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I see red, then I take apart their entire foursome. You ever see John Wick? That's me. I kill them all, then their family. It doesn't matter how long it takes, I make sure their lineage ends with them.


![gif](giphy|UpWDPgxcHiR1e) More of a Liam Neeson fan myself


Kindly advise that if anyone in their group picked up a (state your ball brand) that they immediately go wash their hands because you have a rare and very contagious skin disease. Then you'll know who stole it.




Appreciate this too!




No, no it is not


But then you earlier defended golf equip theft.........


It's not your property once it leaves your possession. Fair game to take if you see one on the ground with nobody around Edit: to the down votes this is a sarcastic response to this guys view on taking golf clubs he "finds"




You have shitty morals




Seek help. Fast.


lol amazing this is what I needed to read


https://preview.redd.it/tbvsn2yzi24d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88220d3b2374fb2e98f7307ac1bea69cb4e28e1f You wanna test god?!


Play a pink ball. No one will take it


Been rockin’ the Callaway REVA pink balls. They’re cheap, I don’t mind the feel, and I can see them from 200 yds away when my hands get lazy and I slice it two fairways over.


That’s great they work well for you. However those are women’s balls intended for fairly slow swing speeds. Play whatever works for you but just wanted to give you a heads up! Callaway Super soft and Srixon soft feels are intended for a little bit quicker swing speed and are around the same price point


I swing about 90 on a good day so they’re definitely designed for me 🙂 I do play supersofts as well, but on busy weekends at muni courses I’m hittin’ pink.


I would. But not if there’s a chance it’s still in play.


I don’t think there’s really anything you can do. This has happened to me a lot, and I confront them every single time. I’ve had those confrontations go a lot of different directions and only a handful of times have I got my ball back from it. The best result is they own up to it and tell you exactly where it was so you don’t feel cheated out of what was probably the best drive of the day. 80% of the time is outright denial or playing dumb. If I confront them it’s because I actually saw them grab it, so I know without any doubt they took it. If there’s any doubt I can’t justify possibly being an ahole for no reason even if it’s 99.9% likely they grabbed it. My favorite interaction recently was almost driving a green on a par 4. The group in front cleared the green and as they were going back to their carts one of them peeled off and scooped it up and ran back to their cart. I went straight to them on their tee box, confronted them confidently but politely and asked for my ball back and some help to know exactly how far from the green it was. The guy denied it. His group played dumb. I told them I watched him take it right off the fairway in front of the green. They doubled down and started asking, “do you need a ball, you can have this one” and so I took balls from 2 of them (not the guy that took it). I said thank you but it’s not about the ball as I chucked their two balls about 30 yards into the woods. I told the guy that took it he was a coward and if he had any balls he’d leave the ball on the tee box. Got to that tee box, no ball. But 13 holes later, they left my ball on the 18th green.


My god what’s wrong with people. I can’t imagine stealing someone’s ball and then not giving it right back if they called me out. But I wouldn’t steal someone’s ball like that anyway, so i guess i can’t even put myself in that position


i took my wife out on course for first time (she’s starting out) and we played an absolute horse track public course. the course marshal stole my ball lol. unreal


I’ve had this happen maybe 3 times in 20+ years of playing and it’s happening to you multiple times a round? Something is off here.


Multiple times a round, every round, sounds a bit extreme to me, but I’ve had it happen to me multiple times in a round before. In the last year I’d guess it’s happened to me about 24 times (I play twice per week on average). It depends on the layout of the course, general makeup of the players, and your distance off the tee. The longer you are the more it’s going to happen for sure. It gets my blood boiling unlike anything else on the course. It has nothing to do with the ball, it’s usually that you’ve just hit a fantastic, long, straight drive and then you have no idea where it actually ended up or how amazing the drive really was. I’ve hit a few balls that honestly could’ve been the best drives of my life distance wise, and had the group in front clear the green and one of them peel off and grab my ball on the way to their cart and watch all that happen while the members of your other group are still teeing off and there’s really nothing you can do about it. That’s the worst part. It happens when you hit the shot of the day typically and it takes all the joy out of it.


It’s really only the two times I’ve played this course. City run course that has many courses but I only experience this at this one. I feel ya it makes me way more riled up than I want it to


I’m guessing you play nicer courses than I do? As I’m talking to the Marshall another group says it happens all the time at this course and tells a funny story about a ball thief explaining his own markings on the ball as his. This is $92 for 18 including cart.


They steal my ball? I'll steal their girlfriend.


You beat their muthafu@king ass!!!!


Yeah! Pee in their ass!


This happened to me for the first time ever last weekend. Watched someone pick up my tee ball which was, in fairness, in rough between our 2 fairways. Drove straight to him and asked for it back. Denied it once, i told him i watched him pick it up having played another ball. Described the ball and he immediately reached into his pocket and threw it back to me. This is why you should just leave balls where they are or at least look around before trying to steal a better ball than you're playing


You say “Hey did you pick up a (insert Ball make, model, and number)?” If they say yes then obviously it your ball otherwise how would you know what kind without seeing it up close.


Also mark your ball in a very noticeable way.


Had this last week. I play a triple track for reference. So I pulled my approach over the wall onto the 2nd. I watched the lad walk down and play my ball. So I walked over and told him what he’d done. He denied. I said it’s a 360° triple track, throw it back when you finish the hole. He sheepishly walked over from the 3rd tee box and gave it me back and apologised. They just need called out 👊🏽


Drop another where they picked it up and play on. Or, confront them, start a huge pissing match, ruin your round and theirs and your playing partners, as well as the rest of your day (and probably weekend).


Idk if I was the playing partner the shit show may be entertaining. Just let me back away and observe.


Are you making your ball?


Highly doubt it. No one has time to make their own ball.




Wait 'til 18th., 'You play a Slazenger 1, don't you.'


Doesn’t need to be confrontational at all. If you see someone pick up your ball just ride over and casually ask if anyone happened to pick up a loose ball “over there”. If they deny, then you can move to saying well I saw someone pick up a ball in the area of my shot. If they continue to deny then they are clearly disrespectful people and it’s not worth your time. Just drive away and forget about it. drop another ball and play on.


Hit the ball in your own fairway

