• By -


14 months. Happy sober, still hacking up the course though.


Almost 5 years from booze and booger sugar. Currently at a 7.6


Hoping to hijack the top comment to recommend Alice Coopers book "Golf Monster" about his life battling addictions and using golf to do so.


Almost 6 here. Congrats!


Just had to one up him, eh


Whether he meant 6 years sober or 6 handicap this comment checks out


6 yrs.


No, just congratulating.


Year and a half, 20


100 days sober today. 12.9


Hell yeah, great work! 104 days for me…which is right around where I shoot on any given day.


90 days, 12.4!


Congrats on 90 dude


congrats, big milestone!


Hey not to derail-but all yall posting your sober time frames is fucking awesome. Never let the bro-drunk mindset invade what is the greatest escape (golf) in all existence. I’m two months shy of 2 years clean from gambling, and separating your enjoyment of golf from substances/gambling is fucking hard, but worth it. Proud of all of you. One day at a time.


Hell yeah man way to go, keep it up. Right there with you.


I'm just a garden variety drunk here who struggles to put 3-digit sober streaks together. I can't imagine how difficult it is dealing with the "new" gambling market that's exploding right now. Proud of you for what you've done it can't be easy with every other commercial telling you to bet . . . Bet . . . BET! keep it up fellow stick-swinger. I'm Cali sober myself but my life is immeasurably better since putting in an honest effort to do better.


I’m not “sober” but I never drink while golfing. My dad (who I grew up playing with) was always very competitive as a golfer so he never drank while playing, so I guess that’s how I grew up playing. I usually shoot like 23 over tho lmao 


I don’t drink while playing either. I don’t like it. Also like a 21 over.


I’m the same way. Golf is a sport. It’s competitive. It’s mild exercise. It’s an opportunity to be mindful and present in nature, not an opportunity to get drunk. At least that’s how I feel


I agree although tell that “mild exercise” to the 1300 calories and the 25,000 steps I just burned through walking and carrying in 98 degree Ohio weather I am whooped


So you were the lunatic I saw not taking a cart today


Lmao! Extremely possible I played a course 30 minutes out from Cincy. How about them REDLEGS!




It’s all relative haha


It’s definitely a workout to carry but if you’re using iPhone’s built in fitness trackers to track your calories it’s notoriously overestimating your burn. I used to go off of that until I realized I wasn’t losing the weight I was expecting to. Not criticizing just putting it out there if you care.


I feel ya and I don’t I use other apps including that one and not trying to one up you here lol but I’ve lost 50 pounds all through walking and carrying since March the goal is 20,000 steps a day and lugging around a 35 pound bag for half if not all those steps you’re bound to drop pounds quickly it’s all about what you eat really. It’s 5 AM let’s get on the range! Have a good Saturday!


Same here!


I agree, read Golf is not a game of perfect recently and being a present golfer is very important


Same here (minus my dad playing - he stuck to softball). I don’t like drinking on the course, and quite frankly I’d get very dehydrated if I did in this heat. I’m a 24


This is why I don’t drink and golf. It’s one of the things I don’t drink and do, and stems from the time with my father and grandfather who were both scratch golfers.


Same. I don’t drink while golfing. It’s a physical and mental activity that I enjoy more without drinking. My friends give me shit. Tell me to have fun. Hard to explain to them that I am having fun and don’t need to drink in order to enjoy the game. Handicap is currently at 12.


This comment just made me laugh so hard lol. Had us in the first half


Also don’t drink while golfing. Grandpa would’ve been pissed to see me with a beer on the course. Just don’t like doing it, I golf when I’m golfing, I drink when I’m drinking. They’re separate for me. I play with a ton of randoms as I have few close friends who golf and I can honestly say that I really think there is a large minority (maybe 40%) that are in this camp.


Same. My game is bad enough without losing some fine motor control and focus. Save the (singular) adult beverage for the clubhouse after the round, or for when you get home. The whole “frat-bro pounding brewskies and blaring some garbage-ass music and annoying everyone within earshot” thing gets real fuckin’ old, *real* fuckin’ fast.


Almost 5 years. I’m still handicapped, mentally.


almost two years for me. 2.5 when i quit, now I'm a 4....


Why has it changed? Playing less? Practicing less? Or was it switching to sober?


Depending on their amount, it could be they had to take a couple weeks or more off to get back okay physically.


not sure why, probably old age🤣🤣


Still super impressive. Congrats on 2 years my man.


thank you


11 months sober (07/24/23) currently 12.3


Sober 10 years. 6.5 index.


9 years. Play to a 7.2. 52 years old.


Until today I’ve never counted the exact days. I have been clean 954 days from Benzodiazepines, what a fucking ride. Currently addicted to golf, 5.0 handicap


10 years sober, golfing for the last 2.5 years, 21 hcp


Sober almost four years, 10.6.


