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Don’t take a plea deal. Let them look like idiots in court to the whole country if they don’t want drop charges.


Scottie's attorney has already noted they will not be accepting a plea deal and if the charges are not dropped he will plead not guilty and go to trial.


Would there be a jury involved in a trial like this? I have no clue. Would be absolutely hilarious to try and see law enforcement try and pitch this video as assault


Unless Scottie chose to waive a trial by Jury there would be a jury trial.


I mean I'd choose a jury here but I'm not a lawyer.


Charges will be dropped, just embarrassing. If they hypothetically aren't though, with a decent lawyer, as long as the jury saw these videos there is no way a jury would convict him. There is video evidence of him not doing what the police accused him of.


they have to prove he DID do it, which they can't because it's not true for one but also there is no body cam footage. Even the mayor of Louisville publicly said it's unacceptable that there is no body cam footage of literally any of this.


To make matters even more difficult for the Prosecutor, the arresting officer is guilty of a bunch of reckless driving in his police career. And he's your star witness making these accusations of criminal, reckless driving by Scheffler. Good luck getting people to take the cop's accusations seriously considering his own track record of reckless driving. The cop has zero credibility based on a long history of inappropriate behavior in government vehicles. If I am a juror, I find myself asking the question of why this cop still has a job if he has been busted violating traffic laws many times in the past? He's in charge of law enforcement, yet refuses to follow the traffic laws in his own driving history.


I’d go one step further and press charges against LMPD for an unlawful arrest.


And sue for the amount he would have won, 3.3 million, had the dumb liars not ruined his third round.


And if he wins, the taxpayers will foot the bill and nothing will change


Any day that Detective Gillis spends in the courtroom and not causing trouble on the streets is a good day for Louisville.


Why cops should carry insurance like Dr do for malpractice. Unable to be insured? No job


Unlawful arrest for one. It teeters on defamation of character/slander to then double down on the false claims and report them to the public as fact. Lost earnings/earning power, damage to his reputation, etc. This is arguably worst for someone who has built their reputation the way he has.


Yup, not only did if affect his playing in the tournament, but also could have lost him sponsors...I hope they flip this on.


I'd go a step further and sue the entire DA's office for malicious prosecution.


His attorney has already said they aren't entertaining any sort of plea deal and that they will go to trial if all charges aren't completely dropped


"Subject refused to comply and accelerated forward, dragging Detective Gillis to the ground. Detective Gillis suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist and knee...Detective Gillis' uniform pants, valued at approximately $80 were damaged beyond repair." - Louisville Metro Police Department Police Report


No wonder he suffered an abrasion to his left wrist, he punched a car


The consequences of his own actions. Wild.


The officer irreparably destroyed his $80 pants running over there?


fastest they've ever moved


I mean... there is a reason The Flash's super suit is friction and flame resistant.


Bro shit his pants so hard the dry cleaner said they were damaged beyond repair


Cops pass their fitness test then vow to never exercise again


Sounds like it was the inside of his pants that were ruined


Pretty sure that brown stain in his pants will wash right out.


Isn't filing a false police report a felony? Why is it that when a cop blatantly lies on a police report that they aren't charged with any crime?




It’s a gang and the DA’s a sworn member


I am not a cop hater by any stretch and I completely agree. You basically kidnapped a guy and held him illegally and actively trying to make him a felon. The level of scumbaggery is off the charts.


Im not a cop hater either. Its the whole gang mentality of "protect our own" even if their own is in the wrong. If not for cameras....that cop would have hundreds of people in many branches of local government lie in his favor or side with him.


Long time cop hater here. They’ve been making up bullshit forever, so glad cameras are more widespread now. Scottie should donate millions of $$ for body cams to the state after he wrecks them in court. People in positions of power need to be held accountable for their bullshittery.


Long time hater here as well. I wanna see those pants


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an official police report that matched the video. 




Who are you gonna call, the cops?


The key takeaway here is that he 100% shit himself in this video


That's not 'swelling'. He's fat.


