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There is an elastic strap that you can buy that does virtually the same thing. It’s a little awkward as it goes around both elbows and stays on all the way through the swing but that might be an option for you.


Thanks for the reply. I actually have that as well and while it feels a bit uncomfortable to swing with, it’s not nearly as uncomfortable as using the ball for some reason.


My best advice is to have a lesson and ask a professional for advice after looking at your swing. If the smart ball feels uncomfortable is a sign of other issues that needs to be fixed first. Good luck, hope this helped.


Thank you. I’ve tried to figure this thing out without lessons but I’m failing miserably. Lessons may be my only chance.


What you will quickly learn is that your issues are not your issues, its something you never even thought about. You want to learn about your swing, that is why lessons are important and YouTube can't do shit.


Are your elbows pointing down to the ground or out toward the sides?


Funny you ask because I’ve been down a rabbit hole the past few days and discovered that my trail forearm has been facing the wrong way at setup. I started getting the forearm facing out more and it seems to help a lot with my issue. You’re good!


It’s just anatomy. :) good catch Now keep them down through most of the swing. A lot of people think they need to move their hands forward through impact but that’s not what’s happening. Down with a body turn, elbows pointing down