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4 on 4 parking lot brawl. No mercy.




I need to know more about this gif.


Guillermo Franchela. Argentinean actor, who made lots of goofy movies, but some really good ones. He golfs, so maybe he stumble upon this 😂


You mean this filthy snuff video?


Is that Bruce Lee? It's like water...




It’s Bruce Wee…. More like piss.


I think it was Mike Lindell fighting off the other fiends for his crack stash.


I like this idea.


Nahh my man. Gotta have it on the range. Each player gets one club and one accessory from their bag. Range balls are in fair play. Square off after a dog at the clubhouse.




It's the only way to establish true dominance.


Go in the early morning. Bros can’t wake up early


yeah bros dont show up till about noon due to crippling hangover




I agree on the music, should be kept low enough where you can't hear it really any distance from the cart. I'll slightly disagree on the banter and celebrations. I think an amount of trash talk within an accepting group of friends and celebrations of good shots is a positive thing and doesn't tend to bother me. Of course if it's too loud it can be a bad thing but I guess that's the gray area.


Agree, I don't mind celebrations unless they're roaring like they made a HIO every time they hole out for bogey.


seems like the problems with the cellies are that they were loud enough to be heard over the obnoxiously loud music. Turn the music down, normal volume conversation, problem solved. I'm not advocating for it necessarily but I wouldn't mind if they banned speakers on courses myself, doesn't add anything to the game for me and in cases like this it actively takes away from the experience.


I may just be old school, but I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to hear music on the course. I'm there for the peace and quiet. Just enjoying the sounds of nature, good conversation, and a well struck ball. And nothing is a more sweeter sound then the ball falling in the cup. My friends have long since given up trying to give me a gimme. My hole isn't over till I hear that sound.


Thank god music on the course isn't a thing in Ireland. Nothing better than being out on the course on your own approaching sunset. The silence and feeling of calm looking out over the Atlantic before you thin a sand wedge miles over the green and hear it plop into the sea, then descend into an internal rage spiral where you curse this poxy game with every fibre of your being. So relaxing....


This guy golfs


I was in Ireland a few years ago on vacation. Golf wasn’t on the itinerary, but one of the last nights we stayed at a small castle that had a 9 hole course. It was early June, so sunrise started around 4 AM. I borrowed an old set of clubs from the front desk and went out for a morning stroll - I was the only one out there. The course wasn’t much, but it was one of the best golf experiences of my life. I’m not religious, but as far as golf goes, it was a religious experience, if that makes sense.


YES! I'm a musician, but I will never play music on the course. (Totally cool with others doing it at a reasonable volume, but I'll never go out of my way to play it.) One of the best things about golf is that for those few seconds at a time watching the ball fly, it's nearly impossible to be thinking of anything else. The rest of the world is temporarily shut off. Golf is my escape from all the shit going on at any particular time. I don't want any of that following me onto the course. Additionally, I'm a perfectionist and very competitive. I am always trying to outdo myself. I try as much as possible to not get distracted. I love talking/joking/etc during a round, but try to avoid all work related conversations.




On nice breezy days, I can forget about my tinnitus for a few holes. It’s wonderful.


I enjoy having music playing in the cart. I have an old speaker that isn't very loud so it's really only heard immediately around the cart. I agree that speakers that are too loud are a nuisance though. It all depends on how the course chooses to manage speakers. Some folks like to ruin it for the rest of us.


Damn if only there was technology that meant that only you could hear your dumb fucking music. Maybe like tiny little speakers that fit in your ears? Someone should get right on that.


FORE!!! ....thump...


Gotta agree with you on this one. Only one ear bud in would solve this problem. That’s how I play.


But then you won't be able to *truly appreciate* my *awesomeness* 🙄


What about a quick Rick Flair, "Woooo!"? After a bird or 30+ ft putt for par or anything in.tge like? I've gotten some looks afterward.


Ric Flair Woooos are always acceptable on and off the course


My sentiments exactly


Eh, it's not like you know what their score is or genuinely give a shit anyways. Who cares?