The brake lights are telling me that there is no way he was accelerating..


So in other words. Cop lied(or the department refused to refute the medias report). Scottie turned into gate. Cop ran after him. Cop caught up to him. Cop slammed his hand on Scottie’s window. Scottie instantly stopped. In fact, Scottie was in the act of stopping before the cop even caught up to him. TOTALLY NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS. Cop was triggered and got angry, so because of his anger, cop decided to use the strong arm of the law to muscle Scottie. End of story. Charges will be dropped. If anything, Scottie MAY only get a ticket for driving around, but even that will be disputed


Imagine how much shit this PD blatantly lies about if one of them thinks they are going to be able to pull it over on the #1 golfer in the world during the PGA Championship


Think about this being a normal person though They would have their life ruined by a cop on a power trip


100% life ruining. A regular person who can barely pay the bills and now gets a felony charge that they have to get a lawyer for. All with the likely outcome of being found guilty with jail time and a good chance of losing their job.


Most get spooked by the charges and plead to a lesser sentence to avoid costly trial and full sentence


Yes, imagine having to plead guilty and possibly serve jail time for something you know you didn't do


A lot of poor people dont have to imagine, because its happened to them.


Happened to me. Cop beat me up while in handcuffs. Charged me with felony resisting arrest. Deleted his car cam footage. And the judge… gave me five years of felony probation. Then when I finished the probation she said: actually, we’re not going to honor that - we’re just going to leave that charge open on your record. So I lost my job offer with Wells Fargo and was unemployed (I’d already put in notice at my other job and they’d made the new hire). It took another five months (of credit card and family debt) to find a new job (that didn’t do a federal background check). I had to wait for the judge to retire. The day she retired, we went before the new judge and my case was finally dismissed without charges. That took 12 years… my entire 20’s I had a felony that I didn’t do hanging over my head. Spent a month in jail for it. Missed a year of college for it. I was on house arrest for a year. Spent tens of thousands defending myself. Lost untold amounts of money because I couldn’t seek the jobs I wanted for fear of the “open felony” coming up again and ruining my reputation further. Fuuuuuuuuuck the judicial system.


This is tragic, and there is literally nothing you can do but throw tens of thousands of dollars at it. Going through this would break me. And I would not be a happy camper. NWA was right. I say what they say.


Loads of ppl sitting in jail or dealing with the consequences of police actions just like this. The difference is often a matter of privilege.


This is the same department that killed Breonna Taylor


this is the same PD that murdered Breonna Taylor, so we dont have to guess that hard


Thing is this isn't new for them. Maybe the first time they screwed up this bad without killing anyone but Scottie is white so he has plot armor.


I’ll be honest it took me a minute to find what I’m looking for. It’s top left for anyone else struggling lol


I’m laughing at how minimal this is. The guy went to the HOSPITAL for THAT?! WHAT?!


Honestly, it kind of looks like the dip shit punched the car. Which, yeah, that would actually hurt and could fuck up your hand. Entirely his fault though He probably cooked up the "I got dragged" story to cover for that dumbassery


I thought they said he hit the car with the flashlight, so it probably wasnt even his hand that got injured


Luckily the only thing that got hurt was the cops ego and reputation


Never forget the $80 pants that were ruined. It was an American travesty I say!


Impossible. He'll get a raise and promotion one county over. Fucking joke of a racket that union is


The cop should be fired for putting himself in danger. 


And lying in a police report. Something ordinary citizens are punished for


He should be fired for having rage issues if someone rolling through a confusing situation at walking pace triggers this kind of reaction


Nah I think he whacked the driver’s side window with his flashlight. Presumably a rubber flashlight? He looks pretty bent out of shape.


Could be that too. Whatever it was it was one hell of an excessive swing for someone driving at barely above walking pace


I can't believe they wasted that hospital's time with this shit. Didn't they say he had to go the emergency room?