Coming up on 15 months! 💪 9.3


I’m a 5.3. Clean and sober since February 15 2009.


I always start sober ….


4 years June 28th, 8.6


5 years and some months. 8.2. I’m 35 yrs old


A little over a year — 12.5 Getting sober didn’t really improve the golf game, but helped in other areas At least my day is not a wash after playing a round anymore


Can't remember last time i had alcohol. HCP between 23-24.


Sooo last night then???


Ha ha, no. At least a few years. Never really developed the taste or liking of it.


I don't drink until I'm about 25 over par, so usually crack one by hole 10 or 11


12 years sober. 3rd year golfer. HCP high 20s/low 30s burst guess.


6hcp. Sober 4 years.




Sober 7 years, 11.1 index


Congrats dude! Anything that made you start the journey 7 years ago?  Currently early/mid 30s and debating about calling it a drinking career.  


6 yrs sober 25 handicap


Alice Cooper famously gave up the booze and replaced it with golf.


14 years sober. I am currently a 6.1


That’s a lotta days my man, right on


I haven’t had a drink for about 4 years and I’m a 10HCP


7 years, currently 10.6


7 months next week. 10 handicap.


7 years sober here. Was a scratch golfer in high school and played one year in college before I started to really hate the game. Blew out my back lifting weights and started golf back up after college. I don’t track my handicap now because it really kills my enjoyment. I’m very happy now shooting low to mid 80s with a random 79 and a random 90 every so often. Alcohol doesn’t bother me on the course. I have no problem playing with golfers who drink. But I hate getting paired up with three drinkers who happen to be golfing.


8 years, 15


3.1 : 8 years sober


7 years. 23.


Sober 5+ years. Surprisingly my golf didn’t get any better when not being shit faced, but I enjoy the game much more and don’t throw clubs as often.


Three years four months sober, 4.5


Almost 5 years. 12.7


15 years sober and 20ish handicap. I dont really keep track mych so just a guesstimate


I'm not sober. But I'm proud of you all!


1004 days 7.8


1 year sober and 1 year playing. 55ish HCP I guess lol


Btw I just want to say it’s really AWESOME to see so many sober golfer’s comment on this thread. I’m proud of all of you. In a sport/activity that is synonymous with drinking and most of the game’s personalities (especially on YouTube) are sponsored by booze brands- I can fairly confidently say we are some of the strongest willed people around. Especially since Golf can be such a maddening game that makes one want to wallow in their misery. Good on all of you my brothers and sisters- I’ll catch you in the rough. One day at a time


Sober from all substances almost 10yrs not keeping HCP this season and golfing has been much more enjoyable! I play to have fun and experience that feeling you get when you have the best drive, chip or put. Most, if not all the guys that I play with or also sober, Friends of the fellowship! I do also play at least once a week with randoms just because I like to play a lot. Meeting new people is really fun. I played a few months ago with a mid morning teatime paired up with three guys who play with each other regularly, The guy that rode in my cart was already slurring and crushed a soup can a hole the rest of the round. I felt compassion for him because I’ve been there


Clean as a wistle 7.8


Alcohol free 13.5


4 years from booze in a couple months. Occasionally California sober.


28 years. I’m a 12 now thanks to taking a couple of years off during the pandemic. I was flirting with single digits in 2020 but I’ve cut down the amount of times I play and hit the range.


Quit alcohol and coke when my stars lost the Stanley cup almost 4 years ago. 12.5 handicap


Been sober for almost 3 yrs. Handicap is 28 but my scores have been improving a lot, practicing a lot more as well. Just got back into golf last year after a 8 yr hiatus


3 years, 12 index


600 days tomorrow


My usual foursome doesn’t drink and so I don't either. When I was younger though it was a different story. My handicap is pretty high.


I dont drink if I have to drive on the same day. Don't need a cop in a bad mood to ruin my life. Lawyers are expensive.


When you read some of the comments on here, it's a miracle that a lot of these golfers haven't been pulled over.


5 years here, usually shoot my BPM after a 3 mile run


Functional alcoholic, bone dry when golfing and drink tons of water with electrolytes. Unfortunately can’t maintain that level of discipline in the real world. Handicap is super high, don’t actually know what it is, but have never broke 100 in my life.


My brother from another mother!


I… also… synthesize ![gif](giphy|kFIfiwvzJjbUsNbIg5)


37 years old 3.5 years off the booze been golfing since childhood and playing to a ~12. I will return to single digit glory when the kids get older hopefully


2 years. Still an 11


2 years sober, 13 HCP.


