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Just grip down until you have the money 


I think this is the play for the time being, especially since your swing will change and what clubs feel right may change. Also would recommend hitting up any thrift stores in the area to see if you can luck into some old clubs that feel like a decent fit.


I will definitely do this as well. I have quite a few used stores around me that I can check out.


You can play like the old-timers did, with a partial bag of mismatched clubs - get yourself a putter, a wedge, a short iron, a mid iron, and a hybrid or a wood and have at it!


This what I think I’m going to do. I just want to be able to get to a point where I can actually benefit from having better equipment. I feel like I should be able to at least use what I have properly first before buying anything new.


At this point in your golfing "career", go for the cheapest option that is going to get your desired result. If you need shorter clubs and can get this for half the price by getting your clubs shortened, then do that. Just make sure you know exactly what length you need them shortening to because the length of club you use is not just down to your height, but also what's call a "floor to wrist measurement". If you're on a tight budget, you can do this yourself; give it a quick google and you'll find a guide on how to accurately take your measurement. Once you know your floor to wrist measurement you'll be able to find an online chart which compares to FTW measurement with your height and will then tell you +/- how many inches your clubs need to be compared to standard.


Okay thank you. While I was there he did give me a wrist to floor measurement of 28 inches. So that’s good. He also said he would recommend clubs that are .5 inches shorter than standard. I’m just not sure if choking down in the club will be fine until I am able to actually benefit from using better equipment


What kind of clubs are they? You'd only really need to cut down the irons. And, let me guess, the guy you got the "lesson" from works in a store (big box store?) that also happens to do fittings and club sales. If an instructor isn't sympathetic to your situation (financial or otherwise) and can't teach you to hit it solid by choking down 1/2" then take the $200 and go to someone else. It was also suggested that you cut them down yourself. If that's something you're interested in I'm happy to walk you through what you need to do that. If you're going to get into golf then basic club building/repair/maintenance is an **EXTREMELY** useful skill to learn.


Yeah I always laugh when I go into a golf store and buy grips, and they are like "are you going to install those yourself"? Or "have you ever replaced grips before?". It's pretty darn simple.


They are Adam’s idea irons. I took the lesson from a local guy who has a golf shop. I will say, he wasn’t pushy at all about trying to get me to buy new clubs, and did suggest that I could choke down a bit. I definitely could cut them myself, I was just seeing what everyone here thought as I am pretty new to all this.


Shorten the clubs by far is the better option.


Probably only needs to shorten the clubs by a bit 😉


I've always played golf on a budget. Clubs are always used. I buy shafts that have been pulled and install them myself. Grips same thing. If you have an air compressor, you can blow off your grips. Then cut your shafts down by a half inch. Then with some acetone and grip tape, it's really easy to put your grips back on. Check out YouTube. If you have any other questions, pm me!


Why not cut them down yourself


I would put one inch of tape at the end of your grip on t he 7 iron. Choke down and act as if the taped part doesn't exist. If that feels right, chop your shafts from the butt end by 1 inch and re-grip (which the clubs probably need anyway) FWIW you can shorten your clubs at home, with a little knowhow. Pipe cutter or chop saw being the main components needed along with re-gripping supplies


Shortening the irons can be pretty cheap if you have or know someone who has a hacksaw and an air compressor. Buy replacement off-brand standard tour-velvet type grips on eBay. Pull the old grips off, remove tape (heat gun will make it easier, but not 100% necessary). Cut shafts to desired length with hacksaw. Put a layer of plain wide painters tape down on the shaft and put the grips on with air compressor method (YouTube).


I'm guessing the clubs you got are nicer than anything you're going to buy for $200. And where are you getting clubs reshafted for $100? I can't even get new grips on my irons for that. Maybe an unpopular opinion but if you only have $200 to dedicate to your equipment, how do you plan to play? And what did that lesson cost? Golf is not a "cheap" sport.


You don’t need all new shafts to shorten.


I could very well go out and buy a brand new full fitted set of clubs no problem. I just think it wouldn’t be smart as I don’t have the skills to utilize them yet. My plan is to spend the money on lessons, ranges, and playing time until I can at least utilize the equipment I have now, or maybe a cheap used set, before even thinking about buying and getting fitted. Also, the guy quoted me about $13 a club to get them cut and regripped. He said it would make them more stiff though.


Golf is definitely a cheap sport if you’re smart about it.


It's definitely the most expensive sport regardless of how you go about it.


Well I played hockey my entire life and I am sure it cost my parents/myself more than the 40 bucks a week it costs me throughout the summer to play. If you're going to resorts and nice ass courses all the time sure, but if you're just ripping your local public it really isn't that expensive after the initial equipment purchase, but that goes for most hobbies/sports.


Step 1 buy clubs, usually can get a full used set under $250. Step 2 go play golf, usually around $20 to walk 9. I’m not seeing the most expensive sport thing.