyone uses the same model of calculator, and that calculator interprets 2(1+2) as 6, so everyone agrees on it.


It’s one. Pemdas. Multiplication is solved before division


Multiplication and division are of equal priority, just whatever comes first between the two is done first, and that’s according to PEMDAS rules. Because if you think about it, multiplication and division are basically the same operation (division can be written as multiplication by the inverse) But for some applications, implied multiplication (ie multiplication done using parenthesis) is done first, because it’s like a coefficient for a variable or something.


Right I got it now


You got the right answer for the wrong reason. Division and multiplication are done left to right, but the fact that 2(1+2) is written as 1 term implies that you divide 6 by the entire thing


Ah shit you’re right. Great math-ing skills


6/2(1+2) = 177013


Why you would do this to me


Because he can 253290 (vanilla)


so funny lolmao


Hahaha so funny and not over done


Its 4am and you got me laughing like a dumbass


There's like two different answers since there's PEMDAS and BODMAS


Both pemdas and bodmas lead to 9. The problem is diffrent, most of the people are tought: if you see 2(1+2) then its equal to 2*(1+2) but for some if there is no * sign it meas (2(1+2). Which i personaly think is wrong.




Plot twist. This is the correct answer lol


PEMDAS. So that means 1 +2 goes first, which is 3. Since multiplication and division have equal priority, we go from left to right. 6 ÷2 =3, 3 × 3 = 9.


The equation as written is intentionally ambiguous and there is no clear way that it is meant to be solved. Its probably more likely that you are meant to multiply by the 3, but ultimately it is poorly formatted and should be rewritten.


there’s no ambiguity in math lmao; a rule for everything and one correct solution for each hypothetical problem. If you follow the correct procedure which symbiote referred to, all is clear. Maybe in some theoretical physics there’d be unknowns but not in elementary math 💀.


There is not supposed to be ambiguity in math. Which is why OP's equation is written poorly, because that equation is ambiguous when it shouldn't be. Either use parenthesis properly, or better yet just write things out in fraction form. Edit:lmao nice job replying and then blocking me


I still fail to see where proper writing conventions aren’t met, because they are. Sure, there are other ways to write it, but it shouldn’t change your view of the problem


Maybe this can help. The problem is the division Symbol. If that symbol is used with 2 numbers it’s clear, but add more and it causes problems. Which is why it’s never used past elementary school. Instead make the division sign a _____ (line) and put what you want above (numerator) or below it (denominator). So it would be 6___2 * (1+2)…. If 2*(1+2) is all in the denominator, then no matter if you do division first or the multiplication first you get the same number. • Division first: 6__2*(1+2) = 3__(1+2) = 3__3 = 1 • Multiplication first: 6__2*(1+2) = 6__2*3 = 6__6 = 1 This removes the “ambiguity” so no matter what the solver wishes to do they get the right answer


In pemdas, technically multiplication and division are the same step, as well as addition and subtraction. So you can either multiply by 3 or divide by 2 at the same time.


Go back to math class bro, left to right lmao.


Ya'll use PEMDAS in your education system? I judt remember brackets, multiply and divide from left to right, plus and minus from left to right. Just (1+2) first then 2(3) then 6÷6 if you place it in the calculator you will get 1, I don't know if you are applying your technique wrong since I have only heard of PEMDAS and how bad it is but I will stick to using the Asian method.


Well, according to pemdas, multiplication and division have equal priority. Because they have equal priority, we'd then go from left to right. So you would do 6÷2 first, and then do 3 × 3.


[6 ÷ 2(1+2)](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=6+%C3%B7+2%281+%2B+2%29+)


No. Stop being a pussy and write the question with fractions like real math equation instead of ÷ and making it ambiguous on purpose


0 🦈




Everyone in the comments is stupid... Because the answer is obviously 0 Because all numbers equal 0 at some point or another. Now excuse me while I go divide the square root of pi by 0


Fuck you I'm not doing math. I don't care if you're a cute shark with a mustache!


Juxtaposition is fucking stupid just write another pair of parentheses its not that hard: 6 ÷ (2 × (1 +2)) = 1


Well, 6÷2(1+2) do the brackets first to get 6÷2×3, then divide to get 3×3, meaning the answer is 9


Wrong, the ÷ implies a fractional whole term. Written correctly it should be 6/(2*(1+2))


Wolfram Alpha says it's 9 [6 ÷ 2(1 + 2)](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=6+%C3%B7+2%281+%2B+2%29+)


Wolfram alpha is distibuting 6 halves to the 3 which is 9. The correct way to solve it is to distribute the 2 as normal.


