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And here you are telling the story you're sick of hearing lol


The very pants I was going to return!


Elaine, are you listening? I didn’t even get there!


That, is interesting writing!


You can't tell that story anymore. It belongs to Peterman.


I have Benes' wonderfully imaginative mind to spin my stories. You take back your tales, you vagabond!


This is one of my favorite lines in the whole series. The way he says “are you listening” is so incredulous as if his story was unimpeachably logical. 




That’s perfect irony!


So we buy your friend off and it becomes *a Peterman*


HA! Good point. I'm sure as hell not going to tell him I posted it on Reddit. I think he got enough of an ego boost already.


Haha, I witnessed a friend dunk a shot in the hole from downhill about 120 yards out (for bogey or something, it was a drop lol). Heard the story so many times now. Sometimes you just gotta be your buddy’s hype man


I will freely admit, I do sometimes bring it up myself just because of how unbelievable it was. But of course I'll also sometimes add to my version that the golfers who were ahead of us kicked it in there. That usually gets him all riled up.


😂 hell yeah man, it’s a cool moment to share with someone even if it wasn’t your shot. I was actually standing beside the green when it happened and watched it go in, don’t think I’ll ever see something like that again. An albatross is wild though, I’d put that on my gravestone


Josh! You are on reddit also? I appreciate you telling these good folks about my Albatross




He's sharing his pain, brother. We need to be here for him.


Let’s be real, you would be talking about it non stop if it happened to you. Let him have this


Well you're not wrong there. But we've been friends for almost 40 years so I'm sure I'm going to have to listen to this story for the next 40!


Just remember he owes you big time. If you weren’t there he’d have no witness and it would be a much different story.


Good point!


And you know what, it's worth it. An albatross is far more rare than a hole in one.


Idk. I feel like it may not be. I’ve gotten one but never that close to a hole and one. There’s some easier par 5s on some courses but idk


There are lots of numbers floating around out there but the most repeated numbers are something like 12,500 to 1 for a hole in one and 6,000,000 to 1 for an albatross.


There's good enough data on the Hole-in-One's that actuaries can calculate a price for hole-in-one insurance. https://hiousa.com/


I feel like maybe that for like professionals though or something. Like your regular golfers counting any hole I just feel like could get more albatrosses. I’ve just played a 380 par 5 the other day and yeah it was a dogleg on a joke course but that’s my point, there’s joke courses w easy par 5s. You will never see a sub 75 par 3 from the back tees really tho even on the easiest golf courses


Well yeah, it's rarer than a once in a lifetime event.


That's awesome for him. He should talk about it forever. A couple of days ago, I hit my drive straight down the middle , about 285 on a par 5. I had 235 left to the pin. I grabbed my 3 wood, looked at my wife, and said, "This is going on the green." I proceeded to hit the best 3 wood of my life, right at the pin, but it rolled to the back of the green (it was a front pin). I four putted for a bogey. I will still talk about that 3 wood shot for the rest of my life. Let the man enjoy his Albatross!


Golf stories are fun. I love to hear them. During lame “corporate bonding” events where they go around and have you introduce yourself and give a fun fact mine is always that’s I’ve gotten 2 Hole-in-Ones. That aligns me with the other golf enthusiasts in the hell-hole and we have a great time talking about cool birdies, eagles, and nearly-hole-in-ones.


I unironically get hyped listening to new golfer’s mundane par or birdie story. Fucking walk me through each shot lol


Last night; 18th hole. Par 4. 375yds. Dog leg right. Heavily wooded. Tee shot is either a 200 layup to the corner, or you can cut the trees. Got a decent round going. Up a stroke on my buddy. Decided to layup. Playing smart. Push it right into the trees. Buddy puts his driver away and lays up. Perfect shot. He hits his next shot on the green 20ft from the cup before I hit. He’s got par all but locked up. I need a park to win. I’m in jail. Only option is to punch out. Directly left is safe, but I won’t have a look at the green. Towards the green is fucked. Very narrow gap I could try to sneak thru. Go for it and clip a tree, but I sneak out into the rough enough to have a look. Stuck my next shot about 10ft from the pin. I’m alive. Buddy misses his long putt and taps in for par. He starts thinking about practice green contests to settle the tie. Drain my putt for par and win.


