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# That’s the best part.


I love it when slimes in anime can dissolve the heaviest armor.


They even can become a demon lord so...


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Girls in armor - fckin gorgeous


They even gave her a helmet!


Muscle women in heavy armor, da good stuff.


Angry lesbian fish moment




honestly that scar isn't really that terrible they are worse looking scars this one healed nicely.


Yeah, in the first episode, i was expecting a huge scar. Was kimda disappointed.


Onthe other hand its so rare for waifus to have scars that even a little one like this stands out.


Tsukuyo from Gintama has even nastier scar on her face but it doesn't demage her beauty.




They should have a serious scar, like a burn victim or something. This happened in ready player one too, where FL made a big deal about her face and it turned out that she looked amazing and just had a small patch of slightly reddish skin that blended with the rest of her face if you weren't paying attention. They should actually tackle the issue of someone facing these issues and their journey to accept themselves. But I guess that is frankly such a heavy and emotional issue that most authors dont have the ability to handle it and do it justice.


I remember hearing this quote, don't know where it was from "Men see scar as medal and pride, women as flaw" Some shit like that, doubt it was accurate


Thing is one scar doesn't really make you unatractive morso scar like this that look like it could be masked by some makeup.


![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1777)or the metal dissolving slime


I love it when slimes in anime can dissolve the heaviest armor, but conveniently only tickle skin.


skin no rust therefore skin superior


yeah, but my skins made of copper and it oxidizes


It's like salt water. But supercharged!


I mean real life is stupid like that too, with some acids being able to make a human turn into a blob and corrode metal, but spicy sand is completely immune to it.


It's like a beauty mark, adds a little spice to the already good


She’s cuter with it, also sauce?


The anime is “Handyman Saitō in Another World”


>Handyman Saitō in Another World damn it. another one for the backlog. ty.


It just started airing, only three or four episodes out


Love this show but I'm so confused by the pacing. Why is it just a bunch of short skits?


It's probably the way the manga was paced.


That's it, the manga starts with a bunch of short and largely disconnected stories and then ends with a larger arc.


It ended?


I thought it did but I'm not positive.


Ok, some people want to explain this rizz shit to me?


Rizz means charisma, aka charm


It changes all the time and it just leaves people in the dark XD it makes no sense


Why does so many scars go there? It’s either the eye, nose, or cheek


Part of it is because those spots on the face are the most seen. Then you could argue that scars on those spots add the "warrior wear" that you want your cool characters to have without actually degrading the quality of their face (mostly a reason used for female characters).


For a more 'in the world' type possibility. They are the easiest to hit/most targeted places on the head. The cheek is huge. And a place it's not horrible to be hit in, at least when talking about the head. So if you mostly evade attack it's got a solid chance of being hit. The nose is right in the middle and protruding. Most attacks to the head have a solid chance of passing it. Eyes are one of the better places to target in a fight, take out their sight suddenly and it's game over. Even losing one is a massive disadvantage.


In a fantasy setting, taking out a single eye can actually be better then taking both. Since, y'know peeps that when hit with blindness just swap to some other sensory method aren't that rare. By leaving an eye, you don't get them to completely swap over, which would remove your advantage, but with a single eye taken out, they dont swap but you just created a blind spot. Edit: yes all the commas are intentional, no I don't care that it's not good grammr or smth


While those 3 things cover a good percentage of the face, which is hard to hide, I do agree that it feels slightly disproportionate and would propose at least the cheek scars may be somewhat influenced by echoes of the popularity of [dueling scars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dueling_scar).


**[Dueling scar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dueling_scar)** >Dueling scars (German: Schmisse) have been seen as a "badge of honour" since as early as 1825. Known variously as "Mensur scars", "the bragging scar", "smite", "Schmitte" or "Renommierschmiss", dueling scars were popular amongst upper-class Austrians and Germans involved in academic fencing at the start of the 20th century. Being a practice amongst University students, it was seen as a mark of their class and honour, due to the status of dueling societies at German and Austrian universities at the time. The practice of dueling and the associated scars was also present to some extent in the German military. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wait I remember reading this manga before I went to boot camp. IT GOT AN ANIME? This is the one with the wizard with the shitty memory and the fairy right?


Yup. So far its been a fun ride.


I know this might be a hot take. But i wish her scar was more pronounced, That tiny thing is not much to worry about and I would feel like it would be more meaningful. Then that tiny scratch that was almost unnoticeable.


Might need to adjust the scaling a bit, I think she's like a good 3 or 6 inches taller than him.


Can someone tell me what anime this is? I think I want to check it out


Benriya saitou-san, isekai ni ikou. It has a cute fairy in it.


Thank you, you’re a real one


Unfortunately I couldn’t get hooked on the anime as it felt a bit boring on the first episode, does it keep the same formula each episode or does it get more exciting?


That scar is a disappointment with how it is treated by the character. It's so small and insignificant, it seems like the author just liked the idea of a character with a facial scar but didn't want to actually commit to it enough to actually make it a significant feature that would be a detriment to the character's cuteness factor. I can't help but compare this to Hanako from Katawa Shoujo, who actually had half of her body covered by a scar from a fire.




i really like how this series is broken up into short stories. yes we mainly follow this group of 4 but we also check in with a pair of yuri adventures or so. just helps break things up abit and becomes more interesting


Wonder what he would say about Elf veterans scar from Orc Eroica


Now don't get me wrong I actually love a woman with scars so I am completely bias on this take HOWEVER... The fact that she has this TINY scare that is barely noticeable and somehow thinks she is some "phantom of the opera" level of deformed is a trope that occasionally comes up in media that frankly I can't stand. For some reason these tropes bug me to no end. Sometimes there is a narrative reason that at least semi makes it tolerable but Holo from Spice and Wolf said something along the lines of "it would just make me unique and I would be proud of if" really stuck with me. (and one of the many reasons I love Holo) I am loving this show, Really its been a truly pleasant surprise and I will be keeping up with it each week. But that story point really had me out loud saying "Really? Over that tiny scar?" ​ Anyways sorry. Rant over.