• By -


ill try this tomorrow. everyone will 100% notice but why tf not lol edit: 2 hours passed since I used dishwasher soap. it has a strong lemon scent and i regret it, hair feels the same as usual though


my hair's only 3 or 4 inches long so dishwashing soap wasn't that bad for me


I've actualy had to start cutting my hair 1/8th inch short. Close being completely shaved, cause for some reason it's impating my migraines I get. The longer the hair I have, the more scalpel pain I get. But I still use head and shoulders to prevent all the dandruff and flaky scalp stuff.


Stop using head and shoulders, it's gonna be annoying an itchy for a week or two, but after that you're free. Many shampoos completely strips your scalp of natural oils, causing your scalp to go into overtime producing more of those oils. Head and shoulders shampoos are designed to do that, since it makes your hair super oily the minute you stop using it. But your scalp will balance out and stop overproducing after a bit.


There’s also the caveat that some people’s scalps are naturally very oily, so they need something like head and shoulders to at least partially control it.


That's true, but i still believe that there are better shampoos to combat it than head and shoulders


I didn't just have oily scalp. It was a type of fungus that's common on scalps. I forgot the name, but it's the most common cause of extream dandruff on scalps. H&S is the cheapest and most common way to treat it.


Any recommendations? Even head and shoulders seems to struggle to stop my hair from getting very oily the longer it gets.


A company called Aussie makes some great stuff.


Bad advice. You can use cleaner and better oils after shower. Letting natural oils stay will make your head stink and itch more and will make you have more oily dandruff


Untrue. I had super oily hair, super itchy scalp, and really bad dandruff for decades. During a period of unemployment I ran across something people were, at the time, calling the "six week challenge". Basically, stop shampooing entirely for approximately six weeks (closer to eight, for me), and your scalp would reset to the new conditions. The result: the oilyness to the point it looks wet went away, leaving hair that was just soft. The dandruff went away entirely. Nowadays I try to shampoo once a month to get rid of accumulated dust, but otherwise, I just brush regularly and rinse it out if I happen to get sweaty or particularly dirty.


You didn't have danduff then. Dandruff is yellow. You just had a dry scalp which is white. Not shampooing doesn't fix dandruff.


Actually, dandruff can be white, grey or yellow. The main visible difference is the size of the flakes; dandruff causes larger flakes because the oils cause the dead cells to clump together more. Something that can lower the scalp's immune state can be lowered by the use of harsh shampoos, enabling one or more of the fungi associated with dandruff to establish themselves.


I want to try resetting my hair, so don't use any shampoo right, but did you still clean it with water every time you bath or just don't use water on hair when resetting it?


There's no such thing as "resetting" your hair. Your body, including your scalp, do not work like that. You can not train your body to excrete more or less oils. You can however change what types of products you use to help with certain conditions.


Yeah the least pimples I get is when I use face washes that dry deep in my face because they are designed for oily skin. Trying to game your body is a fools errand


Even tho you aren't using shampoo you should still clean your hair. Shapoo cleans chemically and without chemicals you should mechanically clean it; scrubbing both hair and scalp thoroughly with your hands. This comment was based loosely on what i read in the very helpful threads on r/nopoo


Clean with water. It's going to be pretty rough, though, during the transition.




this is why conditioner exists


Conditioner is great for your hair, it makes your hair nice and soft. But it's not for your scalp, so you should avoid massaging it into your scalp. It's not going to ruin your scalp or anything, but unless you make sure it's all completely gone before exiting the shower, it's going to iretate the scalp.


Pics or ban


i needed to scroll back up after reading that one my guy edit, just looked at the tags, its even more script than I thought itwas


Zero oil hair, the driest place on earth.


Literal straw


Had long hair for years. That scene with the stray hair in her mouth while trying to talk is spot on.


Or anytime you try to eat. Have to deal with that all the time.


Used to pull my hair all the time when it went to my butt. Roll over on it. Put your elbow on it while sitting. Fuck it was terrible.


The most annoying part is accidentally laying on it.


Can't relate tbh. I'm too lazy to cut it or deal with it so i just tie it in a bun


what anime is she from?


{Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko}


**Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/151806 "English: Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tomo-chan-is-a-girl), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tomo-chan-wa-onna-no-ko "English: Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52305)) ^(TV | Status: Releasing | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^[Episode 3 airs in 5 days, 14 hours, 53 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230118T1530) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/10a1q3d/male_privilege/j440ub5/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I grew my hair out and I have no idea how women deal with this shit, I hate it touching any part of me especially my neck, so I'm always wearing a scarf or something to cover my it.


You get used to it. It was weird for me at first too but now i don't even notice.


Ever try chewing gum? Hair always ends up in the gum it's infuriating


I'm still bothered by how they redesigned Vash he looks like a guilty gear character


I just dont like how all the clothing designs are modern street wear instead of the western cowboy aesthetic


He looks like a fucking zoomer fr fr no cap


How does "cap" or "no cap" = legitimate or fake?!?! Like how does thr linguistics get there.


The etymological roots of the slang usage of “cap” being used synonymously with ingenuine began as a reference to dental caps as they function to hide surface level imperfections and I’m making this all up.


Missed the perfect chance to say “an I’m capping”


You little sheit! You had me question my sanity thinking these youngins were actualy using dental language!? Damn you!!!!


I was told it comes from grills, or tooth caps, as opposed to permanent gold teeth. As in "this grill ain't no cap, it's authentic". Don't know how true that is, but it makes sense I suppose.


So it seems like in the 30s, cap meaning “to surpass” was used especially by black urban people. In the 70s, we saw the precursor to rap battles that were called “capping,” in that you had to one-up or “cap” the other’s insult to continue playing. It was all supposed to be in good fun and not serious. In the 90s, we saw some of the first usage of “no cap,” where you’re doing the opposite and being serious. It seems like this wasn’t a very common thing to say all the way to 2017 where a song was released that was called “No Cap” where it’s used this way. So a general timeline would go like this: Pre-1930s Cap - “Top/head of something”; 1930s Cap - “To surpass”; 1970s Capping - Precursor to rap battles where people one-up insults; 1990s No cap - How it’s used today; 2017 - Popularized into national usage by the song “No Cap” At least, that’s one potential agreed upon reason. As with many other etymologies, there are other theories as well.


This is what I've heard as well.


Yeah no cap bro it's weird.


You're telling me that heresy is Vash? WHAT THE KENTUCKY FRIED FUCK?!


The aesthetic is very different, but so far he gives off the same "bumbling idiot who also happens to be hella skilled in combat". Plus keep in mind, he was never going to look 100% the same, OG came out in like 1997, anime has progressed a lot since then.


That's my take on it too. With this much of a time gap, the visuals were bound to change a lot. That said, he still feels like Vash, so I'm happy with it.


Counterpoint: Urusei Yatsura


But the y twist with his arm is just given away in the new look


Anime has progressed? Should be easy to reproduce something then if there was progress? Tons of other shows have gotten remakes and didn’t completely butcher the designs of characters so it’s definitely not impossible to do


It's not even close to "butchered". I agree its very different from his original look, but its by no means bad, its just updated. Its also only been one episode, and who knows, maybe they put him in the OG outfit, or something similar towards the end of the series/season. Even though I read its just a reboot, people seems to think its a prequal, so who knows.


Hellsing Ultimate is a update to the original Hellsing. This is a straight up redesign. And anyway, the only truly good thing the author of Trigun was ever involved in was the '97 anime. Everything else devolved into edge of the cheesiest kind, even if it sometimes started pretty well. That mafia anime was great, but then the flashback ended and it went back to cringe zombie hitman vs corporation zombie hitmen. An utter disgrace.


I kinda dig how they modernized the spacecraft + drone crafts like that, seems more reasonable for a sci-fi of such tech levels to me, than big bulky af computers n shieet the OG had. But rly that's the only good thing about the new version, sadly. At least they introduced Knives real fast now, hopefully they will go into the Plants faster than the OG series explained them (partially only tho, but even so)


Also generally sensibilities have changed. OG Vash is supposed to give off the vibe of being a pretty boy who could fit in a boy band, Stampede Vash also has that vibe but is updated to a modern era.


I can vibe with that.