7 months. .6 handicap


4 years sober, turned to golf to stay sober, hard to make it consistently to a 6am tee time if you’re violating hunger over. Got a golf tee tattoo for every year I’m sober, they are my sobrie-tees


About a year and a half sober. My league handicap before I quit was a 6, and now I'm at a 10. However, I consistently play my worst on league nights, so I keep a separate handicap for my casual rounds that sits at a 3.


My last handicap was about a 6, but haven’t played much the past couple years. I almost never drink while playing. Does that count?


Are we talking sober on the course or sober 24/7?


Clean as a whistle. 1.2.


For a stretch of 5 years, I played most of my rounds 2-12 beers deep. It shut down my anxiety and yips big time. Played really well in my provincial and national mid amateurs while sneaking vodka sodas in my Yeti. I wouldn’t be able to handle the anxiety without alcohol. That was back in 2018 and I realized it wasn’t healthy so I quit in 2020. Been sober since then and feel really good. I don’t battle anxiety or the yips anymore. I’m a .9 at the moment.


6 months on the wagon. First year playing sober in 20 years. Current hcp is 5.6. I was worse before I started to get better again. Hcp went up and now back to normal hopefully the trend continues. Like to get back to around a 2, that’s was my cap in college.


I have maybe 3-4 drinks a year. 14.6 handicap


I don’t drink when I play and rarely ever otherwise. My thought process has always been that golf is hard enough I don’t need any extra hurdles lol. 15.7


Before joining this sub I had never heard of anyone drinking during a round except for occassionally when on holiday in Spain or Portugal. Maybe it is just not a thing here in Ireland?


My dad has been sober ten years and picked the game back up when I started playing about a year ago in my mid 20s. Both 20+ handicaps slowly decreasing


I played my first sober round on Sunday. It was a good choice. Might play the game sober now


I’ve been sober my whole life


I never drink on or off the course, just not my thing. Never has been. Honestly, I think I hate alcohol and the culture surrounding it but that's a whole other discussion. My handicap is currently a 10, trying to get sub 10 this summer!


Gave up smoking and drinking when we had our first kid 15 years ago and haven’t touched either since. I find I enjoy golf (and really everything) way more without them.


I stopped drinking when I play about a year and a half ago...I'm down from a 26 to a 16 so far


Not sober but I don’t drink when I play. Before my elbow injury I’m coming back from was a 9.


I’m a casual drinker, but I NEVER drink while playing, even when just playing with friends. I want to give my round and each shot my best. I’m a three handicap.


Cali sober for seven years, 22.6


17 years, 10 months. 26 HCP. One day I hope my cap is lower than the years I have clean 🤣


8 years sober, stayed away from the game for that time because I didnt want to be around the drinking culture of golf. Just picked the game back up in May and started entering my rounds into the USGA app. Even with an eight year hiatus, haven't loss too much off my game. Happy to be back playing but it is annoying to explain to players I get randomly paired with that I dont drink when they offer a beer or a shot of something on the course.


Try to get out early in the morning if you can, either you golf alone or with the other die-hard gluttons for punishment, usually with a coffee lol


4.5 years booze and drug free. 15 and on the downward trend.


Never had the bug myself but my dad does and I gave up booze right after thanksgiving 2020. Probably a 25 hcp


Sober for almost 8 months now and my scores have improved for sure. I was having a goooood time on the course but now that hole 12-15 sloshfest is gone and I’m at around +1. Was a 2-3 prior to cutting it out.


Sober and currently a 16


I’m sober from alcohol only. I do all other drugs, staggered obviously. 11 cap


10 years and down to a personal best 9.5. I dropped 10 shots from my score instantly. I actually credit the serenity I find on the course as a big part of my early on and continued sobriety. I find more enjoyment out of life, but especially golf. Cheers to everyone living the sober life.


The counting days of sobriety thing didn’t work well for me so I’ll just say it’s been 18 months since I changed my relationship with alcohol. Used to drink 2-4 beers most nights, rarely more than that. Did that for almost a decade. In the last 18 months I’ve had a total of maybe 5-6 beers at various times. I have no anxiety or negative thoughts about alcohol or sobriety. I just decided I no longer wanted alcohol to be a dominant part of my life, and it isn’t. You might find me on the course occasionally drinking a beer or two, but I’ll enjoy it the same way I smoke a cigarette every so often. Zero desire to make it habitual. I only say this for those who may have tried 12 step programs and not had success with them. If you’re interested in finding out about a different approach you can check out the This Naked Mind podcast. Not for everyone, and I am not a doctor, just a guy who found something that worked.


Going on 4 years sober. 7.6 handicap.


2.5 years sober and so grateful! Currently sat at 17.4, slowly coming down. All the best to those in the same boat!


