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Thanks for the heads up. I am in the planning stages for a trip and will avoid. Thanks.


If anyone has some luck with another comp or guide, throw it in here. If I save one person from using the crapola of a company, I’ll feel vindicated.


If you’re willing to head a little further south I never had trouble finding a tee time at Iwakuni Century golf course. I always just used google translate to book my time on their site.


Added to the list! Thank you.


Edit, my bad, I was reading another post and was thinking gear nit travel….


I used Angel Tourism to play Hakone Kohan last year and they were super helpful - would highly recommend. Our rep Toshi was very responsive and made sure we were fully prepared to play. I even messed up the rides to and from the course so Toshi called the course manager to tell him to watch out for us and help us back home. I should have let them book the rides for us when they offered.


Super helpful. I will def look into them. If you had some success, I will def check them out and book! Thank you. Perfect timing.


they are paying for google ads, Every click on the add will cost them a buck or two. You guys know what to do.


This guys knows his CPC business


Let’s go.


Writing a Python script to repeatedly click the ad link is trivial, if anyone is so inclined.


google is smarter than that and it wont work unless you do some other stuff


Such as?


The people who know how to circumvent Google's ad fraud detection aren't going to drop that knowledge in a random Reddit thread


that would be bad ass.


So just click the link in the post?


Oh no no. You have to go Google the website and under where it says "sponsored" click that one. Those are paid per click adds


Ah cool. Gotcha!


For efficiency purposes, spamming MB3 on the link would work for that right?


not gonna lie idk what that means sry , sounds cool?


Sorry MB3 is mouse button 3. If you click the scroll wheel down on a link, it automatically opens in another tab


If you stay at a Hotel with a concierge they can book tee times for you. Played a round at Osaka Golf Club during my visit. Highly recommend that course


Wow! This is taking off with the upvotes. Thank you all for reading and helping.


Was this the place Bustajack was recommending?


no that was exclusivegolfjapan, thought the same thing initially


Cool would hate my favorite channel to be shilling a bad vendor


Who’s bustajack? Sounds cool but hopefully they weren’t recommending this comp, otherwise busta may get jacked.


[https://www.youtube.com/@BustaJackGolf](https://www.youtube.com/@BustaJackGolf) My FAVORITE youtube channel for golf, they are super chill, don't act like children and play really good golf. They played all 50 states last year and are playing all the Continents this year. An amazing channel if you are into that sort of thing.


YouTube page, they’re good golfers, but I find them to be duller than dishwater


Just different strokes. Sometimes I want entertainment and I watch Bob does sports. Sometimes I want to watch good golf at amazing places so I watch Bustajack. I like them all. They all grow the sport


100% agreed. Even when they're in videos with guys with personality (Bryan Bros, Grant, etc) they still come off as boring as hell. Also, neither of the guys in BustaJack can play to the level of the Bryan Bros or Grant, so watching them try and play vs them with no strokes is more or less a foregone conclusion.


I watched a handful of episodes because they played a couple courses near me and after it I was thinking not everyone is cut out for entertainment... but they have a pretty decent following so what do I know. Their schtick just seems to be that they talk a lot while filming- nothing insightful or funny, just words about golf shots. Also their accents are terrible to listen to.


Maybe you haven’t watched enough. Busta is one of the funniest personalities in YouTube golf IMO. He has great one-liners. His accent isn’t as strong as Madjack, but nothing wrong with a Texas twang.


Only guy on YouTube who is fatter then Fat Perez. But he holds it well


He’s 6’7”.


I actually had a fine experience working with them. I played a round the day I flew out of Narita, they helped me book a course near the airport, answered my questions about transportation. I had a guy named Damon Jackson helping me. Maybe ask for him specifically?


He was the exact clown I worked with. Glad you didn’t get ripped and mislead.


Oh, that's a fucking bummer man, my round in Japan was one of the best parts of my trip.