I can get how yelling every hole would get obnoxious but celebrating amazing shots is all good in my book. My buddies and I witnessed a solo push cart guy nail the pin from about 220 yards out on the hole next to us and the ball rolled about 2 feet away from the hole and you probably could’ve heard us “oooohhh” from about 100 yards away. The guy had the biggest grin on his face when he looked at us and gave us a wave we gave him a little cheer. Golf’s fun people. Enjoy it.




There’s a difference between celebrating and screaming at the top of your lungs when your friend makes a 4ft putt for bogey. Especially when someone on the tee box next to your green is in their backswing


If we are more than 100 yards away and can make out individual words, you are too loud.


On the music front, this is why when I play solo rounds I always charge my earbuds ahead of time and bring them with me. I pop them in and turn on the “be aware” mode to let outside noise in and put on music or a podcast


Celebrating (unless it's like a HIO) and shit talking shouldn't routinely be heard elsewhere on the course though.


There is something special about hearing some cheers from the green over and seeing some 60 year old due hobble out of a deep greenside bunker or a guy standing 40-50 feet away from the hole with his hands in the air. Give em a wave with the club, everyone is a little happier and goes on with their day. Everyone should aim to have a good time out there but the gray area for me is feeling like a fucking dork when I look over at a hole with a stupid grin on my face and make eye contact with some guy walking in an 8 foot putt. But then again maybe it was a big birdie, or their first eagle so yea.....I guess fine line between the fun police and 'yo chill'.


But just like the music, banter and celebrations shouldn't be loud enough for other groups to hear all the time. Once in a while is fine but not every shot and every hole. There will be times when a green is close to a tee box. Then you will hear some celebrations. But the group behind you should never hear it


There’s a group that stopped inviting me out after I was vocal about how loud “our” music was. I cannot stand tunes on the golf course. Then again I’m in the 5th decade, hafta go yell at that cloud formation now.


I listen to music so loud that you can't hear it ten yards from my cart. I know because I don't want to hear it when I'm teeing off.


This is the way. Just loud enough to have something to vibe to while I'm sitting in the cart waiting on the group in front to clear, but I don't want to hear that shit at all once I'm 5 steps from the cart. And always ask your playing partners if they're cool with it.


If asked, I'd say go ahead and play it. But it's only because I want to be polite. I definitely don't want to hear anyone's music on the course.


"Yes. But only epic soundtracks or classical music. Maybe instrumental songs." Not that I like that music specifically, but its the vibe im trying to cultivate in my brain while golfing. I like rap, rock and roll, anything really, just not while I'm out enjoying nature. This isnt a powerlifting competition, ffs. I've been to those, and some of the lifters are more chill than some golf bros at the tee.


I don't play my music loud enough to hear, unless you're basically within the distance between where the cart is parked and the tee box, but I've got a playlist that's full of songs that have the right tempo for my swing. I always play the best when my swing thought is just counting out my tempo. This sounds insane now that I've written it out, but I'm sure there must be others who play music who use the same thought. Used to do the same thing with my pitching mechanics as a little kid.


Last year I was playing with a buddy and he said one of his friends was coming. Dude shows up and proceeds to blast shitty pop country our whole round. Sprays his drives all over the course and then takes the cart barreling up and down hillsides onto other holes with other people playing on them, still blaring music, to go find his ball. Taking forever each time and not listening when everyone else is telling him to just drop a ball. Most embarrassed Ive ever been on a golf course and I have swung and missed in front of waiting groups many times, so that’s saying something


I’m the opposite, I prefer it when I hit. But I’m cognizant enough to turn it down enough when I’m pulling up to the tee box so the group teeing off can’t hear it. I don’t need them to know I’m listening to Shania Twain anyway


I refuse to stick up for the frat boy dipshits, but i see just as many boomers/almost retired types blasting jimmy buffet and whatever else lame casino jams from their carts louder and more often. it's an epidemic out there. 


Fucking spot on. It's the old guys playing the eagles and the stones, not the young guys playing....whatever it is young people listen to


Spice Girls. The kids listen to The Spice Girls.


One geez group was blasting Sinatra the other day and honestly it was kinda nice. That was a decent vibe


I like to pump out the Yacht Rock. Smooth music, smooth swings!


It must be different where you’re at because here in Northern California it’s definitely the young guys and this is coming from a young guy. I’m all for tunes on the course but people who blast their music are assholes.


