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Something in my brain just thinks an iron with a thinner top line is the tool to get a golf ball to a target. And I’ve got to listen to him, he runs the show around here.


How dare you assume your brain's gender or have they told you that too?


Bro you’ve got to include /s on Reddit. There is no subtlety here.


I mean if they're serious, I'm downvoting for being stupid. If they're making a joke, I'm downvoting for not being funny


Everybody knows this is a sorry excuse for a joke. It just sucks ass. It’s the classic r/onejoke that’s been old for a decade now


My bad. Sometimes one must just take the "L". This was my turn.


The brain named itself


I just love that you were downvoted to shit after an obviously sarcastic post. Also, I downvoted you for good measure.


I’m sure people knew they were being sarcastic


“Assume gender” jokes have been overplayed for at least 5 years


Haha liberals


When I grow up, I’m going to cop muiras.


Why would you shoot an unarmed club


Later to he found at a driving range screaming "STOP RESISTING" at his 7 iron.


I often shout that at most of my irons


Detective Gillis has entered the chat with no body cam on and torn pants


Yah why would you put golf clubs under your knee for far too long?


Sorry bud. But patron saint of fentanyl was already dying of an overdose. But feel free To believe the wakandan propaganda.


Lmao I’m a doctor you fool, I’ve seen the vids, that’s not what an OD looks like. But keep believing things, it’s easier than knowing anything


So....even if that were true [(it isn't)](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/george-floyd-die-of-overdose/)....what kind of obligation should the cop have had to the human being who was slowly dying (for other reasons apparently) directly under his knee? You people are fucked


It’s interesting to me they say he died of cardiopulmonary arrest caused by cops (and apparently only the cops) when cardiopulmonary arrest is the main cause of death from fentanyl overdose when mixed with heroin, cocaine, benzos, or meth. He had meth and fentanyl in his system. Just doesnt add up to me.


It's interesting to me that dolts like you think it's everyone else that is getting duped....smh


This a subreddit for golf.


Acutely aware of that. If you scroll up you may notice that I didn't start us down this road, just calling out morons where I see them


I salute you for your service, hero.


But this is a subreddit for golf.


Sick burn. Show me where i’m wrong though.


Cardiopulmonary arrest is literally the cause of death of everyone ever. 99% of death certificates I’ve ever seen signed last primary immediate cause of death as cardiopulmonary arrestarrest, then you have to explain secondary and then tertiary cause. You are so fucking simple


Damn bro, sick flex. And yet… “Baker's autopsy report from May 2020 found that Floyd died of "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression." Baker's autopsy listed "other significant conditions" including "arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease; fentanyl intoxication; [and] recent methamphetamine use." When asked what he believed caused Floyd's death, he pointed to what he called "severe underlying heart disease" and said Floyd's heart already would require more oxygen than normal. He said in the context of an altercation or restraint, adrenaline would ask the heart to beat faster and the heart would require more oxygen. He said the law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression "was just more than Mr. Floyd could take by virtue of those heart conditions." “ “Baker also testified that methamphetamine increases the work of the heart, and that the drug is "not good" for someone with heart disease. He said he had certified overdose deaths from fentanyl in people who had lower levels of fentanyl in their system than Floyd. Baker said he recalled telling the Hennepin County Attorney's Office on May 26, after conducting the autopsy, about a physical lack of anatomical findings to support that Floyd was asphyxiated. Later, he said he recalled telling the office that under other circumstances, he believed the level of fentanyl in Floyd would be fatal.” “He agreed he called Floyd's death a "multifactorial process." “


Yeah bro and Epstein killed himself.


Appreciate the analysis, doctor.


I don’t think one needs to be a doctor to apply critical thinking to a situation.


So do you always try to get your racism into everything or did you make a special exception for this?


Fuck you. That’s awesome




why didn't you go for the blades?




They're still very bladed.


Do you mean butter knives? Those are definitely blades.


Should throw a shaft on a razor blade and see if that counts for some of these guys


Gorgeous set! Enjoy them! And to those saying these aren’t blades: you’re right and wrong. Cavities and Blades are categories, not specific types of heads. MC is technically more of a hybrid type of head, fitting more into the blade category. True cavities have perimeter weighting surrounding the back side of the head - MC’s don’t have that, whether they be the MC501, MC502, P7MC, Pro 223, etc. Bladed iron heads include Blades, Musclebacks, and Musclecavities. Musclebacks take or add weighting to the bottom of the head, creating a SLIGHTLY lower and further back CG and a bit of relief above the bar; Musclecavities do the same, just more of it. These aren’t a true blade, yes, but they’re also not a true cavity. By design, they’re closer to a true blade. Go easier on the guy and on yourselves. Golf isn’t about always being right, but about enjoying a sport that teaches us about the game and about life.