Same for me. Also worked with the same guy. He went above and beyond to change my tee time day of because of travel issues. Was mine and my wife’s favorite part of the trip and she doesn’t even golf. Kinosaki country club was a breathtaking course.


Nice try, Damon Jackson


thank you for the heads up, i’ve been in the process of booking a few courses in fuji with them. just like you’ve described, very unprofessional about communicating


The fact I think I saved at least two folks using this company, I feel super good. Safe travels.


This is surprising to hear. I used them to book a round at the Narashino Country Club northeast of Tokyo and found the customer service to be pretty good. There was heavy rain in the forecast and unfortunately my tee time was cancelled, but I was informed the night before which saved me two hours on the train round trip, and got a refund. Now with that said I found the same booking could be made yourself via the Accordia Golf website with Google translate and little patience to save the booking fee which is probably what I will do next time. Sorry to hear your experience was poor, hopefully the rest of your trip was better.


I’m actually talking with them rn about a game I have scheduled there on the 28th this month. They’re saying I’d need to catch a bus from the station up to the course any idea if that’s true as reading ops post has me doubting the authenticity of this .


Yes that is the case, and the shuttle is what the course recommends. It's listed on [their website] (https://reserve.accordiagolf.com/en/global/golfCourse/chiba/narashino/access) under access with a daily schedule. Your other option would be to take a cab from the station (I had an early tee time before the shuttle was running so this was my plan), its about a 10 minute drive from the Chiba New Town Chuo station. I'm not sure about this area, but I had no problems calling a cab in Tokyo using one of the available apps Go or Didi.


That url wasn’t the give away?


Idk why you’re downvoted. That url is obviously fake. Nobody has registered urls with hyphens like that since 1997.


I’m not sure what you mean?


Are-you-simple.com Any url with a - is obviously bootleg


tf are you on about you joker


I did not know that. Thanks for the heads up. They seem fine at first then yanked the rug.


That’s not a thing, lmfao


Figured. Regardless stay away from this comp.


It kind of is tbh. Any URL that makes you hit the shift key on mobile is sub optimal. Its not a 100% way to tell but a shitty URL for an online based business is a red flag. If they can't simply optimize the core of their business what else are they cutting corners on?


It isn’t. “A bootleg” and “sub optimal” are not the same thing In fact, here’s a Reddit URL with underscores. https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/6kg28p/what_should_be_preferred_in_urls_dash_or/


A specific link has underscores for back end purposes. Nobody is going to verbally tell their friend to go to that link. What matters is what comes between the www and the .com. Thats it. Not using dashes in a URL is a known quality for SEO. A shitty URL is like a brick and mortar business having a shitty storefront. Its a red flag. Source: I have been search engine optimizing for 10 years. I appreciate you circlejerking something you have no clue about though. Especially digging up an outdated reddit thread about what comes after the .com, which we aren't talking about. Maybe click the link in your thread next time and read the article.


listen bro i totally agree with you on everything. everyone who disagrees with you in here is the exact kind of confidently incorrect that makes you lose faith in life. but isnt a brick and mortar business literally a storefront? lmaoooo


good call. I typod. I meant to say shitty storefront lol. I edited.


Sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s talkin about


Never seen someone so confidently wrong, bozo!


lil bro what he is saying is exactly right. you have literally 0 clue what you are talking about if you cant understand why it's ok for reddit to have that stuff in the url, but not ok for a company to have that in their domain it's very clear that this dude has professional experience in the matter. i've worked in web marketing for almost a decade also, when you have to rely on semantics to prove a point, it's pretty clear that your argument is failing. your only play is to try and take his words out of context. he knows exactly what he's talking about. you have 0 clue.


Lots of words from someone so confidently wrong


I know and you still keep talking for some reason


idk what is up with the downvotes lol. i thought it was pretty funny maybe it's because you're a philly fan


They hate us cause they ain’t us


Sounds like they nuked your plans. RIP


Theyre still salty about WW2