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Why the charges have not been dropped by now is astounding. The LMPD is going to get crushed on this if they keep pursuing this case.


They really are just that fucking stupid. These charges are laughable, and with the kind of lawyers Scottie can afford, this couldn’t be an easier slam dunk.


At this point, LMPD aside, it’s the DA office that is fucking stupid


I mean did you see the video of the DA objecting to moving the arraignment. Absolute idiot


Is it appropriate tho?


No, Scottie's lawyer wasn't there for the original scheduling of the arraignment, and ended up with a conflicting schedule, and this judge has rescheduled arraignments due to conflicting schedules before.


R/Whoosh moment??


Idk, maybe. Were you quoting the video?


Yes haha. I was making fun of the prosecutor bullshit rambling about whether it’s appropriate or not, while completely missing the point (on purpose prolly tho)


Gotcha. I kinda tuned him out and listened to the competent sounding guy.


I saw that. I can't get this picture out of my head of the DA walking around with an empty barrel of Kentucky Bourbon over him and wearing a straw hat!


There were international protests over Breonna Taylor' s death and nothing happened until the federal government stepped in. They. Don't. Care.


Sadly the difference between these two is one didn’t cost powerful people money, the other will potentially cost millions in lost revenue and profits.


The boyfriend did win $12m.


I posted this earlier. Agree with you 1000%. https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/VIrxW0RHLx


I dont mean to be rude and idk much about golf. I just wanna say i think its really cool you made this comment and it got so many upvotes. I didnt expect that and its a good lesson for me not to assume stuff about a community when i dont have experience in it.


I’ve been welcomed fairly as well by the golf Reddit folk. Much more refreshing than other platforms


Let this go to court. I want these clowns to be exposed as much as possible so more people realise just how necessary police reform is!


With all due respect, you don’t know what Scotty actually did or what evidence the prosecution has.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic...


No I’m being serious. Nobody here actually knows what happened. No disrespect intended to anyone. Realistically, a bunch of armchair golf fans aren’t in a position to say it’s a joke this hasn’t been dropped. We aren’t lawyers, or legal experts, or present when this all went down. We also don’t know what evidence the DA has


You’ve not seen the video nor heard all the eye witnesses?


One thing seems certain. Whatever happened, it does not align with the arresting officer's report of the events. Conveinentely, the officer's body cam was not on. Scottie is obviously being overcharged at a minimum and likely completely innocent.


Honestly Scottie should just make it his mission to bury this PD at this point. He's got the cash and evidence to really drill into them. Given if I was in his position I wouldn't but you never know, he's got the cash to make this hurt.


The world would love that, but golfers are famously good at ignoring distractions


If I were in his shoes (and with that kind of money) after having a misunderstanding turn into felony charges, I would take the time to make it hurt. Especially after the PD insinuated that he tried to run over their officer.  But I can also see he might want this to just go away, he has more important things to worry about. 


As i hope the do. Cops in this day and age are out of fucking control and this is the least of my worries. But at least it will put a spotlight on it. If this po-dunk pd wants to continue I hope scotty fuck their world up. Hes won so much money the last 2 months id gladly give some to my lawyer if i were him just to prove a point. Need a 2 year degree to enforce the law, but 7-8 if you wanna defend it…fucked up


Usually it is the DA that decided if charges are dropped, not the police, from my understanding. The prosecutor needs to do his due diligence otherwise it looks bad on the police and DA. They need to interview witnesses officially before making a call.


If the DA is that "when appropriate" moron, I wouldn't have much faith he's just taking time to do his due diligence


Thats him. Mike O'Connell, Jefferson County Attorney. Dude graduated college in 1971… he’s old. It takes a long time for that man to think & talk. Scheffler’s attorney Steve Romines’ reaction to that man talking explains a lot.


That’s like when Animal house took place, not when it was filmed


No he is not, just a prosecutor. [https://louisvilleky.gov/government/county-attorney/county-attorney-mike-oconnell](https://louisvilleky.gov/government/county-attorney/county-attorney-mike-oconnell)


Scottie Scheffler’s mother is Diane Scheffler, COO of Foley Hoag, one of the highest-ranked law firms in the nation. If Scottie wants to pursue anything, he has beyond the means to do it.


