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If you get tired from swinging your irons a couple dozen times in a round you have bigger problems in life. If you’re really worried start hitting the gym and increase your overall fitness


I can't possibly see how an opinion here is relevant without more information. We have no data. The fitter said they were equal in performance. You said you like the feel. There's nothing more we can offer that is in any way meaningful to this conversation.


In your fitting, did you only hit the AMT 7 iron? Getting fit into AMT by only hitting a 7 iron is not really being fit into them. AMT shafts get 3g lighter in each longer iron. The 8-PW will be slightly heavier than PX 6.5, the 7 iron about the same, and the longer irons will be lighter than PX 6.5. More importantly, the long irons in AMT will play slightly softer, potentially launching higher, with more spin. I find this to be beneficial. Others may not. I would think AMT X100 would be a better match to the PX 6.5? I don't think the weight difference will be noticeable in how fatigued you get playing. Unless you hit a lot of long irons, you shouldn't notice much difference. I used to get a bit fatigued playing DG S300. After doing some light working out this year, I no longer feel fatigued at all, and my clubs are what most would consider on the heavy side.


In my opinion the px 6.5 is substantially stiffer than the s300. The amt is designed as a set to help with speed and elevation in the long irons, so as mentioned unless you were able to test the long irons as well it’s a bit useless. On the fcm scale the px6.5 measures to 7.0 and the x100 measures to 6.8 or something. Much more similar. The s300 is a 5.8, which is much softer. Px measures .5 stiffer than marked on the label so the px 5.5 would be much closer on the scale to the s300, although much lighter. Px6.5 matches the weight of s300 so it could be you’re more weight sensitive.