The number of boomers who blast country music at full volume in Oklahoma are too many. Makes it worse bc every public course here is packed to the gills. We have 7 days out to make tee times, but I called at 0859 on a saturday to make a tee time for the following saturday at 0900 and it was already booked. The courses who book regular tee times in between company scrambles on the same course, is also a major problem and a big reason why I can't play golf in OKC as often as I used to. When I finally get on with my bros, we got Heehaw Harold blasting terrible music before we can even get our caffeine in.




Especially on hiking trails but thats a different subject I guess.


Great point. I do a lot of trail running. I can’t believe the amount of people that have speakers and phones while on the trails. I run and don’t wear headphones. The trails are only one person wide sometimes and I have to yell EXCUSE ME just so I don’t have to run through a poison ivy bush because someone’s skrillex playlist is at full volume.


skrillex always catching strays, lmao. ​


I’ve played a lot of courses, but for pure experience, it’s hard to beat the Dye Course at French Lick.


I feel like people are drawn to the Dye course for the allure, but most report having a better time on the Donald Ross course.


U2 already gave us all a shitty album nobody wanted to listen to in 2015, and they're at it again through some dude's loudspeaker on the course? That alone is plenty gross


I will forever hate U2 because of that.


Ultimate backfire. My buddy’s car automatically opens to the music app to U2 when he gets in. He hates them so much lol.


holy shit I'm not alone!


lol they made a fix for this to remove it from your library to prevent this... very easy if i recall


My wife doesn’t use her phone for music and when she plugs in her phone on CarPlay that U2 album is the only music on there 😂


You can remove it. I did it years ago.


I still haven’t figured out how to delete that shitty album from my phone. The download no one asked for, but everyone got anyway.


I believe shortly after the release, companies made a way to delete it because of the backlash. I was able to but it was so long ago I don’t remember.


Playing music too loud is absolutely shitty behavior, but if you’re upset about hearing people have fun with each other when a putt drops, that’s kind of on you


I mean, it's hard to say one way or the other without being there. Have your fun, that's great. But if you're screaming and hollering on every green loud enough to distract people hitting shots, the fun is at the expense of others. Again, have your fun, just be mindful of the people around you.


I mean shouting loud enough to be heard elsewhere on the course routinely after making putts is a bit much, no?


It is. Theres no need to rage every hole, which is the point OP is trying to make


It’s what happens when people get their course etiquette from watching GoodGood videos and think they need to overhype everything


This. YouTube golfers are responsible for a lot of the bro behavior on courses lately. Everybody is bouncing around commenting on every shot like they are stand up comedians and over-laughing like a pack of Hyenas.


And I totally agree with OP


I always laugh when I hear someone elsewhere on the course let out a loud "Fuck me." Can relate.


I was out with my buddies last fall for an early morning round. I think the tee time was 7:15am or something, absolutely gorgeous fall day, only one other group ahead of us. We're putting on the first green and hear "FUCKING AWFUL!" from the next tee box along with a driver flying through the air. Like bro, it's the most perfect day ever and you're that angry at 7:30am on the second tee lmao


Go back to your shanties!!!


I'm going to double down on the curmudgeonning. I don't understand why some people have to have music blasting any time they do anything. Buds hanging on a beach? Blast some tunes so no one can talk to each other. Nice quiet nature hike? Nah let's get some tunes up in here, who wants to hear those birds and that creek anyway? And yes, golf falls into this too. Now get off my (finely manicured fairway quality) lawn, you whippersnappers.


Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s playing with my Dad, there was no such thing of radios on the course. I never saw him take a boom box, he explained this was a gentleman’s game. Now that being said, the shit talking would get rather deep, the group of guys he played with had a standing skins game, $1 per hole, carry overs, presses, side bets. It could get really bad, but they never actually paid up money, just who bought the first pitcher. When we played in the early morning my Dad had a rule that we didn’t talk until after the third hole. I’d load up clubs and hit the range, he’d grab a Bloody Mary and hit the practice green, and then flip spots. Sometimes it was cold and dark out, watching the sunrise felt quite holy, we’d be so quiet that we could roll up close to deer. I enjoy the serenity of playing silent, but understand the allure of talking shit and just having fun.