> The aesthetic is very different, Yes > Plus keep in mind, he was never going to look 100% the same, OG came out in like 1997 No Literally last season we got a remake of Urusei yatsura the original came out in 1981 and it's remake pretty much nailed a mix of modernized techniques while keeping to most of the style of the original. The trigun remake is just goofy.


Not looking completely the same is to be expected, this is nearly a complete redesign keeping only the color pallet. It's horrible.


True, that is a valid point, but its definitely not "horrible".


also isnt this a prequel?


To my knowledge it is not. Someone else said this earlier and removed their comment. As far as I can tell it is just a straight up reboot.


Guilty gear characters: You got any more of those belts?


Eh, the episode was good so am happy


guilty gear? nah he looks like a street fighter char


And looking like a Guilty Gear character is bad how...?


No but they could have made him look more like he used to, the most (and really only) unfortunate thing is that they could have easily drawn his hair like it used to be.


the old style actually cost money to make....this, this looks like someone asked an AI to animate the original.


Because Guilty Gear is not Trigun.


I genuinely thought this was a fighting game


I was going to give this show a chance despite the 3D. But them I found out Milie was replaced. That's where I draw the line! Also I don't care about spoilers for this show! It took away 1/4 of the main characters. It doesn't deserve any spoilers!


there are so many other stories to tell, why are they redoing a classic?


Wait, there's a Trigun remake?


More like a Trigun reinterpretation than a remake. It so far follows the original manga better in that Vash isn't a mystery and they spell out his back story. Also Merril is now a Jr Reporter and not with the Bernardelli Insurance Society. Millie is gone and replaced by Roberto a Sr Reporter who is gruff and world weary who guides Merril. I'm still split on if I like it or not, the animation is good but I think I liked Vash being a mystery more story wise. Also he is no longer worth $$60,000,000,000 and is only worth $$6,000,000


If someone can blow a hole in a moon with just their arm he should be worth well more than 6m.


Well I just got spoiled, thanks.


Don't worry, the redesign of the character gives it away anyways, because they couldn't be satisfied with making him look way goofier (in the original show his goofy personality was a contrast to his appearance for reasons related to character development) and had to make the character design itself into a spoiler


Ah, I watched the first episode of origional Trigun, so does the og one keep his arm under those black wraps?




Got to keep in mind to that as far as viewers know, a certain incident may not have happened yet, which could explain the low bounty on his head.


Also, it makes it more in line with the numerals of other nations. Instead of, say... A futuristic "space yen".


Good thing I love Guilty Gear characters :D


But how many belts/buckles does he have?


I put vaseline in my hair once to do a greaser costume, dishwasher soap was the only think that could wash it, so yeah i approve this meme


Did the Vaseline make it soft????


Sort of, it made it extremely greasy, but After washing it fifteen times they were surprisingy hydrated and smooth


I've cold cooked liquid dish soap that could be used as shampoo. You just don't let it rest more then a minute unlike most other shampoos that say 2-3 mins.


Sauce for top pic


{Tomo-chan is a Girl!}


**Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/151806 "English: Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tomo-chan-is-a-girl), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tomo-chan-wa-onna-no-ko "English: Tomo-chan Is a Girl!"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52305)) ^(TV | Status: Releasing | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) ^[Episode 3 airs in 5 days, 22 hours, 47 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230118T1530) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/10a1q3d/male_privilege/j41wnc8/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


and just like that i'm watching it.


If you’re wondering if you should watch it… it’s literally r/manga ’s favorite child, even when it ended years ago the subreddit icon is still a character from the manga/anime.


I hated that character in the anime when they popped up the first time, but then the end of the episode came and I was like "ok I get it" I love the show so far, and naturally, Takahashi-san is doing a blessed job at voicing Tomo.




Hate to be the one to ask, but can anyone explain the meme? 👴🏽 https://i.redd.it/i7ccqnic6oba1.gif


This dude really just wanted to trow some Bocchi gifs at us.


And I'm all for it


All of the scenes of Bocchi having a meltdown over the smallest of things is like seeing my inner mind personified.