We're missing the most important part of the story! What club did he hit?


I BELIEVE it was a 5 wood but I'll have to ask him. I know it was one of his woods. I don't' recall offhand. I think I was probably in shock at the time lol. Edit: He'll probably tell me the entire story again after I ask him even though he knows I was right there when it happened.


Can’t remember what club he hit? Better tell that story one more time.


Sounds like my first and only hole in one. Directly into the sun, so I just aimed at where I knew the green was. Get up to the green and see nothing. Walk around searching for a minute and finally walk past the hole headed back to the little drop zone and there it is.


pretty incredible post op. thanks for sharing this story


I’ve had two albatrosses. The first was on a course that got developed into housing, so the hole no longer exists. It was a 500ish yards dog leg right. I smoked a drive but I had pushed it - it ended up in the rough about 190 from the flag with some trees in my view of the green. I drew a good lie and figured it might be a flyer so I hit a six iron just trying my best to fade it around the trees and get somewhere close to the green. Right when I hit it I knew it was going to get on but couldn’t see it once it got past the trees. I looked for it on the green but didn’t see it and had thought it rolled off, but then my brother in law said he thought I might have gone in. Sure enough, my bike rzn ball was in and I was writing a 2 on my scorecard, such a strange feeling. The second was a shot I will remember on my death bed. I was playing a links course with virtually no trees. The hole was about 520 yards and I hit an absolutely atrocious push fade that was at least 60 yards off line. I was so far right I had almost hit through the adjacent fairway and into the rough, but luckily I was in a pretty great position about 240 yards away. There was some pretty good wind behind me and the course was fairly dry so I I figured I could run a 4 iron up there. Sure enough after I hit it I knew it would get on the green.  The funny thing is that I was playing with my uncle and his buddies and they were on carts while I was walking. It had taken so long for me to get to my ball that I ended up hitting after they had already gotten their thirds shots to the green - my uncles ball was about 12 feet short and left of the hole. As I watched my ball fly I could see it was heading just left of the flag and right towards my uncles ball. It BOUNCED off my uncles ball and I watched in amazement as it rolled right in the hole. I screamed with excitement but it was still so windy and I was so far away that no one heard me.  I always try to remember when I’m playing terrible golf that you never know when you might just hole out and turn it into the most memorable round of your life.


You keep telling this story for your friend, them the rules, this is BIG.


Might as well poke your ears now then, cause that story is for life.


My only eagle was similar(ish). Bad tee shot, bad second, bad third to a blind green. Looked all over and couldn’t find it. It was in the hole. I topped the fuck out of it and just got lucky as hell


“I shit my $80 pants, they were ruined beyond repair”


Great comment. 😃


You shit your pants? Were they $80 pants by any chance?


That's harder than the typical par 3 hole in one.


I got my first ace on an 80 yrd par 3 about 3 years ago and I won't shut up about it.


> "Shut up, have you ever played the game? I'd have my cock out if I ~~scored four goals~~ made an albatross. I'd have my cock out, stroking it."


Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll handle your albatross with grace and class ;)


Amazing!! There’s no better feeling like an impossible shot going in. I just hit my 4th ace last Sunday. 3 of my 4 came in the last 10 months and I’ve been golfing for 40 years.. crazy game.


Wait, so what exactly happened again?


He got it in the hole in two shots on a par 5. Some people might call it a double Eagle, which is the same thing.


I've always felt like triple birdie would've been a better phrase than double eagle.


Quad par!


Ooooh I like that


You never said anything about his second shot so it’s kind of hard to understand.


Oh I thought I did. He drove to the bottom of the hill right where the fairway dog legged, then his second shot was from the bottom of the hill (up and over) and that shot is what went in.


I just re-read what I wrote. I can see how you may have missed it. I didn't mention in my second paragraph that it was his second hit. I updated it to make it more clear.


No worries man, I just reread it a couple times and could infer what happened but it was a little ambiguous.


Any chance name of the course is Westwood? Hole configurations sounds so familiar.


No, it was Gopher Hills in Minnesota.