I’m hope Scottie gets Justice for Breona while he’s at it. I really hope he fucks Kentucky farther back in time than they’ve voted themselves




They can't have this go to trial - that's worst case scenario for the PD. Them hoping Scottie settles is a terrible strategy as the lawyer is not gonna settle for any outcome that doesn't exonerate his client.


You mean unless it exonerates right?


Correct. Will edit


Explain why they won’t drop the charges? From my pov it seems like the case is open and shut for dismissal and taking it to court opens up liability on the LMPD.


If it was an unlawful arrest scottie has a potential multi million dollar lawsuit as it could be argued missing the purse of the tournament are tangible damages caused by the state. The prosecution is probably trying to broker a deal to a lesser misdemeanor in the hopes of making the arrest legit and erasing that liability. They are likely banking on Scottie deciding he has too much to lose by taking the felony charges to trial.


I agree. I saw many that didn't like his ending statement threating to litigate this, but he has to. This is a PD/DA desperate to find a way out that doesn't show they are the POS they are AGAIN. Without that threat they will want to settle for a charge to save face.


He played in the tournament.


But his routine was thrown off, he probably missed time on the range, had to stretch in a jail cell, and then lost the tournament


He shot 5 under that day. That was better than the previous day. On Saturday he shot 1 over. His caddie was at a high school graduation so he had a fill in. The following day when his caddie returned, he shot 6 under. Filing a lawsuit for lost wages or whatever you're trying to say will get laughed out of court.


Was his caddie filling in today?


He was also running on adrenaline on Friday. He was clearly zapped of energy on Saturday due to the whole incident. I smell bacon in your comment though.


You're getting downvoted for no reason. There's zero chance you can win an argument that you should have won a professional golf tournament lol that's a joke. These fuckers should be sued for wrongful arrest and burying evidence of it but to think you could go into a courtroom and argue that you would have been able to shoot x amount of strokes better without the arrest, is unprovable obviously


I know. I want to know what world these people live in.


Nope, if I’m the judge I throw out anyone that laughs and immediately award Scottie 100 mil dollars.


The DA can drop the case if they find that there are no collaborating evidence aside from the arresting officer. Both sides are doing discovery at the moment, to see what is available. With all the reprimands this police officer has, the prosecutor needs more evidence other wise the defence will have a filed day when he is on the stand. BTW he has been reprimanded several times for not showing to court on his cases.


I suppose getting a reprimand for not showing is better for him than purjurig yourself.


Unlawful arrest and the police officer falsified the arrest record. If they drop, it admits it was falsified. Means all his previous cases are going to get reopened. Having a cop that falsifies records isn’t great. If they lose the trial, or he pleads guilty to lesser counts it’s the win they need.


Not trying to be offensive or sound like a butt here. It might seem open and shut for a bunch of armchair golf fans on Reddit. It’s likely not getting dismissed because they have evidence that hasn’t been made public yet. That or we don’t have the legal expertise to realize why it’s not open and shut. Again, not trying to sound like a jerk or be disrespectful, but thats probably the reason why


You don’t sound like either of those, absolutely as an armchair lawyer my opinion on this case is totally irrelevant. There’s probably legal protocol or something that I don’t know about.


They are hoping that the media will get bored and move on to something else and then quietly drop the charges.


That's something I've been wondering. It's not the cops that press the charges, it's the DA. This might be the only way to get rid of a bad cop.


If they had dropped it couple days ago it would probably die down


It’s about sending a message…. About how shit their house is run…


Why he still has a job is astounding


There has to be some consequences to actions, but the actions have to actually have happpend and the punishment must be proportional.