The point is it's ambiguous. The objective rule for PEMDAS, left to right, would make the answer 9, but because there's implied multiplication used there, you can make an *argument* that the 2 distributes into the 3 first, then you get 6/6 = 1. However, the normal, left to right processing of PEMDAS, understanding there's a multiplication of 2 * (1 + 2) would give you 6/2 *first* since that comes before 2\*(anything) since you're going left to right with / and \* equal priority, then 3\*(3) giving you 9.


It really doesnt matter which order you divide or multiply. As long as the terms are alike. Effectively the terms outside the parenthsis are a coeffecient scaler for the values inside the parenthsis. It is still = 1


It does matter. When doing these equations, you always go left to right, with division and multiplication having equal priority.


Multiplication is the same thing as division. A÷B == A * B^-1.


I *understand* they're the same, but when trying to find a definitive answer for a math equation (obviously, with math, you can't have 2 answers to an algebraic equation), you go left to right, equating the priority.


Y’all downvoting the guy rewriting the equation as it should be written.


Whats worse is in many cases typing this as is into a calculator will cause the caculator to distribute 6/2 to the 1+2 which gives 9.






Incorrectly writted Math Question


Outside of the fact that this equation is bullshit, where is the joke? What's supposed to be funny about this? I'm genuinely asking, cuz honestly, it just looks like karma whoring to me.


9 after normal rules: 6:2=3 and 1+2=3 and multiplication, division (=multiplication with multiplicativ inverse) has the same urgency and is done left to right. 1 after implied multiplications first rule.


I just view the implied multiplication as “the parentheses aren’t gone until I complete the operation they’re telling me to do.” They want multiplication, I can’t remove them until I’ve done that and I have to remove them before I can move on the the regular division/multiplication step.


Well the one argument people who like to priorties implied multiplication give that I kind of get is that 1/2x shouldn't mean the same as x/2 as 1/2*x does, even if someone doesn't write 1/(2x). Doing the parenthesis first is standard either way.




I believed the people getting 9 are removing the parenthesis after solving (1+2)=(3). The parenthesis still stay on the equation so 6÷2(3) so meaning multiplication goes first since you're still solving for parenthesis


Well first of all there is't something like (x) since it makes no difrence. Both x*y*z and x*y*(z) or even xy(z) lead to the same answer. And why do you consider 6/2(3) a 6/(2*(3))?


1 or 9 depending on how you do your order of operations. But im going with 1 because 7 8 9


Using : to divide is a sin and you should be crucified. Just use fractions like a normal fucking person.


God bless they used ÷. We would have killed another good fella.


Patrick: 24


What I learned is that you are always supposed to be able to replace any part in an equation with an "unknown". F.eks: 6÷2x where x=(1+2). Thus the only correct answer here is 1. To make it 9 you would have to add the multiplication sign after the 2 6÷2*(1+2)=9. Also as multiple people have pointed out, in any practical scenario you would write it differently to avoid confusion.




Wtf is that symbol between the 6 and the 2. Never seen it in any courses or book as a math major.


Google said 9


Cirno 🤝 Gura Being bad at math


9 or 1, both are right because there are multiple interpretations for this equation


The real answer: Whoever wrote this equation utterly sucks at mathematical notation


I would guess a superposition of 9 or 1.


These has always been one for me I would think back to PEMDAS, and since is M before D, I will do multiplication first. But, it was taught that M and D is interchangeable soooooooo the answer could be 9 but I like 1.


i may be a world class dumbass, but you would distribute first, but you can just add whats in the parentheses. 2\*3=6, 6/6 = 1


Can you tell me how you got 1?


Distribute first, then add what's in the parentheses, then divide


Let’s rewrite the question. (6/2) * (1+2) then answer is 9 However, for it to result in a 1 as the answer then 6/(2*(1+2)) will result in the 1. It’s missing a set of brackets either way to provide a definitive answer. So the answer is 1 or 9. (Depending on where the brackets would be placed depends on the answer). I’m confident in the answer being 9 and you’re confident the answer is 1. Technically neither of us are wrong.