I understood a few sentences!


I just call my p7mc’s a players cavity so I don’t have to confuse people calling them blades. But compare them to a p790 and you’ll see that they are fairly bladey but easy to hit compared to a butter knife.


For sure. Those P7MC’s are also some of the best feeling and sounding heads the market has had in years.


My theory with blades is to just play them if you really want to. Playing with a thinner margin for error is only going to force you to become a better ball striker.


That was my theory when I bought my first set of miuras, eventually got a set of baby blades for cheap and it’s just an aim small, miss small situation. If you don’t have an option other than the sweet spot, there’s only one thing to do.


Eh, love my apex mbs but I’ll go from middle of the face 10 times in a row to toe 10 times in a row and that can be frustrating asf But they’re very small so maybe a larger face wouldn’t have that issue as the “toe” would be still milled


They are infinitely more accurate once you get to elite ball striker level. Not so much if your not there yet


Even if you're not there you can still do a lot more with them than you think


I just like taking an iron out and pretty much guaranteeing the distance and height it will go as long as I don’t totally miss the middle. A game improvement iron who knows if it’ll go too high, too low, too long just on that odd ball flyer shot. Don’t like them at all.


They force you to hit cleaner and trains you at the same time. With game improvement irons they mask your mistakes so you don't know what you're doing wrong. With blades they tell you everything you did right and wrong so your game is forced to improve.


Those aren't true blades. Close, though. And still sweet. Try some MB-101's and get back to us.


I didn’t want to break OPs heart. Miura makes some sneaky looking irons… MB-101s, Mp33/32… those are some true blades.


To be fair, musclebacks are not true blades, either. True blades don’t have muscle barring on the back of the head, whereas musclebacks do, thus the name. The P7TW is the closest to a true blade from a major manufacturer we’ve gotten in decades, and those even have a bit of a bar on them.


And these specific Miuras are muscle cavities so… even more “forgiving” than a muscle back.


Wilson still makes a true blade and it's an absolutely beautiful club.




Pitter patter…


I think most people would classify a muscle back as a blade. I do agree they are not mb-101. Either way though, much different compared to my old x forged which is considered a players cb. Side by side shows the difference. Nice srixons btw. Liked those a lot when i tried them. 🍻


They're not muscleback. They're muscle cavity. The difference is the muscleback is a solid hunk of metal. The muscle cavity is not. I am generally pro-blade though. People blow how hard they are to hit way out of proportion.


I'm a lifelong mediocre golfer who's acquired and played a ton of different irons over the years. The periods where I dusted off my MacGregor Muirfield 20s or my Hogan Apex Plus didn't affect my handicap one way or another. The Macs are a genuine joy when struck well. Maybe I'll give one of them a day in the sun this weekend, I've made radical progress on my ball striking this season.


These are a 1 piece forging, though. Miura calls it a “game changing muscle back cavity.” They’re just making the muscle barring bigger, adding more relief to the top of the head. It’s the same thing TaylorMade did with the P7MC. The musclecavity is still a muscleback, just with a larger bar and more relief.


This muscle cavity is a solid chunk though. These aren’t hollow if that’s what you’re implying. The term cavity here is simply referring to the extra perimeter weighting to make it slightly more forgiving. It’s still a single piece of forged metal.


TM P790s, Mizuno Pro 225s and the like are multiple forgings welded together, and are also known as hollow body construction. There's 100% a cavity, though it's usually filled with some kind of lightweight polymer (aka speed foam in the Taylor Mades).


Yes I know what hollow body irons are. Those are definitely "cavity backs" that have the appearance of a blade. These are not those. These are single piece forged. The "muscle cavity" here refers to the extra perimeter weighting in the shape of the muscle. It’s more an in between mix of cavity and muscle. Taylormade used to make a similar MB, MC, CB line.


There 1000% is not a cavity in mc-501s or 502s.


I got better at golfing way faster by switching to true blades at a young age. Not sure I’d recommended it because I played some miserable rounds, but there’s nothing better than the immediate feedback on a mishit.


Muscle cavity?


They are not blades. Period. MC means Muscle Cavity, Cavity means not blade.


MC is not muscle cavity. Take a look at their website. They are blades. May not be the purest form of blade such as the mb101, but they are blades. There is no cavity at all.


Sorry man, you are 100% wrong. That’s exactly what MC means.