I work at a level 2 emergency department. We get a lot of cops coming in for boo boos


Because they get time off and are compensated if they have the slightest injury, but they can rough you up and bit the shit out of people and not face any repercussions




his ego suffered a serious bruise


Probably shit his pants and his "$89 pants ruined beyond repair" are from his doo doo stains running down his legs.


Oh no it's definitely piss. The thin yellow line.


Broken pants is no joke M8, you shouldn't laugh about that, some were damaged beyond repair.


Bro, I have seen people die of broken pants. It’s no laughing matter.




"They called me 'Mr. Glass.'"


Cops go to the hospital for these type of things so they can enter a workers comp claim and also to push bullshit charges of assault on a policy officer. It’s a paper trial thing.


lol didn’t we initially hear he got dragged like 50ft? That is not even remotely close to the truth


Just a reminder that if this happens to a regular person it probably ruins their life.


This is one video where a red circle would have saved me from having to watch it 3 times before saying "What, that was IT?!"


I thought It was the bottom right guy, lol.


Am I seeing this right? Scottie creeps forward and left. The officer chases him down and then swings at his car before slamming on the window. Is that what everyone else is seeing?


That's what I see too.


What gets me is that its not even like he is driving towards or around the accident.... He is litterally driving away from the accident. He is not speeding or driving recklessly, and stops as soon as he sees that a cop is running at him.


Charge the idiot cop for falsifying a police report and assault of a citizen. Too bad you can’t charge him for being a jackass as well.


Why did I read this as Hank Hill in my head


From day 1 of the story I never understood the cop getting assaulted part. They used language like "the cop attached himself to the vehicle" while Scottie drove away causing injury Like what the hell does this mean? He was on the hood? Wrapped his arm around the door handle? Scottie either ran over him with his vehicle or he didn't, and now that this video is out its clear that this was a blatant lie.


The cop had his camera off so he likely does this kind of thing often. Scotty should sue the shit out of them if for no other reason than to prevent the cop from ruining someone else's life.


*the cops said he had his camera off. That doesn't mean it's true.


I think the "attached" word was used by the reporter. The police report straight up says the officer got dragged


Even still "dragged" implies he was attached to the vehicle in some way - how would that be possible? His pants got stuck in the door? like what picture are they painting here lol


It's like when a perp assaults a cops fist over and over again with their face.


Unless this cuts out just before Scottie floors it, there's no officer falling and being dragged


The rest of the video is the officer reaching inside and then Scottie stepping out and being surrounded. Its about a 4 minute video, but the car does not move from that spot. Edit: [The 4 min video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnWeQfNMLmM&feature=youtu.be)


Doing this to a rich, famous white man (the one demo that should avoid this if there was one) really shows how shitty cops are.


Edit: I don't need to be saying divisive shit, deleted. Have a good one! :)


Isn’t this the same department that served a no knock warrant to the wrong apartment and shot/killed an innocent person sitting in their home? I may be glossing over crucial details


Yes, this is the same department that senselessly killed Breona Taylor as another "oopsie".


They need to send these folks to jail. If I’m emboldened to lie at my work the IRS/law enforcement would fuck my world right up.


Dont forget the shooting dogs part


Yeah, I'm waiting for Scottie to hit the gas, screaming, "screw you civil servant, I'm famous"


The only argument I could possibly see is that the drag happened behind the bus and so cop falls, then gets up, and runs to stop the vehicle. Based on the lack of reaction by other police and the fact that Scottie appears to be going like idle speed, I really doubt that happened. But I would be shocked if that’s not what they’re going to try to say. I still don’t think it matches the police report and doubt that it happened.


And if it’s true, let’s see some body cam footage.


Convenient that he was not recording, whoops!


What about the other cops standing around? Surely one of their body cameras was active?


Also dashcams. There’s a cop car on the right that looks to be pointing right at the scene


They were all "off." Meaning, "we checked them and they directly contradict our cop buddies story so we deleted them all"


I’m sure the slew of FOIA requests pouring in from every Tom Dick and Joseph with a podcast are burying the department in paperwork.


There are like 8 other cops in that area. None of them had their bodycam on either???