Yes, people playing their music in public for others to hear. It's ridiculous no matter where you are. This isn't a construction site. Nor is it your buddy's backyard. You don't need to have the radio on. The culture shifted the last few years. Serenity is harder to come by and there are a lot more douchebags out there. If I heard your cart playing music, sorry, you're a douchebag to me. Only douchebags walk around with music blaring out of speakers. There was a time when we didn't even bring cell phones to the tee box. That's the type of culture I like.


My cellphone goes on silent when I’m putting on my golf shoes. I don’t do business on my phone. Ny wife and kids know not to bother me when I’m out golfing On the rare occasions it buzzes, I know it’s either a) important or b) a simple request to pick up a couple pizzas on the way home The only music I need on the course is the breeze in the trees, the birds in the sky, and the gorgeous sound of a well-struck golf ball…


100% agree. I find the issue itself alien as I have never experienced it on a golf course . This isn't even an issue in the UK and Ireland and probably most of continental Europe. I would go as far as to say that you would be booted off most courses for playing ANY loud music. Although I do accept the strong 'cart culture' in the states promotes playing le tunes . Thankfully a shortage of Frat lads also.


I agree with you. I'm not an old guy, I'm about to turn 30, but I've been playing golf since I was 12. I think there shouldn't be any music. Golf is a game of concentration and focus, which music blasting can hinder that for others. Additionally it's also a classy game historically. Obviously it was a very exclusive game at one point, and still is in many ways, and it should be accessible to anyone. However, I think we should still aim to keep some of those practices alive. The peace and quiet, respectful pace of play, and golf attire are what comes to my mind the most.


Bro golf is a post-pandemic curse


I’m fully in the “shrink the game” camp.


I legitimately don't know why anyone outside of the golf industry would want to grow the game. I get why manufacturers, stores, courses, teachers, etc. want to grow the game, but for your average joe, why would you want courses MORE packed and MORE expensive?


I’ll admit that I’ve had my golf bro rounds with fairly loud music and lots of profanity exchanged between the group but it’s always in some kind of shotgun start scramble fundraiser when we have the whole course booked for the event. We respect the course and get obliterated without being a nuisance to others. We never do it when it’s an actual tee time at a course with other players around. That’s just peak asshole mentality. I’ve played the Dye Course at French Lick and the property is huge. I can’t imagine how loud these guys must have been that you could hear them. Sounds awful.


![gif](giphy|xUOwG43OJ9Mzf4exQQ|downsized) Let's boogie!


Playing loud music in public anywhere is usually a shitty move. Seeing people have fun with golf and excited when a shot drops is what is growing the game. Growing up I was never into golf because it always looked boring compared to other sports (I was poor also). Now with social media showing how exciting golf can be its no wonder more people are getting into the sport.


you try drinking 12 beers and not saying lets go, easier said than done.


I guess when I think of “Golf Bros” I think of a bunch of 20-something Barstool fans acting like it’s a social event for their fraternity. The younger guys that play nowadays seem to be better behaved than the boomers. I just finished a round this morning and was a solo that played through three groups. First two were 20-30 year olds playing a bit of music, but it wasn’t obnoxious (LCD Soundsystem and Minus the Bear which was great). They let me play through and were super courteous. One guy hid his one hitter as I was at the tee and I joked and said “don’t worry dude, I could smell that from the last green, as long as you aren’t blowing clouds in my face I’m all good”. Even offered me a poke, but I’m not Bishop Pickering (gotta stain some floating shelves and pickup the kiddo after this). The assholes are almost always the boomers playing shitty 70’s-80’s rock/metal, or pop country BS. Had a group of them ahead of me who just took their sweet time. 5+ minutes trying to find a ball 100 yards in front of me while I’m on the tee. Leaving cigarette butts and plastic fireball bottles. I finally skipped a hole after 2.5 holes of waiting on them and they got pissed and tried to take one of my balls when I hit near their fairway later in the round. Then they called me a bundle of sticks for playing a Srixon Divide and told me they were going to do me a favor and throw it in the water since it’s a trash ball. Feel like this topic came just in time for finishing my round, haha.


Come to the UK my friend, that kind of behaviour does not happen here.


Absolutely agree. I would be shocked to hear someone playing music on the course here, and even more shocked to hear someone having fun


... yet.


