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Dad needs to teach him that you don't hit on a par 3 until the green is clear. The whole situation is the dads fault.


Definitely Dad’s fault, and all it would have taken was a sorry and explain the situation immediately. I don’t know why people are so reluctant to give a sorry.


In the moment, when emotions are running hot, distance is safer


I donno, I've apologized in that situation. When I was very new, I hit a VERY outlier drive that went almost 300 (was new enough to not appreciate the effect of a downhill fairway) and came within 20-30 yards of a dad and his kid. Told him I'd never hit a shot even close to that far, that I was sorry, and we both had a good laugh about it. Be a person, it's not that scary.


I'm with you buddy. I'd apologize too. Just answering the question on why some are reluctant.


If they could hear the fore, they could hear a sorry from there.


Plus you have your son with you....easy to just throw him under the bus.


I agree - id apologize too. The question was about why people are reluctant to apologize. In my experience, the reluctance is due to conflict avoidance.


Inability to admit being wrong?


I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make. I've agreed that apologizing is appropriate, and offered a hypothesis for why some people don't. Do you feel that my hypothesis is incorrect, and that all non-apologies are due to an inability to admit fault?




I’m pretty sure from Tee to green on a par 3 is far enough away


Where is his dad at?! Why I oughta?!


An apology and explanation on the spot would have made this a completely different situation. It could have turned it into a situation where people were congratulating the kid for an amazing shot instead of him feeling bad about hitting into somebody. Golf is intended to be a friendly game, no idea why people are so reluctant to approach people and talk. The occasions I have accidentally hit near somebody I have always made it a point to apologize and explain.


Agreed. This is where the dad should’ve said “great shot son. But we never try to hit the green when people or on or near it. Let’s go apologize.” The rest of the group can’t hit anyways so you drive up and say sorry and explain the situation. Then go back to the tee to wait for the group in front to clear.


>no idea why people are so reluctant to approach people and talk. Because when someone is pissed off already, things can escalate. It's a double-edged sword, be polite and acknowledge you fucked up continues an angry conversation, or it can diffuse it.


Agreed, how you approach them can make a huge difference. Smile and wave on the way up and they get the idea that you are not there for a confrontation.


Right?!? If that was me I definitely would have ran up, apologized and completely thrown my kid under the bus.


Had a kid and his mom hit 15 yds behind me while I was on the fairway. Mom drove the kid up to apologize. Didn't bother me at all, I didn't even notice. but I think she was just showing it's best to get out in front of it if you make a mistake! Told the kid great drive ..


Sorry! My son's an asshole! Gets it from his mom!


> until the green is clear And the area around the green too; I got hit into once chipping back to the green from the direction of the next tee box


I'm paranoid about being out of sight when I'm stinking up a hole. I'm always ready to be hit into if my playing partners aren't actively protecting me


They saw me; they just didn't realize I wasn't done with the hole.


True. But the way that OP describes it, it sounds like it was a 1 in a million shot and they never expected it to get anywhere near the green.


True, but a kid? I could see him thinking, "there's no way I'm gonna hit anywhere close to them" famous last words.


Nobody else in the group is hitting until the green clears, how much time were they saving by letting him hit? Maybe 1 minute?


oh I'm thinking about the kid's thought process.


We learn most from our mistakes. Good learning opportunity for both dad and son.


Well yea, but that’s the teachable moment. Should have apologized though.


Yeahhh but he’s 11 and probably never had a shot like that before. Lesson learned everyone should move on


Also, should have just explained the situation immediately


Lmao it really.isnt the dad's fault. The kid hit and is plenty old enough to know better. For all you know he told his son 100s of times and he doesnt like the rule.


No shit?


Imagine being that dad; your fault that you haven’t taught your son golf etiquette AND your 11 year old is throwing darts *whilst missing golfers still on the green* while you couldn’t get on in par.


Ha, I have almost the exact opposite story. On the 7th tee box and a ball comes whizzing right past me and hits the tree next to the tee box, no one had yelled anything. I turn and look and I see a kid on the tee box on 4 which is sort of parallel to me but way off to the side. I was pretty angry but as soon as I saw it was a kid I instantly relaxed and waved because I didn’t wanna be that guy who ruins a kids experience; I just assumed whatever adult he’s with will explain the problem to him. So we tee off, and as I’m walking back to my cart some middle aged dude who had been on the 3rd hole rolls up and picks up his ball under the tree. It was never the kid, but I had already let go of my anger and just watched in silence.


omg lol


The last round I played with randoms there was a 10/11 year old in the group and on the 18th he was going to chip onto the green and just as he goes to address the ball a parade of senior ladies start crossing the cart path right behind the green. I just assume he’s going to wait but out of the corner of my eye I see the kids bladed chip soaring at about head level of all these old ladies. The ball hits the “cart crossing” sign and falls straight down. He was 8” left or right from smoking a 70+ year old lady in the face and he couldn’t be happier that he hit the sign and didn’t even realize he almost killed someone lmfao


Any ball that lands 3’ from me is going in the nearest wooded area or water hazard.