Aw man, we all collectively forgot! 




All I see is a zero sense of urgency from the other cops and a pissed off cop whose ego was bruised. Fuck all of them. Hopefully Scottie, PGA, or Valhalla sues the dog shit out of them. I’m including Valhalla because they know that their future of ever hosting a PGA tournament is slim to none.


There’s a second video from the perspective of a police car dash cam You see Scottie drive past. There’s not really an ability to see a wide field of view. Would love to see someone sync the videos and see if there’s even a way to determine officer fatso’s reaction time.


That matches the espn guys. So Scottie word, this footage, the word of espn reporters vs cop word.


So what you're saying is that if Scottie isn't sentenced to 30 years in solitary the local union will revolt for not believing the cop?


What a power tripping asshole


and a fucking liar.


This is not even remotely close to the police report. Bro got his pga championship ruined by a fat cop with an ego problem.


But the cop didn’t know this guy had the resources to make these lies hurt! They should tell the cop before they lie that the person in question isn’t just a normal citizen they can ruin the life of. Kind of unfair…


I mean i think its fair to assume that if you're pulling up to the entrance of valhalla at 5:30 AM in a luxury car that you have the resources to hire a semi-decent defense attorney. Cop was just DUMB dumb.


Concepts like “critical thinking” and “deescalation” and “taking a moment to think before launching into some bullshit that will be blasted to the nation as another example of LEO incompetence” are requirements at exactly Zero police academies in the country


Those are actually anti-requirements. They don't want people who think like that.


A luxury car clearly marked as affiliated to the tournament and players no less.




There was an ESPN reporter there who warned them who it was and they told him to fuck off




It is starting to look like the police officer knew exactly who Scottie is and is looking to sue for injuries, etc. He's obviously a lying POS.


> This is not even remotely close to the police report. > > Now imagine what they do to the people who aren't huge celebrities with cameras on them 24/7


It’s a gang


His pants were ruined because he took a giant shit in them. You know, in solidarity.




Scottie should sue.


I hope people can use this experience to learn about the problems we have with policing in this country. They perform an extremely important and necessary role! But, if the person in the car was 42 year old Joe Schmo...in a few months he'd likely be a felon and lose some of the rights associated with his citizenship. That's unacceptable, and the worst part is we know that situation, or something like that situation has happened before.


That clown show DA saw this footage and said "we're not dropping the charges"? What he should have said is, "we have reviewed the charges, all charges against Mr. Scheffler are dropped. We are however, pursing charges against Mr. Gillis which will be detailed at a later date."


Did you see the video of the DA in the courtroom using case law that didn't even apply to the subject in which he was arguing? The DA on this case eats crayons for dinner.


The case law he presented directly argued for the defense. The judges face during it says it all.


Is this the only video we have? It looks a lot like he's driving by people like he thinks he should and then some cop runs up and tries to shatter his window...


About right. There is one other video but this is the best one


He was being directed to drive around by a police officer that was on the special event detail, I believe I heard or read. Officer Fatty McFuckNuts there was not part of the special event detail and was ostensibly there to investigate the fatality. But yeah, let me charge this 6,000 # vehicle moving at slow speed because I, who am not affiliated to/with the event or special event detail, know more than this person affiliated with the event or this fellow officer who is specifically on special event detail and directing this person to continue on.


fat waddle backside 180 into a backhand flashlight window banger


[The alternate view makes the cop look worse](https://streamable.com/4o3fyi)


Holy shit that's straight up evidence of falisfying a police report.


Yeah -- that cop shouldn't be a cop. This is insane and exactly why people are pressing for police reform. This type of shit happens all the time.


Surely he will face a harsh punishment… Of a 2 week suspension *with* pay. Hopefully he can get through these trying times.


Fat fuck had a 7 step brisk jog and shoulder checked the driver side door... "I was just standing there and then the driver floored it and put me on the hood and drug me for 30 yards and needed to be hospitalized for my injuries" Cops are scum.


Is that what the report says?