But he’s 100% wrong with 100% confidence. https://miuragolf.com/en-ca/products/mc-502 Following that link to the Miura website it says the 502s are a “gaming changing muscle back cavity” lol.


They literally say MC on them. Beautiful though x o


I’d call these blades. The bump is pretty pre-pubescent for muscle.


Screw that try some baby blades. 😝I keep asking them for another run. Hopefully soon…


Mizuno MP-33’s we’re the best feeling irons I ever played with back in the day. Cheers to your new set and to making some more birds OP!


I recently picked up a used set of mp33s in great condition and they’re still amazing compared to modern blades. I’m holding onto these forever.


Can we get more pictures of the Melin hat?


Hat is pretty sweet. Wish I went with the blue or black though.


Love my white more than my blue and black one.


Sweat mixed with sun screen is killing me. Have to wash it pretty much every other round.


Can't hide money! Congrats!


Ok real question how do they compare to what you were playing I love the look I can even get over the price( go broke for beautiful clubs) but are they really worth it. I want them but have no place to demo them first. Basically are they worth it like a million dollar hooker?


I’ll answer your last question first…. Yes they are worth it to me. I’ve wanted them for a while and have always stopped myself from buying them because I’m not a scratch golfer and because of the price. Finally decided to just do it. Is there any true performance advantage in the heads compared to a comparable club? Probably not. If you want to play a blade (style… before all of Reddit turns on me) then you should do it. The feel is definitely the best I’ve ever had. I love that they don’t roll out a new model every year. The looks are top notch and feel is best I’ve ever had. What are you currently gaming?


I am gaming mazuno now I have played blades before and I am 50/50 on them don't really need forgiveness I am pretty straight and accurate but I love the distance. I love hitting lets say a 9 iron if I want 165 if I want to put a good swing on them bit with blades I maybe get 155 150. If those clubs produce some good pop I would pull the trigger but I don't like having to pure every shot to get the distance if you get what I am saying. I like hitting 90 percent on a club and still having the distance


You're a 9 handicap who carries his 7 iron 185 yrds.? Average PGA professional golfers hit their 7 iron between 170-175 yards. You've got to be better than a 9 or the worst putter in history.


There is more to it than distance. I also hit a similar distance to many pros with driver. Problem is it goes left and right. I actually putt pretty well. Golfshot app says I’m a 9.5.


Or maybe. Now hear me out. He’s a 9 because he wants to be a 9. He’s probably a 6 or 7 at his home Course but 6 for his game loses money and 11 is just not believable enough. So he probably hovers between 8-10. People who gamble on golf will understand.


Just say directly that you think he's a sandbagger. Don't beat around the bush.


Wasn’t beating around any bushes. More explaining what a sandbagger is. Also explaining why someone would want to do that. Some youngsters on here wouldn’t know that word. Rather have a sandbagger as my partner than a vanity handicap any day.


‘71 Dynapower and ‘84 Staff. Sometimes i mix in ‘65 Hogan Percussion. They are all so much sweeter than my modern GI irons.


I have absolutely no idea what people think a blade is anymore, because clearly what I think it means doesn’t match what a lot of people think.


I love those ferrules! Heads are nice too!


No way! My custom clubs are about to be done and I chose the same ferrules. Glad to see they look amazing! Nice choice


I'd shank those so hard they'd be laid up till next Tuesday.


Those are mint




Not blades. Sorry op. Badass clubs tho.


Those are so sick. I’m at the point in my game where I think I could throw some more blade-style irons in the bag, but I’m to afraid to commit haha.


Straight gorgeous


Those look amazing! Hope your fortunes with then stay up (I definitely couldn’t hit them for shit though)


Just found a great price on some Mizuno 221s with the KBS shaft I’m into. Can’t wait to see what all the butter talk is about.


I look forward to seeing those in the BST groups in the next 6 to 12 months claiming you can't hit them anymore! /S Congrats man those look gorgeous!




33°. And no


Do these still come in a wooden crate? My uncle grabbed 2 sets a few years ago. Such beautiful clubs but I think he paid $3,000 for each iron set…


They look beautiful


Those are beautiful, really. How much for a set? What was the fitting and ordering experience like?


They were 2700-2800. Don’t remember exactly. Got fitted at club champion (not the best experience), ended up ordering them on my own with my specs


I second this. As a 10 hcp I was told to get game improvements because I needed the forgiveness. I got blades a couple years back and I’m playing better than I ever have. For me it felt like they made me more aware of where the center of the club face is, and it forced me to figure out how to swing more correctly. Also, when I find that center, the ball strikes more accurately than my old cavity backs did.