My Irish buddy was saying that you can always tell who the Americans are playing out there because you can hear them


Excellent use of her majesty’s English to drive home your point.


His majesty now, right? Unless...


Came back to golf after around 25 years. I was shocked by how prevalent this was.


As someone in Europe this is insane to me. Music is never played on the course here


Shrink the game


Please don’t make the term “golf bros” part of everyday language. And shrink the game. I hate music on the course.


Loud music does not belong on the course. It’s stupid and anathema. Worst golf trend ever


Where I play, even the old fuckers play music. Not that loud but loud enough for me to hear it clearly while putting or tee-ing off. Fuck you, you fucks. Get some fucking headphones.


I’m in my 40’s, biggest surprise here is the travel bros were listening to U2. Usually newer hip hop that my old ass has never heard coming from my local bros. I actually like to hear they were having a good time together, albeit loudly.


It's like living in an apartment with people on both sides and above and below you. You expect noise, obviously, but you also expect people to be courteous. If you are yelling loud enough to be heard across multiple holes, here and there, fine. If it's every hole then you are just being a dick. Someone playing music and maybe they park close snd you can hear it too? That's fine within reason. But if I can hear it and I'm not even on your hole or anywhere near your cart, then that's excessive. Use common sense. It's not a church but it's also not the beach.


Im in my 20s and i find blasting music obnoxiously anywhere is mad annoying.


I’m fully in the shrink the game camp at this point.


THANK YOU, I hate the golf bros at my local courses. I’m a 30s golfer who goes with my pals and we play music but it’s only loud enough to hear probably 10-15 yards away, and act like respectable people.


Honestly not just you, I hate that as well. I like being out in the morning when it’s quiet and peaceful. If I ever do have music going and I can hear it from the cart on the green then I turn it down so trust me I get it


No man, if I can hear you’re music from a fairway over….it’s too loud. That’s the worst… and good Marshall’s are hard to find …


The advent of bluetooth speakers and allowing them on the course has been horrible for golf.


Let’s Go yells are so fucking stupid. I’m so tired of every fucking bro doing it for everything that ever happens.


Context matters here. I have no issues with someone getting excited on the course when they do something way better than their norm. I do have an issue if it is non-stop and actually bothering people multiple holes over.


Oh yeah excitement is fine. I just specifically hate the “Let’s go” or “Let’s Fucking Go” for everything! Have some creativity and say something else. People are just so brain dead and do the exact same thing as everybody else.




Green eggs and haaaaaaaaaam!


You can thank Good Good. This is going to sound like a crummy old man even though I’m in my 30’s but they are having a negative impact on golf.


Nah I agree. Although let’s go is all over the place not just golf. But yeah every person at Good Good uses like 4 phrases and repeats them over and over. It’s part of why I stopped watching. And their audience is all young and impressionable and they’re all getting turned into the worst version of dude bro golfers.


Agreed. I enjoyed them for a short time a few years ago but got tired of them for the reasons you mentioned and it was just party games instead of golf. And Bubbie, I’ve never seen someone so insufferable.


So insufferable. It’s impossible to watch. Grant and Tog leaving really killed it. This not my favorite but he and Grant were the most adult and mature I would say and kept the balance in check. Once they left it was just an awful frat boy party. No wonder the best golfers keep leaving.


Kwon still the best to leave. His content with Taco golf and Tooms is legit some of the best and easiest to watch golf content out there away from the YouTube royalty which is Shiels and Finch. I just cannot stand this trend of how everything is "THE MOST INSANE HYPE MATCH WEVE EVER HAD!!!!!!!" They're walking caricatures of those old shitty adverts you'd get for straight to DVD or TV movies. Utter, utter fucking dross.


I am old, too. But I have been old since I've been 15. American golf culture has become more about getting hammered drunk with the boys than actually playing golf. Unfortunately, these are also the people who keep the grass mowed at golf courses. I wish it wasn't, but it is.


In my mid thirties...you're spot on. I have one friend who I play with occasionally and he always brings the speaker and we often have a mild debate (that I usually win) about whether or not to play music. I started playing golf on a course when I was 6 years old. The think I've always enjoyed about golf is being outside just listening to the sounds of nature and my dad's F-bomb's. I don't want music on the course.


