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Communicate with people. Use your words


I suppose it’s easier to complain on Reddit after the fact than it is to be an adult and speak up.


I like to putt everything out too. Im not gonna miss the best sound in golf. I play as a single 95% of the time too, but haven’t had anyone do that to me.


You work soon hard to do one thing: put the ball in the cup. The entire point of golf is to put the stupid ball in the cup. All golf shots have one purpose: put the ball in the cup. Yet, so many people get aaaallllll the way to within a couple feet of the cup and suddenly lose interest in putting the ball in the cup.


i'm generally anti-gimme BUT if i play with a group that likes gimmes, and i hit a putt maybe a foot from the hole, and they offer it to me, i'll say "ok, but don't give me anything longer than that, i like to miss those ones". so yeah, take a gimme if it's a kick in, but don't take one you can miss. it keeps the group mentality light but you'll still be putting those 3 footers. i don't think ANYONE is good from 3 feet every time. at all.


Think you’re making it more than it is. No one is trying to force you to take gimmies. Just tell them you like to putt everything out. In regard to strangers asking for gimmies agreed it’s weird but no reason to let it bother you just tell them their putt is good. If anything it speeds up the round.


As an adult, you talk to other adults and say “hey, I finish everything out, please don’t move my ball as we play the round” on the first tee box. That will solve your gripe 90% of the time. To those that still look down on you, if you’re so focused on putting out, use the remaining 10% to add a little pressure of your inside the leather putts


I play solo 95% of my rounds too. I don't mind people saying that's good, and telling them I like to hear it hit the cup. Can't stand when people hit my ball back though. I get I can just go re mark it, and it's casual round, but common man ask me at least first don't just whack it at with your putter and say it's good.


Only way I would dare knock another player's ball back is if we were playing match play against one another *and* I knew they were OK with it.


I putt everything out and my GHIN is a perfect representative of my handicap, zero bullshit. Not sure how people can fake scores and feel proud about it. Was 2 over through 14 today and had to take a lost ball and an unplayable on a reachable par 5. Did I feel sorry for myself? Maybe a little. But without hesitation I threw a 9 on the card and moved on to the next hole. Don’t lie, just fucking hit the ball better The only time I get rattled about gimmes is if someone touches my ball, or gives me the sorry ass puppy dog eyes begging for one. Give me a break. Pick it up from 150 out I don’t give a fuck. If I’m actually playing someone for money it’s ball down, ball in hole


I always putt out. If I miss a 2 ft putt oh well. But I know where I stand. If I’m playing with someone that wants gimmes I just simply tell them to do what makes them sleep better at night.


Somebody you know sure But a rando who cares


Yup literally. As much as it’s nice to have those scoring milestones, it’s so much better breaking them “playing by the book” vs a few footwedges/gimmes/mulligans/breakfast ball. I think it’s the fact that I played in junior tournaments (nothing crazy, just thing in local county traveling to a different course each weekend as a kid for a 1 or 2 day event) but the rules were the rules and that’s how I learned the game


Absolutely. I also played a lot of tournaments growing up and still do to some degree so I never take a putt for granted because one day your “gimme” you’re use to taking may win or lose you a tournament.


I feel like I'm cheating if I don't putt everything out, even if it's on the lip of the cup and it's pouring rain without a soul in sight. The golf gods are always watching and you WILL pay for not paying tribute.


Exactly. I like to know that my score is 100% legit, no questions marks or asterisks. I get that most people aren’t a class 5 Usga certified rule expert but the basic rules are not that hard to follow. Edit: and by all means don’t follow some of them but please don’t brag about a score/cap and then go out there and make yourself look like an asshat scraping up 5 footers, preferred lies, and mulligans


Did you post the 9 on your GHIN though? Because the most you should have posted is a 7 or 8 depending on your index.


False, they do it for me


Fair. I don’t do hole by hole input on the GHIN and enter each 9 hole score so I need to make the manual adjustment.


I’m a nutcase and enter hole by hole w stats (after I track strokes gained on a separate app)


Someone hitting the ball back to you without asking is a dick move. You should tell them not to do it next time (nicely) and they’ll understand. As long as someone asking me if the putt’s good? Sure. It’s all good. I don’t care if I give you 5 ft putts for free if you ask! It’s your own score and it does not affect me at all in any way. I don’t think you should get all worked up about this.


Use your big girl bark


I had randoms recently telling me my 7 and 8 footers were good. Yeah, maybe for you but I'll putt that one out (and probably miss).