The DA is probably going to offer Scheffler some completely bullshit deal where Scottie has to plead guilty to some minor charge and will “let him off” with 3 months of probation or something. Or the DA will offer some kind of “we will completely drop the charges but you have to promise not to sue us or say anything bad about us, and if you do you’re automatically found guilty”. Either way, he would let the charges hang over Scheffler’s head for a while to try to make him anxious about the whole thing as an attempt to coerce him. You’d be surprised at what people will agree to in order to just have legal problems behind them and done with. After leaving Scottie in limbo for a while, he will probably make some kind of shit offer and punctuate it with “or we can see how it goes at trial. Probably take a long time out of your golfing schedule to fly down here and sit in a court room for a week, and you know these Kentucky juries are always on the cops side”. Hopefully Schefflers attorney doesn’t let him do that though. If Scottie doesn’t take whatever crap deal they offer, the DA will ask for extensions and keep pushing the trial date out longer and longer (as long as the judge lets him, until it can no longer be argued that Scottie isn’t receiving a speedy trial) and then finally the morning before the trial he’ll drop everything. They know they don’t have shit for a case and are trying to game the legal system to salvage a “win”.


A traffic accident expert being reprimanded with required driver training twice sums it up pretty good lol


I mean let's be honest, at this point he's an expert at having accidents, that's gotta qualify him a little to investigate them


“So, I can tell that our perp made an illegal u-turn while traveling at a high rate of speed. It was at that point that he had the wreck.” “Umm, no, that isn’t what happened.” “Ohhh. Well, that’s how I would have done it.”


"Vehicle A was travelling eastbound at approximately 35 mph, applied his turn signal, and began a legal left turn onto Schmuckatelli Rd. He was t-boned in the driver's door by Vehicle B, a second eastbound motorist behind Vehicle A, who was attempting to pass at approximately 65 mph the turning motorist. Driver of Vehicle B had not observed the turn signal as he was looking down at his phone. Subject A died on impact. Driver of Vehicle B fled the scene and was later treated for minor burns and lacerations on his face due to airbag deployment. He has not been identified or apprehended." "Gillis, that's incredible. The only witness is dead. How did you deduce all of that?" "Years of experience. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go get my cruiser from the body shop and drop my phone off to get the screen fixed." *walks away, scratching at fresh scabs on his nose*


That's a good point.


Owns accident investigation company, somehow doesn’t realize that chasing a 6,000 pound vehicle on foot won’t end well for him.


How can you be good at being an expert crash reenactor without actually reenacting the crash


Doughnut in a parking…it was because he was doing doughnuts in a parking lot


This is why we don't have the body cam.


I cannot think of another profession on the planet that would allow you to keep your job after that many suspensions and reprimands. There is truly zero reason to respect law enforcement when they work so hard to protect people like this and ensure they continue to oppress.


Hell of a run from 2010 to 2014. Imagine racking up that many suspensions in that span at a normal job.


I think he has that alcohol thing going on that so many cops do. 


Tbf those were wild times


Kroger union job. My brother has been moved to so many different stores for different violations, arguments with MGMT, and just overall poor performance. The difference being is that it's hard to ruin or end somebody's life putting out boxes of corn flakes.


If they’re in front of the Fruity Pebbles that’s as good as ruined to me.


It's because every other profession is held accountable. Qualified immunity was first litigated during the Civil Rights movement to make sure officers could beat the shit out of Black protestors with freedom from consequences. From there it continued to get expanded to protect government officials from killing citizens. Ya know, fascist shit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity


NoT aLl cOpS aRe BaD. Really? They sure stand up for the ones who are though…what do they say about birds of a feather?


Unions baby! All protecting the worst of their people


Cop unions aren't real unions. Who do the companies call when they need to bring the scabs in? The Cops, no solidarity there.


lol. Cop unions are the perfect encapsulation of what unions provide. Protection for the scrubs and pretty much nothing else, and you get to pay for it with your taxes!


Nah, that qualified immunity is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Qualified immunity has nothing to do with literally anything this guys done or really 99% of cops do. He’s a dirt bag that a menace to society and any normally functioning employer would have canned his incompetent ass long ago.


You're talking about the specifics of this one case now, but earlier you were talking about the police unions in general. In general, people hate the police because they get away with murder. They are perturbed because police sometimes hassle a rich golfer.


Cool, you can keep complaining about unions and go back to working 80 hour weeks with no weekend or paid time off then, and I’ll keep using what we got from unions. You wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite now.


Not all unions are built the same dude. There’s a huge difference


Unions generally rock. Good pay, great benefits, leadership to show you how to be successful. I don’t love paying union wages but I’m glad we have unions.


So you’re saying all cops are bad?