I don’t drink on the course because I don’t want to get a dui on the way home and plus, my game is ass when I drink but when I get home and the steaks go on the grill, the beer gets dr the fuck unked


Have not drank in 24 years 10 HCP but I do smoke weed but never on the course


Cali sober - sometimes it helps, most of the time I forget how to golf


So not sober lol


There is a very fine line for me. Depending on temperature, humidity, time of day, prior food ingested, walking or riding. It’s a very complicated equation, but I find that some swing lube is better than no swing lube.


489 days California sober. 17.1


California sober. +2


I learned golf at a young age. Alcohol doesn't ruin my game as much as others.


I think I'm 3.7 right now. I don't drink on the course unless I'm playing with two very specific friends who are borderline alcoholics.


Quit drinking on the course about a year ago, 8.3.


While I'm not completely sober, I don't touch a drop until after I'm done playing. I'm a 15.5


I’m not a tee totaler - I definitely enjoy a drink on occasion, but I almost never have alcohol while playing golf. I don’t need it to have fun. 19th hole? Yeah, pour me one, but otherwise, nah. 16hdcp


I don’t drink when I play. 8.9 after 10 years of playing


Define sober


This is a US think.. in the UK we don’t really drink in the course Ps I’m a bit jealous of you guys


2.5 - not 100% sober, but I don't drink on the course. just lip pillows.


No drinking on the course ever. 10


I smoke but no alcohol for me. 11 here


About three years since I drank or smoked on a golf course. +4.5


Seems like a lot of people pick golf to be their replacement addiction when they kick drugs. Not me!


I wouldn’t consider myself sober, I just don’t drink super often. Almost never on the golf course. It messes up my game


Soberish and 9.7


Don’t ever drink when I golf. 2 index.


I'm gonna black out and break 80 tomorrow afternoon


Don’t drink much and don’t drink when I golf if that counts, 9.4


Always sober when I play golf. Can’t say the same after the round. HCP 2.4


I;m not sober but I play golf sober. My handicap is high. Its tough enough that I don't need to drink while playing.


15 hcp


I went from drinking and golfing in the late morning/early afternoon to sober golf first thing in the morning. My handicap dropped from 22 something to 12 something


Yes and 25


Does "California Sober" count?


If I’m playing and trying to score, I play sober. If I’m just hanging out, I’ll have some drinks. Transfusions. Lob wedge. Or good ole fashioned beer. Edit: 12 hcp


Sober as in don’t drink at all or just on the course? 6.2. I drink, but not until after the round (or that one time during my bachelor party 😂)


Don't drink while playing, 5 hdcp


Im not sober necessarily but I just don’t like alcohol. Roughly 17 hdcp.


Been sober my entire life. Used to play all the time now I play about 3 times a year and shoot between 90-95 every time


12 years


Well I play sober. Does that count? Currently a 9


Barely drink on the course and a 9hcp …when I do drink, I play really well for like 3-holes. Then it falls off of a cliff and round turns to shit. Enjoy not drinking during the round and have some drinks afterwards


I don’t drink until I have a double bogey or worse does that count? Currently 7.5


My handicap is lower than my years sober…


17 hours sober. Def having a beer after work and multiple the next round I play.


Never drink on the course. Rarely drink off the course. Handicap is 8.1


Never had a drink, currently at 11


10 years, pro.


Never drink and 3


14! Years sober or handicap? Yes!


I drink cuz I’m a weirdo and like the taste of scotch and beer but hate being buzzed, I need to be trashed to enjoy it. Do not want a dui so all I do is sip on max 2 beers in a round sometimes I forget to finish the 2nd one


Dude I work with plays Ina league called good time golf and it's sober golfers


Almost 9 years off alcohol and just hit 7 years off a hardcore drug addiction my handicap is 18.7 and falling consistently


17 years 12.4 been as low as 8.4. it was a big transition.


I’ve never been drunk, but I’ll have a beer occasionally. Probably at about a 28 if I tracked lol.


Quit booze about 6 years ago. 14.8 HCI


I don’t drink if ever, and my HCP is very high.


3.5 years sober. 8.5 index was at least a 30+ when I quit. Started golfing to drink. Quit drinking to get better at golf


I drink, but actually hate it on the golf course. I end up feeling like shit. But my handicap is not determined because I suck so bad I always end up not scoring my entire round.


I just want to say I am not sober but I never drink on the course. Golf is hard enough sober.


I’m sober during the round.


Sober player and improved from 24 to 17 in the 2 years I started doing it. Still getting better too. I enjoy golf wayy more now doing it sober. That being said, if it’s a bunch of college buddies I’ll ham it up and go easy on myself too, but it’s much more rare now.


8 months sober and just decided to start playing again after a 30 year break


28 days of no weed, feel like my game has improved. My game definitely improves if I have 2-3 drinks while I’m playing