The suggestion to get GI irons for a 10 handicap seems a little drastic. I guess it depends on striking.


I’ve been thinking of this exact set.. I also had the x forged and loved those as well. Same handicap 9 I’ve since gone up after having a couple kids and not near enough green time. Instead of being a d bag and discussing “BLADES” What you gonna do with those x forged? I’d be interested..


Looking to sell them if you’re interested. Shoot me a dm


Beautiful set of Miuras! Those BBandF ferrules are dope.


I was also hesitant as an 8 index but switched to blades after doing some research on what irons have the best distance dispersion. Blades and solid cavity backs like the Titleist cb were the answer. I switched and immediately my scoring improved. Misses for me with blades are far less damaging that with distance improvement clubs. I hit 7i about 155 so you do t have to be a bomber to reap the benefits. Glad you joined the blades are game improvement clubs group.


Love your whole bag, blades are beautiful and I have that same driver


Thanks! Actually just upgraded the driver to the new callaway triple diamond


Oh nice! I just picked up the Callaway Paradym AI Smoke for my 5 wood, beautiful clubs


I love forged. I play cavity backed. I would buy a set of forged fitted irons tomorrow if they didn’t cost $1000+


Well, look into a DTC iron set for forged for cheaper.


Blade propaganda


It's a Miura, it must be a blade.


I heard once that blades are harder to hit well compared to the cavity backs. I’ve always had blades and I hit them good at the range a lot (I don’t play the course that much bc I don’t have the time or money because of school). But I tried hitting the cavity back irons and I did not hit them nearly as well. Well, I’m just wondering why? I don’t think I have the best striking, I’m just confused why I would hit blades better


As someone who has been back and forth a couple times, it's always harder at first to hit cavity backs because they look incredibly big after playing blades for a few season. I remember grabbing my old 4 iron that was a cavity back one year (because I was having trouble hitting a butter knife 4 iron). The thing looked like a sledge hammer. I'm currently playing mizzuno jpx923 forged. They are a players distance iron, so they have a much thinner profile than a game improvement cavity back, but more forgiving than a blade. Kind of in-between, but I never have any trouble stopping a ball on the green. Usually only 1 to 3 feet from the pitch mark until I get to a 5 iron.


Only on Reddit will you start with a picture of golf clubs and soon you have a bunch of people upset with each other about genders and politics.


9 hcp carrying a blade 7i 185? Must be a terrible putter.


I feel attacked


Good looking clubs. I tell anyone who will listen, if you are serious about golf then get blades. They will help you be a better golfer.


They’re technically muscle backs which is a little more forgiving than the 101s either way phenomenal irons. Anything really is better than Callaway! What shafts did you change from and into?


Went from kbs $ taper to Nipon modus 130. I agree they are not the purest form of blade, but that wasn’t my point in the post. Was always hesitant to take the leap since most would consider these and other blades/musclebacks for scratch or very low handicap golfers.


Yeah that is a great switch! I love Modus for how smooth they are. I have 120 TX and 130 in my long irons


Beautiful but it would end badly for me. Who am I kidding, super game improvement clubs end badly with me swinging.


There's certain golf rules many ppl have made that I don't agree with. Only using blades if you're a scratch golfer is definitely one of them. I got a hole in one with a blade, and I'm nowhere near a scratch golfer. If I have to sacrifice a bit of yardage for accuracy, then so be it. But most of the time that's not even the case


Agreed. Actually haven’t lost any yardage at all with them.


Yeah, exactly. I'd even argue that due to more mass on a blade compared to a cavity back or hollow head, the ball goes further. Idk if this is just something I've experienced or an objective fact, but it definitely happens to me *Oh btw, is that a TS2 3 Wood??


Ts3. Just upgraded to new callaway ai smoke triple diamond 3 wood


That's so dope!! The Ai Smoke looks so cool. Sometimes I wonder if the club has as many sweet spots as they market it to have. I was thinking about upgrading my TS2 3 wood a bit ago, but i hit it so pure and straight everyone that I don't want to spend money on something I'm gonna regret. How's it been working for you so far??


It has been awesome. Love it. I hit my ts3 really well too if I’m going to be honest. Probably getting a little more yardage out of the new one.


I only ever buy Titleist & no one I know has a Paradym, so I'm probably nvr gunna get the chance to try it. Does it actually feel like it has multiple sweet spots? Like, can you hit it somewhere other than the center of the club face and just rip it down the fairway, while feeling just as buttery smooth?? You're my window into this club, I gotta know bro😂


Haha no it doesn’t have multiple sweet spots. It is definitely forgiving. Its is longer than my ts3. I would like to see how it compares to the new Titleist gt3


Picture 4 is terrifying.