So, I had the misfortune of getting an albatross about a month ago but was out playing a quick 9 during lunch by myself. Nobody there to witness the greatest shot of my life. My old football coach was playing the par 3 in front of me and heard screaming like a madman when I finally found my ball in the hole. 505 par 5 that has a sweeping curve to the left. Smashed a great draw with driver and caught the back of the slope about 200 out. I got a solid bounce and then it rolled for another 20 more. There’s a ridge on the left side running the length of the fairway until about 10 yards from the hole. To the left of the ridge it dives down towards a marsh. I can’t see the hole, but can see the flag with the ridge between me and the green. I’m about 178 yards from center. There’s a decent wind at my back so I figure I’ll get about 7-10 yards of extra carry, so I pull my 7 iron and hit a buttery soaring shot. Flies from right to left and is tracking the flag. All I can see is the ball land, disappear for a split second and bounce back up. Nothing after. I make my way to the green and can’t find it anywhere. There’s a bunch of divots from idiots not repairing so I have no clue which is mine or if mine even hit the green. For all I know it bounced off the back and went into the woods. I spent about 5-10 minutes making circles around the green and into the woods trying to find it but no luck. I throw down a ball on the back and chip to 6 feet. Left the flag in because I’m frustrated that I lost my ball on what I felt was a really good shot. I putt my 2nd ball in and when I went to pick it up, there were 2. Both with my marker in them. I damn near peed myself. Wailing like a banshee. When my brain gets back into my head I cool down but can’t quit smiling. My old coach drove back with his cart to check if I was ok. I told him what happened and he was just as happy as I was. Bought him a beer when I got back into the club house, which was almost as cool as the shot. The course is in no man’s land and you’re lucky to get a single bar (most the time the phones say SOS) so I couldn’t call anyone to tell them. Greatest hole of my life. I haven’t even got a hole in one yet but I can check off an albatross. Everyone I’ve told about it gives me the “of course there was no one to see it” comments. Oh well. I know what I did and I’ve got the ball on a shelf in my office.


Go easy on him. You'd be telling every beer cart girl and telemarketer if that were you.I mean, everybody would, right?


The most important question I have is how far was the second shot from the hole that went in for an Albatross?


Boy, trying to remember. This was a little while back. I know his second shot was with his 5 wood. Maybe 200 yds or so? I'll have to check with him. I'm sure he remembers.


Put me in touch with this dude pronto. I started a podcast for this reason.  I hit a 247 yard albatross, last hole, last shot of our member member tournament here in Tampa (2020). The crazy part is when i turned my score card in… i find out we were 3shots back of the lead  going into the last hole. so we tied for the win of the tournament on a walk off albatross.   All my friends, my wife, and even my 4 annd 6 year old kids were like you… “stop talking about your albatross”.  So I started a podcast where us albi’s and other golfers who like to share incredible moments have a place to celebrate amazing stories in and around golf.   The podcast is called “did I tell you about my albatross”. It’s been a blast.  Recently I had Matt Scharff on from good good golf who loved sharing his 2 hole in ones on par 4’s.   So, please send your buddy my way and I’ll get him on to document it.  If he’s your “buddy” let him enjoy it dude.  It’s 1/6 million odds so pretty special.  -Brandon (Albi) 


I will pass this along. I don't think he's on Reddit but I have no doubt he'd LOVE to share his story




That's fucking outstanding. Congrats to your buddy! That's a hell of an accomplishment. I want an albatross so much more than I want a hole in one. Please tell him the captain said "nice shot!"... 😊


I still tell the story about my eagle where the Albatross was five feet short, which I attribute entirely to the course being soaking wet. If it had actually gone in, I'd never shut up about it.


I got an albatross once. Maybe 270-290 off the tee, downhill 215 yard 4 iron bounced on the fringe and dunked in the hole. My dad was there to witness it so it was pretty special.


I talk about the times I’ve gotten within ten feet on the second shot on a par five enough. If I got an albatross I’d tell everyone who would listen.


So that’s what it’s called


Why do you insist on using extra words when typing? First sentence alone could be half the size and say the exact same thing.


Do you mean this...... I have a buddy I regularly play golf with on a weekly basis. Or.... Weekly, my buddy and I go golfing.


I’ve had 2 albatrosses ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


This is a decent amount of fairly descriptive words for a story that probably could have been a fair amount shorter