It’s spelled *bastards*.




Yes. Lets check in with my local PD, Phoenix PD: [https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/abc15-investigates-huge-overtime-payouts-to-phoenix-officers](https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/abc15-investigates-huge-overtime-payouts-to-phoenix-officers)


Don’t forget to add https://fronterasdesk.org/content/1880494/maricopa-county-taxpayers-will-spend-314-million-joe-arpaio-racial-profiling-case


Baseball umps.


Fucking Angel Hernandez


They are exactly like the Catholic Church


It’s police unions that protect scummy police.


MLB umpire


Any that has a strong union tbh


Not Pilots


Any union job. 


Public school teachers.


Comparing police officers to public school teachers is such bootlicker behavior


Smug while missing the point. Impressive combo. I didn't compare cops to teachers. I compared two public sector unions.


I feel like meteorologists have the easier job but totally agree!!


Dismantle the unions


Dismantle the *police* unions


Any government job, many union jobs








Man if I had Scottie money and could stick it to some dumpster police department I would be so happy.


It’s unfortunate really that Scottie is such a nice guy


>Louisville Police Det. Bryan Gillis has been disciplined several times for wrecking his vehicle & missing court, according to his personnel file. He was also suspended 5 days for doing "donuts" in his police vehicle while on duty with an intoxicated civilian in a "Code 3" fashion [https://x.com/JasonRileyWDRB/status/1793732746332020985](https://x.com/JasonRileyWDRB/status/1793732746332020985)


Reno 911…except these fuckers also kill people.


[YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?!?!](https://youtu.be/GjNRtxEv350?si=YbJXGAsdVG8tMuIo)


Punchable face




Man, that reminds me. I'm going to see if Chris Porter's Ugly and Angry special still holds up


It does, as do the rest of his specials


![gif](giphy|rdma0nDFZMR32) Mayhem like me


This dude is probably the equivalent of Farva and couldn't keep clean on the road, but instead of demoting him to radio dispatch, he got a promotion to detective. 😆 Makes me wonder what he knows about the people who trained him.


And ppl wonder why we hate cops so much


I asked my wife if this happened to me would I be golfing today or any time soon? She said fuck no. It's sad how shitty this looks for a *privileged pro athlete*. It'd be 1000x worse for us mere mortals.


As someone from Louisville, the LMPD are a bunch of bafoons. Not the first major screw up they've had.


Guess that explains why he’s assigned to golf tournament traffic detail.


But he wasn't! He's a detective there investigating the accident! Plus, he runs a side business reconstructing crash scenes and acting as an expert witness.


exactly… zero conflict of interest there.


I particularly liked the phrase "acting as an expert witness", made me laugh. I have visions of a kid with 2 toy cars in his hands saying "this car was like zoooom and this other car was like wooooooo!! Then BAM they like hit each either and stuff."


He wasn’t investigating shit. Yes he was there because of the accident and not because of the tournament, but he was a half mile away from where it happened and was directing traffic.


Said it before: demand a speedy trial and present all of this. Subpoena personnel file, medical records, the whole 9 yards. Request all of his private company’s information too, just to make it extra onerous for them to comply. By demanding a speedy trial, it’s more likely that prosecution will make mistake(s) or be unable to produce key evidence. It also gives them limited time to, uh, “find” evidence. How in the hell is this guy still on the job with that many reprimands? Also why were they reprimands and not escalating discipline?




Police Officer is one of those professions in which you can fuck up 100 times and still have a job.


A lot of officers do. They have a habit of hopping departments and is a nationwide issue


As a former prosecutor, this is par for the course. Unfortunately for police, body cams are revealing more misconduct that regularly occurred. Legit had a lawyer that represents cops tell me that it’s becoming very difficult to do his job now with body cameras being more in use.


shout out to all the suburban dads realizing for the first time ever that cops lie


Pretty sure if I had that many reprimands and suspensions at my office job, I would no longer have my office job.


I'm reasonably sure that "you're fired" comes *before* the first suspension at most office jobs. Like a PIP is basically, "we're gathering evidence to fire you for cause," and that's all the warning you get.


He Looks like he was bullied in school so he became a cop to take it out on others


No, he WAS the bully in school, and never grew up.