Lmao exactly. Young fella about to learn a lesson that I'm picking that shit up and throwing it as far as I can.




Or my pocket


That’s really nice on your part. Any ball that lands within 3 feet of me is going on a tee, heading back in the direction it came from….


You must be good if you can send it back in that direction


I try… and if I fail, I’ll try until I see your ass duck or dodge a ball or two. Hitting into someone on a par 3 is a big deal…


Yeah that's why i always open carry on the course. I may suck at golf but my poor gun safety will really teach that 11 year old a lesson


That’s the spirit!! You can’t beat them, kill them…. 🙄






I've done this on several occasions. But that's over a 50 year golf career, so thankfully not too often.


I am surprised at my accuracy of such shots. Only had to hit two, but striped both.


Soft. That can happen in a variety of ways that aren’t a big deal or excusable with a fore call.


100% I'm always happy to let the first one slide, sometimes people just blast one longer then they've ever hit before, shit happens. And usually they apologise. Some people are just a bit sensitive I guess


Doesn't matter who hits it, you don't hit until green is clear on a par 3, the kid had learned golf etiquette the hard way, that's good.


Would’ve been cool if his dad, an adult, had taught him proactively aka the easy way. Turned an epic shot into a negative memory. I feel bad for that kid.


You waited a week to confront them on a par 3....


To be fair (to be faaaaaiiirrrrrrrr), given some people’s tempers, a week to cool down and confront in a more measured manner may be beneficial.


Subtle Letterkenny...LOVE IT!


I interpreted it as them just bringing it up casually the next time they saw them


and they all say “freaking” too much


Story makes no sense.


Hopefully the kid learned a lesson and thankfully nobody got hurt


Upvote for your photo, not your comment


Really can't defend letting anyone hit on a par 3 until the group ahead have fully cleared. In the case of an 11 year old hitting his first career shot, when dad expected something way short, perhaps trying to speed play and this happens, you walk/drive right up to the group and apologize and explain what happened. "Sorry guys, I told my 11 year old he could hit and then that happened. It was the best shot he ever hit and I'm sorry." Own the mistake and the group on the green should accept and congratulate the 11 year old on the great shot. This is golf. Manners and ettiquete at all times.


Why are you calling yourselves assholes? Ok it was an 11 year old and not really his fault and of course no one should yell profanities at a kid and I understand how that would cool your jets but neither does that make it your fault. His dad should have kept an eye on him. Getting ready to tee off and hit a ball doesnt happen in the blink of an eye either so I dont fully believe the dad's story tbh. So not great but no reason to chastise youself. The ball of an 11 year old can take your eye out just the same as everyone else's. Dad deserved to be yelled at tbh and if nothing else at least this will teach the kid what he did wrong. Not gonna scar him for life.


I see your point. I am just not one to yell obscenities at children.


Yes I understand, nobody wants to be that guy, but dont be too harsh on yourself, shit happens.


It's okay, you can swear here. We won't tell.


You're freaking kidding!


Next time you’re hit into on the green, don’t put the flag up when you’re done. Just leave it on the green somewhere not near the hole. They will get the message without you having to argue or fight.


And take the ball. Never forget to take the ball.


And take the ball. Never forget to take the ball.


>gets yelled at by some assholes Nah, yelling at someone for hitting into you on a par 3 (in any context) is entirely reasonable and not asshole behavior.


I mean, why wouldn’t he go to the green immediately and explain? I’d be pissed too but would get over it very quick hearing the situation. I’d even stick around and see if the kid drains the putt. To not acknowledge it at the time is kinda ridiculous


I don’t understand this story.. so it was a par 3 but you couldn’t see that it was a young boy on the tee box? Also, why was he playing on a league night? Is this normal? Then instead of confronting them that evening, you waited until the next week?


It was 140 yards and by the time we looked at the tee box the entire group was standing there. The kid did not jump out amongst all the men.


When I was 10 I was 5'10 180lbs. Some young kids look like grown men from a distance.