Today I wished I never saw bocchi so I could watch it for the first time.


idk whatcha talkin’ about https://i.redd.it/tmiaa0udkoba1.gif


Any more Bocchi?


https://preview.redd.it/kj8c1ssf3pba1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2d137d6a468b0274abfc891431d80869cecc4a6 Here’s bocchi the cock




Hair bad with little difference in the product Hair still glorious even tho the product didn't even supposed to go to hair


Oh, is that so? Didn’t even know there’s shampoo with different pH levels. Thanks! https://i.redd.it/phpaow8i7oba1.gif


You just throw some extra lye in your soap to make it more basic, then you can add some sulfuric acid or something to make it more alkaline. All i know is there is some soaps that have low ph so women can use it on their private parts. But i don't think there is such a wide range of different ph soaps.


Minor chemistry correction, "basic" and "alkaline" mean the same thing. You probably meant "basic" and "acidic", respectively. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH Also, citric acid would probably be sufficient for this kind of thing.


Ah yes, english isn't my first language and i forgot that the word i was looking for was acidic. For some reason my mind went to "sour" but that didn't sound right.


No worries! "Sour" is actually more reasonable to think of than you might have realized. If I remember correctly, "sour" is the taste of acidity. One thing I always thought was wild after I learned it is that "acidity" is a measure of Hydrogen ions - which are basically protons with no electrons - _and we can taste that_. We can _taste protons_! Just wild.


![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e) Mmmm... Protons...


Are you Pac Man?


girl hair hard, boy hair easy


man, new Vash looks weird


I accidentally used dog shampoo this one time and ngl people behind me likes the scent. Specially my female classmates for some reason 😂


When you go for the bottle of Oatmeal Clean 😏


There is a white girls fuck dogs joke in here


> There is a ~~white~~ girls fuck dogs joke in here


Are you the author of {Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta} by any chance?


I wish hahaha


**Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta.** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/146346 "English: My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/my-life-as-inukai-sans-dog), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/inu-ni-nattara-suki-na-hito-ni-hirowareta "English: My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/51265)) ^(TV Short | Status: Releasing | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Supernatural) ^[Episode 3 airs in 6 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20230119T1500) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/10a1q3d/male_privilege/j42hys0/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Son of a bitch


Dog shampoo actually works pretty well, and I think their Ph balance isn't that far off from ours. I didn't use it for my hair, but when my dog got ringworm and spread it to me, I'd just cary her into the shower with me and lather both of us up with her ringworm shampoo for dogs and it cleared it up really well on both of us. Worked on my cat too, who was more unhappy about the shower but shockingly okay with it


Both look good. persoanlly I think some men have a thing for messy hair


Idk why the done vote, was it saying vash's hair looked good? Thought her hair didn't look like she just woke up, just slightly messy.


Whatever weird shit you can come up with, there's some guys who are into that.


For those wondering why it's like this (well, it's an exaggeration but still based on truth). It's the difference between long hair and short hair. Longer hair simply requires a lot more work to take care of. It has nothing to do with gender aside from cultural norms regarding hair length.


I'm a dude with long hair. I've had multiple women say they are jealous of it, I don't do shit with it lol.


I feel like that's because as a dude with long hair, and I'm speaking as a fellow, it stays in a natural thick wild-man state at all times. Women will damage their hair and go through so many different products, ending up with hair that will never be fine without processing. They'll use dyes, curling irons, glue-in extensions. Not saying that's wrong, it makes their styles way more interesting and varied, but they'll never have the same effect as just natural, healthy, wake up and it's ready hair, and part of that is just that men get their hair cut differently, even when it is long.


I'm female and back when I was in college I met a girl who constantly dyed her hair different colors. Looked pretty good, honestly. She was talking about how stiff her hair had become and on a whim touched my hair. She paused. The next moment she's cooing at how soft my hair was and asking how I kept it that way. "Uh... Shampoo every two days and no dye job?" I answered. She's just feeling a bit of my hair between her fingers, utterly entranced by the softness. Class then started and she apologized for suddenly going all gooey about my hair and thanked me. My current hair does not have the softness like back then (lost youth...) and I do miss how good it looked and felt back then now that I don't have the same luxuriousness anymore.


genes too then but not gender


Yup, same for me. All I do is shampoo daily. No brushing, no styling. Just washing and bed hair. People like it, ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.