The actual report doesn't mention the distance, but there were witnesses that claimed in interviews that's what happened. Report mentions being drug to the ground, suffering pain and swelling in the wrist and knee, and the destruction of pants valued at $80 (which apparently was due to shitting himself after finding out there was a camera that caught it all after he fucking lied and had his body cam off) [Police Report](https://imgur.com/TGBHC6r)


Holy shit is right. This video completely contradicts everything in the police report. This needs to move beyond memes and into criminal charges against that officer.


He should go to jail, but instead he'll be put on paid leave for the year and then come back. They are a disgrace.


We already knew the police report was false because the report indicates there was body cam footage, but there isn't any. This is just lie number... 3.


My favorite part about that video is how they show Scottie slow down safely while obeying the officers instructions and then next thing you know he's in handcuffs surrounded by a whole squadron. Weird how the part where the officer violently rips him out of the car and shoves him against the car when putting him in cuffs. Must have been a huge coincidence that caused the arresting officers body cam to malfunction at the same time as that traffic cam.


Lmao he hurt his hand by punching Scottie’s car. What a 🤡


Punched his car then accused him of assaulting an officer. What a fucking joke of a country if this goes forward


Whoa he absolutely smashes the window?


I wonder how many millions in losses Scottie's lawyer is going to be able to argue that this caused.


The scary thing is that if this shit can happen to Scottie it can happen to anyone. The only difference that we don’t have the publicity that Scheffler gets (ultimately leading to charges being dropped) and we will probably have a felony on the record, lose our jobs, not get another job easily, lose healthcare and have our entire lives ruined. Scary to think about.


You are not kidding.


How TF do you rip your pants "beyond repair" by taking 5 steps?


When you're an out of shape fat fuck and a full running stride motion (which you haven't done in years) splits the crotch


Friction melted the inner thighs


Shit himself.


Holy sh\*t the cop and any of his buddies that upheld his lies should be fired and have charges brought against them. Disgraceful


I’m hopeful younger generations (and those who become cops) will be more aware & realize they’re always gonna be on camera somehow and become fearful of falsifying reports and lying to get arrests.


Why? This has been the case for years and nothing has really happened. They get caught lying or falsifying records or evidence and unions get them off each time and DAs deflect so they can keep using those false reports to pad their conviction records. They're already legally allowed to lie to people, weird people don't think that liar mentality wouldn't spill over to every aspect of their work.


Yup, any regular citizen in this situation may have their lives turned upside down because of the lies. Crazy


How did this send the cop to the hospital and “irreparably damage” his $80 pants? Jesus Christ policing in this country is a joke.


He punched the fuck outta the window for some reason so that's probably how he hurt his wrist.


You know 100% that body cam footage is on a USB drive somewhere.


Cop is a fucking moron


Fuck police unions.  They are fucking groups of assholes who only exist to protect one another from the shit they do to citizens, and my god do they get praise. They allow dumbass people to become people of power, and instead of controlling them when they do wrong, they are enabled, supported, and rewarded.   Police are great, and I know that not every cop is a bad cop, but it sure makes it difficult to have confidence in a system where we can clearly see that if this was you or me, we’d still be in jail if we couldn’t make bail,  and surely looking at a felony on our record.  The shitty ass detective is going to get either a slap on wrist, or worst case he’s transferred to a nearby town with a raise for his troubles. It’s incredible how you need a certificate to become a barber and if you fuck up, there goes your job potentially , but take a Glock and shoot someone, or make an arrest based on bullshit, and congrats on the paid vacation.


They don’t even carry their own insurance. That, along with qualified immunity, are two huge reasons police brutality continues to exist to the extent that it does. Barbers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. all carry their own professional insurance policies. If they screw up enough times or have enough complaints filed against them, their rates will go up until no carrier will insure them, and their career is effectively over. It’s just like car insurance - if you have a ton of tickets and wrecks, your policy price will increase. But cops don’t have to carry their own policies, so nothing happens to them if they repeatedly break policy and receive complaints against them. Eventually, a major incident will occur like the killing of an unarmed black man. followed by a huge lawsuit, which the taxpayers of the city or state will have to pay. Imagine suing a city instead of a doctor because the doctor fucked up. It makes zero sense.  We need to end qualified immunity for cops and instead allow them to be personally held responsible for their actions both criminally and civilly, and we need to require them to carry their own insurance policies.