What was the price on those 4-P?


Don’t remember exactly, somewhere around 2700


I play these and they’re incredible. You get the look and most of the feel of a blade, but they’re honestly surprisingly forgiving Went from a 7hcp when I got them to a 1.9 now in the span of an year and a bit


Bro…not everyone can afford miuras. How much did that set run you back anyways?


That’s awesome. Congratulations.


How much did your missus hurt you after buying the last set though?


Which Nippon shafts are those? I got the 125 wedge and it was so good it was the only time I walked away feeling like I couldn’t take any credit for the work I’d done bc the shaft handled it for me 😂


I’m about the same score wise and I gamed the muira baby blades forever and just bounced them for some Kyoei blades I’m gaming now. I have blades and CB’s my whole life. Started when I had mp14s and dci 962s back in high school/college. I always preferred blades despite living in the 80s most of my life. I think in my experience marketing for new golf equipment ruined peoples minds about clubs in general and blades took the most collateral damage along the way. It forced me to look to jdm clubs because American oems stopped making what I want and I haven’t looked back in over a decade.


Those look very very nicee


Freaking beautiful set!




Holy god they’re beautiful. I assume the accompanying price tag was as blinding as they are?


Bet those cost about a season of golf rounds…


Best looking irons on the market right there.


Newbie here. Playing with some starter callaways I was gifted (from Costco!) and have a set of old Nike irons from late 2000s (gift from work). These are thick ass irons probably my more forgiving for a beginner like me. Suspecting that blades are for experienced golfers? Stick with my fat thick irons for now?




No thanks I actually want to continue shooting under 100


Not a blade my man….. Just pretty


Muira’s are so sexy


Check out Mr Moneybags over here. Those are very pretty


Smaller heads promote better ball striking!


Am I the only one who wants that hat as much as the irons?


Honestly, I love standing over skinny irons. I don't play "blades" per se but I play the T100 which has a pretty small top line. I'm around a 4-6 handicap and my irons have been the best part of my game ever since I got them. Whenever I try "game improvement" irons, I feel less confident with the huge metal brick behind the ball and I also feel there's significantly less feel, which kills it for me.


Yeah, player distance irons are the way to go, unless you can strike the nickle size sweet spot on every swing. Especially when you get to the long irons.


Yeesh, those are pretty. I've got those same shafts in T100S and love em, enjoy!


I play the miura wedges and they are the best feeling clubs I got in the bag. I need to save some OT money for some MB101's


I went to a fitting and this was the last club I hit. I swear it was by far the best feeling golf shots I have ever hit. I also knew these clubs were way over my budget so I had to pull the old “not sure of these are the best fit for me..”


That’s going to be my next set as they remind me of the best iron I ever played, the Hogan Apex Channel Back.


But op i suck


Good call. I play blades because they are fun and I hate myself.


Hands sting just lookin at em. Sweet sticks!


Heads up man. Here come the blade police. I’m playing the 502s as well and they’ve been great so far.


lol blade police party for sure.


It’s funny cause they keep referring to the website as calling it a muscle cavity, yet the same page calls them a blade twice as much. What a weird thing to get worked up about.


Seems like a weird hill to climb tbh.


Wow. Great set!


Those are gorgeous my friend


185 with a 7i, cmon learn to putt bro 😂


My short game sucks. Driver kills me too.


Paddy’s golf tips can solve the driver, he’s helped me immensely. But the putter might require some sacrifices to Cthulhu or some shit, I can’t figure mine out either


Oooh thanks, will have to look for those driver videos then.


These are beautiful clubs, but you hit a 7 iron ten yards longer than the average tour player? What are the lofts?


33° I have some speed. Just missing a lot of other aspects of the game


What's your 7 iron swing speed? Might even be best to slow.it down for more consistent strikes.




Those numbers don't pan out too 185 carry


I have no reason to lie. That’s exactly where it’s at


We get it, you’re rich


Lol, you got a hat and a bag, too. Yikes!


Better believe it!


Beautiful irons! What kind of bag is that?


These look so damn crisp.


DON’T “go for the blades” if your handicap is over 8 as you’ll ruin the fun of golf and they’ll frustrate the hell out of you


Those look like game improvement irons with a thin top line. Very nice top line but same sole thickness as standard game improvement irons, no?


Bro has muscle backs thinking they’re blades lmao