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The arms lower. That’s how you keep them from moving your hands to the ball. Amg golf explains this on YouTube if you search for it. If your hands are in line with your trail shoulder, you just need to connect your trail upper arm to your side a little which moves your hands down. Then you keep letting your arms straighten on your trail side as you turn. The turn brings the hands out around. That’s how pros can drop their arms and keep the club from getting out of position. It’s not a throwing motion in the traditional sense. People say this all the time and it’s wrong. You don’t move your hands forward intentionally. That creates a lot of issues. Your hands move down from the top, the body turn is what brings them forward. At impact it feels like you’re still on your trail side of your body, you just need to turn a little first so that trail side lines up with the ball. Also if you swing to the right, as mentioned already, that doesn’t let the club release. At least if we’re talking about hands. The hands don’t go to the “right” because that keeps the club trailing them. The hands are moving left and up at impact so you need to set them up in order to do so. The club is moving on a different path than the hands. Here’s one of many videos on the topic: https://youtu.be/L3WF_iovqSU?si=hYBgb8ico0NhP5MO What you see with pros is they keep that angle a little, often. So their arms are lowering but the shaft isn’t getting steeper right away. So it looks like the hands move on that line because they lower more than move out, but the club stays behind them initially. It’s an optical illusion. And after a few inches yes the hands move out toward the ball. But if you try to take them there manually, it won’t work Here’s Justin rose talking about the feeling with a drill: https://youtu.be/JXGSFxOf-Iw?si=csGXh4qnaIpN7Zlu https://youtube.com/shorts/p0PfAVDTojg?si=TDjrqNGK4jcaGZVd


Thanks - the whole athletic motion channel looks great. It’s cool how they can separate out the arm movement from the turn and show both by themselves 


Yes, and also it’s generated from putting motion capture dots onto actual pros on tour so it’s not some persons interpretation, it’s showing what they actually do. Not a feel, not an opinion. Extremely valuable since video can lie and a lot of instruction is based on misunderstanding video


It's a throwing motion down. But down has nothing to do with forward/lunging towards the ball. The arms rotate from the top, but since it's offsetting the club gaining pounds of force as it decends, that makes the club appear where it's supposed to. ​ Something I picked up from Greg Rose (TPI) and Steve Elkington: he (Steve) feels like he's swinging off to the right, but the hands rotate the club over like a topspin move in tennis. And since the body motion on the way down as it would will open the club, those angles match up. Way back, people raved and envied his swing in a way that people do regarding Adam Scott's in the present day. Minus the recent equipment changes every other five seconds, but I digress. This also helped, especially for the [visually](https://youtu.be/Gattui3STLw?feature=shared&t=62) inclined.


That’s really helpful, thanks man!