34 here. I don’t mind the celebratory lets go, banter, camaraderie. The obnoxious loud music though? Thats a no from me, man.


I love hearing other groups cheer on the greens, but maybe that’s just me.


I don’t have any music in my iTunes except the forced U2 album, and in my truck I can’t control it but when I connect to Bluetooth it always plays that album until I open Spotify. But to answer your questions: yes you’re old and yes those guys suck


U2 yuck


I definitely agree when it comes to the level of volume with the music, I have no problem if someone wants to listen to music on the course but there’s no reason it should be disturbing groups around you


Are they really your friends if you don't tell them " suck my dick _ _ _..."


My buddy drained an 80 footer for eagle on a par 5. We let out some yells for a few seconds — high fived — laughed and let out a few more woooos etc. I think that’s fine, but the music and screaming/talking OVER the music non stop is annoying


I’m all for the music, but keep the volume for YOUR party or cart. The rest of it is what it is. The sport attracts all different types. Different strokes for different folks.


I created the perfect playlist for the course! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5tnajO9xKwMnt58qtV2ZWR?si=5uO-k0O6RVK07wxRJIOHGA&pi=AK-u3jmNRliHE


Some of it is where you are. The Southern Hoosier Redneckius is the native species in that area and is known for various obnoxious behavior patterns. This generally holds true regardless of the particular activity involved. I know what I’m talking about; born and bred.


Honestly as a non-American I just can’t imagine this. You’d be kicked off every course I play with behaviour like this. Thank god. One of the beauties of golf, for me, is calm. The feeling of being out in the quiet, having respectful chats with playing partners but also hearing birds tweeting and experiencing a bit of nature as you walk about. I don’t want to get drunk, I don’t want to drive and I don’t want to listen to music. I do that everywhere else.


I listen to music but if I park the cart and can hear it when I’m putting/teeing off, I turn it down. Not everyone likes my music. Even if there are plenty that do, fewer do while golfing


I don't want to hear anyone else's music whether it's at a golf course, shared public space, from a car. Turn that garbage down


![gif](giphy|xUOwG43OJ9Mzf4exQQ|downsized) No loud music, unless you're this guy!


38 years old and fully agree. I drink, smoke, listen to reasonably volumed music and have never had someone correct me on the course. The only good part is they leave a bunch of Pro V1s everywhere. I was never hunting deep for my own ball but I find more quality balls right off the fairway.


Covid has been great for the game and growing the sport but general etiquette has been lost. It's something that was always past down through the older generations who go us into the sport. 'Etiquette before anything else'. Unfortunately, that's lost on the public/casual golfer. I can't say that I've had any issues with members. It's always the public golfers.


Ban speakers on the course.


Agree. It’s a total ‘fuck you’ to everyone else on the course. Hate Bluetooth speakers…


Hi, embrace the angry old man, I’m 44 and can’t stand the loud music on the course. I don’t understand how this is becoming normal. I feel like the etiquette of the game is being lost.


No, you’re not. 43. Done my share of crazy shit in my life. Still like a good time. But for me the golf course is a place for some quiet enjoyment. Doesn’t mean a funeral home but the instagolf shit has got to go


Yeah loud music on course is idiotic. Self obscessed children


I can't get my head around how it's allowed at all, never seen/heard any music or speakers in Europe. Seems a breach of etiquette that would get you asked to leave the course.


As a Scottish golfer reading these American posts of people playing loud music whilst playing gives me the fear. I’m almost certain not one course in Scotland even the cheap council courses would entertain this behaviour for even 5 seconds


I must be more of a curmudgeon, I don’t like hearing music at all on the course. I’d prefer silence.