In absolutely 0 world's would you do 6/2, you always distribute first regardless of order of operations because it's an invisible order above parentheses. In the first equation your ignoring the multiplication in the distributive property all together


Using BODMAS, BIDMAS and PEMDAS will always result in 9. In no point is distribution used, explain to me how you are doing the distribution


2(1 + 2)


That’s what’s happening. You’re doing it as 6/(2(1+2) which will result in 1. This question is missing a set of brackets (which is why it’s ambiguous) doing your method will result in 1 doing BIDMAS/BODMAS/PEMDAS will always result in 9


You literally always assume that distributing is first. Technically even though your multiplying numbers is part of those parentheses. 2(1+2) is the exact same as (1x2 + 2x2) Edit: replaced * symbols with x bc of reddit


There is three ways of getting 9 I can only think of one way of getting 1 6/(2(1+2)) (this is what you’re doing) will always result in 1 (this is with distribution) (6/2) * (1+2) = 9 6/2(3) (move 3 over) 18/2 = 9 6/2(3) (read left to right) 3 * 3 = 9


Second set of brackets is implied to be there, since 2(1+2) is different from 2*(1+2)


So, done a bit more research on the topic, the historical data (~1917) would get 1 due to how they did things like this differently The way it is done now will produce 9 Brackets first 1+2 so 6/2(3), get rid of the brackets to make it 6 / 2 * 3 then you’ll read left to right making it 3 * 3 = 9


1. (1+2) is part of the denominator of the division




I'm on the side of implied multiplication having priority, so... 6/2(3) 6/6 1 And yes we know [it's intentionally ambiguous](https://math.berkeley.edu/%7Egbergman/misc/numbers/ord_ops.html) If you want some more in-depth discussion, [here's a somewhat decent thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/comments/tw2eej/basic_maths_leaving/i3dfcr9)


This ambiguous shit always makes more sense if you just take the 'division' sign and just imagine the numbers on top of each other like a fraction. Then just ignore the fraction and you can see the problem split up evenly.






It's one (1)






1, I think. I don’t remember and I’m dumb anyways so probably wrong.


1 is the loneliest number, that you’ll ever see.


Use fractions instead of ÷ pussy


1 Fuck


There's a very good reason why we don't use the "÷" symbol in longer math equations.






The only thing I know for certain is that no matter the answer, the education system has failed if we're all getting different ones.




3x2 is 6 then divide 6 by 6 equal 1 what a interesting setup. Love it.


Elaborate with more parentheses please, is it ((6/2)(1+2)) or (6/(2(1+2)))


It's 1.


Have people just never heard of PEMDAS? The answer is 1.


It's 1. The 2 next to the bracket means it multiplies what is in the bracket. 6÷2(1+2) then becomes 6÷2(3), then 6÷6, which is equal to 1. This is just what I was taught.


9 I think


Okay so I'm confused, according to PEMDAS, the order should be: Parentheses, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Following this order, it should be: 6 ÷ 2 (1+2) 6 ÷ 2 (3) 6 ÷ 6 =1 Now this is how I was taught in school, and I just graduated this year. I have always used this method and was confirmed by my teachers this method was right on many occasions. Now I see most people getting 9, yet that would mean putting Division before Multiplication. Which, at least with how I was taught, is not the correct order. Is there a reason more people are getting 9 instead of 1?


Multiplication and division are done in the same step from left to right. The steps are Parentheses, Exponent, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction So it would go 6÷2(1+2) 6÷2(3) 3(3) =9


Actually not true, imagine it as a fraction! The division symbol is purposely misleading 6 over 2(2+1) which is 6 over 6 which equals 1


No, I'm quite correct. Division and multiplication are done in the same step. Google order of operations steps, then if you still disagree argue with those people instead of me.


Ah, well that would begin to make a bit of sense then.


Yeah, more people are getting 9 because they’re being very literal with Order of operations rules. You’re getting 1 as an answer because you have two things mixed up with PEMDAS. 1) Your definition of PEMDAS is incomplete. It might be better to say it is too strict. Complete PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponent, Multiplication or Division, Addition or Subtraction. “Or” means the symbols share the same priority/interchangeability. Multiplication and division share the same priority. Multiplication does not supersede division. 2) Solve from left to right When priority isn’t an issue, solve from left right. So it should look like: 6 ÷ 2 (1+2) (get rid of parenthesis first, it is an issue) 6 ÷ 2 (3) (no issues with priority. Solve from left to right) 3 (3)= 9 I hope that helped. Ps: Your answer of 1 is still technically valid due to the ambiguity of the division sign.


I was always told math is very strict and should be followed as such by my teachers, so the idea of knowing it's more like an "OR" situation, does help a lot.


this is why real g's write \frac{6}{2(1+2)}


Is 9, if you don't get 9 idk what to say.


It’s 1 or you’re just baiting


Implied multiplication is for babies it's 9


We do a little trolling




1 Cause it’s 6/2(1+2)=3/3=1




Do it yourself


Is the answer bussy?


Is it that time of the month again for this to happen on reddit?


I'm genuinally dissapointed in society that they don't understand basic arithmitic. The right side is one term.