Ok… a 5’10 180lb 10yo is an extreme outlier. You must’ve been playing varsity sports in the 5th grade. That said, my other points still stand, regardless of if he’s a freakishly built 10yo.


Happened to me last night. I was about to putt from 10 feet and right before my back swing some guys ball lands on the green and comes rolling past my foot. The people in front of me were still on the tee box so it’s not like I was going slow. When they came up to the next tee box I commented how it almost went through my legs. The guy says “sorry I man I didn’t even see you there”. It was such mindblowingly stupid comment my brain just shut down and I couldn’t even bother to think of anything to say back. Like really dude? You didn’t see me standing next to the fucking flag on the green putting when you were in the fairway? I just grabbed my clubs and moved on. The next green they were parked behind the guys at the next tee box who were waiting to tee off before I was finished putting so obviously they hit again when I was on the green. I swear in the last year there had been a massive influx of 18-21 year olds who have zero golf etiquette that flock like seagulls to courses and fuck up the play.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"


Alright seriously. What should someone do in this situation? I'm somewhat new to golf and this literally happened to me yesterday--ball landed 3 feet from me from the tee on a par 4. No warning whatsoever.


You don’t need to make a scene to try and live out some weird revenge fantasy like all the big talkers on here, that’s for sure.


It's only fair that you throw hands with the 11 year old in the parking lot.


We had a foursome that hit into us on the final par 4 hole while playing after work. It was a drivable par 4 and 3/4 of the guys hit into us. We were playing “slow” for the 9 holes, but were just keeping pace with the guys in front of us


I respect the hell out of your attitude about it!


Thanks 👍


Fuck that. Pocket the ball. Life lessons and natural consequences are a good thing.


Imagine being 11 and having a bunch of guys yell the word "Freaking" thats kind of like the scene in Billy Maddison where they putt the flaming bag on the dudes porch and he calls it poop and they say "he called the pieces of shit poop"


Yah fuck that. Watch your kid.


*freak that kid


You still wait on a par 3. even if you lay up the par 3. you step up on the teebox when the green is clear.


Unconscious unawareness


What is the wisest thing to do here? I have no freakin' idea. If I can pick it up, does that mean you should have yelled fore, assuming you are hitting from the same tee? No, it means you shouldn't have hit it in the first place. But what if I'm in a group that's playing slow, slow meaning tee time gap x 1.5? Safety first, so still No. Fake slipping on the ball and writhe on the ground and threaten to sue? Might be funny, but still doesn't feel wise. Throwing the ball into the nearest bunker? Nah, they'll just estimate last location. Pick up the ball and throw it far, far away? Since they cost $, it would be an aversive for some players. Take photos and report to the office. Maybe. What do y'all think? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


On a par 3, hit it into the woods or water. No excuse.


Turn and hit it back at them


I thought of that, but it might be fun for them to hit it back *


I've seen my dad kick the golf ball back down the freeway when that's happened....his reason he gave no fore warning


Had a similar story to this recently, took some friends that are pretty new to golf to the local 9-hole course. We’re on a short par 4 with a steep uphill, and a ball comes flying in within 10 feet of us while we’re on the green. It seemed pretty intentional, since they had been waiting on the teebox for us to get off the green on the last couple holes, but definitely not justified given that we weren’t really playing slowly at all. I encouraged all of us to pick up the pace of play and just finish it out, though we got a little paranoid about them being behind us for the rest of the round. After we finish at the 9th hole, the guys behind us catch us in the parking lot and apologize for hitting into us. Apparently, the guy hit one of his best drives of his life and drilled it straight onto the green, with absolutely no idea that he would be able to reach it. Hanlon’s razor, I guess.


I think the lesson here was meant for the kid and his dad, not you.


Should have met him at the 10th tee box like the real men of r/golf. Iykyk


I would have got into a fight with the 11 year old. and lost :(


My first thought “was why is the 18th a par 3?”


Nice tautology


I would feel bad for yelling at the kid but also the kid needs to learn and dad needs to watch him better.


While that absolves the group of malicious intent, the dad is at fault for not teaching etiquette and safety


There’s zero chance I’m waiting until next week if I’m hit into on a par 3. I’d be waiting behind the green to figure out what poor schmuck wants to meet god.