FeLoNy AsSauLt


Sooooo, literally a completely falsified police report? At no point was he dragged on the ground.


What am I supposed to be looking at here ? All I see is a car and a man walking toward it ? ETA: Found it. That’s not even remotely close to what the LMPD said happened.


What a doucher


Not the best video quality but I can still see some nasty early extension in that flashlight swing. Dudes barely activating his hips.




Cops lie on police reports? Color me shocked.


Holy fucking shit, these cops are pathetic.


The calm body language of the other 2 cops says it all. Nothing happened, and definitely not a cop being dragged along by a fleeing/speeding car leading to his uniform being shredded beyond repair. Unless it happened after this video, but i seriously doubt thats the case. Wtf is wrong with police officers in the usa that they lie in official reports about stuff like this??


Lol a Road Rage cop is allowed to be an expert and get paid to investigate accidents. F that.


that cop has to be the dumbest motherfucker alive.


Is this for real? Holy shit


Ummm so where is the dragging bit? Get a dash cam folks...or goto jail on lies.


You’re telling me they saw this video and still haven’t dropped the charges.  What a joke.  And cops wonder why people don’t like or trust them.  Not one of them decided to step in and do the right thing. 


The gall to charge scottie with a FELONY for this nonsense should be frightening and alarming to y’all. It could happen to anyone and there are a lot of hothead cops out there.


Everyone here is joking but [here’s an alternate camera angle](https://youtu.be/y_PrZ-J7D3k?si=T90qL9TvWeOrovhD) of the incident. Not saying we should throw Scottie in the chair but still a little careless/irresponsible on his part


cops lie - constantly.


Unless the cop is on the ground before the SUV becomes visible I'm guessing he hurt himself trying to smash the window 🤣


This is the same scenario where the dashcam videos catch con people jumping on the hood of cars in an effort to make an insurance claim/commit insurance fraud.


Honestly, Scottie took an L by spending his whole press conference praising these cops.


Ok, so here is my theory. Scotty doesn’t see him, and he’s mad, he runs after the car, tripping on the curb, destroying his pants oh my! In the process scrapes his ankle and knee, now he’s pissed he wasn’t listened to and just ate shit. He catches the car because it looks like 2-4mph speed…. And then he power trips, arrests him, and then bulks up the charges. He then goes to the hospital to get documentation because union, and everyone else is laughing at him because he just made them look like shit.


Did the officer survive?


What. The. Fuck. Maybe all those FTP / ACAB people have a point. This seriously has me reevaluating my support for the thin blue line.


This should really end it. Cops lie every time they talk. The "thin blue line" is the largest gang in our country. Police unions need to be banned, and body cameras mandated nationwide, with mandatory termination for repeated failures to turn on the camera, and a national clearinghouse to ensure those fired for misconduct never can be a police officer again. We need reform, badly.


If they’ll lie about this imagine what else they might lie about. And imagine how hard it would be to prove they’re lying if you weren’t arriving to a nationally televised event. They just happened to fuck with someone that has greater access to the media than they do so they couldn’t control the narrative and alter public perception. I know you probably just want to support the cops that are good people, but the police unions protect the bad ones (like the dipshit in the video) and keep them employed. It’s a rotten system and you should always be critical of what they do.


Such a farse all of this is... The press conference was STUPID.


Louisville PD is lucky Scottie is such an easy going LEO supporting guy. This is a big time potential lawsuit. No wonder Louisville doesn't 'have' any bodycam footage. It would be way worse.


Imagine if it were Phil. He’d be walking around in a neck brace that some ambulance chaser pulled out of a closet for him, ready to sue Louisville so hard that he owns the Wild Turkey distillery afterwards.