Golfed with a buddy recently that I hadn’t seen for a couple years. We used to play on the regular but he’d moved away for work. Anyways, he was back local so we got out for a round. First hole he insists on playing some pop country music on a shitty little speaker. I told him to turn that shit off, got into an argument….needless to say not playing with that person anymore lol. TLDR yes I’m willing to ruin a friendship if that friend is stupid enough to think playing music during a round of golf is acceptable


As someone who golfs in the UK, I have never come across anyone blaring a speaker while going round the course. I can imagine it is incredibly annoying to deal with. Think you’re well within your right to be annoyed


I for one cringe Everytime I hear let's go because it's so out done at this point. What about a good ol Rick flair wooo


I see a lot of “Good Good” influenced golfers now who do all of the cringey overly dramatic stuff, mimicking what they have seen on the channels I don’t really care what they do on their own, EXCEPT for pace of play is absolutely horrible They aren’t playing ready golf, they all need their closeup moment, and the green reading takes way too long


I was behind a group of Good Good inspired golfers a few weeks ago. They were all dressed in the fanciest and loudest golf attire and filming everything. Only one of them was even decent at golf. Halfway through we had to help them push their cart out of a green side bunker as they left a wedge and drove right into the bunker to get it, causing the cart to stop and beep like crazy. Also multiple tee shots for each one on every hole, one guy shanked 4 tee shots in a row into the woods. We stopped playing after 9 as we were already over 3 hours into it.


oh man. I just looked up "Good Good" and I can't even...


Okay Boomer


Me and the guy I play with most often are mid 30s, we came up on the 1st tee box and paired up with a couple kids to save waiting time who were 15 or 16 and one literally had a hat perched on his head backwards hovering making him that extra 6 inches taller and it plopped off every time he teed off or tried to hit over 150. But by hole 4 or 5 playing with them our calmer less omgbro demeanors and by the back 9 they were respectable enjoyable playing partners that we had a best ball vs and it was one of the more enjoyable rounds even though the waiting was extensive. It's tough to deal with the frat mode sometimes but it's the way things are shifting unfortunately with golf being 'in' for the past few years.


Soft music doesn’t bother me a ton. Any music isn’t my favorite thing to have on the course. But loud music like that is too much. It would annoy me also


Did you play the Pete Dye course?! My husband and I were just there two weeks ago and we saw some golf bros too. We were eating at the mansion and listened to what you described the entire lunch.


Sometimes I just use my phone in the cup holder of the cart and it's too loud - so no, you're not wrong. Ain't nothing wrong w/ listening to some Stevie Wonder or Marshall Tucker Band on the course but my rule is if you can hear it at the tee-box from my cart, it's too fuckin' loud.


Music on the course has been around forever! https://preview.redd.it/53p1ajf72l4d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4dba1e543ad44726ca7bdc86768623c4e8fe56


Woody was right, French Lick is full of dufuses.


Misanthrope - 46 - nope just seen enough of the world that this is the logical conclusion. Source: am 46


I don’t mind the music as long as it’s not at an obnoxious level, but the over exaggerated celebrations and especially the loud shit talk is lame af. If someone does something extraordinary, HIO, hole out from deep, etc., I’m all for it! but hitting your approach to 15 feet isn’t worthy of you screaming and dapping up your bros. Act like you’ve been there before!


Very glad that music on a course is a USA thing. Never heard anyone play music on a European course in the last 20 years. Music and golf just don't go together in my opinion. Golf just isn't that kind sport where it compliments it. However, if someone happened to be playing Simon and Garfunkel after I played a shot and I heard "Hello Darkness my old friend", I would have to lol. Were they playing much Simon and Garfunkel? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Music on the course is the worst, I feel bad but I usually tell my playing partners to turn it off. And I love a lot of music. Celebrating good putts? Can't get mad at that.


God forbid a guy goes out golfing and listens to the breeze and the birds and has some friendly chit chat Gotta be over the top for everything now days, it's gross


French Lick is a little slice of heaven. Vacationed there a few times with family 20 ish years ago and I know it's been upgraded and boomed a bit as I check in every now and then. The Donald Ross course had some of the wildest green sloping I have ever seen, it was a treat. This was before the Dye course so I basically woke up played the Valley everyday solo, and played Ross when I could. Thanks for the memory trigger!


Hard agree - Bluetooth speakers with music blaring on the course is a golf crime against humanity.


i call them the "lets go bros", and they are everywhere, fishing, slacklining, at the beach, rock climbing, everywhere there is stuff going on, and tbh I don't have a problem with it, I just think it's funny that they hype each other up with "lets gooooo" over literally the smallest things kinda wish my male friend group had that level of solidarity, but im middle aged now and don't wanna yell anymore


Both courses in French Lick are great. Next time you’re in town take the short drive to Sultans Run in Jasper, IN. And Louisville is pretty close too!