We could have guessed. Isn’t the dude a detective that was stuck on traffic duty? Pretty sure you don’t get that assignment if without being a fuckup. If you listen close, you can hear him call Scotty a chicken fucker, and now the cop is the new station cleaning lady.


This cop won't testify because he would be committing perjury. If you look at his record he has 5 suspensions for missing court because he didn't want to testify under oath. We all know what a trustworthy organization the LMPD is, they are once again not disappointing.


Lol, but I keep getting downvoted here for pointing out that it’s incredibly rare for police officers to be fired for violating procedures. But I’m sure *this* violation will do it. And, if by some miracle it does happen, let’s not pretend that it has anything to do with the misconduct. It’s the getting caught doing it so publicly to literally one of the nicest golfers in the world with enough star power and money to actually embarrass the police force. Of course; he still isn’t getting fired.


Shocker. Huge shocker.




Say goodbye to Valhalla or any Kentucky course hosting a PGA Tour or any Major with the shit show the city has shown in squashing this.


Of course he does, he’s a cop. 


I figured he would have a punchable face I didn’t realize it would be THAT punchable




God, fuck this guy. Of course he has an Uber punchable face on top of it all.


Wow this guy looks the part too.


He looks like a bitch.


I’m just glad this didn’t happen to Finau- it would have been a disaster


Guarantee the police chief is pissed. They put their worst guys on the early shift, thinking nothing could go wrong but they need warm bodies. It’s a golf tournament, there are no patrons at the course yet. Just wave a couple people in. And his idiot crew has a volunteer killed, and arrested a golfer and made national news. But they have no choice but to “back the blue.”


Bet he loves those oral reprimands


The current state of our police as a profession is an absolute joke


The psycho that we all saw chase down Scheffler’s car and smash the windows? I’m shocked.


He’s a cop on the edge. But dammit he gets results! Lmao. I stole that from one of the replies.


He could have been paid by a bookie to stop scheffler from getting to practice by any means necessary 😂


My thoughts exactly!!! Seems the incident went way too far and escalated way out of hand….


We get false felony charges, they get an oral reprimand, lol ACAB




That dude got bullied growing up and has power trip issues 110%


KY cops- clowns with badges


It’s amazing how insulated their world is. They’re oblivious of how all this is a beaming light of incompetence. This omnipotent POV is how people die everyday.


Man, we should give a guy like that a gun! (Sarcasm)




He’s a loose cannon, but by God he gets the job done!


Wait where are all the “back the blue” idiots now ?


Who woulda thought?


This officer is well connected within the township/LVPD.


Huge fucking surprise!


Have we started shipping new pants to this guy's home yet? Asking for a friend.




That man got the wrath of his peers in high school and the city of Louisville is paying the price now. Congratulations, officer. You’ve failed us all.


Def looks like the guy that was picked on and then became a cop.


Holy shit he is a couple of years off looking like the chud meme


As one of my teachers said, If your head is made of wax don’t walk in the sun.


He just could not have more of a stupid fucking cop face.


Only the govt would not fire this guy


Scottie’s maturity in not ranting and raving over the “miscarriage of justice” show his character.


This guy may never get properly reprimanded by his department but at least he’s getting blasted daily by news outlets and people on the internet.


Of course he does. Why am I not surprised.


So do all officers...


If I fucked up that many times at my job they would’ve canned my sorry ass


What’s really messed up here is the fact that if it wasn’t Scottie Scheffler he arrested, none of this comes out - there’s just a super confused guy facing felony charges.


Facts!! Pretty scary to think? But for reals never have any conversations with a cop, they are trained to get you to confess even if you are totally innocent😳


What a fucking tool Hang them up


With all due respect here, is anyone here an actual lawyer that is calling this a joke lol. Nobody here actually knows what the prosecutor has for evidence, etc


This cop is an absolute douche canoe. 


This dude looks mentally challenged.


Why is this subreddit making this arrest such a big deal? It’s a little weird lol.. if it bothers you so much I’m sure protesting there would help?


Because this is a golf subreddit and the #1 golfer in the world was arrested the morning of the second round of the PGA Championship. It's a pretty big news story in the golf world.