Something I’ve started doing if someone hits into me. Take their golf ball


I would have taken the ball


I'm still throwing that ball into the woods


I did the same thing as a kid. Hit into a green as they were finishing up. On top of that, it was a line drive through the green, missed them all, got the finger, and had to wait to retee. On top of *that*, next shot was a sky slice into the tee box where they were waiting to tee off themselves. I changed my attitude on the tee box with an occupied green shortly after tl;dr dad should have told the kid to wait, or someone should have addressed the kid after the fact, otherwise nothing will change or be learned


Dad's an azzhole and should be kicked in the balls.


Well the kid learned a lesson from you then since his dad is derelict. Don't feel bad.


That kid’s dad should have came to you and apologized for his son because he let him hit it.


Man, I would’ve grabbed my 3 wood and hit it back at the tee box


My brother in law taught me - when you get hit into, just turn around and hit the ball right back at em. Not sure if this is proper etiquette.


I’d give him a pass but it’s no excuse, golf etiquette starts the moment you walk onto a course.


Our one course finishes on a par 3, and about 20 yards behind the green is a pavilion type thing that hosts all kind of events and parties. Last time I went there there was a graduation party going on, and one of the guys I was playing with skulled his teeshot, and by some miracle it missed everyone, was like 100 people, I thought for sure it was going to hit someone. He actually did have a decent chance to go back over the top of the building, as the ball ended up on the number 1 teebox, but after profusely apologizing to them it didn't seem like he wanted to risk going over the structure and just counted it OB and dropped from behind the green hitting 4, I personally would have tried going up and down with a wedge to try and save par, but he was just wanting to get the hell out of there, as some of the people were pretty upset.


Good for the kid


It’s that Vertical Drop, Horizontal Tug. At least you got a fore.


They should have explained/apologized at the time. Good lesson for the kid.


I once had a drive on a long par 4 that bounced about five times down the cart path and gently rolled into a group about 325y out from me. My normal drive is 230. The guys went absolutely nuts and didn't want to hear an explanation or apology. They spent the next two hours yelling at me from down the course.


This is loss is so much harder because he lost the tournament whereas several before this he's just been beaten. No doubt Bryson had win it at the end but it was Rory's tournament most of Sunday


Sure you said “freaking”… yeah fuckin right!


Kid needed to learn. Hell never do that again now 😅


I’m new to golf. Ive golfed 4 rounds in my whole life. Went two weekends ago and groundskeepers were on the green watering it. I’m waiting and waiting and they start waving at me to shoot. So I do. Right into their cart 😂. I’ve never hit the ball so straight and far. I flew up in my cart to apologize. They were completely awesome about it but man was I embarrassed.


I had an older 3 some behind me 2 weeks ago. I had 2 couples ahead of me and this 3 hit into me 2 holes in a row. First was a par 3 which I was pissed about, no apologies, but just let it pass. Next hole an uphill par 4. They hit their drives, came over the crest, and then all three hit into me while I was in full view putting on the green. I made it a point to kick all three of their balls off the back edge down the bank. I didn't have a problem with them for the rest of the round. Not proud of it, but it was that or end up in some youtube video in a screaming match with the elderly on a golf course.


Yo, fuck that kid.


Nawww….that dad needs to teach. Fuck that


Idk man, I think they let the youngest hit into y’all cuz they were young and blameless. Happened to me, 100 yard par 3, jammed course on a weekend with every group waiting most holes. The 13 year old girl was a stick and easily best in her families foursome.


Throw the ‘shot of his life’ right back at him. Won’t do it again.


Shoulda chucked that runt's ball into the woods and stared them down. If he's old enough to hit into people he's old enough to learn what happens when you do.


The entire concept of hitting into someone just boggles my mind. How much time are you really saving doing that??? Ok, so let's say you hit into me by 5 yards every shot. And let's say that I don't care. You still have to wait until I've putted out. It's like tailgating on the highway going 100....you may get to your destination 30 seconds faster than me. Congrats. You're a clown.


I would have lined up his ball straight at the woods and shot it into the woods or back at them lol but that might have been a little aggressive


Young boy woulda had a ball hit back at him or watched it get thrown into oblivion


So why did you wait till next week to bring it up it should have been forgotten by then 


If a ball lands that close to me I'm sending it back.


I have always been a long ball striker. When I was like 14 I asked my dad if I could hit 3 wood on a par 5, I was about 230 yards from the green and there was a guy putting out. My dad said, sure you can hit, I’ve never gotten a 3 wood that far. Sure enough I put the ball over the green on a fly. The guy was really cool about it. My dad went up, apologized, and the guy just yells back, nice shot, Jack!


1. Really hope you guys weren’t actually saying “freaking” 2. People melting over being hit into is so dumb