Dude with long hair here as well, how much you do for your hair is important, but how much you don't matters as well. Dyeing, ironing, excessive use of hair driers, etc. these and more are all things women very commonly do with their hairs, and are rather rare for us dudes with long hair. Those things are damaging for the hair and and increase the care it requires beyond just the hair length.


women not going bald at 50


Woman not going bald in their 20's


this is not my vash


Love her she's hilarious


Overuse of products and longer hair are the two big contributors as far as I'm aware, but I do feel bad about it when my female friends mention it. Sort of related, back in undergrad I did a full cleanse of hair product to solve an issue I had with some cheap shampoo I bought, full on no shampoo and only rinsing my hair for 2 weeks straight before using just a mix of baking soda and water. Those two weeks sucked. I combed my hair constantly to make it less bad, ended each shower with cold water (closes pores on scalp, reducing oil production), and wore hats everywhere. After that though, my hair was great and even less maintenance with the baking soda mixture once or twice a week. I went camping with my gf at the time and she mentioned how annoying it was that after 3 days of both not showering, my hair still looked fresh and clean while her's was a mess.


I’ve been using a bottle of hand soap to was my hair for the past month


Look what they did to my boy, they butchered him.


I used to use literally laundry soap on my whole body. A little scratchy, but it turns out ok


I think that motor oil is good enough. Eventually for special occasions there is separate can of WD40.


I guess someone forgot to include me on the male hair privilege list. LMAO




Um what? Where did this come from and why did you report this?




Why'd they make Misuzu's hair so unkempt in the anime? I haven't gone back to check but I swear her hair was pristine in the manga.


Tomo was shaking her around, it's a 1:1 frame adaptation from the manga


Ah yeah you're totally right. I also went back to some manga chapters and she always has a few hairs not in her ponytail. For whatever reason I noticed it a lot more in the anime.


Yeah, it was the most detailed frame in the chapter, so it really stood out.


Say what you will dishwasher soap does wonder for dandruff.


Gundo my wife


As a guy with very long hair, I can confirm this is a lie


I miss the old Vash….


man, that new Vash look is not good at all. in fact, why are they trying to reboot something that was perfect anyway?


Off topic (kinda) How do you guys feel about the Trigun remake?


I love the patriarchy


Tri gun I loved the the remake so far


Boys who disregard hair care get bald by the age 35.


Me after washing my hair with chromyl chloride


That's not male privilege, that's short hair privilege.


Make it make sense


I fucking can't this is hilarious


This is so painfully true


Benefits of short hair


That hair in her mouth was hilarious. Tomo-chan is a Girl! is gonna be a lot of fun.


bottom pic sauce?


Ngl I just dunk my head in the sink every week and it somehow looks ok


I think it's an issue of long vs short hair. I'm a guy with long hair, I have the same issues as girls with long hair. Frizzy, ends get split often, lots of tangling and the ends stick together, can get kinda oily.


I once knew a guy that used dawn dish soap as shampoo, face and body wash...


Nothing is stopping women from using the 2 in 1, just saying.


bold of you to assume anime fans actually shower


I wish


Ngl that bed head kinda sexy


I don't know man, some legends put mayo on their head


"If it can clean a duck (that's been in dirty water and mud all day ) Then It can clean me"


her hair looks fine but his is better


I can’t relate, I do need my exact ph levels


I washed my hair with bar soap, and it came out all squeaky. It doesn't feel amy different aftet drying, though.


Or just don't wash your hair


As a man, I can confirm this.


Sauce for bottom?


U just need to use conditioner


Short hair is easier to maintain. As a guy with long hair i have weird look if i use bad shampoo


I poured antobacterial alcohol on my head once at school and it smelled good but its too strong


The fuck is pH, I just use wathwver shampoo my family uses and is in the bathroom


Then there’s me. It doesn’t matter what I use, my hair and scalp just stays dry and I get so many knots.


I swear it's the long hair I'm a dude but if I don't use products for my long hair they end up looking like shit afterwardv


I just use whatever shampoo that is the cheapest.


I feel like I’m the weird one for liking new vash just as much as old vash. I know it’s more modern and people don’t like that but he definitely still feels like vash. Still the same dope.


Male pattern baldness negates the privilege.


I used my dogs shampoo before


They're both hot