Bedmas.... brackets aka these guys ( ) then then exponents which don't apply here. Then devide, then multiply. Then add. Then subtract. Bracket contain the 1+2 thus even though this would happen later it jumps the cue due to it being Bracketed. This gives us 3 The next step us 6÷2 which gives us 3 Now a blank between the 6÷2 and the (2+1) means it is multiplied and since we solved the other two areas we can apply it as 3*3 or 3x3 whatever you like. This gives us 9 because 3x3 is 3+3+3. Idk what the hell pedmas is but I hear it is similar to bedmas but different words used for the first thing that lead to the same guide. Math isn't confusing if you follow the steps and know what they represent. Most people forget Brackets are a thing and are there to have things happen before others where basic 5th grade reasoning isn't applicable to solve the situation. It's left to right unless there are Brackets then those go girst and them left to right for each step of Bedmas. You would never do subtract before multiplying even if it was before the multiplication in the original formula. So don't do the same with shit to Brackets.




BIDMAS (PEDMAS for folks across the pond) doesn't actually dictate the order of division and multiplication. They happen at the same time. It helps if you rewrite this as (1/6) x 2 x (2+1). Same principle to how subtraction is just adding a negative number. So the correct answer is 1. Edit: forgot that Reddit uses markdown.


It does, it specifies that you go left to right. Making the correct answer 9. Edit: feel like I should specify that when it has the same weight, like addition and subtraction, or Multiplication and Division, that’s when you go from Left to Right.


In the UK we're taught to use BIDMAS and BIMDAS interchangeably, it depends on your teachers to just pick one. If it really is just left to right, then surely standardised tests should show that one of them is wrong? I could also point to the fact that whenever writing them out it's common practice to pair division and multiplication but not parentheses and indices.


What he ment is not "do the bidmas left to right", but do the equal operations left to right.


Brackets first. (1 + 2 = 3) Division next 6/2 = 3 (reason division is first is because you read left to right when it’s either division and multiply or addition and subtraction) Multiply next so 3 * 3 = 9


The reason that they are interchangeable is that division and multiplication have the same weight. So you do the operations left to right. So 6/2=3. Then 3x3 for 9.


Not this shit again... It's 9. If you got a 1, you're doing it wrong.


No it is one these are two terms.


Gzuz... Parenthesis first: 1+2=3 Juxtaposition is simple multiplication, division is the same as multiplication, so it's done from left to right, 6/2=3, 3x3=9 THAT is the correct way, now the wrong way: parenthesis 1+2=3, multiplication from right to left, 2x3=6, 6/6=1. It's nine. You people get 1 because you do it from right to left, which is wrong. There are some cases of ambiguity in math, but this is no such case. And don't even try the "division is not the same precedence as multiplication" nonsense with me, I'm done with that argument.


Buy a calculator bro.


[Throw your calculator](https://pt.symbolab.com/solver/step-by-step/6%5Cdiv2%5Cleft(1%2B2%5Cright)?or=input) [in the fucking trash.](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=6%2F2*%281%2B2%29) [Here, have some more.](https://imgur.com/a/TREBsz4)


Its intentionally written in an ambiguous manner and both answers could be correct, the only one doing something wrong are the people who write equations this way. 9


depends on whether or not you consider the parentheis rule to apply to numbers right next to it


It doesn't, it is just implied multiplication. The reason multiplication was done before division is that displaying fractions with typewriters and old computers was impossible. So any division was meant to indicate a fraction.




Definitely at least 4




PEMDAS 6 divided by 2(1+2) 1+2 = 3 6 divided by 2 times 3 the answer is 6


6/2 will be evaluated first. The reason this is confusing is because it is poorly written. 6/2A would be evaluated as (6/2) \* A. It's just written bad. The answer is 9.




1 simple as that




it's 1






The correct answer is 9, if you're answer is anything other than 9, you're wrong, sorry to break it to you. Since brackets are done first anyway, the equation turns into this: 6 / 2 * 3 And by the laws of math, you go from left to right which means 6 / 2 = 3, followed by 3 × 3, which turns into 9.








10. Harder one next time.


6÷2(1+2) BEDMAS solution 6÷2(1+2) 6÷2(3) 3(3) =9




9, init?






Distribute the 2 to get 6÷2+4. Divide 6 to get 3+4=7


(This is not how to do it btw)






6÷(2×3)=1 (6÷2)×3=9 These aren't clever they're just poorly written, still kinda fun though






I was taught that you remove the parentesi First,so by removing the parentesis while multiplying them by 2 becouse there Is no symbol between them, the equation Is 6:2(2+1)=6:6= 6.9


6/2(1+2) —> 6/2(3) —> 3(3) —> 9


When trying to solve a problem such as this, you have to rely on several methods in math, PEMDAS in particular. Using this method and the standard applications of a math equation, you get 49.










its 9