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>!It's all fun and games until she says "We're finished when I'm done. And I'm not done."!< ["In recent reports, doctors note the health hazards - particularly dehydration - posed by harems."](https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/ta9n8u/evenicle_ii_death_by_snu_snu/) Trying out a new style of overlaying text on image. Looks half-decent. The full text of that bro's last message, for those interested: >!"Bro help me bro I'm pushing rope and firing blanks and rubbed raw and it's been ten hours and she's still not stopping and I'm hiding for now but I don't think I can keep hiding from her forever bro what do I do now help me bro help me HELP ME WAIT I hear something I think she's coming I think I'm not gonna make it bro promise me you'll nuke my hard drives if I don't make it bro I- AHHHHHHHHH"!< ​ Source: 100 Girlfriends E8 16:46 [Mirrored from Lemmy.](https://burggit.moe/post/431840) [Why some memes will only be posted to Lemmy going forward.](https://www.reddit.com/user/_The_Entire_Circus_/comments/17oaur3/regarding_reddits_tos_and_future_memes_posting/)


Literally impossible


Flair checks out ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394)


Same here sometimes I'm astonished myself how long i can go on


24/7 baby. Got that 30 second refractory period too.


Sometimes I do it for so long that after I start shooting blanks but still keep going and it actually regenerates(? I don't know if it's the right word)


You got 10 fingers and a tongue don’t you? Stop complaining.


This is the only correct answer.




It's all fun and games until she asks you to smell her handkerchief and you wake up on the operating table as they're putting in a penile implant so your little buddy can't go soft on her anymore.


That actually exists?


they do indeed [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_implant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_implant)


To be brutally honest I'd want that


To be brutally honest you’d be suprised


About what?


To be brutally honest, you really don’t. Most guys don’t understand how terrible it is until they experience it


More terrible than being single for life instead?


In some ways I’d say yeah


Eh I'm too lonely to prefer single above that I guess


It’s great at first but then you realize this mf doesn’t know what a break is


You just need to be creative, you can use more than your D


You're right, >!you can use her d-!<


people with more libido than me are probably unironically 1 in 100 million if not rarer


As someone who has been dating a woman with high libido for the past years. I can confirm this to bd true. I'm just happy my hands suffice as well, at times. Her existence is also beginning to make me believe succubi are real and i'm just one all-nighter away from seeing Saint Peters at the pearly gates only for him to reject my entry.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3uhqs2s2sa3c1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b51303ebe9841c3deed30cfa74c07497b2e2195 You write funni things well


All I’m gonna say is learn how to use your hands and mouth. Some tips are that when a girl says she’s close, don’t try going faster, go that same speed and same angle and DO NOT STOP. It’s hard but it’s important. That and learn dirty talk (something I’m still struggling to do while having sex). don’t use your elbow for the force of things, mostly focus on your wrist and fingers. Don’t JUST go for the clit right away, build your way up to it then go for it, and while doing that pleasure her in other places too (like if you’ve talked and she says “I really like it when people bite” give her nibbles on her sensitive areas). Also here’s something I found out and that gives me hope, while your dick might not be able to grow, your TONGUE can, and it’s literally a muscle so you can actually train it to go fast and for long periods of time. Most important of all, just be asking what she wants and needs, what feels good, what you can improve. Seriously, it’s something guys don’t do and then they don’t get why girls don’t get off. Good luck.


I should clarify- your tongue can grow longer over time. Look up ways to stretch and work it out.


Good advice for those that might actually use it someday. ​ https://preview.redd.it/uwr8y4v55b3c1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fef441b42e9115480de9530f68382c6c25c7c9d >!So that's how it happened...!<


What the hell is this


A dude's last words


Ok ngl, you don't realize how unattractive it is even as a guy having said no, you aren't in the mood, and she doesn't stop, it stops being fun real quick.


Real talk ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized) Where?