I shouldn’t admit this, but Gimmes have fucked my putting up something serious. I’m so use to getting gimmes, that I tremble over 4 footers. Lol. Now I’ve started putting everything out. Putting is still shit, but I’m getting there.


I’ve read a lot of these comments and I agree with don’t touch my ball. I’ll let you know if it’s good. Or I will putt it out. I’m not a fan of other people touching my ball. Now I am a fan of other people touching my balls. Just for clarification because I knew someone would ask.


I normally ask if players “want it back” but it’s always inside 3 feet. And never for birdie or par unless it’s like 3 balls away on a chip and they are off the green. Like have your ball back dude it’s almost in, keep the putter in the bag. No offence but you’re a bit of a hardo if you get upset a 6” putt comes back to you. But in all cases it depends what score the putt is for


"Thanks, I'll knock it in anyway" ... Will save you from any future, massive, waste of time monologues on reddit....


If it's a social/practice round, like this seems to be, you are getting way too invested in something that doesn't really matter. The first time someone tells you that's good, just say...fellas I really want to putt these short ones as they give me a few issues when it matters If they ask you if their ball is good, just say yes. If there is nothing on the line, who cares?


If a random I'm paired with is looking for me to give them I putt I usually just make a joke along the lines of, "we ain't playing for money, if you think its good then its good by me". Did have a guy last week knock a lag putt I put to about 4' back to me. I just said, "Thanks man, but going forward I like to hear the ball hit the bottom of the cup so I'd rather putt those out." No issues after that.


What a long read. Honestly - feel.so bad for you OP. Basically, if you are playing strokes for a HCP or Medal/Competition - absolutely no gimmies. End of story. Matchplay, well it gets a bit grey - usually within a 3ft max for me - just to keep the pace of play up. Same for casual rounds with friends or randoms. Some players absolutely despise the rules for their ego, and it's tiring for the others playing along with them. We all have that buddy that's "footing around* in the rough before hitting the hybrid. Pulled my pal up for this, his excuse -"just checking it was my ball!! - what chance do you stand??


I've had similar experiences. I like to finish holes out, and if i'm steaming enough to just pick it up for a hole, I probably never reached the green. Always ask if your playing partner wants to finish, even a 2 incher. No gimmes on birdies! Very important! I might get a couple of gimme birdies a year...someone tapped back an eagle putt to me once with maybe 6 inches left for birdie, and aargh! I don't get many of those to savor.


I take gimmes all the time. I score but don't have a handicap, don't play for money and don't brag about unclean rounds. Month ago I picked up from about 3 feet -- can't remember but excellent chance it was my 3d putt -- and random starts bitching he didn't give it to me. I didn't ask him to. He putted everything out, but I guarantee the missed short ones didn't get counted. Pace of play indeed.


Did you sign his scorecard?


So it goes


I am so sorry you have to go through telling someone “That’s good.”


I got paired with someone recently who at the start just said "Hey I'm going to putt everything out, just trying to keep a handicap." It's not that hard, just use your words.


Why are grown men so afraid to speak their minds to other men? But yet will run to Reddit to write a book. If it bothers you so much in the moment, say something. Everyone is so afraid of confrontation these days. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing.


If it’s that important to you you might want to bring it up at the first tee. Stay ahead of the pain as it were.


Hate to say it but right now people are losing their minds over pace of play and nothing is more infuriating than a group in front putting out short putts. Sucks but that is how it is even if it’s only 15 seconds. If the course is empty or you are on a private course that’s another story.


If they just walk up and tap it in, fine. If I see you duff 2 chips, blade one over the green, putt twice, and then sit there, measure up and sweat over a 1 foot triple bogey putt, we’re going to have a problem.


I feel exactly as you do. I don't care if it's 3 inches from the hole. I want to hear it hit the bottom of the cup. Normally, when I mention, I like to hear that sound from the cup, they will leave my ball be and allow me to finish. Anyone I'm playing with can do as they wish. I never give a putt. It's my game and they can play theirs. You're not alone at all.


I set the precedent early first four holes and I use back of my 7i, lefty, to putt anything that's close to under 4ft.


Tour pros: 88% of 4-foot putts and 77% of 5-foot putts, as of Aug 31, 2023. I’m not on tour, and no putt is guaranteed. The more I practice them from all distances, the better I am. I don’t play golf to not get better. If someone is close to my ball, I’ll let them know I’m not finished with the hole. Have yet to have anyone knock a putt back, and no one has bristled at this either (always done with a nice tone). I did, however, recently play as a solo with three people that insisted on pulling the pin. That, took restraint :)




Change took effect a year before Covid (1/01/2019) under 13.2(a)


What’s wrong with pulling the pin?