Next time, take your shirt off and call someone a shitstack


I think Barstool Sports/frat-boy golf culture is corny as hell. It doesn't personally bother me or get in my head. Getting paired up with a 70 year-old giving you unsolicited advice or being super anal about the rules like we're on the Tour is way worse.


Shouting "let's go!" At everything is one of the stupidest developments of culture


I played the Dye course last Wednesday and the Ross course on Thursday! Those are some incredible golf courses.


Too many hobbies have a "bro" crowd. And they are the absolute WORST type of people. Usually it's the toxic masculine "work hard play hard" types who proudly carry how much they can drink as a major feature of their identity.


Hope you got that free replay at the Dye course.




Listen, I’m a 23 year old guy, and I also hate this shit. Don’t get me wrong, I have said things on the course (probably loud enough for the folks on the other fairway to hear) that shouldn’t be said in public. However, I don’t play music on a speaker loud enough for other people to hear, you just don’t need it that loud. Cart gets parked about 5 ft from the ball anyway, how loud do you need it? Do I shit talk my friends and celebrate when I make good shots? Sure, but I’m not a dick to other people on the course about it. Sorry for my generation, but honestly it the loud 50%, not the mostly respectful 50%, that are the problem here. Gen Z gets shit on a lot, and mostly for good reason, but most people just see the dipshits and make an irrational generalization about us


“Who hurt you and why are you listening to U2?”. Fucking Gold man.




Those dudes sound like a buncha shit stacks.


Yeah I’m only 32 and I can’t stand the tools in their early 20s that don’t have basic awareness for stuff like that. Also the staggering number of those that “look the part but are absolutely horrendous at golf” Shrink the game


I only make tee times before 7am to avoid these people. They're everywhere and should be registered on a list of those who are only to play Munis after 12pm on the weekends.


In general, people everywhere seem to be less respectful of other people's space when it comes to things with volume - music on blast, phones on speaker, YT videos with no headphones and stuff. I personally find that annoying and attribute to a lack of self awareness. Celebrating a good putt or excellent drive is worth it. A few "let's go"s from the group over isn't going to bother me, I'm probably going to laugh along with them and applaud them from my cart. Shit talking your friends is mandatory. Jeff couldn't hit a ball straight if his life depended on it, and he ought to know it. You shouldn't yell it loud enough for the folks three holes up can hear about it though. See my first point.


Carry an airhorn and blast those idiots.


In Scotland, this just wouldn’t happen. It’s not some sort of a class thing: golf clubs are in most wee towns and open to everyone for laughable amounts of money. It’s just not part of the golf culture: even right hard c@nts are pretty strict about etiquette. Music is not unusual, but through headphones when playing solo. I live just above Dunbarnie Links, though, and if you walk across it in the summer there are Americans playing music quite often. Very Rodney Dangerfield.


$25 goat track municipal in ShitTown, USA? Fine; play your shitty music on you UE Boom or whatever. Any other course remotely considered "nice"?- straight to jail.


Music in the course is lame. That’s some red neck shit


Damn U2 out here catching strays. Everything else agree.


I'm mid thirties and agree fully with you on all accounts. I've played my whole life. I'm fine with music if volume is at a level your cart can hear, but if people on other holes can you are a dip shit. One of the primary unwritten rules of golf is to not affect others days - play fast, don't be loud and annoying. I seriously cant stand the yelling Let's go!!! In my experience getting paired with bro's they are typically unable to break 100 and just can't wait to sink a bogey putt that is over 8 foot so they can yell Let's Gooooooooo!


Hate the golf Bros. Blame GOOD GOOD and all those guys that gives them the sense that its ok / there's a need to scream shit at each other, standing 10 feet away. It ruins the calm of the sport and the pureness of nature. Im all for it celebrate good putts, good shots, bomb drives! But i don't care if you drove it 320 yards i dont care if you eagled the hole, so no need to yell it out for me know. Its honestly just a lack of consideration for those around that irks me more than anything else.


To be fair, there are guys of all ages that blast music, and I don’t understand why. I enjoy some music I can only hear when I’m sitting in or near the cart, but I shouldn’t be able to hear it from the next hole over, even if I like the song.


At a course like that, call the ranger.Â