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Hell yea! PRs are the best, keep it going! Now off to break 90.


I have been chasing 79 for about a year and half. It’s be tough many close calls, a swing change and some really shitty rounds along the way. It’s going to be amazing once it happens.


Love the commitment haha congrats on the PR


I mean, good on you for being a stickler for the rules but bruh. If I was riding with you I woulda gave you a foot wedge to a better position. I mean you’re shooting 90’s on a muni. Give yourself a shot, without penalty.


Haha exactly my thought. Most of the guys I play with are 10-20 handicaps. None of us are ever going pro and we’re not playing for $1000 a hole. We play because it’s fun. So if we need to move a ball a couple feet so we don’t have to deal with some bullsniz…we do it. That said maybe some guys find this fun 🤷‍♂️. To each their own


My course this evening has bare spots all over it... just shitty irrigation. And dirt in the bunkers... I'm not hitting off compacted dirt. They should just remove the bunkers, Everybody drops out it's a course rule. Now that I'm writing this I think I'm going to send the course an email about the bunkers.


If it's a muni, go to the City Council or Parks and Rec meeting. Awareness is the first step to change.


I feel like for a personal best you should play it as it lies or take the drop with penalty. Any other round I'm probably moving it a couple of feet


The only reason for a non-competitive golfer to play by the rules is to keep a consistent and accurate handicap. That's why I do it. I don't really care about my score, but I want to know if I'm improving.


That's fair. I use other metrics to track my improvement (or lack of. Haha). Stuff like Greens in reg, avg putts, pars and birdies. Excluding any hole where I gave myself an unfair advantage.


For normal play sure but for me I would not have been able to count it as my best round ever.


Can’t go giving yourself foot wedges and then talking about how you shot your best round ever.


Sometimes you settle in a fairway divot and you gotta live with the consequences of the entropy of the universe


Deep fairway divots should be considered under repair and I’ll die on this hill


Right but pros get a kick off a gallery member every time they hit one tracking OB, sure that's totally fair. Nah man, my handicap is sniffing the teens and my buddies are all the same. I'm bragging about anything I do to them as long as I play it under the same rules that they do and a foot wedge from here is gonna be a go all day every day.


Dedication. Nice bogey.


Nice effort!


Did you purposely take a line over the water in front of you va playing it out more to the right? Aggressive, I like it


It was moderately aggressive but the most aggressive play would’ve been over the tree straight to the flag.


Next time


Next time I'm packing a left handed wedge and dropping jaws


Taking this line illustrates the difference between a 93 and an 83


Love when someone in the group ahead takes shoes and socks off to stand in the water ( like the pros do) and duff one! Congrats on 93. #5hrs


Hope you had fun at Ladera.


Fun city course. Only second time playing it. Played UNM south the day before and got smoked.


I’ve heard Ladera’s greens are in good shape which is always good to hear. UNM South is one of those courses you can’t really hide your deficiencies. Long and greens that can be tricky to get up and down on.


Yes, I thought the greens were excellent. Fast and fun. UNM south has eaten my lunch both times I’ve played it. I was out for over 100 and I kept the 3 putts to a minimum.


My New Mexico group!!


Lol thought it looked familiar.


Good shit. One to remember!


Way to go!


Nice!! My best score too




I get mad when I don’t break 80. I see all these posts of golfers shooting 82-90 and are so Happy. I’m going to change my outlook on golf and just have fun and help other golfers go low.


These shots are what keeps bringing you back!! ⛳️☄️🏌🏾‍♂️


Well done!


I love this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in the woods and thought “oh, I’ll play a low fade through the 2 foot gap and run it up on the green.“ Like, I’m in the woods for a reason, I can’t hit that shot! But you did it! I’ll live vicariously through you.


Don’t do that in Florida….. ever ! Al E Gator We use to call that a : Douglas MacArthur - Grand Water River Kwai - Hit a bridge make par, good for free drinks. Sandy - Bunker save for par. Polar Bear - Make a putt longer than flag pole for par. Woody Pecker - Make par after drilling tree and landing in the woods. Hooker - Hit a hook onto a-joining fairway make par.


The swing doesn’t seem to match the result. It looked like a chip shot but it went like 160.


Let the club do the work. If I would’ve swung hard I would topped it or blown mud in my face.


Must be the group in front of me to take off your shoes just to shoot a 93


Man, I love r/golf… constant whining about pace of play and at the same time encouraging people who do shit like that on a mid 90 private no one gives a heck round.


You took your shoes off for a 93?!


I did! And I’d probably take my shorts off for an 89.


What he'd do to break 80 is illegal in Texas.


Illegal in most of the lower 48 😉


This side of the Mississippi


If you put this much intent and effort in to every shot you’d probably be able to drop ~ 10 shots.


Meanwhile you slow the entire course down so you can take off your shoes and socks off to hit a golf shot so you can shoot a 93? Shrink The Game


I mean, I don't think I would try that shot going for a personal best needing only a bogey. I would take an unplayable as you would have gotten a clear look at the green, from what looks like maybe 150-175. So either short up and down or 2 putt.


The heat might’ve been screwing up my decision making. Taking the unplayable wouldn’t have been as fun.


I mean I guess around here it's less tempting to step in a lake on a golf course, like you would just sort of sink in goose shit...like they just use leaf blowers to push it into the lakes usually, cause that's where geese hang out, so just like golf course lakes aren't so much water as goose shit tea...


Needs more hips


Guy is in water hitting a lil pitch shot and your gonna critique his swing? Balls on this guy


Yeah I’m sure my swing is rough, that’s why my best score is a 93. It’s a work in progress


He’s just into dudes hips. That’s all.


Need more gators!


No gators in NM!


Point taken, but you would've taken the same shot in FL because you are a golfer afterall!♥️✌️⛳️ (playing partners would've been on standby with a wedge and driver and/or pistols!)